654 research outputs found

    Genome Network Project: An Integrated Genomic Platform

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    With the objective of elucidating the structure of gene interactions in the human genome, the Genome Network Project has generated a vast quantity of experimental data, mainly focusing on transcriptional control and transcription-factor related protein-protein interactions (PPI). This data has been collected and organized into the Genome Network Platform ("http://genomenetwork.nig.ac.jp/":http://genomenetwork.nig.ac.jp/) at the National Institute of Genetics. Expression data was obtained through CAGE (Cap Analysis Gene Expression), qRT-PCR, tiling array, microarray and short RNA analysis, while PPI information was gathered through yeast two hybrid (Y2H), mammalian two hybrid (M2H) and _in vitro_ virus (IVV) methods. The Genome Network Platform Viewer provides an integrated user interface to the complete database, including services of gene search, whole genome browsing, PPI network viewer, and expression profile analysis. Our platform represents an extremely useful resource for researchers in the field of genomics, and provides access to high quality data through the combination of intuitive browsing and visualization capabilities


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    Interference-based Investigation of Microscopic Objects Near Surfaces: a View From Below

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    Phenomena occurring when microscopic objects approach planar surfaces are challenging to probe directly because their dynamics cannot be resolved with a sufficiently high spatial/temporal resolution in a non-invasive way, and suitable techniques/methods involve complex instrumentation/computations of limited accessibility/applicability. Interference-based techniques can overcome these barriers. However, because most set-ups and analysis methods are ideal for planar-like geometries, their accurate application for studying microscopic objects has been difficult. Reflection interference contrast microscopy (RICM) has shown particular promise allowing objects in close proximity to a surface to be observed from below, producing interferograms that inherently embed detailed information about the objects’ topography near the substrate. Because precise extraction of this information has been challenging, this study seeks to develop analysis methods applicable to RICM to facilitate its practical implementation for accurate investigation of interfacial phenomena between microscopic objects and surfaces. The most sophisticated theory of RICM was significantly improved and coupled with a general method to simulate the interference pattern from arbitrary convex geometries. Experimental results revealed that accurate reconstruction of an object’s contour is possible by fitting its interferogram; however, this is computationally intensive and of limited applicability, motivating the formulation of a simplified and accurate RICM model. This facilitated a major breakthrough: an innovative analysis of RICM interferograms provides the inclination angles of the geometry under study and a mathematical procedure allows near-instantaneous reconstruction of the contour with nanometer-scale resolution, applicable to arbitrarily shaped convex objects under different experimental conditions. A method for extracting nanometer-scale topographic information from RICM interferograms has been proposed; in particular, microspheres can be conveniently analyzed to measure surface roughness based on fringe visibility. Also, precise and accurate measurements of microspheres’ size were performed by means of optimized and robust fringe spacing analysis. Finally, RICM’s distinctive “view-from-below” perspective was applied in simple experiments involving the deposition of microspheres on surfaces, directly revealing the existence of different scenarios depending on deposition media and unique femtoliter-scale capillary condensation dynamics underneath micron-sized glass beads. Results show that RICM has a clear potential for near real-time analysis of ensembles of objects near surfaces so that statistical/probabilistic behavior can be realistically captured

    How To Bring the Work of a Science Park to Its Territory

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    Science parks have become useful instruments in transferring knowledge from universities to the industry. On the other hand, some studies have affirmed that technology transfer activities and results can be encouraged by geographical proximity between companies and university premises and people. If this is true, it would be useful to set up science park satellite sites near selected geographical areas. A few science parks have actually have done this. However, research in this field is scarce and anecdotic. We qualitatively explored this field, using the case of the University of Valencia’s Science Park. Our work provides and tests a methodology to help with the decision to set up a science park satellite site, consisting of three questions: why, what and how. Our work also highlights some key issues related to the viability of this kind of decision.Los parques científicos se han mostrado como instrumentos útiles a la hora de transferir el conocimiento de las universidades a la industria. Por otro lado, algunos estudios afirman que las actividades para transferir tecnología y sus resultados pueden ser estimulados por la proximidad geográfica entre las instalaciones y personal de empresas y universidad. Si esto fuera cierto, sería útil establecer sedes filiales de los parques científicos en determinadas áreas geográficas. Unos pocos parques científicos lo han hecho. No obstante, la investigación en este campo es escasa y anecdótica. Este artículo explora este campo de manera cualitativa, usando el caso del Parque Científico de la Universidad de Valencia. Nuestro trabajo aporta y chequea una metodología para ayudar en la toma de las decisiones sobre el establecimiento de sedes filiales de parques científicos, consistente en tres preguntas: para qué, qué y cómo. Nuestro trabajo hace aflorar también algunas cuestiones clave sobre la viabilidad de este tipo de decisiones

