197 research outputs found

    The Impact of the PI3K/Akt Signaling Pathway in Anxiety and Working Memory in Young and Middle-Aged PDK1 K465E Knock-In Mice

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    Dysfunction and dysregulation at the genetic, neural, and behavioral levels point at the fine-tuning of broadly spread networks as critical for a wide array of behaviors and mental processes through the life span. This brain-based evidence, from basic to behavioral neuroscience levels, is leading to a new conceptualization of mental health and disease. Thus, the Research Domain Criteria considers phenotypic differences observed among disorders as explained by variations in the nature and degree of neural circuitry disruptions, under the modulation of several developmental, compensatory, environmental, and epigenetic factors. In this context, we aimed to describe for the first time the in vivo behavioral impact of tweaking the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway known to play an essential role in the regulation of cellular processes, leading to diverse physiological responses. We explored the effects in young (YA, 3-4 months of age) and mature (MA, 11-14 months of age) male and female PDK1 K465E knock-in mice in a battery of tests under different anxiogenic conditions. The results evidenced that the double mutation of the PDK1 pleckstrin homology (PH) domain resulted in an enhancement of the negative valence system shown as an increase of responses of fear- and anxiety-like behaviors in anxiogenic situations. Interestingly, this seemed to be specific of YA and found regulated at middle age. In contrast, cognitive deficits, as measured in a spatial working memory task, were found in both YA and MA mutants and independently of the level of their anxious-like profiles. These distinct age- and function-dependent impacts would be in agreement with the distinct cortical and limbic deficits in the Akt signaling in the brain we have recently described in these same animals. The elicitation of age- and neuronal-dependent specific patterns suggests that fine-tuning the intensity of the PKB/Akt signal that enables diverse physiological response has also its in vivo translation into the negative valence system and age is a key regulatory factor

    La Rehabilitación Fluvial en el Ámbito Urbano. Estudio de caso: El río Isuela

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    La degradación de los ríos a su paso por las áreas urbanas, es un problema que suscita cada vez mayor preocupación debido al impacto negativo que tienen las actividades antrópicas en dichos ecosistemas fluviales. De este modo a causa del incremento de la urbanización, surge la necesidad de atender de modo específico aquellos tramos de ríos que discurren por un área urbana, así como los impactos adversos que padecen. En el presente trabajo, se ha llevado a cabo una propuesta de rehabilitación fluvial del río Isuela a su paso por el área urbana de la ciudad de Huesca. Para ello, se ha realizado un diagnóstico de la situación mediante el análisis de las características hidrogeomorfológicas, e identificación y valoración de los diferentes impactos y afecciones negativas producidas por el espacio urbano. Posteriormente se ha presentado una serie de propuestas y medidas, para llevar a cabo su posible proceso de rehabilitación fluvial

    Características odontológicas de la parálisis cerebral. Precauciones para su tratamiento

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    Se revisan las características odontológicas de la parálisis cerebral, tanto de estructuras duras como blandas

    Automatización de la célula de fabricación

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    Dicho proyecto ha sido enfocado a la automatización de la célula de fabricación localizada en los laboratorios de la Universidad mediante autómatas programables de Rockwell Automation, la comunicación será realizada mediante el protocolo Ethernet/Ip . La finalidad de este es comprender el funcionamiento del software así como llevar a cabo la programación de diferentes estaciones de trabajo tanto individual como conjuntamente. Al mismo tiempo se ha elaborado un manual de prácticas el cual será destinado a la asignatura impartida por el profesor "Ramón Piedrafita Moreno"

