451 research outputs found

    TIC, hacia la educación 3.0

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs: 2015/2016Actualmente vivimos en un mundo englobado por la tecnología. Gracias a internet, los dispositivos móviles, ordenadores, tabletas… podemos acceder a cualquier contenido de forma fácil y sencilla. De hecho, la tecnología hace posibles los avances en diferentes áreas como, la medicina, la comunicación, entre otros. También en la educación que, en su meta de reencontrarse con un método nuevo y eficaz para las nuevas generaciones, tiene en cuenta el uso de herramientas TIC. Y es que cada vez, son más los centros y los docentes, capaces de utilizarlas e incorporarlas a su metodología. Hoy en día podemos encontrar aulas preparadas con ordenadores, pizarra electrónica, proyectores, incluso tabletas para los niños donde trabajar con libros electrónicos y aplicaciones educativas. Estas palabras resultarán relativamente nuevas en el círculo educativo, pero en el marco teórico europeo, nacional y provincial ya se habla de las TIC y de su incorporación progresiva en las aulas, por lo que los maestros deben saber cómo utilizarlas y de qué forma hacerlo. Este puede ser un problema ya que muchos de los docentes y de los centros no están preparados para soportar la inclusión de estas nuevas herramientas, por lo que la realidad en las aulas discierne de lo que plasma el papel

    A Gravity Approach to Assess the Effects of Association Agreements on Euromediterranean Trade of Fruits and Vegetables

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    The paper is intended to draw on a gravity methodology to assess the impact of EuroMediterranean Association Agreement on Fruit and Vegetable trade from Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) to the EU. The Association Agreements appear to be significant as an explanatory of both fruit and vegetables’ trade flows to the EU. However, while the impact of such arrangements has contributed to boost MPC’s horticultural exports, it has not been sufficient to compensate the export loss related to the nature of MPCs as third countries. MPCs may have obtained gains from the EuroMed Agrements but the Barcelona process is still far to achieve its initial goals, at least concerning crucial products for the MPCs’ export strategy. The presented approach supplies a method to monitor future developments in the EuroMediterranean process.agricultural trade; Euro-Mediterranean agreements; fruit and vegetables

    On the application of Jacobian-free Riemann solvers for relativistic radiation magnetohydrodynamics under M1 closure

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    Radiative transfer plays a major role in high-energy astrophysics. In multiple scenarios and in a broad range of energy scales, the coupling between matter and radiation is essential to understand the interplay between theory, observations and numerical simulations. In this paper, we present a novel scheme for solving the equations of radiation relativistic magnetohydrodynamics within the parallel code L\'ostrego. These equations, which are formulated taking successive moments of the Boltzmann radiative transfer equation, are solved under the gray-body approximation and the M1 closure using an IMEX time integration scheme. The main novelty of our scheme is that we introduce for the first time in the context of radiation magnetohydrodynamics a family of Jacobian-free Riemann solvers based on internal approximations to the Polynomial Viscosity Matrix, which were demonstrated to be robust and accurate for non-radiative applications. The robustness and the limitations of the new algorithms are tested by solving a collection of one-dimensional and multi-dimensional test problems, both in the free-streaming and in the diffusion radiation transport limits. Due to its stable performance, the applicability of the scheme presented in this paper to real astrophysical scenarios in high-energy astrophysics is promising. In future simulations, we expect to be able to explore the dynamical relevance of photon-matter interactions in the context of relativistic jets and accretion discs, from microquasars and AGN to gamma-ray bursts.Comment: 21 pages, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in Computer Physics Communication

    The buttressed walls problem: An application of a hybrid clustering particle swarm optimization algorithm

