13 research outputs found

    Education as a value in school culture

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    Vrednosti se nalaze u osnovi svake delatnosti, pa i obrazovne. Obrazovanje je od svog nastanka promovisalo različite vrednosti, a u isto vreme se, samo po sebi, smatralo vrednošću, što je i preduslov vršenja društvene funkcije obrazovanja. U krizi savremene civilizacije, od esencijalne važnosti je da škola kao vaspitno-obrazovna institucija i nastavnici kao njeni eksponenti sopstvenim primerom nedvosmisleno demonstriraju da obrazovanje doživljavaju kao vrednost, ne samo deklarativno, već i u svojim profesionalnim aktivnostima. Cilj istraživanja čije rezultate prezentujemo u ovom radu bio je da ispitamo i sagledamo nastavničku percepciju obrazovanja kao vrednosti u kulturi škole. Rezultati su ukazali na to da se obrazovanje (sagledavano preko percepcije obrazovanja kao mehanizma promocije zaposlenog u organizaciji i preko percepcije mera i postupaka u organizaciji koji za cilj imaju facilitaciju obrazovanja zaposlenih) ne smatra organizacionom vrednošću u kulturama škola koje smo ispitivali.Cennosti ležat v osnove lûboj deâtel'nosti, v tom čisle i obrazovatel'noj. S momenta svoego sozdaniâ obrazovanie populârizirovalo raznye cennosti, i v to že vremâ samo po sebe ono sčitalos' cennost'û i neobhodimym usloviem dlâ vypolneniâ social'noj funkcii obrazovaniâ. V usloviâh krizisa sovremennoj civilizacii pervostepennoe značenie imeet škola kak vospitatel'no-obrazovatel'noe zavedenie i učitelâ, kak ego predstaviteli, kotorye ličnym primerom demonstriruût svoi vospriâtiâ obrazovaniâ kak cennosti, i ne tol'ko deklarativno, no i v svoej professional'noj deâtel'nosti. Cel'û issledovaniâ, rezul'taty kotorogo predstavleny v dannoj stat'e, bylo izučenie vospriâtiâ obrazovaniâ kak cennosti v kul'ture školy. Rezul'taty pokazali, čto obrazovanie (rassmatrivaemoe čerez vospriâtie obrazovaniâ kak mehanizma prodviženiâ rabotnika v organizacii i čerez vospriâtie mer i procedur v organizacii, napravlennyh na sodejstvie v obrazovanii rabotnikov) ne sčitaetsâ organizacionnoj cennost'û v kul'ture issleduemyh škol.All activities, including education, are underpinned by values. Since its beginnings, education has promoted various values, and at the same time was itself perceived as a value, which is a prerequisite for performing its social function. The crisis of contemporary civilization makes it essentially important for school as an educational institution, and for teachers as its key actors, to demonstrate unequivocally by personal example that they perceive education as a value, not only declaratively but also through their professional activities. The current study aimed to explore teachers' perceptions of education as a value in school culture, specifically, their perceptions of education as a mechanism for promoting employees within an organization and their perceptions of measures and procedures in the organization aimed at facilitating employees' education. Our findings suggest that education is not regarded as an organizational value within the culture of the schools included in our stud

    The Application of Neural Networks for Prediction of Concentration of Harmful Components in the Exhaust Gases of Diesel Engines

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    Means of transport (vehicles) are a part of everyday life. The main purpose of the vehicles is to transport the goods and the passengers. The road traffic has the largest share in transport. Majority of the transport vehicles use the IC engine as a power unit. The application of engines driven by fossil fuels has caused the road traffic to exhibit its poor side in terms of harmful effect on environment and human health. The constant tightening of the legal regulations has led the engine manufacturers to continuously improve the IC engines. Determination of the exhaust emission parameters usually requires an experiment. The possibility of neural network application for pollutants concentration prediction in the exhaust gases from diesel engines based on experimental data is considered in this paper. Some inputs, not previously considered in the reviewed literature, are introduced into the developed model of the neural network. By comparison with experimental data, it was established that the developed neural network model can successfully predict concentration of pollutants and that it can be used for future research

    Upotreba biofizičkih metoda radi poboljšanja prinosa i kvaliteta poljoprivrednih proizvoda

