99 research outputs found

    Contribució a la paleobiologia dels "Nummulites"

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    Las biozonas de nummulitidos del Paleoceno Superior-Eoceno Inferior de la Cuenca Pirenaica

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    A nummulitid biozonation for the Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene Pyrenean Basin is proposed in this work, The main contributions are: a) a new biozone proposed for the early Thanetian, b) a better characterization of the late Thanetian biozone, and c) the recognition of  two different biozones within the Lower Ilerdian.The nummulitid biozones established for the Pyrenean Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene interval were correlated with the corresponding larger foraminiferal biozones Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) and integrated in the standard Paleocene-Eocene Time Scale on the basis of magnetostratigraphic data from the Pyrenean Basin and by correlation with the biozonation of calcareous nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera in the Eastern and Central part of Tethys.The new biozones defined for tbe Pyrenean Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene are: Nummulites heberti-Ranikothalia sindensis (early Thanetian), N. catari-Assilina yvettae-A. azilensis (late Thanetian), N. gamardensis-A. dandotica (early Ilerdian l), N. bigurdensis-A. aff. Prisca (early Ilerdian 2), N. carcasonensis-A. arenensis (middle Ilerdian l), N. exilis-A. leymeriei (middle Ilerdian 2), N. involutus-A. pomeroli (late Ilerdian), N. planulatus-N. burdigalensis burdigalensis-A. placentula (early Cuisian), N. praelaevigatus-N, cantabricus-A. laxispira (middle Cuisian), and N. manfredi-N. campesinus-A. mnior (late Cuisian)


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    Noves dades sobre l'Eocè de l'Illa de Cabrera (Balears)

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    Stratigraphy and biostratigraphy (charophytes) of the marine-terrestrial transition in the Upper Eocene of the NE Ebro Basin (Catalonia, Spain)

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    The onset of endorheic sedimentation in the Ebro Basin is a prominent feature of the basin's evolution and has recently been characterized as a rapid event occurring in the Early Priabonian. In the north-eastern part of the basin this event coincides with the deposition of the Artés Formation (Fm.), mainly built up by red beds of alluvial origin. The marine-continental boundary has been poorly studied up to now in the so-called Lluçanès area, and what was previously thought to be the base of the Artés Fm. is actually a transitional unit, which we define as the Sant Boi Formation, which covers the underlying marine Milany Depositional Sequence and passes laterally to the Terminal Complex, extending over 15km along the eastern margin of the Ebro Basin. The Sant Boi Fm. is formed by up to 15-20m of alternating siltstones and lutite, grading upwards to brackish and lacustrine marls and lignite, and represents deposition in a brackish to freshwater floodplain. It is characterized biostratigraphically by the fossil charophyte assemblage Harrisichara lineata, Harrisichara vasiformis-tuberculata and Nodosochara jorbae, from the middle part of the Priabonian. In contrast, the overlying red beds of the Artés Fm. are characterized by assemblages containing Harrisichara tuberculata, Nodosochara jorbae and Lychnothamnus longus from the Late Priabonian. These results are largely consistent with recent magnetostratigraphic studies performed south of the studied area, and have enabled us to refine the stratigraphy of the marine-continental transition in the north-eastern Ebro Basin

    Características sedimentológicas de la terminación del ciclo marino del Eoceno superior en el sector oriental de la Depresión del Ebro (Catalunya, N.E. de España)

