131 research outputs found

    In memoriam Joan Josep Pericàs i Mestre (1960-2010)

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    Index balearicum : An annotated check-list of the vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands

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    Es presenta una check-list deis noms de plantes vasculars el material tipus de les quals es originari si més no presumiblement, de les illes Balears. Per a cada nom s'indiquen els sinònims nomenclaturals, juntament amb la localització deis materials tipus així com comentaris de caire taxonòmic, corològico nomenclatural. Es tipifiquen 176 noms i es proposen tres canvis nomenclaturals: Arenaria bolosii (Küpfer) comb. nov., Coristospermum huteri (Porta) comb. nov. i Dactyliss glomerata subsp. ibizensis (Gand.) combonovSe presenta una check-list de nombres de plantas vasculares basadas sobre material originario, o presumiblemente originario, de las islas Baleares. Para cada nombre se indican los sinónimos nomenclaturales, la localización de los materiales tipo, así como comentarios de carácter taxonómico, corológico o nomenclatural. Se tipifican 176 nombres y se proponen tres cambios nomenclaturales: Arenaria bolosii (Küpfer) comb. nov., Coristospermum huteri (Porta) comb. nov. y Dactyliss glomerata subsp. ibizensis (Gand.) combonov.A check-list of vascular plant is presented, the type material of which is of Balearic origin, or presumed to be as such. For each name a list of its nomenclatural synonyms, together with the location of the type specimens and miscellaneous comments about its taxonomy, chorology or nomenclature is provided. 176 names have been typified and three nomenclatural changes are proposed: Arenaria bolosii (Küpfer) comb. nov., Coristospermum huteri (Porta) comb. nov. and Dactyliss glomerata subsp. ibizensis (Gand.) comb. nov

    La flora de les cavitats càrstiques de les Balears: què en sabem?

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    The knowledge on the flora of the karst caves and shafts in the Balearic Islands is not well-consolidated and reliable data are known only about certain groups, such as bryophytes, pteridophytes and seed plants. However, gaps on the flora of almost all the Balearics except Mallorca are a reality. In general, the uniqueness of the cave flora in the archipelago is reflected as the presence of relict elements, whose presence at the surface is very rare or not detected until now. This fact highlights the conservative character of the shafts and caves with regard to the most mesophilic flora, very rare or extinct on the outside as a result of ancient climate changes natural or man-related, which has led to their presence in underground environments.El coneixement de la flora de les cavitats càrstiques de les Balears es troba poc consolidat i únicament es coneixen dades fiables sobre alguns grups, com briòfits, pteridòfits i plantes amb llavors. No obstant, les llacunes relatives a la flora de la pràctica totalitat de les Balears excepte Mallorca són una realitat. En general, la singularitat de la flora hipogea de l’arxipèlag es reflexa en la presència d’elements relictuals, dels quals la seva presència a l’exterior és raríssima o no s’ha detectat fins a l’actualitat. Aquest fet posa de manifest el caràcter conservador de les cavitats sobre la flora més mesòfila, molt rara o extinta a l’exterior com a conseqüència d’antics canvis climàtics naturals o d’origen antròpic, fet que ha propiciat la seva presència en ambients hipogeus.El conocimiento de la flora de las cavidades kársticas de las Baleares se encuentra poco consolidado y únicamente se conocen datos fiables sobre algunos grupos, como briófitos, pteridófitos y plantas con semillas. Sin embargo, las lagunas relativas a la flora de la práctica totalidad de Baleares excepto Mallorca son una realidad. En general la singularidad de la flora hipogea del archipiélago se refleja en la presencia de elementos relictuales, cuya presencia en el exterior és rarísima o no se ha detectado hasta el presente. Este hecho pone de manifiesto el carácter conservador de las cavidades sobre la flora más mesófila, cuya rarefacción y extinción en el exterior, como consecuencia de antiguos cambios climáticos naturales o de origen antrópico, ha propiciado su presencia en ambientes hipogeos

    Flora briològica i pteridològica

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    Es comenten les característiques de les flores briltlògiques i pteridològiques de l'arxipèlag de Cabrera. Hom coneix actualment 24 espècies de briòfites ( 21 molses i 3 hepàtiques) i 8 espècies de falgueres, les quals presenten, en general, una ampla distribució a la resta de Balears. Els briòfits Rhynchostegiella tenella (Dicks.) Limpr. i Scorpiurium circinatum (Brid.) Fleish & Loeske són novetat per Cabrera.The known bryophyte flora of Cabrera island has 24 species (21 mosses and 3 liverworts), two of which Rhynchostegiella tenella (Dicks.) Limpr. and Scorpiurium circinatum (Brid.) Fleish & Loeske are new additions. On the other hand, only 8 pteridophyte species are recorded from Cabrera. Both, bryophyte and pteridophyte species, are well recorded from other Balearic islands