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    [EN] The design of reinforced earth retaining walls is a combinatorial optimization problem of interest due to practical applications regarding the cost savings involved in the design and the optimization in the amount of CO2 emissions generated in its construction. On the other hand, this problem presents important challenges in computational complexity since it involves 32 design variables; therefore we have in the order of 10^20 possible combinations. In this article, we propose a hybrid algorithm in which the particle swarm optimization method is integrated that solves optimization problems in continuous spaces with the db-scan clustering technique, with the aim of addressing the combinatorial problem of the design of reinforced earth retaining walls. This algorithm optimizes two objective functions: the carbon emissions embedded and the economic cost of reinforced concrete walls. To assess the contribution of the db-scan operator in the optimization process, a random operator was designed. The best solutions, the averages, and the interquartile ranges of the obtained distributions are compared. The db-scan algorithm was then compared with a hybrid version that uses k-means as the discretization method and with a discrete implementation of the harmony search algorithm. The results indicate that the db-scan operator significantly improves the quality of the solutions and that the proposed metaheuristic shows competitive results with respect to the harmony search algorithm.The first author was supported by the Grant CONICYT/FONDECYT/INICIACION/11180056, the other two authors were supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, along with FEDER funding (Project: BIA2017-85098-R).Garcia, J.; Martí Albiñana, JV.; Yepes, V. (2020). The buttressed walls problem: An application of a hybrid clustering particle swarm optimization algorithm. Mathematics. 8(6):862-01-862-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/math8060862S862-01862-228

    Maestros y estudiantes de maestro, juntos para una escuela más digital: Una experiencia de aprendizaje servicio

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    Los proyectos de aprendizaje servicio fomentan que la adquisición de unos conocimientos y habilidades determinados estén al servicio de las necesidades de la comunidad, mientras la propia comunidad se beneficia de ello. En este caso, se describe una experiencia de aprendizaje servicio hecha en una escuela pública de Cantabria que posibilitó que estudiantes de maestro hicieran de asesores en el colegio para implementar las tecnologías de la información en la etapa de infantil

    Optimal portfolio with insider information on the stochastic interest rate

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    We consider the optimal portfolio problem where the interest rate is stochastic and the agent has insider information on its value at a finite terminal time. The agent's objective is to optimize the terminal value of herportfolio under a logarithmic utility function. Using techniques of initial enlargement of filtration, we identify the optimal strategy and compute the value of the information. The interest rate is first assumed to be an affine diffusion, then more explicit formulas are computed for the Vasicek interest rate model where the interest rate moves according to an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. We show that when the interest rate process is correlated with the price process of the risky asset, the value of the information is infinite, as is usually the case for initial-enlargement-type problems. However, since the agent does not know exactly the correlation factor, this may induce an infinite loss instead of an infinite gain. Finally weakening the information own by the agent, and assuming that she only knows a lower-bound for the terminal value of the interest rate process, we show that the value of the information is finite.The first author acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, research projects MTM2015– 72907–EXP and MTM2013–42104–P (via FEDER funds)

    Variación de la temperatura en las capas externas del cuerpo humano irradiado a alta frecuencia (HF)

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    The absorption of energy by human external tissue when HF irradiation and the physical consequences involved are the purposes of this study. When it is directed toward the surface of the skin, energy is transmitted to its inner layers causing an increase of the temperature. This process has experimentally been proved to be beneficial in many cases. Yet theoretically there is still a slightly hollow basis about it. Skin tissue is actually a multilayer tissue with a different characteristic in each layer. Each one of them is characterized by some parameters, such as permittivity, conductivity, density and specific heat. Two kinds of skin tissues will be analyzed: a fibrous and a fatty one, each of both with a different skin humidity. Our model takes into account the heating by HF radiation, the redistribution of energy through the tissues and the cooling rate by blood in order to predict the increasing of tissue temperature in differents situations.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Transferencia de calor mediante la aplicación de RF sobre un modelo multicapa de tejido dérmico

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    HF radiation applied on the surface of the skin by an electrode is absorbed and it causes interior changes that redound into a smoother skin with less wrinkles. In this study, it is exposed a multiplayer method to determine absorbed radiation and increasing of temperature for each internal tissue. Each tissue is represented by a layer with certain parameters, such as permittivity, conductivity, density and specific heat. The model is applied to two different distributions of tissues: a fibrous and a fatty one. It is found that a fibrous distribution absorbs more energy than a fatty one, and also how the absorption could even be increased by previous humidification.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció