157 research outputs found

    Más interculturalidad en tiempos de crisis

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    Statistical and dynamical downscaling of precipitation over Spain from DEMETER seasonal forecasts

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    Statistical and dynamical downscaling methods are tested and compared for downscaling seasonal precipitation forecasts over Spain from two DEMETER models: the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the UK Meteorological Office (UKMO). The statistical method considered is a particular implementation of the standard analogue technique, based on close neighbours of the predicted atmospheric geopotential and humidity fields. Dynamical downscaling is performed using the Rossby Centre Climate Atmospheric model, which has been nested to the ECMWF model output, and run in climate mode for six months. We first check the performance of the direct output models in the period 1986–1997 and compare it with the results obtained applying the analogue method. We have found that the direct outputs underestimate the precipitation amount and that the statistical downscaling method improves the results as the skill of the direct forecast increases. The highest skills – relative operating characteristic skill areas (RSAs) above 0.6 – are associated with early and late spring, summer and autumn seasons at zero- and one-month lead times. On the other hand, models have poor skill during winter with the exception of the El Niño period (1986–1988), especially in the south of Spain. In this case, high RSAs and economic values have been found. We also compare statistical and dynamical downscaling during four seasons, obtaining no concluding result. Both methods outperform direct output from DEMETER models, but depending on the season and on the region of Spain one method is better than the other. Moreover, we have seen that dynamical and statistical methods can be used in combination, yielding the best skill scores in some cases of the study

    Central de bomberos para la capacitación y servicio bomberil en el distrito de Santa María, provincia de Huaura, 2020

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    El Cuerpo General de Bomberos Voluntarios del Perú (C.G.B.V.P.) es institución encargada de prevenir, controlar y extinguir los incendios, atención emergencias médicas, accidentes vehiculares, rescate y salvataje de vidas q estén expuestas algún peligro, realiza sus atenciones de manera voluntaria por vocación de servicio, disciplina y entrega. El CGBVP tiene un radio de acción que abarca todo el territorio nacional, inclu las zonas que están desprotegidas. Durante todo el tiempo de presencia Bomberil en la Provincia de Huaura, compañía no ha recibido el apoyo suficiente en temas de infraestructura y Logísti por consiguiente, la elaboración de la presente tesis, en la que se toma en cuen las deficiencias que presentan en la actualidad, tanto en infraestructura, mobilia y logística. Como resultado a toda la investigación proponemos un proyec arquitectónico que brinde a la institución una edificación en la que pueda ejerc sus funciones de salvaguardar, instrucción y esparcimiento. Es nuestra pretensión de mejorar las condiciones y realidad institucional de Compañía de Bomberos N°20

    Un hasta pronto, un saludo y un adiós

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    Artículo en dos idiomas: español y alemánPresentación del número por parte de sus editores

    Multi-objective optimization for understanding tree design rules with finite element modelling.

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    This research presents an optimization problem, which aims to understand the inherent design rules of the shape of a tree. It makes use of a classical optimization problem, the Nowacki beam, which consists of a cantilever beam with a point load at the end which seeks to obtain the lowest cross-sectional area and bending stress under a set of constraints [1]. Forrester et al. developed an algorithm to address this problem [2] by means of machine learning techniques. They began defining the beam properties and building a distributed random sampling plan and then computed the objective function and constraint functions. The process starts from an initially computed dataset that is used to train Kriging models, which are later used as a filling strategy, and genetic algorithms, as an optimization strategy. The result of each iteration is added to the dataset, and the process is repeated until convergence is found. In this way, the Pareto front with the optimal solutions is obtained.&nbsp

    Neue Wege, mehr Interkulturalität

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    The Benzú rockshelter: a Middle Palaeolithic site on the North African coast

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    The rockshelter of Benzu ´ has a Middle–Upper Pleistocene stratigraphic sequence with ten levels, seven with evidence of human occupation. Speleothems have been dated by U/Th and the sedimentary levels by OSL and TL, showing that the sequence extends from 250 ka to 70 ka. In this paper, we summarise the results of geomorphology, chronostratigraphy and excavation, and provide preliminary results on the pollen, faunal and lithic remains. The location of the site on the North African coast of the Strait of Gibraltar offers the potential to throw light on contacts and relationships between prehistoric communities in North Africa and the South Iberian Peninsula, for whom the Strait may have served as a bridge rather than a barrier

    Composición vegetal, preferencias alimenticias y abundancia de Biblidinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en un fragmento de bosque seco tropical en el departamento del Atlántico, Colombia

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    Se analizó la variación espacio-temporal de la abundancia de las mariposas de la subfamilia Biblidinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en un fragmento de Bs-T en la Reserva Campesina La Montaña (RCM), Atlántico, Colombia; desde enero hasta agosto de 2011. Se marcaron cuatro puntos dentro del área de estudio, donde se ubicaron trampas Van Someren–Rydon cebadas con calamar en descomposición, fruta fermentada y con una mezcla de los anteriores cebos. Adicionalmente, se realizó una caracterización de la vegetación por punto, para lo cual se tomaron datos de diámetro a la altura del pecho (DAP), altura y tamaño de la copa para todas aquellas plantas leñosas con DAP mayor o igual a 2,5 cm. Se capturaron 76 individuos agrupados en seis especies y cuatro géneros; destacándose Hamadryas februa (Hübner) como la más dominante con 32 individuos. El mes de marzo presentó la mayor riqueza y abundancia (6 especies y 25 individuos) durantes las primeras lluvias en la zona. El punto 3 presentó los valores más altos de diversidad y abundancia de Biblidinae (5 especies y 37 individuos) y la mayor densidad de árboles (D= 0,28 individuos/m2). Se demuestra que la estructura de este grupo de mariposas presenta un patrón temporal y espacial en esta reserva. El análisis de componentes principales demostró que el área basal total (ABT) y la Densidad (D) de plantas leñosas, pueden considerarse como un factor determinante en la distribución y abundancia de las especies de la subfamilia Biblidinae en la RCM.The abundance and spatio-temporal variation of butterflies of the Biblidinae subfamily (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in a fragment of Tropical dry forest at the Reserva Campesina La Montaña (RCM), Atlántico, Colombia; from January until August 2011, was analyzed. Within the study area four points were marked; Van Someren-Rydon traps were placed.in each point using rotten squid, fermented fruit and a mixture of both as bait. In addition, a characterization of the vegetation by point was performed, taking data of the diameter to the breast height (DBH), height and size of treetop of all woody plants with a DBH greater than or equal to 2.5 cm. In total 76 butterfly individuals grouped in six species and four genera were captured; being Hamadryas februa (Hübner) the most dominant with 32 individuals. The greatest richness and abundance was recorded in March (6 species and 25 individuals), during the first rains in the study area. The point 3 presented the highest values of diversity and abundance (five species and 37 individuals) of Biblidinae and the higher density of trees (D= 0,28 individuals/m2). The structure of this butterflies group presents a spatio-temporal pattern in this reserve. The principal components analysis showed that the total basal area (ABT) and the density (D) of woody plants, can be considered a determining factor in the distribution and abundance of species of the subfamily Biblidinae at the RCM