    General Report – Session 2

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    The complete title of Session two on case histories of unexpected behavior of foundations made reference to unusual soils, diverse environments, a wide range of foundation test methods and structures ranging from historic monuments to tall buildings and towers. In attempting to provide a narrative to the myriad papers submitted which match the session themes we must consider whether unanticipated foundation behavior can ever be described as unexpected. In every project Geotechnical Engineers are charged with predicting the response of structures composed of or built on naturally heterogeneous material. The process (which is not linear) consists of many stages including site investigation, design, and construction and monitoring. If undertaken properly, uncertainties should reduce as the process advances and there should be sufficient feedback and flexibility to allow knowledge gained to influence other stages of the process. Each project therefore is a case history in which knowledge gained can help to develop the empirical knowledge of the designer. Case histories are therefore an integral part of the education and development of all Geotechnical Engineers. Our report groups the papers submitted into four sections which can be roughly aligned to stages in the design process, namely; investigation, design, installation and performance. Many papers naturally contain contributions which address multiple headings and our classification, though subjective was to assign papers in the area where we felt the major contribution lay. Of the 32 papers submitted for this session, 5 deal primarily with investigation, 10 are focused on design, 5 consider the effects of installation and unsurprisingly, given the conference theme the vast majority (12 papers) considers foundation performance

    Land evaluation of the Maputo province (Mozambique) : a case study of the Changalane and Mazimunhama hydrographic basins

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    Orientador: Archimedes Perez FilhoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de GeocienciasResumo: A região em estudo compreende as sub-bacias dos rios Changalane e Mazimunhama, afluentes do rio Tembe, situadas na província de Maputo, zona Sul de Moçambique. Esta região é reconhecida pelas autoridades administrativas nacionais e provinciais como estando sob pressão de uso agropecuário, desmatamento devido à exploração desenfreada das florestas, queimadas, pecuária extensiva de bovinos e caprinos. Estes fatos estão trazendo e acentuando problemas sócio-ambientais, nomeadamente, insegurança alimentar, baixa produtividade das culturas, erosão e assoreamento dos cursos de água. A avaliação e determinação da capacidade do uso das terras numa bacia hidrográfica são de vital importância para o planejamento e uso racional do solo e outros recursos da terra, dado que o uso inadequado e sem observância da sua capacidade do suporte tem provocado sua degradação. A partir de avaliações dos elementos do meio físico e das atividades desenvolvidas na região compreendidas entre as bacias de Chanagalane e Mazimunhama, com destaque para as de agropecuárias, fez-se uma avaliação das terras, pelo sistema de capacidade de uso, conjugado com as classes de manejo do sistema de aptidão agrícola das terras, a fim de atender ao planejamento e conservação dos recursos da terra e minimizar os problemas ambientais decorrentes do seu uso inadequado. Os dados foram gerados e integrados no SIG Arcinfo/Arcgis 9.2. Os planos de informação para entrada e cruzamento no SIG foram a carta de solos, cartas topográficas (Classes de declives) e uso das terras. Este último componente foi obtido por processamento digital de imagens ASTER. As análises permitiram concluir que a unidades de solos Bv (Basaltos vermelhos) de textura francoargilo- arenoso que ocorrem em declive plano (0-3%) cobrem a maior parte área de estudo com 172.8 km2 (30.1%); este solo foi avaliado como classe IIIs-p/f no sistema de capacidade de uso e 2ab(c) no sistema de avaliação para a aptidão agrícola, mostrando que é um solo adequado para o cultivo de culturas anuais e até perenes, porém têm problemas ligados a profundidade efetiva dos solos e à baixa fertilidade. Por causa da limitante profundidade não é recomendável o uso de mecanização pesada. A segunda unidade de solos que ocupa uma área considerável da área em estudo é a dos solos coluvionares (C) com 154.9 Km2 (26.9%) que ocorrem em relevo suave ondulado a ondulado e estão inclusos na subclasse IVs-sl/so. Estes solos são limitados pela salinidade e sodicidade e risco de inundação.Abstract: The study area consists of the sub-basins of the Changalane and Mazimunhama rivers, tributaries of the Tembe river, situated in the Maputo province of Southern Mozambique. The region is recognized by the national and provincial authorities as being under pressure from: agricultural use, deforestation due to uncontrolled exploitation of forests, forest fires and the farming of cattle and goats. These factors are creating and exacerbating social and environmental problems, in particular: food insecurity, low crop yields, erosion and siltation of water courses. The evaluation and determination of land use capacity in a hydrographic basin is of vital importance to the planning and rational use of soil and other terrestrial resources given that misuse and disregard of this capacity lead to degradation. From an evaluation of the physical environment and the activities undertaken in the Chanagalane and Mazimunhama basin regions, especially those concerning argiculture, an assessment was made of the land use capability by combining the concepts of system management and agricultural fitness. The purpose of this evaluation was to address the issues of land-use planning and conservation in particular by minimizing the environmental problems arising from misuse. The data were generated and integrated using GIS Arcinfo/Arcgis 9.2. The information layers used included maps of both soil and topography (slope classes) as well a land use map. The latter component was obtained by the digital processing of ASTER images. The analysis showed that the Bv (Basaltos vermelhos) soil units, with a loam-clay-sandy texture, occur on the plains (slope; 0-3%) and cover most of the study area (172.8 km2, 30.1%). This soil was rated as Class IIIs-p/f when evaluated using the land-use capability system 2ab(c), indicating that it is adequate for the cultivation of annual and even perennial crops. However there exist problems regarding the depth of the soil and its low fertility, because of this limited depth it is not recommended to use heavy mechanization. The second soil unit, which occupies a considerable portion of the study area (154.9 km2, 26.9%), consists of the coluvionares soils (C). They occur in regions with mildly to considerably undulating relief and are included in the subclass IVs-sl/so. These soils are limited by their salinity, sodicity and flood risk.MestradoAnálise Ambiental e Dinâmica TerritorialMestre em Geografi

