1,805 research outputs found

    Ruderal Plants Providing Bees Diversity on Rural Properties

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    Many  are  the  anthropogenic  drivers  of  pollinator  decline,  but  the  loss  of  suitable  habitats, among other effects caused by agricultural intensification, deserves special attention.  Reduction  in  the  availability  of  floral  resources  negatively  affects  bee communities, compromising bee species composition, foraging behavior, corporal size, and fitness. Our study aims to understand whether the presence of herbaceous plants, acting as foraging sites, next to crops contributes to bee species richness in smallholder rural properties. Bee sampling was performed on smallholder rural properties in the municipality of Guapiara, southern São Paulo state. Individuals who visited the flowers of ruderal plants and crops were collected, using an entomological net, for ten months. A total of 61 bee species were identified, with the highest species richness being sampled in ruderal plant flowers in the three properties studied. Only in one property, ruderal plants hosted a more diverse bee assemblage (Shannon-Weiner and taxonomic diversity indices), but species composition differed from that sampled in crop plants (Jaccard index) in all properties. Thirty-two species were sampled exclusively in ruderal plants, versus 9 only in crops and 20 species in both types of plants. Pollen analysis showed that of the 22 species of bees that were sampled only on flowers of ruderal plants, 9 species carried pollen of tomato and one species of bee carried pollen of kabocha squash. Ruderal plants can provide an alternative food resource for pollinators, enabling these insects to remain in or be attracted to crop areas, where, in addition to visiting such plants, they also visit the cultivated plant flowers. Allowing coexistence between crops and ruderal plants, provided that the issues of plant health are observed, is a simple and low-cost measure for farmers and will provide both economic and environmental benefits

    Karyotypes of three species of marine catfishes from Brazil

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    Os cromossomos de 3 espécies de peixes da família Ariidae - Netuma barba, Genidens genidens e Arius parkeri - foram estudados após coloração convencional com Giemsa. As três espécies apresentaram número modal diplóide de 2n = 56. O cariótipo de N. barba compreende 18 pares de cromossomos metacentricos (m), 18 submetacêntricos (sm), 18 subtelocêntricos (st) e 2 telocêntricos (t); o de G. genidens compreende 12 pares m, 20 sm, 20 st e 41; o de A.parkeri compreende 16 m, 16 sm, 22 st e 2 t. Os resultados obtidos são comparados entre si e com os de outros ariídeos encontrados na literatura.The chromosomes of three species of fishes belonging to the family Ariidae -Netuma barba, Genidens genidens and Amis parkeri - were studied after conventional Giemsa staining. All three species have a diploid chromosome number of 2n = 56. The karyotype comprises 18 metacentric (m), 18 submetacentric (sm), 18 subtelocentric (st) and 2 telocentric (t) pairs for N. barba; 12 m, 20 sm, 20 st and 41 pairs for G. genidens; 16 m, 16 sm, 22 st and 21 pairs for A. parkeri. The results obtained from these three species are compared with each other and with those found in literature

    Aspectos clínicos e sorológicos de 47 pacientes com paracoccidioidomicose tratados pela anfotericina B

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    In the present study, clinic and serologic aspects of 47 paracoccidioidomycosis patients were reviewed. The clinic-radiologie-laboratorial data of each patient were obtained from the medical chart before, during and after therapy with Amphotericin B. The age of the patients ranged between 13 to 50 years; the ratio male: female was 10:1. The most frequently associated diseases were alcoholism and tabagism; tuberculosis was present in 14.2% of the cases. Most patients came from Botucatu of adjacent towns (central area of the State of São Paulo). Cough with sputum production, dyspnea and anorexia were the most frequent clinic manifestations. All 47 patients, but 5 presented pulmonary involvement which showed the radiologic pattern of interstitial exudate nodular type and fibrocicatritial lesions in 85.7%. There was associated emphysema in 37.7% of the patients. Blood urea, creatinin and kaliemia increased during therapy with Amphotericin B. Clinic-laboratorial follow-up showed electrocardiographic changes in 13, hypertension in 9 and hyperreactivity in Thorn test in 1 patient. Complement fixation was the best serologic test for monitoring patients with paracoccidioidomycosis. Incomplete dosage of Amphotericin B led to therapeutic ineffectivenes

    Are parental physical activity and social support associated with adolescents’ meeting physical activity recommendations?

