459 research outputs found

    The contribution of Georg Simmel to the configuration of the critical theory

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    El objetivo fundamental es mostrar cómo el análisis que Georg Simmel hace de la Modernidad es un antecedente que influirá decisivamente en la configuración de la que es conocida, desde el célebre ensayo de Horkheimer, como Teoría Crítica. Para sus representantes y defensores, aunque no solo, la contribución simmeliana, cuantitativa y cualitativamente, no pasó desapercibida y favoreció la conformación de dicha teoría de diversas maneras, bien para darle continuidad, bien para criticarla, o para complementarla, pero siempre contribuyendo a su proyección y consolidación ulteriorThe fundamental objective is to show how Georg Simmel’s analysis of Modernity is an antecedent that will decisively influence the configuration of what is known, from the celebrated essay by Horkheimer, as Critical Theory. For its representatives and defenders, though not only, the Simmel’s contribution, quantitatively and qualitatively, did not go unnoticed and favored the conformation of said theory in different ways, either to give continuity, to criticize it, or to complement it, but always contributing to its projection and further consolidatio

    Baudelaire y la moda: notas sobre la gravedad de lo frívolo

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    Charles Baudelaire's references about fashion, gravity in the frivolous, ("gravité dans le frivole") suggest a new awareness about it. Fashion as an artificial paradise with which to dress fashionably in modernity. Fashion as a modern attitude: as a way of thinking, feeling and acting in modernity. Ultimately, fashion as the eternal task that exudes from transitory, as a way of correspondence in the transfiguration of the commonplace.Las referencias de Charles Baudelaire sobre la moda, la gravedad en lo frívolo, sugieren una nueva conciencia sobre ella. La moda como un paraíso artificial con el que vestirse de moderno en la modernidad. La moda como actitud moderna: como modo de pensar, de sentir y actuar en la modernidad. En definitiva, la moda como tarea que destila lo eterno desde lo transitorio, como modo de correspondencia en la transfiguración del lugar común

    La ciudad como texto y pretexto. De la estética metropolitana a las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas

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    El título sugiere ya una lectura del devenir de la ciudad en el último siglo. La irrupción de la metrópolis, en condiciones de una lograda aunque no siempre efectiva mayoría de edad, a principios del siglo XX, y la necesidad o querencia moderna por abordarla desde los distintos ámbitos epistémicos (antropología, sociología, historia, estética, arquitectura,…) hizo de ella el texto en el que se acrisolaron las diferentes texturas de una modernidad que fue perdiendo progresiva y lamentablemente su agitada y experiencial condición metropolitana inicial en favor de un perfil más funcional, racional, y también frío e impersonal. Así, en las tres últimas décadas, además de la impugnación postmoderna de la reducción urbanística de la ciudad, las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas, con sus gestos, han ido apropiándose del texto ciudad como pretexto. La ciudad ha sido invocada de nuevo para reactivar, cuando no iniciar, discursos y reflexiones estéticas que van más allá de la estricta acción y condición artística. Se reaviva el potencial político, que desde la antropología y sociología de los procesos estéticos recorrió buena parte del siglo XX, pero en una apelación a una trama multidisciplinar y rizomática más propia del XXI que no pierde de vista el difícil equilibrio entre el soberanismo monumental y la actitud libertaria de resistencia de lo acontecimental (Veyne). Muestra de ello es el doble rearme del significado artístico tanto desde las poéticas de la acción como de la recepción estética. El hacer de Spencer Tunick o Banksy —por citar dos jóvenes lenguajes y artistas— tanto para su, nunca mejor dicho, plástica práctica como para devolverle a la ciudad la porosidad perdida tras las pátinas del orden y la racionalidad International Style (Banham, Le Corbusier). Unas prácticas artísticas que potencian visualmente la condición efímera del hombre y de la ciudad insertando una discontinuidad y fragmentariedad más acorde con el imaginario actual del arte —líquido (Bauman), sombra (Perniola), complot (Baudrillard),…—. Prácticas, finalmente, que también entroncan o recuperan la metrópolis-texto (Benjamin, Simmel, Grosz) reabriendo la reflexión sobre las condiciones históricas, sociales, antropológicas en las que la ciudad sigue desvelándose, por el poder de las imágenes, como el espacio en el que las experiencias artísticas se forman y en el que las estéticas se constituyen dando cuenta de la sensibilidad contemporánea y de la transformación de las ciudades, de los hombres y de sus relacionesThe title already evokes a reading of the city’s development over the last century. The inrush of the metropolis, under a successful though not always effective age of majority, at the beginning of the 20th century, and the need or modern willingness to tackle it from different epistemic environments (anthropology, sociology, history, aesthetics, architecture…) made it the text which the different textures refined, those of a modernity that started to sadly and progressively lose its initial agitated and experimental metropolitan condition in favor of a more functional, rational, as well as cold and impersonal profile. Thus, in the last three decades, besides the postmodern contestation of the city's urban reduction, the contemporary artistic practices, with their gestures, have been keeping the city text as a pretext text. The city has been invoked again to reactivate, when not to initiate, discourse and aesthetic reflections that go beyond the strict artistic action and condition. The political potential, which travelled throughout the 20th century from anthropology and sociology, is brought back to life, but with an appeal to a multidisciplinary plot typical of the 21st century, which never loses sight of the complicated balance between the monumental sovereignty and the libertarian attitude of the happening´s resistance (Veyne). Proof of that is the double rearmament of the artistic meaning from both the action poetics and the aesthetic reception. The doing of Tunick or Bansky ―just to cite two young languages and artists― for their, for lack of a better word, plastic practice and their giving back to the city the lost porosity after the patina’s order and the rationality of the International Style (Bahnam, Le Corbusier.) Artistic practices that visually boost the ephemeral condition of men and the city, inserting a discontinuity and fragmentation more in harmony with the imaginary of the art ―liquid (Bauman), shadow (Perniola), complot (Baudrillard)...―. Practices, finally, which are also related and recuperate the metropolis-text (Benjamin, Simmel, Grosz) reopening reflections about the historic, social and anthropological conditions, in which the city continues to develop thanks to the power of images, as well as the space in which the artistic expressions are being formed and in which the aesthetics is constituted, considering the contemporary sensitivity and the transformation of cities, men, and their relation

    The goddess is present: Marina Abramovic. Body and Event

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    Casi empujados por algunos pensamientos de Nietzsche y Wittgenstein recorreremos tanto la liturgia del acontecimiento como la letra del cuerpo: la diosa está presente. Marina Abramovic, diosa de la performance, gobierna, aun cuando solo quepa guardar silencio, en la trama indisoluble entre vida y arte. Más allá de las implicaciones estético-artísticas de su The artist is present, ella sigue presente más allá del documento; ella reina -como nadie y como nunca- en el acontecimiento: el súbdito ya aprendió, y también en su cuerpo, pues como decía el poeta, "solo en el peligro reside lo salvífico". Referente inequívoco para una antropología y sociología de los procesos estético-artísticos Marina Abramovic abre el territorio del cuerpo al acontecimiento, trazando distintos itinerarios (estéticos, artísticos, semióticos, políticos…). Abramovic es la reina, ese es el axioma... y con Nietzsche cabe decir: "A los despreciadores del cuerpo quiero decirles una palabra. Su despreciar constituye su apreciar"Almost pushed by some Nietzsche and Wittgenstein thoughts we will go through the liturgy of the event as well as the letter of the body: the goddess is present. Marina Abramovic, the performance goddess, governs, even if only to keep silence, in the insoluble plot between life and art. Beyond the aesthetic-artistic implications of her The artist is present, she continues to be present beyond the document; she reigns asnobodyhas done before in the event. The subject has already learned and also in its own body, since as the poet said 'only in the danger resides the salvific'. Unequivocal reference for an anthropology and sociology of the aesthetic- artistic processes, Marina Abramovic opens up the territory of the body to the event, outlining distinct itineraries (aesthetic, artistic, semiotic, political…). Abramovic is the queen, that is the axiom…and as Nietzsche writes: 'To the despisers of the body I want to tell them one word. Their despise constitutes their appreciate

    Museo y regímenes del arte

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    SIAM. Series Iberoamericanas de Museología. Año 3, Vol.

