3,110 research outputs found

    Aerial Base Station Deployment for Post-Disaster Public Safety Applications

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    Earthquakes and floods are constant threats to most of the countries in the world. After such catastrophes, a rapid response is needed, which includes communications not only for first responders but also for local civilians. Even though there are technologies and specialized personnel for rapid deployment, it is common that external factors will hinder the arrival of help while communication requirements are urgently required. Such communication technologies would aid tasks regarding organization and information dissemination from authorities to the civilians and vice-versa. This necessity is due to protocols and applications to allocate the number of emergency resources per location and to locate missing people. In this thesis, we investigate the deployment problem of Mobile Aerial Base Stations (MABS). Our main objective is to ensure periodic wireless communication for geographically spread User Equipment (UE) based on LTE technology. First, we establish a precedent of emergency situations where MABS would be useful. We also provide an introduction to the study and work conducted in this thesis. Second, we provide a literature review of existing solutions was made to determine the advantages and disadvantages of certain technologies regarding the described necessity. Third, we determine how MABS, such as gliders or light tactical balloons that are assumed to be moving at an average speed of 50 km/h, will be deployed. These MABS would visit different cluster centroids determined by an Affinity Propagation Clustering algorithm. Additionally, a combination of graph theory and Genetic Algorithm (GA) is implemented through mutators and fitness functions to obtain best flyable paths through an evolution pool of 100. Additionally, Poisson, Normal, and Uniform distributions are utilized to determine the amount of Base Stations and UEs. Then, for every distribution combination, a set of simulations is conducted to obtain the best flyable paths. Serviced UE performance indicators of algorithm efficiency are analyzed to determine whether the applied algorithm is effective in providing a solution to the presented problem. Finally, in Chapter 5, we conclude our work by supporting that the proposed model would suffice the needs of mobile users given the proposed emergency scenario. Adviser: Yi Qia

    Analogue-digital theaching application of new technologies to learning and continous evaluation in technical subjects in engineering and architecture higher education

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    Teaching technical subjects on Architecture and Engineering has been developed traditionally using lecture and master class methodology. During them, the professor presented the content using the resolution of practical problems as a complement for theoretical reasoning. This sessions were generally support by an analogic resource: the blackboard. In recent years, despite the introduction of new technologies in the classroom, this methodology has become more static. In most cases, explanations have been supported only by slides created with the assistance of computer programs, making into minority the use of the blackboard. This has produced the generalization of “death by PowerPoint” phaenomenon. With regard to evaluation systems, there have been no substantial changes between these two different teaching methods despite the widespread implementation of competency-based learning system introduced by European Higher Education Area (EHEA) since 1999. Learning of students continues being verified by the realization of a final exam about the theoretical and practical contents of the subject. This paper presents a teaching methodology focused on encouraging active student participation both during the course of the class and outside. The application of learning for information and communications technology (ICT) makes its essential basis. Simultaneously, a continuous evaluation system capable of maintaining the attention on the subject has been implemented. The static attendance combined with traditional evaluation systems by a final exam produces an accumulation of information by the student revised and learned just to pass the final exam. This scheme has been changed getting a higher motivation of students to the continuous learning process. This system has been applied since the 2012/2013 academic year in technical subjects of Bachelor in Architecture in the Universities of Malaga and Seville through an Educational Innovation Project financed by University of Malaga. Results obtained by this experience show an increasing involvement of students during the course of the classes as well as a better engagement during the whole semester. In addition the using of this methodology has had a positive impact on the pass rate of subjects being involved usually lower than the average of Bachelor and University degree.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad contemplados por la norma española en el desarrollo de estructuras de hormigón armado