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    Until as recently as a century ago, the exposure of biological systems to radiation was limited only to the natural sources. Today, however, a broad range of radiation types and doses have found a wide variety of uses and applications, so much so that it would be difficult to make a list of all the areas of human activity in which radiation is used for one purpose or another. The study of radiation effects on individuals and populations as a whole has become important only with the development of methods and sources of man-made radiation. Given that what is present in this case are physical effects on biological systems (living organisms), all these methods can be placed under the heading of biophysical influences. In the last 50 years, the effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) have been studied with great diligence. These fields are the ones most commonly found in the human environment and they have been used in our studies in this field. The present paper provides a brief review of the literature data and our findings on the effects of ELF-EMF on various crop species using the RIES (Resonant Impulse Electromagnetic Stimulation) method, developed at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Novi Sad.Izloženost bioloških sistema u prirodi različitim vrstama zračenja, do pre samo jednog veka bila je ograničena isključivo na prirodne izvore. Danas, međutim, oblast primene najrazličitijih vrsta i doza zračenja je veoma raznovrsna, i teško je navesti sve oblike ljudske delatnosti u kojima se ona koristi. Proučavanje njihovih efekata na jedinke ili populacije u celini, dobilo je na značaju tek razvojem metoda i izvora zračenja koje je čovek stvorio. Obzirom da se radi o fizičkim dejstvima na biološke sisteme, tj. žive organizme, sve ove metode mogu se svrstati u domen biofizičkih delovanja. U poslednjih pedesetak godina se sa posebnom pažnjom ispituje uticaj EMF- a (Electromagnetic Field) ekstremno niskih frekvencija (ELF - Extemely Low Frequency), koja se najčešće nalaze u čovekovom okruženju, a koja se primenjuju i u našim ispitivanjima. U radu će biti dat kratak pregled dosadašnjih rezultata istraživanja autora i literaturnih podataka o dejstvu elektromagnetnog polja niskih frekvencija na gajene biljne vrste, primenom metode Rezonantno-Impulsne Elektromagnetne Stimulacije (RIES), razrađene na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Novom Sadu

    Divovska kavernozna malformacija s neuobičajeno agresivnim kliničkim tijekom: prikaz slučaja

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    Giant cavernomas (GC) are rare lesions, with less than 50 cases reported so far. Clinical presentation usually involves epileptic seizures and less typically focal neurological deficit, due to repeated hemorrhages and GC mass effect and consequentially increased intracranial pressure. Although individual cases have been reported, due to the rarity and variable imaging appearance, GCs are usually not considered in the differential diagnosis of large hemorrhagic lesions, especially when significant mass effect is present. A 17-year-old boy presented due to severe headache, right-sided weakness, and slurred speech. Symptoms started three days before with occasional headaches, which intensified gradually. Emergency computed tomography revealed a left frontal massive heterogeneous lesion. Soon after, right-sided hemiparesis and speech impairment progressed, and the patient became drowsy with the slightly dilated left pupil. Emergency surgery was performed, and the lobed grayish lesion was entirely removed. Based on the macroscopic appearance, the surgeon assumed it was a metastasis of melanoma. Histopathologic analysis result was cavernoma. GC should be considered as an option in hemorrhagic lesions, especially in the young age population. Emergency surgery for mass lesions is not uncommon in neurosurgery; however, bleeding cavernomas are usually planned for elective surgery due to the specific approach and complications.Divovski kavernomi (DK) su rijetke lezije s manje od 50 dosad opisanih slučajeva. Uobičajena simptomatologija su epileptični napadaji, a rjeđe se manifestiraju žarišnim neurološkim deficitom koji je uzrokovan ponavljanim hemoragijama i posljedičnim povećanjem intrakranijskog tlaka. Iako su objavljeni pojedini slučajevi, zbog rijetke pojavnosti i raznovrsne radiološke prezentacije DK se obično ne razmatraju u diferencijalnoj dijagnostici velikih hemoragičnih ekspanzivnih lezija, pogotovo kada je prisutan značajan kompresivni učinak. Sedamnaestogodišnji dječak se javio liječniku zbog jake glavobolje, blaže desnostrane slabosti i nerazgovijetnog govora. Simtpomi su se javili 3 dana ranije u vidu blagih glavobolja koje su se postupno pojačavale. Hitna kompjutorizirana tomografija je pokazala masivnu hemoragičnu leziju frontalno lijevo. Nedugo zatim desnostrana slabost i nerazgovijetan govor su se pogoršali i bolesnik je postao pospan s blago proširenom lijevom zjenicom. Učinjena je hitna operacija, kružna sivkasta lezija je u cijelosti uklonjena. Na osnovi makroskopskog izgleda kirurg je pomislio da se radi o metastazi melanoma. Histopatološka analiza je pokazala da se radi o kavernomu. DK bi trebalo razmatrati kao mogućnost kod hemoragičnih lezija, pogotovo kod mlađih bolesnika. Hitna operacija kod kompresivnih lezija nije rijetkost u neurokirurgiji, međutim, krvareći kavernomi se obično planiraju za elektivnu operaciju zbog specifičnog pristupa i mogućih komplikacija


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    Although the terminal branches of brachial plexus that originate from lateral and medial fasciculus are well protected by muscle mass and vascular-neuronal petal of axilla and upper arm, the number of traumatic damage and injuries increases, according to the published reports of neurosurgeons working on pathology of peripheral nerves, as well as traumatologists, orthopedics, microsurgeons and plastic surgeons. This is certainly contributed by urbanization, industrialization, migration and increased number of traffic accidents. Knowing the microstructure of the peripheral nerve truncus leads to the possibility of applying various techniques of nerve grafting, as well as possibility of re-implantation of detached spinal roots, seen in traction injuries of brachial plexus, in which the mechanism of injury needs to be considered. Considering frequent injuries of terminal branches of lateral and medial fasciculus and a substantial pathology of plexus brachialis, the aim of our research was to study surgical-anatomical relations between terminal branches of medial and lateral fasciculus and substantial morphology of terminal branches of both fasciculi, particularly regarding the place and way of formation, as well as the number of their anastomoses. The studies of the terminal branches of medial and lateral fasciculus on our preparation materials are based on the dissection of axilla and anterior part of the upper arm, on 50 cadavers, adults of both genders, at Institute of Anatomy and Institute of Forensic Medicine at School of Medicine in Belgrade. The way of formation of the terminal branches of lateral fasciculus on our preparation materials was always the same. These branches were usually formed after the bifurcation or diverging of lateral fasciculus to radix lateralis nervi mediani and musculocutaneous nerve. Exceptionally, after fusion of lateral fasciculus and medial root of nervus medianus, there is no bifurcation, and formed nervous truncus is a result of existence of the pre- or postfixational type of brachial plexus. Analyzing our preparation materials, we determined that high bifurcation of lateral fasciculus (LF) exists in 18% of cases and that it is projected in the line of anterior edge of clavicle. Medium high bifurcation of LF is projected in the line of the top of the acromion of scapula and is seen in 61% of all cases. Low bifurcation is usually placed in the line of inferior edge of pectoral minor muscle, in 8% of cases. Fasciculus without bifurcation is noticed in 13% of cases. Measuring the shortest distance between anterior edge of clavicle and the point of bifurcation of LF resulted in a wide range from 0.5 to 9.7 cm, with 4.2 cm average. In cases of transplantation, implantation and re-implantation of nervous trunci of plexus brachialis, it is very important to consider the shape and the thickness of nervous truncus, the number of fasciculi, the number of nerve fibers, as well as the quantity and schedule of peri- and intrafascicular connective tissue, providing the normal irrigation of the nerve. Finally, we can conclude that mentioned facts prompted us to undertake a systematic research of great terminal branches of plexus brachialis that originate from lateral and medial fasciculus, trying to ensure that our anatomical findings receive a comprehensive clinical confirmation

