193 research outputs found


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    Lange Zeit, so scheint es, machten die Wolken und ein wolkiger Himmel den Schlaf der Physik. Als nämlich Galileo Galilei im März 1610 und mit einiger Hast seinen >Sidereus Nuncius<, seine Sternenbotschaft oder seinen Sternenboten publizierte, musste er mit dem Protokoll langer und schlafloser Winternächte auch einige Pausen, einige Lücken und Leerstellen verzeichnen. Denn dieser Sternenbote, der die astronomische Nachricht von neuen und bisher ungesehenen Gestirnen vom nächtlichen Himmel auf die Erde herabholte, wurde verschiedentlich und auf empfindliche Weise gestört. ..

    Capital and ressentiment: The totalizing power of social fragmentation

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    Joseph Vogl’s new book, Capital and Ressentiment (2021/2022), traces an epistemic shift from knowledge to information driven by the convergence of financialization and the platform economy. As a variable that is determined less by semantic content than by difference to existing expectations, information invites indifference to other distinctions, such as those between fact and fiction, claim and proof. The circulation of information takes the form of opinion markets wherein the production of reality itself is at stake. In this extract, taken from the book’s final chapter, “The cunning of ressentiment-driven reason”, Vogl analyses populist ressentiment as both structural affect of and vital resource for information capitalism, laying out the resulting reconfiguration of the social

    The Financial Regime

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    In his “Postscript on Control Societies,” Deleuze notably refers to a “mutation of capitalism” as one of the key characteristics of the post-disciplinary regime he terms control society. “The operation of markets,” he writes, “is now the instrument of social control and forms the impudent breed of our masters” (1992: 6). In the following essay, I will focus on a section of the economy in which this mutation is especially visible: the realm of finance, which in recent years has assumed an increasingly political and governmental function

    Über Axel Maliks "skripturale Methode"

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    Vortrag, gehalten am 20.08.2017 zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung "Die Bibliothek der unlesbaren Zeichen" im Audimax der Bauhaus-Universität Weima

    Poetología del saber

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    The notion of a history of knowledge not only as a history of statements and stated objects but also as a history of the corresponding ways in which those statements are made opens up a new perspective which correlates the status of knowledge objects and areas with their forms of representation. This approach defines the methodology of a ‘poetology of knowledge’ which investigates the hypothesis that every order of knowledge shapes particular options of representation that function as particular procedures from within, determining the possibility, visibility, sayability, consistency and the correlation of its objects. These operations bring to light the ‘poietic’ force of a form of knowledge inseparable from its will of knowledge and the way in which it explores, comprehends and systematizes its own object area. The central question of the present paper is directly related to this kind of constellations which define certain methodological perspectives and problem areas affecting the scope and level of analysis, the concept of knowledge and the general theoretical orientation of a poetology of knowledge.Concebir una historia del saber no solo como una historia de enunciados y enunciadores sino también como una reflexión acerca de las formas de enunciación inaugura una perspectiva que correlaciona la aparición de nuevos objetos y áreas de conocimiento con sus formas de representación. Una poetología del saber explora la hipótesis de que cada orden del saber conforma determinadas opciones de representación que funcionan en su interior como procesos particulares que determinan la posibilidad, la visibilidad, la dicibilidad, la consistencia y la correlación de sus objetos. En estas operaciones puede reconocerse la fuerza “poiética” de una forma de conocimiento que no puede separarse de su voluntad de saber ni de la forma en que explora, comprende y sistematiza su objeto. Junto a este tipo de constelaciones se delimita la cuestión fundamental del presente trabajo que define ciertas perspectivas metodológicas y áreas problemáticas que afectan al campo y al nivel de análisis, al concepto del saber y a la orientación teórica general de una poetología del saber

    Beliebige Räume : zur Mikropolitik städtischer Topographie

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    Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium vom 24. bis 27. April 2003 in Weimar an der Bauhaus-Universität zum Thema: ‚MediumArchitektur - Zur Krise der Vermittlung

    Markedets idyl

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    Oversat af René Jean Jensen fra Joseph Vogl, Das Gespenst des Kapitals, Zürich 2012

    The end of an illusion

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    Mainstream economics must be conceived of as a sort of ‘dangerous’ knowledge — because its models (like the idea of efficient markets) offer no explanation for the regularity of crises and crashes in financial markets in the last decades; and because these models were also employed in the implementation and justification of these very markets. Just as the Lisbon earthquake of 1755 once shook modern theodicy to its foundations, so the financial tremors of the last twenty years threaten to undermine the scientific status of economic theory. What is at issue is nothing less than the validity, possibility, and tenability of a liberal or capitalist oikodicy, a theodicy of the economic universe. It is likely that we are dealing here with one of the greatest and most fatal of errors of modern economics

    Vom Staats- zum Netzbürger: Vorabdruck aus "Kapital und Ressentiment: Eine kurze Theorie der Gegenwart"

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