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    A la vista de los aproximadamente 250 sistemas de evaluación voluntaria de sostenibilidad en los edificios que existen en el mundo, cómo valorar la contribución de los edificios al logro de un desarrollo más sostenible es una pregunta plenamente vigente. Aunque según los autores del anejo 13 de la EHE-08 la estructura tiene “una influencia relativa en el cómputo general de la sostenibilidad”, dado el volumen de material que supone en el conjunto del edificio, la aportación que pueden representar las decisiones que se tomen sobre ellas tiene una especial relevancia. En el marco del proyecto IESEI (Investigación sobre Edificación Sismorresistente, Eficiente e Inteligente en su ciclo de vida), esta comunicación analiza el peso de las decisiones de diseño, cálculo y elección de materiales, en la valoración de la contribución de la estructura a la sostenibilidad del edificio en el ámbito de la normativa española actual. Para alcanzar este objetivo, se analiza el carácter de las decisiones evaluadas por los once criterios de sostenibilidad contemplados en el anejo y su peso en la evaluación final. El resultado es la identificación de las decisiones más viables para incidir en la sostenibilidad de la estructura desde el diseño, cálculo, ejecución y elección de los materiales dentro de un sistema de valoración que prima los aspectos medioambientales frente a los sociales y económicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Parameterisation and reliability of the functional reach test in people who suffer stroke

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    AIM: The aim of this study is to analyse the reliability, sensitivity and specificity of the parameterisation of FRT using inertial sensors to record kinematic variables in subjects who have had a stroke. Our hypothesis is that the IS will be reliable instruments for kinematic study of the FRT. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study of 5 subjects over 65 years who suffer of stroke. During the execution of Funtional Reach Test the subjects carried two inertial sensors, one was placed in the lumbar and the other in the trunk. After analysing the data obtained in the kinematic registration by inertial sensors a number of direct and indirect variables were obtained. The variables extracted directly from FRT through the IS were distance, maximun angular lumbosacral/thoracic displacement, time maximun angular lumbosacral/thoracic displacement, time return starting position and total time. Using this data the speed and the acceleration of each one of them were calculated. A descriptive analysis of all kinematic outcomes recorded by the two inertial sensors was developed (trunk and lumbar) and the average range achieved in the FRT. Reliability measures were calculated by analysing the internal consistency the measures with 95% confidence interval of each outcome variable. The reliability was calculated in the functional reach and the outcomes measured by the IS. RESULTS: The values in the the Functional Reach Test obtained in the present study (2.06 ± 12.75cm) are similar to those obtained in other studies with this population and in the same age range. Intrasubject reliability values observed in the use of inertial sensors are all located above 0.820, ranging from 0.829 (time B_C lumbar area) and 0.891 (A_B displacement of the trunk). Likewise, the observed intersubject values range from 0.821 (Time B_C lumbar area) and 0.883 (B_C trunk displacement). On the other hand, the reliability of the FRT was 0.987 (0.983-0.992) and 0.983 (0.979-0.989) intersubject and intrasubject respectively. CONCLUSION: The main conclusion that can be reached is that the inertial sensors are a tool with excellent reliability, validity, sensitivity and specificity in the parameterisation of the Functional Reach Test in people who have had a stroke.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Thermodynamics of Small Magnetic Particles

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    In the present paper, we discuss the interpretation of some of the results of the thermodynamics in the case of very small systems. Most of the usual statistical physics is done for systems with a huge number of elements in what is called the thermodynamic limit, but not all of the approximations done for those conditions can be extended to all properties in the case of objects with less than a thousand elements. The starting point is the Ising model in two dimensions (2D) where an analytic solution exits, which allows validating the numerical techniques used in the present article. From there on, we introduce several variations bearing in mind the small systems such as the nanoscopic or even subnanoscopic particles, which are nowadays produced for several applications. Magnetization is the main property investigated aimed for two singular possible devices. The size of the systems (number of magnetic sites) is decreased so as to appreciate the departure from the results valid in the thermodynamic limit; periodic boundary conditions are eliminated to approach the reality of small particles; 1D, 2D and 3D systems are examined to appreciate the differences established by dimensionality is this small world; upon diluting the lattices, the effect of coordination number (bonding) is also explored; since the 2D Ising model is equivalent to the clock model with q=2 degrees of freedom, we combine previous results with the supplementary degrees of freedom coming from the variation of q up to q=20. Most of the previous results are numeric; however, for the case of a very small system, we obtain the exact partition function to compare with the conclusions coming from our numerical results. Conclusions can be summarized in the following way: the laws of thermodynamics remain the same, but the interpretation of the results, averages and numerical treatments need special care for systems with less than about a thousand constituents, and this might need to be adapted for different properties or devices.Fil: Vogel, Eugenio. Universidad de La Frontera; Chile. Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; ChileFil: Vargas, Patricio. Center for the Development of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Chile. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María; ChileFil: Saravia, Gonzalo. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Valdes, Julio. Universidad de La Frontera; ChileFil: Ramirez Pastor, Antonio Jose. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; ArgentinaFil: Centres, Paulo Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - San Luis. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Física Aplicada "Dr. Jorge Andrés Zgrablich"; Argentin

