423 research outputs found

    Pathological axes of wound repair: Gastrulation revisited

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    Post-traumatic inflammation is formed by molecular and cellular complex mechanisms whose final goal seems to be injured tissue regeneration

    A Review of metabolic staging in severely injured patients

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    An interpretation of the metabolic response to injury in patients with severe accidental or surgical trauma is made. In the last century, various authors attributed a meaning to the post-traumatic inflammatory response by using teleological arguments. Their interpretations of this response, not only facilitates integrating the knowledge, but also the flow from the bench to the bedside, which is the main objective of modern translational research. The goal of the current review is to correlate the metabolic changes with the three phenotypes -ischemia-reperfusion, leukocytic and angiogenic- that the patients express during the evolution of the systemic inflammatory response. The sequence in the expression of multiple metabolic systems that becomes progressively more elaborate and complex in severe injured patients urges for more detailed knowledge in order to establish the most adequate metabolic support according to the evolutive phase. Thus, clinicians must employ different treatment strategies based on the different metabolic phases when caring for this challenging patient population. Perhaps, the best therapeutic option would be to favor early hypometabolism during the ischemia-reperfusion phase, to boost the antienzymatic metabolism and to reduce hypermetabolism during the leukocytic phase through the early administration of enteral nutrition and the modulation of the acute phase response. Lastly, the early epithelial regeneration of the injured organs and tissues by means of an oxidative metabolism would reduce the fibrotic sequelae in these severely injured patients

    Optimising Health Emergency Resource Management from Multi-Model Databases

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    The health care sector is one of the most sensitive sectors in our society, and it is believed that the application of specific and detailed database creation and design techniques can improve the quality of patient care. In this sense, better management of emergency resources should be achieved. The development of a methodology to manage and integrate a set of data from multiple sources into a centralised database, which ensures a high quality emergency health service, is a challenge. The high level of interrelation between all of the variables related to patient care will allow one to analyse and make the right strategic decisions about the type of care that will be needed in the future, efficiently managing the resources involved in such care. An optimised database was designed that integrated and related all aspects that directly and indirectly affected the emergency care provided in the province of Jaén (city of Jaén, Andalusia, Spain) over the last eight years. Health, social, economic, environmental, and geographical information related to each of these emergency services was stored and related. Linear and nonlinear regression algorithms were used: support vector machine (SVM) with linear kernel and generated linear model (GLM), and the nonlinear SVM with Gaussian kernel. Predictive models of emergency demand were generated with a success rate of over 90%

    Fortalecimiento del aprendizaje de fracciones mediante la herramienta Wordwall en el grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Rural María Auxiliadora de Cuestecita

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    Imágenes, graficas, diagramas, tablas.El objetivo de este trabajo es fortalecer el aprendizaje de fracciones mediante la herramienta Wordwall en estudiantes de quinto grado en la Institución Educativa Rural María Auxiliadora de Cuestecita. El método consistió en diseñar e implementar una secuencia didáctica articulando Wordwall con otras estrategias activas como representaciones gráficas, aprendizaje basado en problemas y trabajo colaborativo, con base en un diagnóstico previo. Los resultados evidencian que la mayoría de estudiantes logró afianzar la identificación, representación, comparación y operación con fracciones, así como aplicarlas para resolver problemas simples de su contexto. Sin embargo, persisten dificultades en fracciones impropias y problemas complejos en un grupo menor, por lo que se requiere reforzar estos aspectos. La implementación de la herramienta Wordwall de manera articulada con otras metodologías didácticas activas e innovadoras como las mencionadas, efectivamente permite fortalecer la comprensión conceptual de las fracciones y la aplicación de este conocimiento matemático en la resolución de problemas cotidianos por parte de los estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria.The objective of this work is to strengthen the learning of fractions using the Wordwall tool in fifth grade students at the Maria Auxiliadora Rural Educational Institution of Cuestecita. The method consisted of designing and implementing a didactic sequence articulating Wordwall with other active strategies such as graphic representations, problem-based learning and collaborative work, based on a previous diagnosis. The results show that the majority of students managed to strengthen the identification, representation, comparison and operation with fractions, as well as apply them to solve simple problems in their context. However, difficulties persist in improper fractions and complex problems in a smaller group, which is why these aspects need to be reinforced. The implementation of the Wordwall tool in an articulated manner with other active and innovative teaching methodologies such as those mentioned, effectively allows strengthening the conceptual understanding of fractions and the application of this mathematical knowledge in the resolution of everyday problems by fifth grade students. of primary education