    Tumor modular endoprosthesis of hip joint

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    U prvom poglavlju je ukazano na potrebu ugradnje implantata u cilju ponovnog uspostavljanja normalnog funkcionisanja lokomotornog sistema čoveka. Na osnovu analize broja i strukture ugrađenih endoproteza zgloba kuka za 2014. i 2015. godinu na IOHB „Banjica“, Beograd, i Kliničkom centru Vojvodine Novi Sad, Klinika za ortopediju i traumatologiju, zaključuje se da ovi pokazatelji ukazuju na sličnost i uporedivost, sa podacima iz SAD, u odnosu na broj stanovnika. Drugo poglavlje, u uvodnom delu, sadrži sistematizaciju endoproteza zgloba kuka u skladu sa standardom ISO 7216. Nakon toga, dat je prikaz dosadašnjih rezultata primene tumorskih modularnih endoproteza. Pažnja je poklonjena opisu i varijantnosti konstrukcionih elemenata modularnih endoproteza zgloba kuka, kao i analizi izvedenih konstrukcionih rešenja. Prikaz dosadašnjih istraživanja je upotpunjen analizom patentnih rešenja modularnih endoproteza zgloba kuka. Na kraju, polazeći od prethodno sumiranih saznanja, i iskustva u razvoju protetičkih pomagala je definisan cilj istraživanja, osnovne hipoteze, materijal i metode. Treće poglavnje sadrži kratak prikaz koštanih tumora i istorijat tumorske endoproteze. Ukazuje se na komplikacije nakon ugradnje kao i na kriterijume za ugradnju tumorske endoproteze. Primarni i sekundarni tumori, neuspela aloartroplastika, prelomi preko ili ispod trohantera, patološki prelom, često prouzrukuju totalno razaranje gornjeg dela butne kosti, i ovi uslovi predstavljaju indikaciju za zamenu gornjeg dela butne kosti tumorskom endoprotezom. Cilj ugradnje tumorske endoproteze zgloba kuka je da se spase ekstremitet, očuva estetika i obezbedi zadovoljavajuća funkcionalnost i neutrališe prisustvo bola. Ne može se očekivati da endoprotetski sistem ima neograničen vek. Za pojedine delove koji su izloženi intenzivnom habanju u toku eksplatacije potrebno je obezbediti mogućnost jednostavne zamene uz minimalan hirurški zahvat. Sa biomehaničkog aspekta projektovanja, sistem fiksacije i konfiguracija tela endoproteze mora biti takav da minimizira naponsko stanje ili obezbedi povoljniju raspodelu napona. Četvrto poglavlje je posvećeno definisanju strukture i dimenzija komponenti sistema tumorske modularne endoproteze zgloba kuka. Ukazuje se na postupak i uticajne faktore na proces projektovanja, kao i na pouzdanost projektovanog rešenja. Posebna pažnja je posvećena dimenzionisanju donje komponente endoproteze sa stanovišta pojave koncentracije napona, kao i elementima za vezu i stezanje komponenti u jedinstven mehanički sistem. Dimenzije pojedinih komponenti su definisane na bazi statističkih razultata do sada ugrađenih tumorskih monolitnih endoproteza na IOHB „Banjica“ Beograd. U okviru petog poglavlja, prikazani su rezultati računarske analize statičkog ponašanja tela monolitne, odnosno donje komponente tumorske modularne endoproteze zgloba kuka. Prvo su prikazana preliminarna ipsitivanja pri statičkom opterećenju, i to računarsko simuliranje eksperimentalnih ispitivanja i sama eksperimentalna ispitivanja za obe vrste tumorskih endoproteza. Na bazi ovih rezultata izvršeno je remodelovanje donje komponente i umesto radijusa prelaza između kragne i tela - mesto maksimalnih napona u implantatu, definisan je optimalni bionički profil prelaza. Nakon izrade donjih komponenti od različitih materijala i različitih profila prelaza realizovana su završna ispitivanja komponenti tumorske modularne endoproteze pri statičkom opterećenju. I kod završnog ispitivanja prvo je izvršeno računarsko modelovanje a nakon toga i eksperimentalno ispitivanje. Pri eksperimentalnom ispitivanju meren je napon u jedanaest mernih tačaka po profilu prelaza između kragne i tela. Dobijeni rezultati su poređeni sa računarskim modeliranjem i konstatovano je zadovoljavajuće poklapanje raspodele i maksimalnih napona po profilu prelaza između kragne i tela endoproteze. Za slučaj delovanja dinamičkog opterećenja izvršena su eksperimentalna laboratorijska ispitivanja. Pri ovom ispitivanju definisane su sledeće promenljive: 1. vrsta endoproteze: monolitna i modularna, 2. materijal: superlegure čelika 316LVM i titanijuma Ti6Al4V, 3. oblik prelaza: sa radijusom i optimizirani prelaz. Cilj ovog ispitivanja ja da se utvrdi broj ciklusa koji će dovesti do početka razlabavljenja tela endoproteze pri maksimalnim uslovima opterećenja, tj. da li navedene promenljive daju statistički značajnu razliku u broju ciklusa do pojave razlabavljenja, kasne mehaničke komplikacije koja prethodi lomu usled zamora materijala, ili zahteva reviziju. Pri ovom ispitivanju fizički prototipovi endoproteza su, izloženi jednosmerno