    Una propuesta didáctica para optimización dinámica: el caso del cálculo de variaciones y la teoría de control

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    El presente artículo presenta las características de un proyecto de evaluación de una propuesta didáctica. Posteriormente se concentra en una parte del mismo correspondiente a la evaluación a través de un cuestionario. Se diseñaron instrumentos didácticos para apoyar la construcción de los estudiantes de los conceptos de funcional y variación, además de las técnicas de solución de problema de Optimización Dinámica, usando la Teoría APOE como marco teórico. Después de la instrucción se usó un cuestionario para analizar las construcciones de los alumnos al final del curso. Los alumnos avanzaron en la construcción de estos conceptos en relación con las observaciones en otros cursos, aunque los resultados relacionados con el concepto de funcional y la relación entre conceptos son menos satisfactorios

    Application of Unity Netcode for GameObjects in the production of an online multiplayer fighting game in 3D

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2022/2023Video games are, without a doubt, an endless source of memorable experiences. Multiplayer video games, in my experience, have been the purveyors of many of these moments. Sharing those moments with friends allows you to have a good time with them. It has always been a personal challenge for me to one day make an online game because of what I owe to these types of games. This project consists of developing a fighting video game with 3D graphics in Unity [31] using its new native package, Netcode for GameObjects [22]. The game uses matchmaking [17] to connect players who are looking for an opponent at the same time and uses a dedicated server [15] to increase security. Additionally, the movement is client-authoritative [28] to preserve fluency. It is also interesting to implement local multiplayer [1] in this genre. The game is intended to be adapted at some point to the Rollback Netcode [7] method, an efficient way used by professional games to reduce the impact of lag, although it is costly to implement due to the use of AI and customization of the engine’s render pipeline [29]. This report will summarize both the creative process of the game itself and the technical requirements that had to be researched to achieve it

    The Dark Side of the Self-Determination Theory and Its Influence on the Emotional and Cognitive Processes of Students in Physical Education

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    Amongst the main objectives of physical education (PE) classes is the consolidation of healthy lifestyle habits in young people and adolescents. Nonetheless, these classes can also provide the basis from which adverse experiences are generated which affect students’ perceptions of these classes. Previously conducted studies have focused on motivational processes and not on emotional processes, nor on the way in which students learn. The objective of the present study was to explore the dark side of the self-determination theory, its influence on emotional intelligence and the meta-cognitive strategies of students. Methodology: A total of 1602 young people undertaking secondary education participated, with self-reported ages between 13 and 19 years. The following questionnaires were utilized: Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale, Frustration of Psychological Needs in PE classes Scale, Emotional Intelligence in PE Scale and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire. A structural equation model was developed which explained causal associations between the study variables. Results: Psychological control positively predicted each one of the sub-factors of frustration of psychological needs. Frustration of psychological needs negatively predicted emotional intelligence. Finally, emotional intelligence positively predicted meta-cognitive thinking. Conclusions: The influence and importance of the teaching style adopted by teachers is indicated, in addition to the effect of students’ psychological experiences on emotions and learning strategie

    Factorial Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) in Spain

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    The objective of the present study was to validate and adapt the Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-Stigma (AAQ-S) to the Spanish context. Method: The study included the participation of 1212 subjects, with an average age of 17.12 years old. Results: The confirmatory factorial analysis revealed a number of adequate fit indices for the new version of the scale χ2/df = 3.24; Comparative Fit Index = 0.96; Incremental Fit Index = 0.96; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation = 0.060; Standardized Root Mean Square Residual = 0.035, in which the factorial structures displayed gender invariance. The two factors comprise the scale both exhibited high internal consistency (+0.90) and temporal stability. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the AAQ-S proved to be a robust and adequate psychometric instrument. In this sense, future lines of research focused on determining the role of psychological flexibility in stigma and the processes of change at the base of interventions could benefit substantially from the use of AAQ-S
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