    The Amazing Power of Cancer Cells to Recapitulate Extraembryonic Functions: The Cuckoo's Tricks

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    Inflammation is implicated in tumor development, invasion, and metastasis. Hence, it has been suggested that common cellular and molecular mechanisms are activated in wound repair and in cancer development. In addition, it has been previously proposed that the inflammatory response, which is associated with the wound healing process, could recapitulate ontogeny through the reexpression of the extraembryonic, that is, amniotic and vitelline, functions in the interstitial space of the injured tissue. If so, the use of inflammation by the cancer-initiating cell can also be supported in the ability to reacquire extraembryonic functional axes for tumor development, invasion, and metastasis. Thus, the diverse components of the tumor microenvironment could represent the overlapping reexpression of amniotic and vitelline functions. These functions would favor a gastrulation-like process, that is, the creation of a reactive stroma in which fibrogenesis and angiogenesis stand out

    A Confusion Matrix for Evaluating Feature Attribution Methods

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    The increasing use of deep learning models in critical areas of computer vision and the consequent need for insights into model behaviour have led to the development of numerous feature attribution methods. However, these attributions must be both meaningful and plausible to end-users, which is not always the case. Recent research has emphasized the importance of faithfulness in attributions, as plausibility without faithfulness can result in misleading explanations and incorrect decisions. In this work., we propose a novel approach to evaluate the faithfulness of feature attribution methods by constructing an ‘Attribution Confusion Matrix’, which allows us to leverage a wide range of existing metrics from the traditional confusion matrix. This approach effectively introduces multiple evaluation measures for faithfulness in feature attribution methods in a unified and consistent framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various datasets, attribution methods, and models, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness in generating plausible and reliable explanations while also illustrating the distinct behaviour of different feature attribution methods

    A confusion matrix for evaluating feature attribution methods

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The increasing use of deep learning models in critical areas of computer vision and the consequent need for insights into model behaviour have led to the development of numerous feature attribution methods. However, these attributions must be both meaningful and plausible to end-users, which is not always the case. Recent research has emphasized the importance of faithfulness in attributions, as plausibility without faithfulness can result in misleading explanations and incorrect decisions. In this work., we propose a novel approach to evaluate the faithfulness of feature attribution methods by constructing an ‘Attribution Confusion Matrix’, which allows us to leverage a wide range of existing metrics from the traditional confusion matrix. This approach effectively introduces multiple evaluation measures for faithfulness in feature attribution methods in a unified and consistent framework. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on various datasets, attribution methods, and models, emphasizing the importance of faithfulness in generating plausible and reliable explanations while also illustrating the distinct behaviour of different feature attribution methods.This work is conducted within the NL4XAI project which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860621. This work is also supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grants PID2021-123152OB-C21, TED2021-130295B-C33 and RED2022-134315-T) and the Galician Ministry of Culture, Education, Professional Training and University (grants ED431G2019/04 and ED431C2022/19). These grants were co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER program). This work is also supported by the European Union-Horizon 2020 Program under the scheme “INFRAIA-01-2018-2019 - Integrating Activities for Advanced Communities”, Grant Agreement n.871042, “SoBigData++: European Integrated Infrastructure for Social Mining and Big Data Analytics” (http://www.sobigdata.eu) and by the Departament de Recerca i Universitats of the Generalitat de Catalunya under the Industrial Doctorate Grant DI 2018-100.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    “Estudio de un proceso de balanceado concentrado sólido a base de lactosuero.”

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    Whey is generated as a waste product from the cheese-making process; this by-product is dumped into rivers, sold, or given to small consumers to feed their animals. The possibility of taking full advantage of the whey in the production of a concentrated balance was studied, thus avoiding contamination since it has a rapid decomposition. The purpose of this work is to manufacture a whey-based balance to feed animals. This work has a descriptive approach since the characteristics of the whey were analyzed, described, and studied as a complement in the feeding of animals; also the causal or quasi-experimental method was used, variables were managed, through which data were obtained; the types of whey obtained in the cheese-making process were analyzed for their incorporation in the manufacture of balanced products; the whey's nutritional concentration was also determined for the formulation of the balance, which was incorporated into the diets of the animals after a physical-chemical analysis of the whey that was used managing to elaborate a formulation for their feeding. To know the results, two pigs were fed with the same portions of food, but with different formulations, Pig 1 was fed with the formulation based on whey plus cereal and Pig 2 with a standard balanced on the market; at the end of the stages, 77% weight gain was obtained in live kilograms in Pig 1 (82.60 kg) compared to the initial weight of 16.81 kg. in just 12 weeks with the whey-based formulation. The production costs are low, with the whey-based concentrated balance, the final production cost was 82.75 dollars, and with the standardized balance of the market, it is 104.16 dollars, a difference of 21.5 dollars than in a "Piara" is a significant saving..El proceso de elaboración de quesos genera como producto de desecho el lactosuero, este subproducto es vertido en los ríos, vendido, o regalado a pequeños consumidores para alimentar a sus animales. En este proyecto se aprovechó en su totalidad en un balanceado concentrado, evitando así la contaminación ya que, tiene una rápida descomposición. Se trata del estudio de un proceso de fabricación de balanceado a base de lactosuero para la alimentación de los animales. El presente trabajo tiene un enfoque descriptivo ya que se analizó, describió y estudio las características del lactosuero como complemento en la alimentación de animales y se usó el método causal o cuasi experimental, se manejaron variables, por medio de la cual se obtuvieron datos; se analizó los tipos de lactosuero que se obtienen en el proceso de elaboración de queso para su incorporación en la fabricación de un balanceado; también se determinó la concentración nutricional del lactosuero por medio de un análisis físico-químico para formulación del balanceado, mismo que fue incorporado en las dietas de los animales, logrando elaborar una formulación para la alimentación de estos. Para conocer los resultados se alimentaron dos Cerdos con las mismas porciones de alimento, pero con formulaciones distintas, es decir, al Cerdo 1 se lo alimento con la formulación a base de lactosuero más un cereal y al Cerdo 2 con un balanceado estándar del mercado; al final de las etapas se obtuvo un 77% de ganancia de peso en kilogramos vivo en el cerdo 1, es decir, 82,60 kg respecto al peso inicial de 16,81 kg. esto solo en 12 semanas con la formulación a base de lactosuero. Los costos de producción son bajos, con el balanceado concentrado a base de lactosuero, el costo final de producción fue de 82,75doˊlaresyconelbalanceadoyaestandarizadodelmercadofuede82,75 dólares y con el balanceado ya estandarizado del mercado fue de 104,16 dólares, una diferencia de 21,5 dólares, que en una piara o lote de cerdos es un ahorro significativ

    PMU5 prevalence and associated factors to psychotic substance use in low-income adolescents from the caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and associated factors to psychotic substance use in low-income adolescents from the Caribbean region of Colombia Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted. Adolescents between 10-24 years of age residents in 21 municipalities were randomly selected from the population affiliated to a subsidized-regime insurance company between 2014-2018. A previously constructed questionnaire was used to obtain information regarding sociodemographic variables and potential risk factors. Prevalence of lifetime use of substance abuse was assessed. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression models were used to establish associated factors. Absolute and relative frequencies were compared with the Chi2 test and continuous variables were compared with the t-test. A p value <0.050 was considered significan