1,571 research outputs found

    Comparative effects of A- and B-type proanthocyanidins in the prevention of urinary tract infection in mice

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    Resumen del póster presentado a la VI International Conference on Polyphenols and Health celebrada en Buenos Aires (Argentina) del 16 al 19 de octubre de 2013.Consumption of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpum) is widely recommended forprophylaxis against urinary tract infections (UTI) in women. Among cranberry components, A-type proanthocyanins would be implicated in these preventive effects against UTI. However, proanthocyanidins are poorly absorbed in the small intestine, but subjected to extensive biotransformation in the colon, although studies are almost restricted to B-type proanthocyanidins. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study is that urinary metabolome from of A-type and B-type proanthocyanidins-mainly derived from their colonic catabolism-differ,and only metabolites from the A-type procyanidins have protective effects against UTI. To test this hypothesis, JAXc3H/OuJ female mice previously fed with specific diet (control, 1% cranberry extract and 1% grape seed extract) for 2 weeks, were inoculated with the uropathogenic E. coli (ATCC 53503™) to provoke infection, and maintained 2 weeks more before being sacrificed. Urine samples were collected at different times and subjected to E.coli counting, leukocytary esterase and nitrites analyses, and mieloperoxidase task. Samples of kidney and bladder tissues were also collected for E. coli counting and histopathologic analysis. Additionally, the capacity of the urine samples to inhibit bacterial adherence was tested in the T24 bladder cell line (ATCC HTB4 ™).Peer reviewe

    Aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida en ovejas de raza Assaf

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    P. 129-132Aplicación de técnicas de reproducción asistida en ovejas de raza AssafS

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñaña

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    Comportamiento reproductor del camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon L.) en el sur de EspañaDistribución de los reptiles en la provincia de Granada (SE. Península Ibérica)Datos sobre la reproducción y el crecimientode Psammodromus hispanicus Fitzinger, 1826 en un medio adehesado de la España CentralVariación en la colocación y orientación del nido del Alzacola (Cercotrichas galactotes) en dos especies de árbolesOrganización de la comunidad de aves reproductora en las landas montanas del País Vasco AtlánticoEcología de una población ibérica de lobos (Canis Lupus)Etude biométrique des Crosidures (Soricidae, Insectivora) de la región de Massa (Souss, Maroe).Variación geográfica del género Eliomys en la Península IbéricaTendencias gregarias del Ciervo (Cervus elaphus) en Doñana.Data on the autumn diet of the red deer (Cervus elaphus L. 1758) in the Montes de Toledo (Central Spain)Nota sobre la coexistencia de Hyla arborea (L. 1758E Hyla meridionalis (Boettger 1874) rn rl Valle del TiétarCalendario reproductivo y tamaño de las puesta en el galápago leproso, Mauremys leprosa (Shweigger, 1812), en Doñana, HuelvaPelícola (Felicola) inaqualis Piager, 1880 (MALLOPHAGA:TRICHODECTIDAE) parásito deE Herpestes ichneumon L (CARNIVORA: HERPESTIDAE)Abundancia y amplitud de los desplazamientos de Apodemus sylvaticus en cuatro biotopos de Doñana que difieren en cobertura vegetalPeer reviewe

    Clinical and ultrasound thyroid nodule characteristics and their association with cytological and histopathological outcomes: A retrospective multicenter study in high-resolution thyroid nodule clinics

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    Introduction: Thyroid nodules are a common finding. A high-resolution thyroid nodule clinic (HR-TNC) condenses all tests required for the evaluation of thyroid nodules into a single appointment. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcomes at HR-TNCs. Design and Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional multicenter study including data from four HR-TNCs in Spain. We evaluated fine-needle aspiration (FNA) indications and the association between clinical and ultrasound characteristics with cytological and histopathological outcomes. Results: A total of 2809 thyroid nodules were included; FNA was performed in 82.1%. Thyroid nodules that underwent FNA were more likely larger, isoechoic, with microcalcifications, and in younger subjects. The rate of nondiagnostic FNA was 4.3%. A solid component, irregular margins or microcalcifications, significantly increased the odds of Bethesda IV-V-VI (vs. Bethesda II). Irregular margins and a solid component were independently associated with increased odds of malignancy. Thyroid nodules <20 mm and ≥20–<40 mm had a 6.5-fold and 3.3-fold increased risk for malignancy respectively in comparison with those ≥40 mm. Conclusion: In this large multicenter study, we found that the presence of a solid component and irregular margins are factors independently related to malignancy in thyroid nodules. Since nodule size ≥40 mm was associated with the lowest odds of malignancy, this cut-off should not be a factor leading to indicate thyroid surgery. HR-TNCs were associated with a low rate of nondiagnostic FNA

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The structure of a mediterranean lizard communityDiet of the eagle owl (Bubo bubo) in mediterranean SpainTamaño de la puesta y mortalidad entre los pollos del Aguila Real ibérica (Aquila chrysaetos homeyeriDistribución y frecuencia de la cópula del buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en el Sur de EspañaRégimen alimenticio del calamón (Porphyrio porphyrio) en las Marismas del GuadalquivilVisible migration over the Colo Doñana, Spring 1973Diet of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the western Sierra Morena (South Spain).Microestructura del esmalte en los incisivos de Roedores. l. Variaciones con la edadDistribution and habitat of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvana) in North MoroccoNotas sobre distribución de los peces fluviales en el Suroeste de España.Nuevas localidades de Valencia hispanica (Pisces:Ciprinodontidae) en el Suroeste de España.Hallazgo de Natrix mauro albinaNidificación del Phoenicopterus ruber en las Marismas del Bajo GuadalquivirNido de Aythya ferina parasitado por Fulica atraNuevos datos sobre la distribución de algunos micromamífesl ibéricos (Microtus arvalís ,M. cabrerae, M. agrestís y Sorex minutus).Neomys anomalus: Nueva localidad en el Suroeste de EspañaPeer reviewe

    Valorización de un aceite residual de alta acidez generado en las industrias de reciclaje de aceites de desecho de cocinas

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    A sludge fraction is obtained from the industries which recycle cooking oil and this sludge con-tains a large amount of oil with an extremely high acidity (> 60%). In this work, we propose a scheme for methyl ester production from this residual oil consisting of the esterification of the free fatty acids followed by the trans-esterification of the remaining triglycerides. Esterifications were carried out with different methanol:oil molar ratios, and various catalysts in different weight ratios. The results revealed that homogeneous catalysts produced higher yields than heterogeneous ones in the esterification reaction. With the aim of improving the process, a previous triglyceride hydrolysis was assayed using lipases from Candida rugosa. Finally, the 3-stage process was performed under the most favorable conditions for each stage obtaining 84% wt. fatty acid methyl esters, which shows the potential of this residual oil as a source of biodiesel.En las industrias de recogida y reciclado de aceites de fritura usados se obtiene una fracción de lodos que contiene un gran porcentaje de aceite con un extremadamente alto índice de acidez (> 60%). En este trabajo proponemos un esquema de producción de ésteres metílicos basado en la esterificación de los ácidos grasos libres seguida de la transesterificación de los triglicéridos remanentes. Las esterificaciones se llevaron a cabo usando diferentes relaciones molares metanol: aceite y diversos catalizadores en diferentes concentraciones en peso. Los resultados ilustraron que los catalizadores homogéneos alcanzaron mayores rendimientos en la esterificación que los catalizadores heterogéneos. Para mejorar el proceso, se probó una hidrólisis previa con lipasas de Candida rugosa. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo el proceso con las 3 etapas, en las condiciones más favorables de cada una de ellas, obteniendo un 84% en peso de ésteres metílicos, lo que muestra el potencial de este aceite residual como fuente de biodiésel.European Union Funds grant LIFE 13-Bioseville ENV/111

    Revista del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

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    Alimentación del meloncillo Herpestes ichneumon y de la gineta Genetta genetta en la Reserva Biológica de Doñana, S.O. de la Península Ibérica.Determinación de la edad en Rana perezi Seoane, 1885. Aplicación al análisis del crecimiento somático de poblaciones.Influencias ambientales en la variación del tamaño, forma y peso de los huevos de la collalba rubia (Oenanthe hispanica L.)Características de un coro de sapos corredores (Bufo calamita) en el sureste de España.Estrategias alimentarias del ciervo (Cervus elaphus L.) en Montes de ToledoDistribución de los quirópteros de la provincia de Orense (Noroeste de España).Ecología trófica del lince ibérico en Doñana durante un periodo secoDesarrollo larvario de la rana común (Rana perezi) (anura: ranidae) en charcas temporales del noroeste de la Península Ibérica.Régimen alimenticio del mirlo común (Turdus merula) en el sureste de la Península Ibérica durante el periodo otoño-invierno.Reproducción del gorrión molinero (Passer montanus) en las Islas Canarias.Relación entre la cobertura vegetal y la distribución de nidos en las colonias de pagaza piconegraPeer reviewe

    Application of exogenous xyloglucan oligosaccharides affects molecular responses to salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings

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    Soil salinity is one of the most devastating problems which reduces crop production and increases desertification. New approaches to overcome the negative effect of salinity on plants include the use of plant biostimulants, such as Xyloglucan oligosaccharides (XGOs) derived from the breakdown of xyloglucans from plant cell walls. The present study aimed at verifying the influence of exogenous XGOs derived from Tamarindus indica L. cell walls, on Arabidopsis thaliana’s tolerance to salt stress by understanding the gene expression, enzymatic and metabolic changes resulting from its application. A. thaliana plants were grown in liquid media and after 15 days they were treated by a salt shock with 100 mM of sodium chloride, with or without XGOs at 0.1 mg L-1. Gene expression of four oxidative stress markers as well as catalase and peroxidase activities and content of glutathione, total carbonyl, polyphenolics and chlorophyll were quantified. Bioinformatic models were used to obtain the co-expression network of the four oxidative stress response gene markers from microarray data of Arabidopsis under salt stress. Results showed that in saline conditions, XGOs dramatically increased catalase gene expression and enzymatic activity, peroxidase activity, and chlorophyll a/b ratio, while reducing protein oxidation and total polyphenols. Thus, XGOs may act to counteract negative effects of oxidative stress under saline conditions

    Altered innate immune profile in blood of systemic mastocytosis patients

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    [Background]: Mast cells (MC) from systemic mastocytosis (SM) patients release MC mediators that lead to an altered microenvironment with potential consequences on innate immune cells, such as monocytes and dendritic cells (DC). Here we investigated the distribution and functional behaviour of different populations of blood monocytes and DC among distinct diagnostic subtypes of SM. [Methods]: Overall, we studied 115 SM patients - 45 bone marrow mastocytosis (BMM), 61 indolent SM (ISM), 9 aggressive SM (ASM)- and 32 healthy donors (HD). Spontaneous and in vitro-stimulated cytokine production by blood monocytes, and their plasma levels, together with the distribution of different subsets of blood monocytes and DCs, were investigated. [Results]: SM patients showed increased plasma levels and spontaneous production by blood monocytes of IL1β, IL6, IL8, TNFα and IL10, associated with an exhausted ability of LPS + IFNγ-stimulated blood monocytes to produce IL1β and TGFβ. SM (particularly ISM) patients also showed decreased counts of total monocytes, at the expense of intermediate monocytes and non-classical monocytes. Interestingly, while ISM and ASM patients had decreased numbers of plasmacytoid DC and myeloid DC (and their major subsets) in blood, an expansion of AXL+ DC was specifically encountered in BMM cases. [Conclusion]: These results demonstrate an altered distribution of blood monocytes and DC subsets in SM associated with constitutive activation of functionally impaired blood monocytes and increased plasma levels of a wide variety of inflammatory cytokines, reflecting broad activation of the innate immune response in mastocytosis.This study has been funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (grant number PI19/01166; and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer [CIBERONC] programme, grant number CB16/12/00400) and co-funded by the European Union (EU). We thank the support of the Spanish National DNA Bank Carlos III (www.bancoadn.org; biobank ID B.0000716; supported by ISCIII and co-founded by EU [grant number PT20/00085]) for providing plasma samples. APP was supported by a grant of the Government of Castilla y León (Orden EDU/556/2019), Spain; co-financed with the “European Regional Development Fund” (BDNS, Identif.:422058). We thank the support of the Spanish Association of Mastocytosis and Related Diseases