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    Durante el ~Biarritziensesu~p erior y el Priaboniense, la sedimentación en el Eoceno autóctono de Catalunya, adquiere caracteres deltaicos acumulándose los sedimentos en forma de lóbulos deltaicos que translapan sucesivamente y progradan hacia el interior de la cuenca. Cuando los canales distributarios que originan a estos lóbulos son abandonados, se produce un retrabajamiento de sus materiales por la acción marina (oleaje y posiblemente mareas). Es en este episodio cuando, sobre la morfologia dcltaica heredada, se desarrollaron con mucha frecuencia arrecifes de corales y algas rojas que murieron al depositarse sobre ellos los materiales silicoclasticos procedentes de la progradación de un nuevo lóbulo deltacio. Una excepción la constituye el arrecife de Sant Bartomeu del Grau, resultante de la superposición de dos periodos de crecimiento arrecifal, cuya muerte guarda relación, en cada caso, con las primeras etapas de sedimentación evaporitica de la Cuenca evaporitica central catalana. El mecanismo de cierre para este extremo de la cuenca evaporitica se interpreta originado por el estrangulamiento de la misma por la acción de los lóbulos deltaicos procedentes de los bordes Sur y Norte de la cuenca. El estudio cronoestratigráfico efectuado corrobora al modelo paleogeográfico que se expone, el cual, presupone una conexión «mediterránea» por el Emporda durante el Priaboniense

    Características sedimentológicas de la terminación del ciclo marino del Eoceno superior en el sector oriental de la Depresión del Ebro (Catalunya, N.E. de España)

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    Durante el ~Biarritziensesu~p erior y el Priaboniense, la sedimentación en el Eoceno autóctono de Catalunya, adquiere caracteres deltaicos acumulándose los sedimentos en forma de lóbulos deltaicos que translapan sucesivamente y progradan hacia el interior de la cuenca. Cuando los canales distributarios que originan a estos lóbulos son abandonados, se produce un retrabajamiento de sus materiales por la acción marina (oleaje y posiblemente mareas). Es en este episodio cuando, sobre la morfologia dcltaica heredada, se desarrollaron con mucha frecuencia arrecifes de corales y algas rojas que murieron al depositarse sobre ellos los materiales silicoclasticos procedentes de la progradación de un nuevo lóbulo deltacio. Una excepción la constituye el arrecife de Sant Bartomeu del Grau, resultante de la superposición de dos periodos de crecimiento arrecifal, cuya muerte guarda relación, en cada caso, con las primeras etapas de sedimentación evaporitica de la Cuenca evaporitica central catalana. El mecanismo de cierre para este extremo de la cuenca evaporitica se interpreta originado por el estrangulamiento de la misma por la acción de los lóbulos deltaicos procedentes de los bordes Sur y Norte de la cuenca. El estudio cronoestratigráfico efectuado corrobora al modelo paleogeográfico que se expone, el cual, presupone una conexión «mediterránea» por el Emporda durante el Priaboniense

    The chronology and rotational kinematics in the South-Eastern Jaca Basin (Southern Pyrenees) : Las Bellostas section

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    Acknowledgement. This paper represents our modest tribute to Pep Serra-Kiel for his inspiring work, his sharp intelligence, his working tenacity, his always fruitful discussions and his camaraderie and friendship. This work was financed by the Sobrarbe County Research fellow-UNESCO Global Geopark (ARP) and by some projects from the Spanish Science National Plan (UKRIA4D- PID2019--I00/CTA, DR3AM. CGL2014 54118-C2-2-R and MAGIBER-II. CGL2017-90632-REDT). We are also very grateful to the laboratories of the universities of Burgos (Juanjo Villalaín) and Zaragoza (Teresa Román and Sylvia Gracia), Sergio Arruej Gil for the field support and Pablo Calvin and Vicky Burriel for the Burgos logistic support. Very warm acknowledged is given to Alejandro and Pablo from "Casa Molinero" in Las Bellostas for their hospitality, friendship and human warmth during all these years. Finally, we sincerely acknowledge the thorough and constructive reviews done by Miguel Garcés, Josep Tosquella and the editor Carles Martín-Closas.Despite the large number of magnetostratigraphic studies in the South Pyrenean Basin aiming to calibrate the basin chronostratigraphy and the biostratigraphic scales, the South Eastern Jaca Basin remains unexplored from this perspective, and its relation with the Ainsa Basin is not fully understood. In this work we contribute with new magnetostratigraphic data from the 950m thick Las Bellostas section, located in the northern hinge of the Balzes anticline. Well-proven primary signal (positive fold test and two pseudo-antiparallel polarities) supported by numerous primary data in the surroundings allow us building a reliable local polarity sequence of eight magnetozones (from R1 to N4). Additionally, seven new biostratigraphic samples (Nummulites and Assilina) in the lower part of the section (marine environment) allows tightening the section to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) and proposing a refined age model for the southeastern Jaca Basin. The section starts in the Boltaña Fm., of Cuisian age (Shallow Benthic Zone, SBZ11), is followed by a sedimentary gap from C22n to C20n as witnessed by biostratigraphic data (SBZ11 underneath the hiatus and SBZ16 just atop). The deltaic Sobrarbe Fm can be tracked until the C19n (Late Lutetian). From this point (200m) until the top of the section (950m), at least, the entire C18n chron can be recognized within the molassic Campodarbe Fm (C18n.2n-C18n.1r and C18n.1n) (Bartonian) equivalent to the West to the prodeltaic Arguis marls Fm. The Middle Cusian (SBZ11) to Middle Lutetian (SBZ15) stratigraphic hiatus is, in part, enhanced by the structural position at the hinge of the Balzes anticline. These new chronostratigraphic constraints help refining the W-E and N-S stratigraphic relationships in the eastern Jaca Basin and in the Ainsa Basin. This section also allows us to accurately refine the kinematics of the rotational activity in the eastern External Sierras. The significant difference in magnetic declination along the section and neighboring paleomagnetic data from the Balzes anticline (from ≈70º clockwise at the base of the stratigraphic section to non-significant at the top) together with the new age model for the Eastern Jaca Basin help characterizing the rotational activity of the Balzes thrust sheet. The rotation took place between chrons C20r (Middle Lutetian; 45Ma) and C17 (Lower Priabonian 37-38Ma) in agreement to nearby structures (Boltaña, Pico del Aguila anticlines) but clearly diachronic to western ones (Santo Domingo anticline). Besides, the rotational activity seems to follow a linear and continuous pattern (velocity 9-11º/Ma, R: 0.83-0.96) in contrast to closer structures that show two distinct rotational velocities (i.e. Boltaña). These new data still let open the debate on the rotational kinematics along the South Pyrenean basal thrust

    The chronology and rotational kinematics in the South-Eastern Jaca Basin (Southern Pyrenees): Las Bellostas section

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    Despite the large number of magnetostratigraphic studies in the South Pyrenean Basin aiming to calibrate the basin chronostratigraphy and the biostratigraphic scales, the South Eastern Jaca Basin remains unexplored from this perspective, and its relation with the Ainsa Basin is not fully understood. In this work we contribute with new magnetostratigraphic data from the 950m thick Las Bellostas section, located in the northern hinge of the Balzes anticline. Well-proven primary signal (positive fold test and two pseudo-antiparallel polarities) supported by numerous primary data in the surroundings allow us building a reliable local polarity sequence of eight magnetozones (from R1 to N4). Additionally, seven new biostratigraphic samples (Nummulites and Assilina) in the lower part of the section (marine environment) allows tightening the section to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) and proposing a refined age model for the southeastern Jaca Basin. The section starts in the Boltaña Fm., of Cuisian age (Shallow Benthic Zone, SBZ11), is followed by a sedimentary gap from C22n to C20n as witnessed by biostratigraphic data (SBZ11 underneath the hiatus and SBZ16 just atop). The deltaic Sobrarbe Fm. can be tracked until the C19n (Late Lutetian). From this point (200m) until the top of the section (950m), at least, the entire C18n chron can be recognized within the molassic Campodarbe Fm. (C18n.2n-C18n.1r and C18n.1n) (Bartonian) equivalent to the West to the prodeltaic Arguis marls Fm. The Middle Cusian (SBZ11) to Middle Lutetian (SBZ15) stratigraphic hiatus is, in part, enhanced by the structural position at the hinge of the Balzes anticline. These new chronostratigraphic constraints help refining the W-E and N-S stratigraphic relationships in the eastern Jaca Basin and in the Ainsa Basin. This section also allows us to accurately refine the kinematics of the rotational activity in the eastern External Sierras. The important difference in magnetic declination along the section and neighboring paleomagnetic data from the Balzes anticline (from ≈70º clockwise at the base of the stratigraphic section to non-significant at the top) together with the new age model for the Eastern Jaca Basin help characterizing the rotational activity of the Balzes thrust sheet. The rotation took place between chrons C20r (Middle Lutetian; 45Ma) and C17 (Lower Priabonian 37-38Ma) in agreement to nearby structures (Boltaña, Picodel Aguila anticlines) but clearly diachronic to western ones (Santo Domingo anticline). Besides, the rotational activity seems to follow a linear and continuous pattern (velocity 9-11º/Ma, R: 0.83-0.96) in contrast to closer structures that show two distinct rotational velocities (i.e. Boltaña). These new data still let open the debate on the rotational kinematics along the South Pyrenean basal thrust

