68 research outputs found

    Weyl Action of Two-Column Mixed-Symmetry Field and Its Factorization Around (A)dS Space

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    We investigate the four-derivative free Weyl action for two-column mixed-symmetry field that makes use of maximal gauge symmetries. In flat space, the action can be uniquely determined from gauge and Weyl (trace shift) symmetry requirements. We show that there is a smooth and unique deformation of the flat action to (A)dS which keeps the same amount of gauge symmetries. This action admits a factorization into two distinct two-derivative actions having gauge parameters of different Young diagrams. Hence, this factorization pattern naturally extends that of the Weyl actions of symmetric higher spin fields to mixed-symmetry cases. The mass-deformation for these actions can be realized preserving one of the gauge symmetries. Although generically non-unitary, in special dimensions, unitarity is achieved selecting different mass deformations for dS and AdS. We consider particular examples of our construction such as New Massive Gravity in three dimensions, linearized bigravity in four dimensions and their arbitrary dimensional generalizations.Comment: 25 pages, minor corrections, references added, version published in JHE

    Partially-massless higher-spin algebras and their finite-dimensional truncations

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    The global symmetry algebras of partially-massless (PM) higher-spin (HS) fields in (A)dSd+1_{d+1} are studied. The algebras involving PM generators up to depth 2(1)2\,(\ell-1) are defined as the maximal symmetries of free conformal scalar field with 22\,\ell order wave equation in dd dimensions. We review the construction of these algebras by quotienting certain ideals in the universal enveloping algebra of (A)dSd+1(A)dS_{d+1} isometries. We discuss another description in terms of Howe duality and derive the formula for computing trace in these algebras. This enables us to explicitly calculate the bilinear form for this one-parameter family of algebras. In particular, the bilinear form shows the appearance of additional ideal for any non-negative integer values of d/2\ell-d/2\,, which coincides with the annihilator of the one-row \ell-box Young diagram representation of sod+2\mathfrak{so}_{d+2}\,. Hence, the corresponding finite-dimensional coset algebra spanned by massless and PM generators is equivalent to the symmetries of this representation.Comment: 22 pages, references added, revised version, accepted to JHE

    A note on higher-derivative actions for free higher-spin fields

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    Higher-derivative theories of free higher-spin fields are investigated focusing on their symmetries. Generalizing familiar two-derivative constrained formulations, we first construct less-constrained Einstein-like and Maxwell-like higher-derivative actions. Then, we construct Weyl-like actions - the actions admitting constrained Weyl symmetries - with different numbers of derivatives. They are presented in a factorized form making use of Einstein-like and Maxwell-like tensors. The last (highest-derivative) member of the hierarchy of the Weyl-like actions coincides with the Fradkin-Tseytlin conformal higher-spin action in four dimensions.Comment: Version to appear in JHEP, 22 page

    Higher-derivative massive actions from dimensional reduction

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    A procedure to obtain higher-derivative free massive actions is proposed. It consists in dimensional reduction of conventional two-derivative massless actions, where solutions to constraints bring in higher derivatives. We apply this procedure to derive the arbitrary dimensional generalizations of (linearized) New Massive Gravity and New Topologically Massive Gravity.Comment: 18 page

    Notes on higher-spin algebras: minimal representations and structure constants

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    The higher-spin (HS) algebras so far known can be interpreted as the symmetries of the minimal representation of the isometry algebra. After discussing this connection briefly, we generalize this concept to any classical Lie algebras and consider the corresponding HS algebras. For sp(2N) and so(N), the minimal representations are unique so we get unique HS algebras. For sl(N), the minimal representation has one-parameter family, so does the corresponding HS algebra. The so(N) HS algebra is what underlies the Vasiliev theory while the sl(2) one coincides with the 3D HS algebra hs[lambda]. Finally, we derive the explicit expression of the structure constant of these algebras --- more precisely, their bilinear and trilinear forms. Several consistency checks are carried out for our results.Comment: minor corrections, references adde

    Looking for partially-massless gravity

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    We study the possibility for a unitary theory of partially-massless (PM) spin-two field interacting with Gravity in arbitrary dimensions. We show that the gauge and parity invariant interaction of PM spin two particles requires the inclusion of specific massive spin-two fields and leads to a reconstruction of Conformal Gravity, or multiple copies of the latter in even dimensions. By relaxing the parity invariance, we find a possibility of a unitary theory in four dimensions, but this theory cannot be constructed in the standard formulation, due to the absence of the parity-odd cubic vertex therein. Finally, by relaxing the general covariance, we show that a `non-geometric' coupling between massless and PM spin-two fields may lead to an alternative possibility of a unitary theory. We also clarify some aspects of interactions between massless, partially-massless and massive fields, and resolve disagreements in the literature.Comment: 47 pages, journal version with minor correction

    No-Go Theorems for Unitary and Interacting Partially Massless Spin-Two Fields

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    We examine the generic theory of a partially massless (PM) spin-two field interacting with gravity in four dimensions from a bottom-up perspective. By analyzing the most general form of the Lagrangian, we first show that if such a theory exists, its de Sitter background must admit either so(1, 5) or so(2, 4) global symmetry depending on the relative sign of the kinetic terms: the former for a positive sign the latter for a negative sign. Further analysis reveals that the coupling constant of the PM cubic self-interaction must be fixed with a purely imaginary number in the case of a positive sign. We conclude that there cannot exist a unitary theory of a PM spin-two field coupled to Einstein gravity with a perturbatively local Lagrangian. In the case of a negative sign we recover conformal gravity. As a special case of our analysis, it is shown that the PM limit of massive gravity also lacks the PM gauge symmetry.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex, v2: references added, typos corrected; discussion added about the pure PM theory without massless spin-2 field; extended version of the letter accepted in PR

    Exploring Free Matrix CFT Holographies at One-Loop

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    We extend our recent study on the duality between stringy higher spin theories and free CFTs in the SU(N)SU(N) adjoint representation to other matrix models namely the free SO(N)SO(N) and Sp(N)Sp(N) adjoint models as well as the free U(N)×U(M)U(N)\times U(M) bi-fundamental and O(N)×O(M)O(N)\times O(M) bi-vector models. After determining the spectrum of the theories in the planar limit by Polya counting, we compute the one loop vacuum energy and Casimir energy for their respective bulk duals by means of the CIRZ method that we have introduced recently. We also elaborate on possible ambiguities in the application of this method.Comment: 37 pages, 7 figure

    A Calculus for Higher Spin Interactions

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    Higher spin theories can be efficiently described in terms of auxiliary St\"uckelberg or projective space field multiplets. By considering how higher spin models couple to scale, these approaches can be unified in a conformal geometry/tractor calculus framework. We review these methods and apply them to higher spin vertices to obtain a generating function for massless, massive and partially massless three-point interactions.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, LaTex. References added, typos corrected. Final version to appear in JHE

    Generating functions of (partially-)massless higher-spin cubic interactions

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    Generating functions encoding cubic interactions of (partially-)massless higher-spin fields are provided within the ambient-space formalism. They satisfy a system of higher-order partial differential equations that can be explicitly solved due to their factorized form. We find that the number of consistent couplings increases whenever the squares of the field masses take some integer values (in units of the cosmological constant) and satisfy certain conditions. Moreover, it is shown that only the supplemental solutions can give rise to non-Abelian deformations of the gauge symmetries. The presence of these conditions on the masses is a distinctive feature of (A)dS interactions that has in general no direct counterpart in flat space.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures. References adde