    L'endemisme: l'Encís de la raresa

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    L'endemisme: l'Encís de la rares

    Notes florístiques baleàriques. 2

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    Early evolutionary colocalization of the nuclear ribosomal 5S and 45S gene families in seed plants: evidence from the living fossil gymnosperm Ginkgo biloba

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    In seed plants, the colocalization of the 5S loci within the intergenic spacer (IGS) of the nuclear 45S tandem units is restricted to the phylogenetically derived Asteraceae family. However, fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) colocalization of both multigene families has also been observed in other unrelated seed plant lineages. Previous work has identified colocalization of 45S and 5S loci in Ginkgo biloba using FISH, but these observations have not been confirmed recently by sequencing a 1.8 kb IGS. In this work, we report the presence of the 45S–5S linkage in G. biloba, suggesting that in seed plants the molecular events leading to the restructuring of the ribosomal loci are much older than estimated previously. We obtained a 6.0 kb IGS fragment showing structural features of functional sequences, and a single copy of the 5S gene was inserted in the same direction of transcription as the ribosomal RNA genes. We also obtained a 1.8 kb IGS that was a truncate variant of the 6.0 kb IGS lacking the 5S gene. Several lines of evidence strongly suggest that the 1.8 kb variants are pseudogenes that are present exclusively on the satellite chromosomes bearing the 45S–5S genes. The presence of ribosomal IGS pseudogenes best reconciles contradictory results concerning the presence or absence of the 45S–5S linkage in Ginkgo. Our finding that both ribosomal gene families have been unified to a single 45S–5S unit in Ginkgo indicates that an accurate reassessment of the organization of rDNA genes in basal seed plants is necessary

    Index Balearicum (III) : an annotated check-list of the vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands. Additions (2008-2016) and corrections

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    This compilation includes nomenclatural and taxonomic updates to the check-list of vascular plants described from the Balearic Islands. This update includes plants described between 2008 and 2016, and contains corrections to other entries included in previous works.Aquesta compilació inclou actualitzacions nomenclaturals i taxonòmiques per al catàleg de plantes vasculars descrites de les Illes Balears. Aquesta actualització inclou plantes descrites entre 2008 i 2016 a més de correccions per a altres tractades en treballs anteriors.Esta compilación incluye actualizaciones nomenclaturales y taxonómicas para el catálogo de plantas vasculares descritas de las Islas Baleares. Esta actualización incluye plantas descritas entre 2008 y 2016 además de correcciones para otras tratadas en trabajos anteriores

    A new species of Armeria (Plumbaginaceae) from southern Spain with molecular and morphometric evidence on its origin

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    The definitive version is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/The taxonomic status of the populations of Armeria from the Horconera massif (Co´rdoba province), previously misidentified or referred to without an explicit identification, is re-examined on the basis of morphological and molecular data. A multivariate analysis indicates that they can be discriminated from morphologically and geographically close taxa using morphometric characters. According to these results, and taking into account the previous evidence that supports extensive reticulation in the genus, a new species, A. trianoi, is formally described. Molecular evidence from our previous works, in particular the nuclear ribosomal ITS sequence data, provides the frame for a discussion on the origin of the new entity. It is suggested that A. trianoi may be the result of introgression of sympatric populations of A. villosa subsp. longiaristata into a pre-existing taxon, possibly A. filicaulis var. minor presently occurring in Sierra Tejeda some 50 km apart.This work has been supported by the Spanish Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación Científica (grant DGES PB97-1146).Peer reviewe

    L'endemisme vegetal

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    En el context de l'Arxipèlag Balear, la flora de Cabrera es caracteritza per presentar un nombre moderat de tàxons endèmics; únicament un d'ells és exclusiu de l'illa de Cabrera, vint són baleàrics, tres tenen una distribució baleàrico-cirno-sarda i dos es poden considerar com baleàrico-llevantins. Es realitza una anàlisi de les relacions que hi ha entre Cabrera i els seus illots i la resta de Illes Balears en funció d'aquest element endèmic.The flora of the Cabrera Archipelago is characterized by a moderate number of endemic taxa; one of them is endemic of the island of Cabrera, twenty are balearic, three have a balearic-cyrno-sardinian distribution and two can be considered as balearic-levantine endemisms. The relations between Cabrera and the other Balearic Islands concerning this endemic component are analized
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