    Los daños personales dentro de la responsabilidad profesional del arquitecto

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    A pesar de ser conscientes de que la profesión de arquitecto puede ejercerse en numerosos campos como son la edificación, el urbanismo, Project Management... no resulta extraño observar cómo se asocia a menudo la responsabilidad profesional a la que se deriva de la Ley de Ordenación de la Edificación (LOE) y en último caso, con la que resultaría de los posibles daños provocados en los edificios colindantes a las obras. En este artículo se analiza como se puede derivar del ejercicio profesional otras responsabilidades contractuales y extracontractuales que poco o nada tienen que ver con el tamaño o el presupuesto de la obra en la que interviene el arquitecto

    El arquitecto ante la paralización de las obras.

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    El procedimiento y las consecuencias de las paralizaciones de obras son dos situaciones relativamente recurrentes en el ejercicio profesional del arquitecto a las que no se le presta siempre la importancia debida. La crisis sanitaria provocada por la irrupción de la COVID-19 y sus consecuencias en el sector de la construcción han vuelto a poner de manifiesto la necesidad de conocer y seguir unas pautas de actuación adecuadas

    Culpa y dolo en los contratos de seguros

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    La apreciación de dolo, mala fe o negligencia pueden ser una causa para que el seguro de responsabilidad civil profesional no cubra al asegurado que, en numerosa ocasiones, ignora estos aspectos en su toma de decisiones

    Análisis y valoracion de las relaciones existentes entre los indicadores de sostenibilidad y las ordenanzas de edificación de los municipios españoles

