38 research outputs found

    Child rights governance: An introduction

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    In this special issue, we explore child rights governance as the intersection between the study of governance and the study of children, childhood, and children’s rights. Our introduction puts forward a set of theoretical points of departure for the study of child rights governance, engaging with scholarship on human rights, international relations, history, and governance. It links the individual contributions to this special issue with four central dimensions of child rights governance, namely: temporality, spatiality, subjectivity, and normativity

    Characterization and dermal bioaccessibility of residual- and listed PFAS ingredients in cosmetic products

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    As a large group of chemicals with diverse properties, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have found extensive application throughout consumer products, including cosmetics. Little is known about the importance of dermal uptake as a human exposure pathway for PFAS. Here we investigate a suite of listed-ingredient and residual PFAS in cosmetic products, along with their dermal bioaccessibility using in vitro incubations with artificial sweat. Concentrations of volatile listed ingredients (including cyclic perfluorinated alkanes, perfluorinated ethers, and polyfluorinated silanes) in three products ranged from 876-1323 ÎŒg g -1, while polar listed ingredients ( i.e., polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters [PAPs]) in a single product occurred at up to 2427 ÎŒg g -1 (6 : 2/6 : 2 diPAP)). Residual perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) were also measured at concentrations ranging from 0.02-29 ÎŒg g -1. When listed ingredients were included, our targeted analysis accounted for up to 103% of the total fluorine, while highlighting ambiguous and/or incorrect International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredient (INCI) names used in several products. Bioaccessibility experiments revealed that residual PFCAs readily partitioned to artificial sweat (bioaccessible fractions ranging from 43-76% for detectable substances) while listed ingredients ( i.e., PAPs and neutral/volatile PFAS) displayed negligible partitioning. This work provides new insight into the occurrence of PFAS in cosmetic products, while furthering our understanding on their mechanisms of dermal uptake. </p

    Child studies multiple – collaborative play for thinking through theories and methods

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    This text is an exploration of collaborative thinking and writing through theories, methods, and experiences on the topic of the child, children, and childhood. It is a collaborative written text (with 32 authors) that sprang out of the experimental workshop Child Studies Multiple. The workshop and this text are about daring to stay with mess, “un-closure” , and uncertainty in order to investigate the (e)motions and complexities of being either a child or a researcher. The theoretical and methodological processes presented here offer an opportunity to shake the ground on which individual researchers stand by raising questions about scientific inspiration, theoretical and methodological productivity, and thinking through focusing on process, play, and collaboration. The effect of this is a questioning of the singular academic ‘I’ by exploring and showing what a plural ‘I’ can look like. It is about what the multiplicity of voice can offer research in a highly individualistic time. The article allows the reader to follow and watch the unconventional trial-and-error path of the ongoing-ness of exploring theories and methods together as a research community via methods of drama, palimpsest, and fictionary

    En applikation för att förbÀttra musik för personer med hörselnedsÀttning under sport

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    It is well-known that many people like to listen to music when they are running,something that is not always available for people with hearing aids [1].The experience of music is not often taken into account when people have lostparts of their hearing, but music is in many ways important for the well-being[2]. In this project has an application been developed, to make certain audioparameters accessible for adjustments according to the users individual hearing.The parameters chosen were latency, compression, balance and loudness. Theseparameters have been chosen with the argument that they have big impact onthe experience of the music. As an example there might be latency betweenthe hearing aids between the left and the right hearing. Very often people withhearing aids have different hearing at the left and the right ear, therefore thebalance was chosen as a parameter. Compression were chosen with respect tothe fact that hearing loss often leads to less capability to hear frequencies indifferent frequencies areas. Loudness was chosen due to that it is a subjectiveparameter, that will have different impact on different individuals. The parametershave been chosen with a hypothesis that they may affect the hearingexperience for different individuals. The result show that the participants changed audio settings, each of theaudio parameters to different values and appreciated the function to changethese parameters. The participants said that the application developed in thisproject, improved their music experience and they said that they would appreciateto use an application like this, to get more value of listening to music. Theapplication was well designed and easy to use during a sport session