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    OBJETIVE: To verify whether parental physical activity and social support are associated with adolescents meeting physical activity recommendations. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study which selected 1,390 adolescents (59.6% girls) from Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. The IPAQ (International Physical Activity Questionnaire), QAFA (Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescents), and ASAFA (Social Support for Physical Activity Practice in Adolescents) questionnaires were applied. Binary logistic regression was used to test the relationship among the study variables. RESULTS: For boys, having parents who “always offer assistance” (OR = 1.96; 95%CI: 1.16–3.32) and having parents or legal guardians who meet the PA recommendations (OR = 2.78; 95%CI: 1.76–4.38) were associated with meeting the PA recommendations. Odds were greater after adjusting for socioeconomic status (OR = 3.47; 95%CI: 1.73–6.96) and schooling level (OR = 4.20; 95%CI: 1.96–9.02). For girls, those with parents or legal guardians who “sometimes encourage them” (OR = 0.61; 95%CI: 0.37–0.98) had lower odds of meeting PA recommendations. These odds were higher after adjusting for socioeconomic status (OR = 2.11; 95%CI: 1.36–3.29) and schooling level (OR = 4.30; 95%CI: 2.41–7.69). CONCLUSIONS: Boys and girls were more likely to meet PA recommendations daily by having parents met PA recommendations than by receiving parental social support. These results could help establish future interventions aimed at modifying behaviors related to PA in adolescents

    Translation and validation of Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale

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    Introduction: The evaluation of patients with hyperhidrosis (HH) can be accomplished, among other ways, through questionnaires and scales. The Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) has been used as a simple and quick tool to perform this evaluation. Although HDSS has been well established in several languages, it has not been translated into Portuguese, restricting its specific use for Brazilian patients. The aim of this study was to translate HDSS into Portuguese and validate it in a sample of Brazilian subjects. Method: 290 Brazilian patients (69% women, with a mean age of 28.7±9.6 years and BMI 22.4±3.9 kg/m2) diagnosed with HH were evaluated using HDSS, Quality of Life Questionnaire (QLQ) and Sweating Evolution Questionnaire (SEQ) before and after a five-week oxybutynin treatment. Regarding validation, an association between HDSS results and two other questionnaires was performed. To analyze HDSS sensitivity, evaluation of effects pre- and post-treatment with oxybutynin was conducted. Furthermore, HDSS reproducibility was analyzed in a subsample in which the scale was applied again after 7 days of the first follow-up appointment. Results: There was statistical correlation between HDSS and QLQ and between HDSS and SEQ before treatment and after 5 weeks. Additionally, HDSS was reproducible and sensitive to clinical changes after the treatment period. Conclusion: The Portuguese version of HDSS has been validated and shown to be reproducible in a Brazilian sample. Therefore it can be used as a tool to improve medical assistance in patients with HH

    Notes on electropherograms of eye-lens, muscle proteins and zymograms of muscle esterases of fish collected during the first Brazilian expedition to the Antarctica

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    A preliminary study was carried out on electropherograms of eye-lens, muscle proteins and zymograms of muscle esterases of ten Notothenia larseni, six Notothenia nudifrons and one lanternfish, Electrona antarctica. The fish were collected by the R/V "Prof. W. Besnard" of the Institute of Oceanography, University of São Paulo, during the First Brazilian Expedition to Antarctica. Eye-lens proteins were analysed on cellulose acetate membrane, muscle proteins and esterases on gel of polyaorylamide. Eye-lens proteins showed three types of electropherograms for N. larseni, and two types for N. nudifrons. One of the electropherograms of N. larseni can be readily distinguished from those of N. nudifrons. Electropherograms of muscle proteins of N. larseni and N. nudifrons are very similar and, consist of sixteen to seventeen fractions. Electropherograms of muscle proteins of N. larseni are severely affected by the conservation of the extracts overnight under -20ºC. All N. nudifrons were of the same zymograms of esterases while those of N. larseni varied. Electropherograms of eye-lens and muscle proteins as well as zymograms of esterases of the lanternfish are different from those of nototheniids.Foi realizado um estudo preliminar sobre eletroferogramas de proteínas de cristalino e de músculo esquelético, e zimogramas de esterases de músculo esquelético de dez Notothenia larseni, seis Notothenia nudifrons e de um peixe-lanterna, Electrona antarctica. Os peixes foram coletados pelo N/Oc. "Prof. W. Besnard" do Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo durante a I Expedição Brasileira à Antártica. As proteinas do cristalino foram analisadas em membranas de acetato de celulose, enquanto que as proteínas e esterases do músculo esquelético, em gel de poliacrilamida. As proteínas do cristalino apresentam três tipos distintos de eletroferogramas para N. larseni, e dois para N. nudifrons. Um dos eletroferogramas de N. larseni, pode ser prontamente distinguido dos de N. nudifrons. Eletrof erogramas de proteínas de músculo de N. larseni e de N. nudifrons são muito semelhantes e consistem de 16 a 17 frações. Os eletroferogramas de proteínas de músculo de N. larseni são severamente afetados pela preservação dos extratos por uma noite a -20ºC. Todos os N. nudifrons apresentam um mesmo zimograma de esterases enquanto que os de N. larseni variam. Tanto os eletroferogramas de proteínas do cristalino e do músculo como os zimogramas de esterases do peixe-lanterna são diferentes dos apresentados pelos nototeniideos

    Field Dependence/Independence and its Relationship to Schema Utilization during Discourse Processing

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    This study investigated the relationship between field dependence/independence and the ability to utilize prior knowledge during discourse processing. A sample population of thirty-one eighth grade students were given the Group Embedded Figures Test, a measure of field dependence/independence, and one of two narrative passages designed to measure the degree to which an individual utilizes prior knowledge. The scores of these two measures were analyzed to determine if there was a significant difference between the field dependents and the field independents in their performance on the constrained and unconstrained passages, measuring schema utilization. A significant difference was found in the mean score of the two groups on the constrained passage, no difference was found in their performance on the unconstrained passage. This analysis leads to the conclusion that in this testing population of eighth graders, the field independent students were better able to utilize their prior knowledge to comprehend a written passage than the field dependent students

    [ideal Number Of Children As A Risk Factor For Tubal Ligation].

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    The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the association between ideal number of children (INC) and female sterilization. A nested case-control study was performed through a secondary analysis of data from a cohort study on the reproductive health of women in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 3,878 women were included, 1,012 being sterilized (cases). The relationship between INC and number of live births (LB) was divided in two categories (INC > LB and INC < or = LB). The relative risks of performing tubal ligation were calculated (odds ratio) with their respective 95% confidence intervals for the relation INC/LB and all control variables. All predictor variables were included in a logistic regression model in order to identify the factors independently associated with female sterilization. The results showed that the risks of tubal ligation were higher among women with INC < or = LB, higher age, with partners, higher family income, more than two previous pregnancies, more deliveries, fewer abortions, and without paid work.201565-7

    Aplicação prática do PGRCC nas construções da cidade do Recife

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    É incontestável a importância da construção civil para a economia global, com efeitos multiplicadores gera a cada emprego direto, no mínimo quatro indiretos, trazendo efeitos positivos para a balança comercial dos países (ABIKO et al, 2005), por outro lado é uma das indústrias que mais impacta o meio ambiente, sendo responsável por 50% do CO2 lançado na atmosfera e em torno da metade dos resíduos sólidos gerados no mundo. No Brasil com o intuito de melhorar a gestão de resíduos foram criadas legislações específicas através da Resolução CONAMA 307/2002 e da Lei 12.305/2010, trazendo, entre outros, o Programa Integrado de Gestão de Resíduos de Construção e Racionalização dos Processos Produtivos induzindo numa melhoria na qualidade de vida da população, através do controle da poluição e contaminação do ar, da água e do solo provocada pela inadequada remoção, tratamento e destinação final dos resíduos sólidos. O objetivo deste artigo é aplicar um Check-List do Programa de Gestão de Resíduos na Construção Civil, que foi desenvolvido de acordo com a legislação e normas vigentes pela Ambitec-Grupo de Pesquisa de Engenharia Aplicada ao Meio Ambiente da Universidade de Pernambuco. Para tal, foi escolhido um empreendimento em andamento na cidade de Recife na qual foi monitorado e avaliado