    The chronology and rotational kinematics in the South-Eastern Jaca Basin (Southern Pyrenees): Las Bellostas section

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    Despite the large number of magnetostratigraphic studies in the South Pyrenean Basin aiming to calibrate the basin chronostratigraphy and the biostratigraphic scales, the South Eastern Jaca Basin remains unexplored from this perspective, and its relation with the Ainsa Basin is not fully understood. In this work we contribute with new magnetostratigraphic data from the 950m thick Las Bellostas section, located in the northern hinge of the Balzes anticline. Well-proven primary signal (positive fold test and two pseudo-antiparallel polarities) supported by numerous primary data in the surroundings allow us building a reliable local polarity sequence of eight magnetozones (from R1 to N4). Additionally, seven new biostratigraphic samples (Nummulites and Assilina) in the lower part of the section (marine environment) allows tightening the section to the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) and proposing a refined age model for the southeastern Jaca Basin. The section starts in the Boltaña Fm., of Cuisian age (Shallow Benthic Zone, SBZ11), is followed by a sedimentary gap from C22n to C20n as witnessed by biostratigraphic data (SBZ11 underneath the hiatus and SBZ16 just atop). The deltaic Sobrarbe Fm. can be tracked until the C19n (Late Lutetian). From this point (200m) until the top of the section (950m), at least, the entire C18n chron can be recognized within the molassic Campodarbe Fm. (C18n.2n-C18n.1r and C18n.1n) (Bartonian) equivalent to the West to the prodeltaic Arguis marls Fm. The Middle Cusian (SBZ11) to Middle Lutetian (SBZ15) stratigraphic hiatus is, in part, enhanced by the structural position at the hinge of the Balzes anticline. These new chronostratigraphic constraints help refining the W-E and N-S stratigraphic relationships in the eastern Jaca Basin and in the Ainsa Basin. This section also allows us to accurately refine the kinematics of the rotational activity in the eastern External Sierras. The important difference in magnetic declination along the section and neighboring paleomagnetic data from the Balzes anticline (from ≈70º clockwise at the base of the stratigraphic section to non-significant at the top) together with the new age model for the Eastern Jaca Basin help characterizing the rotational activity of the Balzes thrust sheet. The rotation took place between chrons C20r (Middle Lutetian; 45Ma) and C17 (Lower Priabonian 37-38Ma) in agreement to nearby structures (Boltaña, Picodel Aguila anticlines) but clearly diachronic to western ones (Santo Domingo anticline). Besides, the rotational activity seems to follow a linear and continuous pattern (velocity 9-11º/Ma, R: 0.83-0.96) in contrast to closer structures that show two distinct rotational velocities (i.e. Boltaña). These new data still let open the debate on the rotational kinematics along the South Pyrenean basal thrust
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