349 research outputs found

    Gravitational microlensing of AGN dusty tori

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    We investigated the gravitational microlensing of active galactic nucleus dusty tori in the case of lensed quasars in the infrared domain. The dusty torus is modeled as a clumpy two-phase medium. To obtain spectral energy distributions and images of tori at different wavelengths, we used the 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code SKIRT. A ray-shooting technique has been used to calculate microlensing magnification maps. We simulated microlensing by the stars in the lens galaxy for different configurations of the lensed system and different values of the torus parameters, in order to estimate (a) amplitudes and timescales of high magnification events, and (b) the influence of geometrical and physical properties of dusty tori on light curves in the infrared domain. We found that, despite their large size, dusty tori could be significantly affected by microlensing in some cases, especially in the near-infrared domain (rest-frame). The very long time-scales of such events, in the range from several decades to hundreds of years, are limiting the practical use of this method to study the properties of dusty tori. However, our results indicate that, when studying flux ratios between the images in different wavebands of lensed quasars, one should not disregard the possibility that the near and mid-infrared flux ratios could be under the influence of microlensing.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, MNRAS accepted. V3: corrected values in Table

    Solvothermaly synthesized copper doped bismuth vanadate

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    Photoeletrochemical (PEC) water splitting is a promising method for clean energy production and different oxide materials have been explored to find the right solution. Among them, as one of the most promising photoanode materials, bismuth vanadate (BiVO4) has attracted a lot of attention due to the suitable band gap edge alignment, lowcost synthesis method and great visible light harvesting features. Nowdays, research related to the BiVO4 is mostly oriented towards repairing poor charge transfer properties which exist due to the high rate of electron–hole recombination. Metal doping is one of the strategies to improve these intrinsic drawbacks. Herein, we report physicochemical properties of solvothermaly sinthesized pristine BiVO4, 1%-, 2.5%- and 5%- Cu-doped BiVO4 powders at 180 ºC for 8 h. X-ray diffraction (XRD) study indicates that, depending on the degree of doping, material exists in monoclinic or tetragonal scheelite phase. Pure monoclinic phase was formed in a case of pristine, 1%- and 2.5%- Cu doped samples. After doping with 5 %, phase transition occurred and material showed tetragonal phase. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals that samples with monoclinic phase consists of worm-like and prismatic structures while tetragonal samples exhibited spherical shape. Furthermore, structure was examined with Raman and FTIR spectroscopy. The results were in accordance with diffraction study where band positions were well matched with phase composition. Optical properties were characterized with UV–Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS) and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Monoclinic samples showed band gap around 2.4 eV, while sample with tetragonal phase has band gap around 2.8 eV. PL showed that that monoclinic samples possess better recombination features than tetragonal ones. Photoelectrochemical measurements suggest that material is sensitive towards visible light and, after doping, improved its performance towards oxygen evolution reaction.8th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia; 29th October, Belgrade, Serbi

    Push i pull faktori koji utiču na razvoj vinskog turizma rejona Tri Morave

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    The subject of this paper are the factors affecting the decision of wine tourists to take a trip to a particular destination. These factors can be divided into internal (push) and external (pull) factors. The purpose of this study is to determine the development potential as well as the factors that influence participation in wine tourism in Tri Morave sub-region. In order to do that, two researches were conducted: one on the offer side and another on the demand side. Based on the results of the survey on the offer side, one can conclude that Tri Morave sub-region abounds in natural and anthropological resources that should be turned into an integrated wine product. On the other hand, research concerning tourist demand was conducted by polling winery visitors. The obtained data confirms assumptions about the appearance of modern tourists seeking authentic experience, satisfaction of hedonistic needs, and enjoyment of high-quality wine and food. Based on the results of the survey, the purchase of wine and wine tasting are the highest ranked benefits that tourists expect from visits to wineries. The application of Spearman's correlation coefficient points to statistically significant correlation between respondents, who referred to tasting, wine purchase, and authentic tourist experience as the basic motives of their visit, and future behavior of tourists in terms of revisiting and recommendations of the given wine destination to friends.Predmet ovog rada predstavljaju push i pull faktori koji utiču na odluku vinskog turiste o preduzimanju putovanja u određenu destinaciju. Ovi faktori mogu biti podeljeni na interne (pull) i eksterne (push) faktore. Cilj rada je da se utvrdi razvojni potencijal, kao i faktori koji utiču na učesnike vinskog turizma u rejonu Tri Morave. U tu svrhu sprovedena su dva istraživanja: jedno na strani ponude, a drugo na strani tražnje. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja na strani ponude, može se zaključiti da rejon Tri Morave obiluje prirodnim i antropogenim resursima koji bi trebalo biti oblikovani u integrisani vinski proizvod. Na drugoj strani, istraživanje koje se tiče turističke tražnje je sprovedeno ispitivanjem posetilaca vinarija.Prikupljeni podaci potvrđuju pretpostavke o pojavi modernog turiste u potrazi za autentičnim iskustvom, zadovoljenjem hedonističkih potreba i uživanjem u kvalitetnom vinu i hrani. Na osnovu rezultata istraživanja, kupovina i degustacija vina su najviše rangirane koristi koje turisti očekuju od posete vinarijama.Primenom Spearmanovog koeficijenta korelacije je utvrđeno da postoji statistički značajna veza između ispitanika koji su kao osnovne motive svoje posete naveli degustaciju, kupovinu vina i sticanje autentičnog turističkog doživljaja i budućeg ponašanja turista u smislu ponovne posete i preporuke prijateljima date vinske destinacije