    Parameter Searching in Stored ECG

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    Cardiolex Medical AB Ă€r ett medicintekniskt företag som sĂ€ljer ett komplett EKG-hanterings system med tillhörande vakuumsystem. Produkten EC View med lagring i EC Store Ă€r idag de produkter som Cardiolex sĂ€ljer till sina kunder för att kunna lagra och hantera EKG-undersökningar pĂ„ sjukhus och vĂ„rdcentraler. Cardiolex önskade utöka EC View med fler sökfunktioner för anvĂ€ndning i forskningssyfte. Parametermaterial har lĂ€nge funnits, men hanteringen har varit manuell, vilket varit tidsineffektivt. Intresset av att kunna sortera ut specifika EKG-undersökningar efter enskilda mĂ€tvĂ€rden Ă€r stort och dĂ€rmed Ă€r en utökad sökfunktion viktig att ha med i ny mjukvara. För att fĂ„ en djupare inblick i vilka av de vanligaste mĂ€tvĂ€rdena Ă€r, studerades artiklar för att kunna faststĂ€lla att den sökfunktion som implementerades var ett anvĂ€ndbart tillĂ€gg i befintlig produkt. Det mĂ€tvĂ€rde som ansĂ„gs mest attraktivt att skapa en sökfunktion för var ST-amplituden. Funktionen som plockar ut detta vĂ€rde ur ett lagrat EKG Ă€r skapad i Visual Studio, med programsprĂ„ket T-SQL, dĂ€r funktionen anropas i en SQL-vy som sammanstĂ€ller all information för anvĂ€ndaren. Fördelen med att anvĂ€nda sig av en SQL-vy presentation Ă€r ocksĂ„ att information kan sammanstĂ€llas undertiden en sökning genomförs.Cardiolex Medical AB has an ambition that ECG should be easy to use, they sell ECG systems compatible with all types of electrodes and has special knowledge in ECG modulation. Today Cardiolex has three products to manage ECG examinations and patient information with EC view and EC Store. Their ECG system is operating with EC Sense and together with EC View and EC Store, Cardiolex offer a complete solution available to use with many softwares and systems at the market. With EC Store, examinations can be saved and found in the database and EC View is a client for reviewing and making medical assessments. Moreover, Cardiolex has a vision to offer a wider functionality for researchers, who research in ECG. Therefore, an extended search tool was important for future functionality in the products. To get a better insight in which of the ECG measurements was of interest to implement in a search function, a literature study of today’s recherche is summarised in this project. The ST-value was considered one of the most common parameters, therefore this parameter was decided to be implemented in the search function. The function which return a ST-amplitude value stored in the examination, was created in Visual Studios, with the language SQL. The data from the function became represented of a SQL-view which can sort data during a searching process in the database

    Children as Moral Subjects in Ethics of Migration

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    In 2011 almost 50% of the displaced persons around the world were children but still there is a lack of migration research about children’s experiences; roles and perspectives (Special issue in Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Volume 37 Issue 8 2011). The aim of this paper is first and foremost to demonstrate how the leading theories and debates in the debate about ethics of migration lack a discussion of children as moral beings in their own right and that the debate is characterized by an adult discourse and traditional rooted assumptions about children. Secondly; the paper argues that the ethics of migration should acknowledge children as moral beings with agency; interests; rights and experiences in their own right. If children®s rights are acknowledged as morally relevant and if ethical theory should play a relevant role in the future debate of migration and policymaking then it is crucial to take a critical view on the construction of children as moral beings. Thirdly; the paper examines what the implications of future research in ethics of migration can be; if children are acknowledged as moral subjects in their own right. In migration research children are traditionally represented as “passive; needy and different” (Ibid p. 1159). When children are in focus it is often in a fragmented fashion; with a perspective on children as future adults and as passive members of the family. However we can see an increased interest in challenging the traditional rooted assumptions about children in the latest years in the field of migration research as well as in some fields of philosophy. We have not yet seen a similar development in the ethics of migration. This paper analyses some of the leading contributions in the debate about ethics of migration represented by particularly Joseph Carens and David Miller that represents arguments for and against open and restricted borders. The analysis demonstrates how children to a great extent is invisible and that their roles; interests and experiences to a great extent have been left out of the debate. When children are mentioned it is in a fragmented fashion; in an adult-centric discourse; portraying children as reduced to family members and as vulnerable with a special need of protection and care. The paper suggests that more expanded conceptions of children will lead to new and important ethical questions. It concludes that many theoretical questions remain unanswered about the moral status of children in the ethical debate about migration and that the case of children point at gaps and weaknesses in some of the dominating theories about borders. A way to fill these gaps is to a greater extent take into account existing empirical research on children in migration and a growing philosophical research interest in children as moral subjects. The recognition of children as moral beings in their own right is put forward as one way of making ethical theory more applicable and relevant to policymaking and research of migration in the future