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    El concepto de sostenibilidad, o mejor dicho de desarrollo sostenible, es un concepto relativamente reciente cuya definición ha sido fruto de debates y controversias desde el mismo momento de su aparición. Paralelo al debate sobre su alcance, la profusión con que ha sido empleado el término y su práctica aplicación como calificativo de cualquier actividad o producto que se quiera defender, ha provocado un vacío de contenido que amenaza con devaluarlo. A partir del conocimiento de sus orígenes y de los distintos hitos que han ido fijando su implantación a escala global se constata que existen maneras antagónicas de entender qué representa un desarrollo sostenible. No obstante, sin decantarse por una corriente de pensamiento u otra, es posible alcanzar dos conclusiones que sirven de punto de partida al desarrollo de la investigación: en la práctica y con independencia de la idea de cada uno, el concepto de desarrollo sostenible que realmente tiene cada municipio se materializa en el conjunto de indicadores con los que se dota para analizar la evolución de su desarrollo; y el funcionamiento de las ciudades como sumideros de recursos de otros territorios y exportadoras de desechos a otros lugares hace que carezca de sentido hablar de ciudades sostenibles (y mucho más de edificios o parcelas) salvo en la medida en que éstas contribuyen a la sostenibilidad del sistema socio-económico y medioambiental. El concepto de sostenibilidad se ha concretado paulatinamente a partir de la definición de los indicadores con los que se valora en los distintos ámbitos territoriales. En las ciudades, la definición de un catálogo de indicadores ha llegado de la mano de la implantación de las Agenda 21 que, con Aalborg+10 en 2004, quedaron obligadas a “traducir nuestra visión conjunta de un futuro urbano sostenible en objetivos de sostenibilidad y acciones tangibles a nivel local”. Los sistemas de edificación están regulados, fundamentalmente, por un conjunto de normas estatales y autonómicas que, complementadas de manera directa o indirecta con las disposiciones municipales, condicionan el resultado final de la edificación que se realiza. Estas iniciativas pueden constituir una manera eficaz de traducir el objetivo de desarrollo sostenible en acciones tangibles. Esta investigación tiene por objeto establecer el conjunto de relaciones existentes entre los indicadores de sostenibilidad municipales y la normativa municipal sobre edificación residencial para definir un sistema de valoración de la coherencia entre el discurso político y las acciones reales desarrolladas por los municipios. The concept of sustainability, or rather sustainable development, is a relatively recent concept whose definition is the result of discussions and controversy from the moment of its appearance. Parallel to the debate about its scope, the profusion with which the term has been used and its practical application as qualifier of any activity or product you want to defend, has caused a void that threatens to devalue the content. From the knowledge of its origins and the different milestones which have been setting global implementation, is found that there are conflicting understandings of what sustainable development is. However, without opting for a school of thought or another, it is possible to reach two conclusions that serve as a starting point for the development of the research: in practice and regardless of the idea of each, the concept of sustainable development that really each municipality has materialized in the set of indicators that is provided to analyze the evolution of its development; and the functioning of cities as drains resources of other territories and export waste to other locations makes it meaningless to speak of sustainable cities (and more building or plots) except insofar they contribute to sustainable socio-economic and environmental system. The concept of sustainability has gradually materialized from the definition of the indicators that are valued in the different territories. In cities, the definition of a set of indicators has come from the hand of the implementation of Agenda 21, which, with Aalborg+10 in 2004, were forced to “translate our shared vision of a sustainable urban future in sustainability targets and tangible actions at the local level”. Building systems are regulated primarily by a set of state and regional regulations, that directly or indirectly supplemented with municipal regulations, determine the final result of the building being done. These initiatives can be an effective way to translate the objective of sustainable development into tangible actions. This research aims to establish the set of relationships between indicators of municipal sustainability and municipal regulations on residential construction to define a system for assessing consistency between the political discourse and the real actions performed by the municipality

    Modelling and in vivo evaluation of tendon forces and strain in dynamic rehabilitation exercises: a scoping review

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    Objectives Although exercise is considered the preferred approach for tendinopathies, the actual load that acts on the tendon in loading programmes is usually unknown. The objective of this study was to review the techniques that have been applied in vivo to estimate the forces and strain that act on the human tendon in dynamic exercises used during rehabilitation. Design Scoping review. Data sources Embase, PubMed, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched from database inception to February 2021. Eligibility criteria Cross-sectional studies available in English or Spanish language were included if they focused on evaluating the forces or strain of human tendons in vivo during dynamic exercises. Studies were excluded if they did not evaluate tendon forces or strain; if they evaluated running, walking, jumping, landing or no dynamic exercise at all; and if they were conference proceedings or book chapters. Data extraction and synthesis Data extracted included year of publication, study setting, study population characteristics, technique used and exercises evaluated. The studies were grouped by the types of techniques and the tendon location. Results Twenty-one studies were included. Fourteen studies used an indirect methodology based on inverse dynamics, nine of them in the Achilles and five in the patellar tendon. Six studies implemented force transducers for measuring tendon forces in open carpal tunnel release surgery patients. One study applied an optic fibre technique to detect forces in the patellar tendon. Four studies measured strain using ultrasound-based techniques. Conclusions There is a predominant use of inverse dynamics, but force transducers, optic fibre and estimations from strain data are also used. Although these tools may be used to make general estimates of tendon forces and strains, the invasiveness of some methods and the loss of immediacy of others make it difficult to provide immediate feedback to the individuals.This work is part of a government-funded project supported by the University Teaching Training Programme (FPU) of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain. Grant number: FPU17/00161. The University of Malaga has supported this study with the contribution of funds to support its publication in open access