    Histiocytosis x: Recurrent isolated mandibular lesion (case report)

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    Histiocytosis X usually affects children and adolescents. In our case, a 54-year-old woman was admitted to hospital for evaluating and treatment of an isolated, painless swelling of the left side of the mandible. Orthopanthomogram showed a cystic formation located on the left side of the mandibular body. Radiographs of the scull and body showed no pathologic changes. Laboratory findings did not reveal any abnormality. Surgical enucleation of the mandibular cystic lesion was performed and histopathological analysis confirmed the presence of histiocytosis X. One year after the first operation a relapse formation was found and surgically removed. Resection of the left side of the mandibular body was performed immediately followed by reconstruction of the mandibular defect with free osseos graft taken from the iliac crest. All follow-ups in the period of three years after the second operation showed no sign of relapse

    Kosovo and Metohija or the European Union ‒ a rhetorical dilemma in the Serbian political discourse

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    As the loss of Kosovo has been de facto re-inflicted in recent years, the question should be raised as to how great an influence the Kosovo myth wields today. It is particularly interesting to consider the issue in the context of European integration and the fact that recognition of Kosovo and Metohija’s self-proclaimed independence is usually stated as an essential condition and a key obstacle to Serbia’s accession to the EU. It is an undisputable fact that Kosovo and Metohija and the Kosovo myth are a part of culture, history, religion, and folklore of Serbian people, and it is without doubt difficult to renounce all that, even if personal and collective prosperity is offered in lieu of it, which is deemed by a certain portion of the Serbian public to come as a result of the accession to the EU. The aim of this paper is to establish which portion of public opinion is willing to make such a sacrifice in relation to the current attempts at resolution of the Kosovo question. It is the authors’ ambition to answer the following question: To what extent does the position on the status of Kosovo and Metohija influence the public opinion on Serbia’s membership in the European Union? With an intention of answering the research question the authors rely on the data acquired through empirical-quantitative study The Notions of the EU and Russia in the Serbian Public 2018, Institute of Social Sciences Belgrade, where a structured on-line questionnaire was used as a means of data collection. The study results clearly indicate the popular support for Serbia’s accession to the EU while at the same time the method of resolution of the Kosovo question deeply impacts the public opinion on Serbia’s membership in the EU. A conclusion can be drawn that, if the public is presented with the choice between Kosovo and the EU, the certainty of citizens opting for the EU will rapidly decline

    Persian language and literature at Serbian universities and faculties

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    This paper will give an overview of teaching of the Persian language and literature at universities and faculties in Serbia. History of Persian literature course was introduced at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy more than ninety years ago, thus paving the way for the opening of the Department of Oriental Philology at this faculty. Despite these merits, philological Iranian studies did not develop further in Serbia but stagnated. This state of affairs has led to the fact that at one time, Iranian studies were completely absent from academic life for more than a decade. Primarily thanks to the efforts of the Cultural Centre of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Persian language was re-introduced at the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade in 1999, although only as an elective course. In the past several years, the Persian language was also introduced at some other institutions of higher education in Serbia, mostly as an elective course. However, there are some indications that in the future, the Persian language could become a major course of study at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philology. So far, the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philology has implemented these intentions the furthest and the Persian language is taught in addition to the Persian literature as an obligatory course for all the students of the Department of Oriental Studies

    The Possibilities or Implementation of Computer Animations in Engineering Education