    Barn vid grÀnserna

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    In the wake of a steady flow of child migrants attempting to cross borders and states’ efforts to restrict immigration, various public controversies have arisen about the rights of asylum-seeking children. The ‘moral gap’ between the outcome of democratically enacted laws and the aim of controlling immigration, on the one hand, and public calls to protect the universal rights of asylum seeking children, on the other, have created a political challenge for Western democracies. This thesis sets out to examine two particular settings in which norms about the rights of asylum-seeking children and immigration control have been established and contested over the years: the Swedish Migration Court of Appeal and Sweden’s largest morning paper, Dagens Nyheter. It combines empirically oriented analysis with theoretical enquiry, and it brings the issue of the rights of asylumseeking children into dialogue with the contemporary political-philosophical debate about membership, rights and borders.I kölvattnet av en stadig ström av barn som migrerar över statsgrĂ€nser har medial rapportering, protester och offentliga diskussioner aktualiserat frĂ„gor om asylsökande barns rĂ€ttigheter. Det ”moraliska glappet” mellan tillĂ€mpningen av demokratiskt stiftade lagar i syfte att reglera invandringen,Ă„ ena sidan, och offentliga krav pĂ„ att skydda universella rĂ€ttigheter för asylsökande barn, Ă„ andra sidan, har vĂ€xt fram som en samtida utmaning för demokratiska stater att hantera. I denna avhandling undersöks tvĂ„ specifika arenor dĂ€r normer om asylsökande barns rĂ€ttigheter och immigrationskontroll har etablerats och ifrĂ„gasatts under de senaste Ă„ren; den svenska Migrationsöverdomstolen och Sveriges största morgontidning, Dagens Nyheter. Avhandlingen kombinerar empiriska analyser med teoretiska undersökningar om asylsökande barns rĂ€ttigheter i dialog med en samtida politisk filosofisk diskussion om medlemskap, rĂ€ttigheter och grĂ€nser

    En applikation för att förbÀttra musik för personer med hörselnedsÀttning under sport

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    It is well-known that many people like to listen to music when they are running,something that is not always available for people with hearing aids [1].The experience of music is not often taken into account when people have lostparts of their hearing, but music is in many ways important for the well-being[2]. In this project has an application been developed, to make certain audioparameters accessible for adjustments according to the users individual hearing.The parameters chosen were latency, compression, balance and loudness. Theseparameters have been chosen with the argument that they have big impact onthe experience of the music. As an example there might be latency betweenthe hearing aids between the left and the right hearing. Very often people withhearing aids have different hearing at the left and the right ear, therefore thebalance was chosen as a parameter. Compression were chosen with respect tothe fact that hearing loss often leads to less capability to hear frequencies indifferent frequencies areas. Loudness was chosen due to that it is a subjectiveparameter, that will have different impact on different individuals. The parametershave been chosen with a hypothesis that they may affect the hearingexperience for different individuals. The result show that the participants changed audio settings, each of theaudio parameters to different values and appreciated the function to changethese parameters. The participants said that the application developed in thisproject, improved their music experience and they said that they would appreciateto use an application like this, to get more value of listening to music. Theapplication was well designed and easy to use during a sport session

    Ethical Challenges of The Multicultural Classroom : A teacher's examination of Martha Nussbaum's theory of world citizenship education

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    The overall objective of this thesis is to examine in what way ethical theory and ethical analysis can contribute to further understanding of the ethical challenges of the multicultural classroom. Based on the fact that the world is going through a process of globalization and migration, the education-system and daily praxis of teaching is put in front of new ethical challenges. The teacher in the multicultural classroom is on a daily base confronted with various dilemmas regarding for example conflicting duties, universal and conflicting values and citizenship. Martha NussbaumÂŽs theory of world citizenship is used as an analytical framework for the thesis and student interviews from upper secondary school is used as a complementary perspective to NussbaumÂŽs theory. The research questions of the thesis are: Can the theory of World Citizenship Education, when structured and analyzed, give guidance for teaching citizenship in a multicultural classroom? Is it a plausible theory confronted with the ethical challenges of the multicultural classroom? In what way can a student perspective from a multicultural classroom try the relevance and present a complementary perspective to the theory of World citizenship education? The theory and the interviews are analyzed and structured out of the research questions and by the three ethical challenges of universal values, conflicting values and sense of belonging. The conclusion of the thesis states that, even though NussbaumÂŽs theory does have some constraints, it is to a large degree applicable and possible to relate to the ethical challenges of the multicultural classroom and as a guide for teachers. The theory is plausible in some aspects because it presents reasonable arguments on the necessity of educational reform in an interconnected world and because it makes educational proposals of instrumental worth of the teacher. The theory is however not plausible in other aspects because; the universal values presented are to vague and not specified which makes the theory difficult to use in practise, it does not pay enough attention to the conflicting perspective of the ethical challenges in classroom nor the pedagogical importance of social inclusion when discussing conflicting values and finally the theory demonstrates a contradiction regarding how to act as a teacher about sense of belonging and recognising identity of the students. The interviews demonstrate similar but also different responses to the ethical challenges in comparison with the theory. The students recognize the existence of universal values across cultural borders in a similar way as Nussbaum, even though the values put forward are of another character than NussbaumÂŽs. They do however present a sceptical view towards the idea of a world citizenship and stresses the importance of bringing up discussions about nationhood, migration and belonging without being afraid of breaking any taboos. At the end the thesis presents some practical guidelines for the teacher in the multicultural classroom that follows logical out of the conclusion. The final discussion highlight the fact that the challenges of the multicultural classroom in Sweden will likely continue, and emphasizes the potential of using ethics as an analytical tool for further developing a professional teaching approach