promenljivoj sili, Fmax=2500N, amplitude 2000N i frekvencije 15-20 Hz. Vršena je vizuelena kontrola pojave radiolucentne linije između tela endoproteze i koštanog cementa, odnosno kosti, kao pouzdani znak početka razlabavljenja, kao i Rtg snimaka od strane ortopedskih hirurga nakon svakih 500.000 ciklusa, za sve uzorke. Analiza rezultata nakon ispitivanja pri dinamičkom opterećenju uzoraka izrađenih od superlegure čelika 316LVM i uzoraka izrađenih od superlegure titanijuma Ti6Al4V ukazuje na visoku pouzdanost odnosno nizak nivo rizika da može doći do razlabavljenja i do pojave loma usled zamora materijala. Profil prelaza sa velikog na mali prečnik za slučaj radijusa i optimizirani bionički profil nisu pokazali značajnu statističku razliku kod ispitivanja pri dinamičkom opterećenju. Na kraju je pojava razlabavlja utvrđivana i inženjerskom metodom. Nakon ispitivanja dinamičkim opterećenjem fizički prototipovi endoproteza su ponovo izloženi statičkom opterećenju i konstatovano je da nema značajnijih promena u raspodeli i vrednostima maksimalnih napona, što ukazuje da nije došlo da pojave razlabavljenja. Kroz šesto poglavlje dat je kratak opis biokompatabilnih materijala, legura čelika 316LVM, kobalta CoCrMo, titanijuma Ti6A14V „eli“, poroznih i keramičkih materijala, materijala od plastične mase, kompozita i bioreseptivih materijala. Nakon toga su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja biokompatabilnosti materijala koji su primenjeni za izradu elemenata modularnog sistema endoproteza. Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da materijali i tehnološki proces proizvodnje zadovoljavaju sa stanovišta biokompatabilnosti. Sedmo poglavlje sadrži zaključke, na osnovu rezultata pojedinih poglavlja i izvedenih istraživanja. Nakon toga dati su pravci budućih istraživanja. Osmo poglavlje sadrži pregled korišćene literature, koju čini 68 literaturnih naslova od kojih je najveći broj citiran u radu.In the first chapter, the need of implant insertion was apostrophed, with the purpose to achieve normal functioning of human locomotory system. On the base of analysis of the number and the structure of implanted hip endoprosthesis during the years 2014. and 2015. at IOHB “Banjica”, Belgrade, and at Clinical center of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Clinic of orthopedy and traumatology, it was concluded that the data, related to the number of citizens, show to be similar and comparable with those from the USA. In the second chapter, in the preface section, the systematization of hip endoprosthesis according to the norm ISO 7216 was presented. After that, the results of historical application of modular tumor endoprosthesis was presented. The attention was paid to the description and structure element variants of modular hip endoprosthesis, and also to the analyses of existing prosthesis constructions. The results of up to now conducted research were additionally enriched with patented variants of modular hip endoprosthesis. At the end, based on previously summed knowledge and experiences in the field of development of prosthetic aids, the goal of the research was determined, so as basic hypothesis, materials and methods. Third chapter comprises short description of bone tumors and historic development of tumor endoprosthesis. The complications after implantation were discussed and also the criteria for the implantation of tumor prosthesis. Primary and secondary tumors, failed arthroplasty, fractures across or beneath trochanter and pathologic fractures are frequent causes of total destruction of the upper portion of the femur and require the replacement of it with tumor prosthesis. The aim of hip tumor prosthesis implantation is to save the limb, to preserve esthetic, to provide satisfactory functionality and to neutralize the pain. It is not possible to expect that endoprosthetic system achieves en infinitely long service life. For some of the components, which are during the service exposed to intensive wear and tear, it is necessary to provide the possibility of simple replacement, with the need for a minimal surgical intervention. From the aspect of biomechanical design, the fixation system and body configuration of an endoprosthesis must be such, as to minimize stress level and to provide for a convenient stress distribution. The fourth chapter is dedicated to the definition of the structure and components’ dimensions for a system of modular hip endoprosthesis. It was dealt with the procedure and with the influencefull factors on a design process and also with the reliability of a designed solution. Special care was devoted to the dimensioning of the upper portion of endoprosthesis from the standpoint of stress concentration and to the elements for the connection and joining the elements in a compact mechanical system. The measures of certain components were defined on the base of statistic analysis of up to now implanted monolithic tumor endoprosthesis at IOHB “Banjica”, Belgrade. Within fifth chapter, the results of computer analysis of static behavior of the body of monolithic component (lower section) of modular tumor hip endoprosthesis was presented. As the first, the results of preliminary examinations with static load were presented, both the computer simulation of experimental testing and the results of real experimental testing, for both types of tumor endoprosthesis. On the base of these results, the remodeling of the lower component was undertaken so that instead of the connection of a collar and the prosthesis body with the shape of a constant radius (the spot with the maximum stress in the prosthesis), an optimal bionically shaped connection was defined. After the production of lower prosthesis components from different materials and with the different shapes, the final examinations of the components of modular tumor hip endoprosthesis under static load were performed. For the final examinations, in the first step also the computer modeling was performed, and consequently experimental testing. When performing experimental testing, the stress level was determined at eleven measuring spots, on the prosthesis section between the collar and the body. Acquired results were compared to the results acquired through computer modeling and an adequate overlapping of stress distribution and maximum stress in the region between the collar and the prosthesis body was detected. For the case of dynamic load, the laboratory experimental examinations were performed. For these examinations the following variables were determined: 1. endoprosthesis type: monolithic and modular, 2. material: steel superalloy 316LVM and of titanium Ti6Al4V, 3. shape of a connection between the collar and prosthesis body: with constant radius and with the optimized shape. The aim of this examination was to determine the number of cycles which would lead to the beginning of the loosening of the prosthesis body under the conditions of maximum load or, with other words, it was to be determined if mentioned variables provide for significant statistic difference in cycle numbers to the point of prosthesis loosening, to the consequent mechanic complication predicting material fatigue failure or demanding surgical revision. When conducting the examination, physical models of endoprosthesis were exposed to the influence of unidirectionally changing force with the parameters of Fmax = 2500N, Fampl = 2000N, frequency 15-20 Hz. After every 500.000 load cycles, for all the samples, the appearance of a radiolucent line between the prosthesis body and bone cement and the bone itself, as the reliable sign of the loosening onset, was visually checked on Rtg shots by orthopedic surgeons. The analysis of the results for behavior under dynamic load, for the samples from steel superalloy 316LVM and from titanium Ti6Al4V shows that they posses high reliability and that there is a low probability that the loosening and the fatigue failure will occur. When examined under dynamic load, prosthesis section with the change from small diameter to large diameter, for the case with constant radius and for the case with optimized bionic profile, have not shown statistically significant difference. At the end, the loosening appearance was examined under the application of engineering methods. After exposing the prosthesis to the dynamic load, physical prototypes of prosthesis were anew exposed to static load and it was confirmed that there is no significant change in the distribution and the level of maximum stress, what was the proof that no loosening has occurred. Within the sixth chapter, the short description of biocompatible materials was given, of steel alloy 316LVM, cobalt CoCrMo, titanium Ti6Al4V “eli”, of porous and ceramic materials, plastic materials, composites and bioreceptive materials. Subsequently, the results of biocompatibility examination of materials which were applied for the production of the elements of modular endoprosthesis system were presented. The acquired results have proved that the materials and the production process are satisfactory from the standpoint of biocompatibility. Seventh chapter comprises the conclusions, based on specific previous chapters and the research results. After that, the suggestions for the future research were outlined. Eight chapter comprises an overview of used literature, with 68 titles, most of which were cited in this work

    Preoperative administration of cephalosporins for elective caesarean delivery

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    Introduction. Antibiotic prophylaxis means administration of antibiotics in prevention of infections. Objective. To investigate the efficacy of a single dose preoperative administration of ceftriaxone and cefazolin in the prevention of intra- and postoperative infections in the parturients without high risk of inflammation. Methods. The first group of 45 pregnant and 4 non-pregnant women were preoperatively administered ceftriaxone in a dose of 2 g, i.v., 10 minutes before the planned surgery. The second group of 45 pregnant and 4 non-pregnant women were preoperatively administered cefazolin in a dose of 2 g i.v., 10 minutes before the planned surgery. The concentrations of antibiotics were estimated immediately and 6 hours following the operation, as well as in the amniotic fluid and umbilical cord in the group of pregnant women. The estimation of antibiotic concentration was done by the method of liquid chromatography. Results. The mean concentrations of antibiotics in the patients following the elective caesarean section were as follows: ceftriaxone - 22.7 μg/l. vs cefazolin - 44.8 μg/l. Six hours later, the concentration of antibiotic decreased, but the concentration of cefazolin was still over the MIC for sensitive bacteria. The mean concentrations of antibiotics following gynaecological surgery in the non-pregnant patients were as follows: ceftriaxone - 12.0 μg/l vs cefazolin - 30.1 μg/l. Six hours later, the concentration of antibiotic decreased. Conclusion. It is most optimal to administer a single-dose of the first generation cephalosporins-cefazolin-immediately following the clamping of the umbilical cord as well as in preoperative prophylaxis in gynaecological operations

    Cd1-xMnxS nanoparticles: Far-infrared phonon spectroscopy

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    Phonon spectra of Cd1-xMnxS (x = 0; 0.01; 0.05; 0.1; 0.15; 0.3) nanoparticles (d similar to 4.5 rim) have been investigated by far-infrared reflection (FIR) (spectral range 40 - 600 cm(-1), temperature range 80-300 K) and Raman spectroscopy (100 - 700 cm(-1), 300 K). Cd1-xMnxS nanoparticles have been synthesized by using aqueous solution precipitation. We obtained interesting features in FIR spectra: there are expected modes of bulk US (240 cm(-1), 300 cm(-1)), new modes connected with namo-size of US (130 cm(-1), 170 cm(-1)) and additional mode at 120 cm(-1) in Cd1-xMnxS nanoparticles which can be assigned to the presence of Mn. The position of obtained modes is discussed in the frame of the linear chain model with both mass and force constant defects. Raman spectroscopy gives us only the mode at 300 cm(-1) and its second harmonic.1st International Meeting on Applied Physics, Oct 13-18, 2003, Badajoz, Spai

    Effect of dental caries on periodontal inflammatory status: A split-mouth study.

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    OBJECTIVE This controlled split-mouth study aimed to estimate the effect of caries and related treatment on concentrations of interleukin (IL)-2, interferon (IFN)-γ, IL-12, IL-17A, IL-13, IL-10, IL-6, IL-5, IL-4, IL-22, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, and IL1-β in gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of caries affected teeth before (B), 7 (7D) and 30 (30D) days post-treatment and to compare them with concentrations from healthy teeth. DESIGN Study population included 81 systemically and periodontally healthy non-smokers exhibiting at least one shallow occlusal/ inter-proximal caries and one healthy tooth from the same morphologic group at the contralateral position. Following clinical exam, the GCF samples were collected baseline as well as 7D and 30D, while the biomarker measurement was performed using multiplex flowcytometry. RESULTS Caries affected teeth exhibited significantly higher levels of IFN-γ, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-4 and IL-6 when compared to healthy teeth. Post-treatment cytokines levels showed general trend of increase when compared to baseline, that was significant for IL-22 and IL-17 at 7D, while IFN-γ was significantly increased at 7D compared to the healthy teeth. At 30D, IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL-17 and IL-4 levels were significantly increased when compared to healthy teeth, while IL-2 levels were significantly higher than baseline levels. CONCLUSION Considering significantly increased periodontal levels of inflammatory markers in caries affected teeth and in response to performed treatment, it seems that dental caries and related restorative treatment might contribute to periodontal inflammation via additive effects already in early-stage caries