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    Tema završnog rada nosi naziv „Mogućnosti primjene računalne animacije u inženjerskom obrazovanju“ u kojem sam istraživši suvremene trendove u primjeni računalne animacije u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu i utjecaj animacije na procese učenja i poučavanja, ponajviše u inženjerstvu, dao obol u shvaćanju i korištenju računalne animacije u obrazovanju. Kako bi se utjecaj animacije u obrazovanju inženjera mogao shvatiti, bilo je potrebno napisati osnovno o samom inženjerstvu kao izuzetno važnoj vještini u svijetu u kojem živimo. Jedna od glavnih inovacija edukacijske tehnologije je pojava novih načina prezentiranja gradiva, kao što su animacije, multimedija i virtualna stvarnost. Svaka inovacija pozdravljena je sa mnogo entuzijazma i raznih popratnih istraživanja, no kako su istraživanja pokazala nejednakost rezultata, entuzijazam je nestao, a nastala su mnoga pitanja na koja sam u ovom radu pokušao odgovoriti. Prikladna primjena računalnih animacija može doprinijeti oplemenjivanju kontekstualne nastave, kao segment koji može upotpuniti jaz između suhoparne teorijske podloge i praktičnih tehničko-tehnoloških vještina. U tom smislu u radu se iznose podjele, uvjeti i ograničenja primjene računalne animacije u metodičkom i tehničkom smislu. Prikazana su kognitivna, afektivna, perepcijska, strateška i mnoga druga obilježja i utjecaji koji su, u primjeni animacije u obrazovanju, međusobno povezani, a zbog kojih je potrebno još mnogo istraživanja novim metodologijama na ovom području znanosti

    Halifat u diskursu Islamske države – politički mit

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    Predmet ovog rada je istraživanje upotrebe narativa o halifatu u političkom diskursu Islamske države, kao i načina na koji samoproklamovani halifat želi da se predstavi svojoj ciljnoj grupi, zajednici svih muslimana. Da bi se pravilno pristupilo istraživanju ovog diskursa koji u sebi sadrži brojne elemente političkog mita, prvo ćemo ukratko dati definiciju političkih mitova, ukazujući na njihovu konstrukciju, sadržinu, osnovne funkcije i ciljeve, a zatim se osvrnuti na instituciju halifata, njen istorijski razvoj pun uspona i padova, kao i na nasleđe koje ovaj termin danas sa sobom nosi, a koje je rezultat brojnih procesa i događaja koji su počevši od VII veka uobličavali percepciju ovog pojma i mitski narativ o halifatu. Nakon toga će biti dat kratak osvrt na nastanak i razvoj Islamske države, a zatim sledi analiza diskursa koja predstavlja centralni deo ovog rada. Na kraju rada pokušaćemo da sagledamo sociokulturni kontekst u kome se mit o halifatu aktuelizovao i objasnimo zašto je poslednjih godina dobio na popularnosti

    Integrated Fabrication Approach of Complex, Architectural Forms Made from Foamed Polystyrene Using Industrial Robots

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    Integrisanjem višerazličitih oblasti arhitekture, poznavanja svojstava materijala, fabrikacije, zajedno sa primenom digitalnih alata, postalo je moguće lakše I efikasnije fabrikovati složene arhitektonske forme. Primena penastog polistirena u arhitektonskoj fabrikaciji je pogodna zbog dobrih svojstava polistirena, prevashodno njegove lake obradivosti. Upotrebom zagrejane žice za obradu materijala I industrijskog robota kao mašine za fabrikaciju, u ovom istraživanju su pokazana tri projektantska scenarija, koja predlažu automatizovan proces fabrikovanja složenih arhitektonskih formi različitih veličina od penastog polistirena I primenom različitih strategija za fabrikaciju. Rezultati su predstavljeni u vidu fabrikovanih prototipova.  Theintegrationofmultipledifferentfields-architecture,materialproperties,fabrication,combinedwiththeapplicationofdigitaltoolshasmadethefabricationofcomplexarchitecturalformseasyandefficient.Theapplicationoffoamedpolystyreneinarchitecturalfabricationissuitableduetothegoodpropertiesoffoamedpolystyrene,especiallytheeaseofmillingorcuttingthematerial.Inthisresearch,theapplicationofahot-wireasatoolandanindustrialrobotasafabricationmachinehasenabledthreedifferentdesignscenarios,whichsuggestanautomatedfabricationprocessforcomplexarchitecturalformsofdifferentsizes,madefrompolystyreneandbysuingdifferentfabricationstrategies.Theresultsarepresentsin a form of fabricated prototypes