    Nuevos datos sobre los acridoidea (Insecta: Orthoptera) del Pirineo y Prepirineo catalano-aragones

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    Hom presenta els resultats de les campanyes de recol•lecció realitzades el juliol de 1985 i 1986 a les zones pirenenca i pre-pirenenca de Girona, Osca i Lleida, que constitueixen la primera aportació al coneixement de l'acridofauna de la zona. Hom cita per segona vegada Omocestus antigai i 0. navasi.New data on the distribution of Acridoidea in Pyrenean and prepyrenean zones of Gerona, Huesca and Lerida provinces are presented. The material has been collected along july 1985 and july 1986. This paper is the first summarized work on acridological faune for the studied area. The presence of Omocestus antigai and 0. navasi is confirmed.Se presentan los resultados de las campanas acridológicas realizadas en julio de 1985 y 1986 en las zonas pirenaica y prepirenaica de las provincias de Gerona, Huesca y Lerida. Estos resultados constituyen la primera aportación de conjunto para el conocimiento de la acridofauna de la zona considerada. Se dan las segundas citas conocidas de las especies Omocestus antigai y 0. navasi

    Which Factors Favour Becoming a Technology-Based & Highly Innovative Firm? The Role of Knowledge, Technological and Managerial Capabilities, and Entrepreneurs´ Education Background

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    Which resources and capabilities ease the change to become a Technology-Based and Highly Innovative Firm –TB&amp;InnF–, focused in the creation of value to market? We analyse this question using a novel data panel assembled for 326 Spanish industrial firms, along the period 1984-2012. Our findings show the probability of becoming a TB&amp;InnF growths when firms are able to accumulate a high endowment of knowledge and technological capabilities, and a managerial team with: experience, strong power position and previous technical and managerial education. Results also indicate the CEO´s educational profile in management is preferable to a pure technical profile, because this complements firm´s knowledge and technological capabilities and enables the transformation of a scientific or technological project into a successful entrepreneurial innovation, which creates new value to market. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Enzymatic Assays and Enzyme Histochemistry of Tuta absoluta Feeding on Tomato Leaves

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    [EN] Enzymes play a key role in insect-plant relationships. For a better understanding of these interactions, we analyzed Tuta absoluta digestive enzymes. Here, we describe a detailed protocol for the detection of trypsin and papain-like enzymes in Tuta absoluta larvae by enzyme histochemistry. This assay uses frozen and unfixed samples to avoid the loss of enzymatic activity. We also describe a protocol for the quantification of trypsin and papain-like enzymes in the larvae of Tuta absoluta at different developmental instars.Rim Hamza acknowledges fellowships from the Tunisian Ministry for Higher Education and Scientific Research and from the Erasmus Mundus EMMAG program of the European Union. This work was partly supported by grants BIO2013-40747-R and AGL2014-55616-C3 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO). We wish to thank Drs. Alberto Urbaneja and Meritxell Perez-Hedo (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias, Centro de Proteccion Vegetal y Biotecnologia, Unidad Asociada de Entomologia, UJI-IVIA) for providing Tuta absoluta larvae and to Marisol Gascon (IBMCP) for technical assistance in sample processing. This protocol has been described in the publication: Hamza et al. (2018).Hamza, R.; Beltran Porter, JP.; Cañas Clemente, LA. (2018). Enzymatic Assays and Enzyme Histochemistry of Tuta absoluta Feeding on Tomato Leaves. Bio-protocol. 8(17). https://doi.org/10.21769/BioProtoc.2993S81

    Information Disclosure and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Evidence from the Spanish Tourism Industry

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    Of all the resources and capabilities that have a well-established impact on decision-making, information stands out. With the advent of the digital economy, organizations have been making significant information and communication technology (ICT) investments, but the empirical evidence of the impact of these investments on business outcomes has been inconsistent. This article studies the conditions that disclosed information resources and ICT must fulfil in order to become a source of sustainable competitive advantage in tourism organizations. The results point to the need to identify distinct financial and non-financial information dimensions, distinguished according to their direct potential for creating and maintaining competitive advantages through the improvement in relations with various stakeholders