522 research outputs found

    La terapia di induzione nel trapianto renale: confronto tra diversi protocolli con anticorpi mono e/o policlonali

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    Sono stati analizzati retrospettivamente pazienti sottoposti a trapianto renale presso Università dell’Insubria e Azienda Ospedaliera “Fondazione Macchi” in Varese, dal 01-01-2009 al 01-12-2010. Sono stati individuati quattro schemi terapeutici di terapia di induzione: Gruppo I Terapia con anticorpi mono e policlonali (Basiliximab+ATG Fresenius S) Gruppo II Terapia solo con anticorpo monoclonale (Basiliximab) Gruppo III Terapia senza anticorpi Gruppo IV Terapia solo con anticorpi policlonali (Thymoglobuline). In tutti i pazienti, la terapia immunosoppressiva di mantenimento ha previsto, alternativamente, l’uso di Steroidi/Tacrolimus/MMF, Steroidi/Cya/Everolimus, in alcuni casi Steroidi/Sirolimus/Cya. Nel gruppo IV l’età dei donatori è risultata statisticamente maggiore rispetto al gruppo III. Nel gruppo III l’incidenza di rigetti acuti è risultata statisticamente maggiore. Sia i rigetti acuti che le riattivazioni del CMV sono risultate essere associate in modo statisticamente significativo. Nessuna differenza tra i gruppi in termini di insorgenza di leucopenia. I casi di trombocitopenia nel gruppo IV è stata statisticamente maggiore rispetto al gruppo II. I casi di linfopenie nel gruppo I hanno riguardato il 97% dei pazienti al 1° giorno del trapianto, ma è risultato essere un fenomeno transitorio, privo di complicanze cliniche. Al 6° mese solo il 13% dei pazienti ha avuto un episodio di linfopenia. Le complicanze infettive (infezioni delle vie urinarie) sono risultate paragonabili tra i gruppi. Le complicanze maggiori (morte del paziente, perdita del graft) sono risultate distribuite tra i gruppi senza differenze. Da questi dati preliminari emerge che l’induzione con Anticorpi mono e/o policlonali si associa a una riduzione dell’ incidenza di rigetti, anche nei casi di donatori con rischio aumentato; l’uso di tali anticorpi è un trattamento sicuro, con effetti collaterali ematologici transitori e privi di complicanze cliniche. È necessario uno studio prospettico randomizzato tra i tre gruppi (monoterapia con Ab mono e policlonali e l’associazione tra i due farmaci) per verificare se ci siano reali differenze in termini di sopravvivenza del paziente e del graft

    A legal analysis related to the implementation of the national logistics strategy 2030 of Panama

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    This dissertation is a legal analysis of the National Logistics Strategy of Panama 2030 (NLSP) presented by the Logistics Cabinet of the Government of the Republic of Panama with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The public-private sector of Panama agreed to follow long-term goals until the year 2030, and achieve with that, the positioning of the country as one of the world’s leading hubs in the global trade industry. By examining the legal regime that involves this national strategy, which was adopted through a national decree, including existing national laws, rules, regulations and previous national strategies related to the subject, this research gave the opportunity to highlight some challenges that need attention for the execution of goals contained in the strategy, and the elimination of barriers that make difficult the implementation. The creation of the strategy put together 20 different strategic axes divided into 4 subsystems that involve entities with different competences one from the other. On the whole, the Logistics Cabinet has a huge responsibility considering the fact that it was in charge not only of the elaboration of the strategy, but also the execution of the same. In particular logistics activities have a significant impact in the country and has recently become more a national concern to take into consideration and for that reason the resources to execute the strategy should be unlimited. The analysis of the national legal framework was composed of several laws that are the result from previous strategies created from different government entities allowing the determination of valid points. This dissertation explores the limitation of the Logistics Cabinet in their duties of being in charge of the execution the strategy and suggest measurements which can be identified from previous strategies related to the logistics sector in the country. The final goal of this research is to contribute to improving the competitiveness of the country and serve as an instrument to be considered when different national strategies are going to be elaborated, creating the way for further dissertations on these topics that link the transport sector in many ways

    Competitive Sustainable Globalization General Considerations and Perspectives

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    Globalization has essentially empowered both newly industrialized and early industrialized countries but also caused considerable global challenges on economic, environmental, and social stability. Trends and risks of globalization and sustainability are specified by reports of global stakeholders as IMF, OECD, UN and its related organizations, WEF, WTO, and WWF. Competitive Sustainable Globalization (CSG) is introduced as a new paradigm and as a means to cope with the respective challenges. Competitive Sustainable Manufacturing (CSM) can be a fundamental enabler for CSG, proposing a global as well as a local approach for manufacturing. Potentials of value creation by manufacturing with reference to business models, education, and innovation are presented

    A new view of Italian seismicity using 20 years of instrumental recordings

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    Abstract In this paper, we show the seismicity of the past 20 years that occurred in Italy and surrounding regions. Hypocentral locations have been obtained by using P- and S-wave arrival times from the INGV national and several regional permanent seismic networks. More than 48,000 events, selected from an original data set of about 99,780, are used to reconstruct the most complete seismic picture of the Italian region so far. The seismicity distribution allows inference on seismotectonics of this complex region of subduction versus continental collision. Our results clearly reveal the geometry of the Adria and the Ionian subduction and a continuous normal fault belt in the upper crust, following the Apennines mountain range. The depth of the seismogenic layer is computed from the cut-off of seismicity at depth and shows large variations along and across the seismic active regions. Earthquakes are generated by the different velocity of slab retreat and the subsequent asthenospheric upwelling. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Influência do tratamento térmico nas propriedades de rochas carbonáceas

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    Orientador: Prof. Celso de Araujo DuarteTrabalho de conclusão de curso (Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Curso de Graduação em Física.Inclui referênciasResumo : Alguns tipos de meteoritos, classificados como condritos carbonáceos, possuem em sua composição, além de ligas metálicas e silicatos, estruturas de carbono, também encontradas em minerais com origem terrestre, como as rochas do tipo calcita e dolomita. Essas rochas, que foram o foco do trabalho, apresentam em sua composição o grupo CO3 ligado a outros elementos como Cálcio e Magnésio. Ao longo da pesquisa serão utilizadas técnicas de caracterização estrutural como difração de raio-X e óptica como refletância, transmitância e fotoluminescência, para descrever possíveis alterações causadas por tratamento térmico em minerais carbonáceos, a calcita e a dolomita, a fim de investigar como as altas temperaturas podem afetar a estruturas de corpos celestes, com estrutura similar.Abstract : A category of meteorites classified as carbonaceous chondrites, has in addition to metallic alloys and silicates, carbon structures, also found in minerals with terrestrial origin, such as calcite and dolomite rocks. These rocks, which were the focus of the work, present in their composition the group CO3 linked with other elements such as Ca and Mg. Throughout the research will be used techniques of characterization as X-ray diffraction, as well as optical reflectance, transmittance and photoluminescence, to describe possible changes caused by heat treatment in carbonaceous minerals, calcite and dolomite, in order to investigate how the effect of high temperatures caused by the solar radiation can affect celestial bodies with similar structure

    Analysis of Vapor Extraction Strategies for Evaporators

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    Análise do papel da SCRP-CFEM 779733 e da serina peptidase 747596 na interação de Trichoderma harzianum com seus hospedeiros

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Biologia Celular, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Molecular, 2019.Trichoderma harzianum é um fungo utilizado no controle de doenças vegetais e como biofertilizante devido à sua capacidade de antagonizar fitopatógenos, promover crescimento vegetal e induzir resposta de defesa em plantas hospedeiras. Este fungo libera moléculas que alteram a estrutura e o metabolismo do hospedeiro permitindo a colonização de suas raízes, tais como as proteínas com domínio CFEM e as serina peptidases, estas proteínas já foram identificadas nos secretomas e transcritomas de espécies de Trichoderma durante a interação com fungos fitopatogênicos ou com plantas hospedeiras. Recentemente, alguns autores vêm estudando a função destas proteínas em outras interações, como, por exemplo, a micoparasítica. Embora estas proteínas estejam envolvidas nestas interações, seus papéis ainda não foram elucidados. Para validar a função dos genes SCRP-CFEM 779733 e serina peptidase 747596, que têm expressão aumentada na interação de T. harzianum com o feijoeiro Phaseolus vulgaris ou com o fungo fitopatogênico Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, foram construídos dois mutantes para cada gene através de deleção por recombinação homóloga. Os mutantes foram comparados com o isolado parental quanto à capacidade de antagonizar S. sclerotiorum, de promover crescimento no feijoeiro e de induzir resistência sistêmica contra S. sclerotiorum. Não foi obtido mutante para o gene da serina peptidase em nenhum dos eventos de transformação. Foram obtidos dois mutantes nocauteados para o gene SCRP-CFEM, denominados Δthcfem 1º e Δthcfem 2º. Estes mutantes não apresentaram diferença quanto à capacidade antagônica em comparação ao isolado parental. Também não foram observadas mudanças em relação à área foliar e volume de raizes de feijoeiro cultivados na presença dos mutantes em comparação com o isolado parental. No entanto, foi observada diferença no tamanho total e diâmetro médio das raízes. O perfil de expressão de genes de defesa foi semelhante para feijoeiros cultivados na presença dos mutantes e isolado parental. Nossos experimentos iniciais sugerem que a SCRP-CFEM 779733 não atua diretamente no micoparasitismo, mas provavelmente tem papel na modelagem da arquitetura de raízes de feijoeiro através do desenvolvimento de raízes laterais mais finas.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico (CNPq).Trichoderma harzianum is a fungus used to control plant diseases and as a biofertilizer due to its ability to antagonize phytopathogens, promote plant growth and induce defense response in host plants. This fungus releases molecules that alter the structure and metabolism of the host allowing the colonization of its roots, such as CFEM domain proteins and serine peptidases, these proteins have been identified in the secretomes and transcriptomes of Trichoderma species during interaction with phytopathogenic fungi or host plants. Recently, authors have been studying the function of these proteins in other interactions, such as mycoparasitism. Although these proteins are involved in these interactions, their roles have not been elucidated. To validate the function of the SCRP-CFEM 779733 and serine peptidase 747596 genes, which have increased expression in the interaction of T. harzianum with the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris or with the phytopathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, two mutants were constructed for each gene by homologous recombination. The mutants were compared to the parent isolate in terms of ability to antagonize S. sclerotiorum, to promote plant growth in common bean and to induce systemic resistance against S. sclerotiorum. No mutant was obtained for the serine peptidase gene in any of the transformation events. Two mutants knocked out for the SCRP-CFEM gene, named Δthcfem 1º and Δthcfem 2º, were obtained. These mutants showed no difference in antagonistic capacity compared to the parent isolate. Also no changes were observed in relation to leaf area and root volume grown towards in the presence of the mutants compared to the parent isolate. However, a difference was observed in the total size and mean diameter of the roots. The expression profile of defense genes was similar for bean cultivars in the presence of the mutant and parental isolate. Our initial experiments suggest that SCRP-CFEM 779733 does not directly act on mycoparasitism, but probably plays a role in the modeling of bean root architecture through the development of finer lateral roots

    Biostratigraphy and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at the Gebel Nezzazat (Central Sinai, Egypt): A Paleocene Record for the Southern Tethys

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    The variations in assemblages of calcareous nannofossils are tracked in the Dakhla and Tarawan Formations exposed at Gebel Nezzazat (central Sinai, Egypt). Five calcareous nannofossil biozones, namely NP2/3, NP4, NP5, NP6, and NP7/8 are identified. A distinct marker bed related to the Latest Danian Event (LDE) occurs within the Dakhla Fm. The earliest representative of fasciculiths, Lithoptychius schmitzii, first occurs just below the LDE distinct bed and is followed by the Los of Diantholitha alata, D. mariposa, L. varolii, L. felis, and L. collaris. The abundance of calcareous nannofossils drops within the LDE distinctive bed. The base of Selandian Stage is here approximated at the base of Zone NP5 in concurrence with a sudden drop in the abundance of calcareous nannofossils. No considerable lithological changes are noted across this transition. The absence of subsequent occurrences of L. ulii, L. janii, L. billii, and L. stegostus suggest inconsistent lowest occurrences (Los) of these taxa, insufficient sampling resolution, and/or a hiatus. The base of Thanetian is approximated with the base of Zone NP7/8 in the topmost of Dakhla Fm. No considerable changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages are associated in correspondence to this transition except the LO of D. mohleri, lowest continuous occurrence (LctO) of Bomolithus megastypus, and the increase in abundance of Heliolithus kleinpellii as well as a sudden drop in abundance within Zone NP7/8. The variations in calcareous nannofossil assemblages at Gebel Nezzazat suggest prevailing warm-water and oligotrophic conditions during the Paleocene and particularly along the Danian Stage that are interrupted by minor fluctuations in paleoclimatic conditions. In particular, the Danian–Selandian transition marks a decrease in warm and oligotrophic conditions that persisted along the Selandian Stage. The Selandian–Thanetian transition shows an increase of warm and oligotrophic conditions prevailed in the Thanetian record. The sudden decrease in abundance of calcareous nannofossils in both the Selandian and Thanetian is likely resulted from an increase in dissolution of carbonates rather than variations in the paleotemperature and/or paleofertility