    Corn (Zea mais L.) sowing quality in the province of Corrientes, Argentina

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    In three departments of the Corrientes province, the performance of 6 seeders was evaluated during corn sowing at three different speeds for each machine. A randomized complete block design was used with nested treatments arrangement. A seeder factor (6 types), a speed factor (3 levels) and three blocks determined a total of 54 experimental units. As for the speed factor, the first level corresponds to speed 2 (Sp 2) which the operator regularly uses. The second level and the third level correspond to a lower speed (Sp 1) and a higher speed (Sp 3) respectively which were used for this study. The equidistance between seeds and sowing depth were analysed as the response variable. Conclusions: 1) Four of the six seeders studied at three chosen speeds showed no differences regarding seed deposition. This was observed considering significant differences between sowing depth and seed spacing in a given line. 2) The two methodologies used to evaluate sowing efficiency, i.e. the coefficient of variation (CV) and the ISO 7256-1 standard, showed differences in evaluation. The second technique was more accurate since no differences between treatments were found with the CV. 3) According to these results, it is possible to conclude that the corn sowing quality in the Corrientes province is acceptable at the sowing speeds used by the contractors.En tres departamentos de la provincia de Corrientes, se evaluaron el desempeño de 6 sembradoras durante la siembra de maíz a tres distintas velocidades para cada máquina. El diseño experimental fue en bloques completos aleatorizados con arreglo anidados de tratamientos, siendo un factor sembradora (6 tipos) y otro factor velocidad (3 niveles) y tres bloques lo que determinó un total de 54 unidades experimentales. Se analizaron como variable respuesta, la equidistancia entre semillas y la profundidad de siembra. Conclusiones: 1) La mayoría de las sembradoras estudiadas a tres velocidades, no mostraron diferencias en la calidad de deposición de la semilla expresado como diferencias significativas entre la profundidad de siembra y el distanciamiento entre las mismas dentro de la línea. 2) Las dos metodologías utilizadas para evaluar la eficiencia de siembra (coeficiente de variación (CV) y norma ISO 7256-1) mostraron diferencias de evaluación, siendo más exigente esta segunda técnica ya que con el (CV) no se encon-traron diferencias entre tratamientos. 3) De acuerdo con los resultados encontrados es posible concluir que la calidad de siembra de maíz en la provincia de Corrientes es aceptable a las velocidades de siembra utilizadas por los contratistas.EEA Concepción del UruguayFil: Pozzolo, Oscar Ruben. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Concepción del Uruguay; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias; ArgentinaFil: Hidalgo, Ramón Jesús. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Domínguez, José Fabio. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; ArgentinaFil: Giménez, Laura. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias; Argentin

    Agronomic Behavior of Cenchrus purpureus Varieties Tolerant to Salinity

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    A study was made at the Experimental Station of Pastures and Forages, at the Jorge Dimitrov Agricultural Research Institute to determine the effect of cutting age (60, 90, 120 days), and cultivar (CT-500 and CT-115) of new varieties of Cenchrus purpureus on some yield components . The effects of cutting age (3), cultivar (2), and their interaction (3 x 2), on yields and some agronomic variables were controlled by a randomized block design. Interaction did not to affect the morphological variables of leaves and stems, though it did affect plant height. The cultivars had significant differences (P < 0.001) for the ages of 60 and 90 days; whereas for the number of basal shoots and percent of dry matter in the whole plant, CT-115 was significantly higher at 60 and 120 days, respectively. The total growth rate and biomass duration significantly phased out at 90 days, in favor of CT-500. Both varieties showed potential for high dry matter production per hectare, and only differed (P < 0.001) from the 120 days in the forage areas with saline soils. These results must be considered as preliminary data for the design of a variety structure in saline forage areas

    Tratamiento artroscópico de las lesiones meniscales estudio retrospectivo de 484 casos

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    Se analizan retrospectivamente 484 procedimientos artroscópicos realizados entre 1980 y 1993, en los que se encontró patología meniscal. La edad de los pacientes estudiados osciló entre los 6 a los 77 años (media de 37). En 447 casos la lesión afectó a un solo menisco. El menisco interno fue el más afectado (344 vs 167). La edad media de las lesiones traumáticas (30 años) fue menor que la de las degenerativas (50 años), ocupando las complejas —lesiones mixtas de difícil explicación etiológica— una posición intermedia (40 años). El daño del cartílago fue la lesión asociada más frecuente, observándose hasta en un 64% afectación del compartimento femoropatelar. El 25% presentaron lesiones del LCA. En las lesiones agudas se observó con más frecuencia la afectación del menisco externo y en las crónicas la del interno. El tratamiento habitual fue la meniscectomía parcial obteniendo resultados a corto plazo satisfactorios en el 9 1% de los casos. No encontramos en nuestra serie complicaciones mayores como infección, parálisis nerviosas o lesiones vasculares.A total of 484 arthroscopy procedures preformed from 1980 to 1993 in cases with meniscal lesions, have been studied retrospectively. The age of patients ranged from 6 to 77 years (mean 37). In 447 cases, the lesion was localized in only one of the meniscus. Patients with traumatic lesion presented a mean age (30 years) inferior to those with degenerative lesions (50 years), complex lesion ocuping a intermediate situation (40 year). Cartilagionous degeneration was found to be the most frequent associated lesion. In 64% of the procedures the cartilage of the femoropatelar compartiment was also affected. In 25% of the knees ACL injuries ware observed. ACL acute lesions were seen more frecuently in external meniscus lesions and ACL chronic lesions in internal meniscus lesions. The standard therapeutic procedure was partial meniscectomy. Satisfactory results were achieved in 9 1% of case. No mayor complications (septic artrhitis, neurologic palsy or vascular lesions) were seen

    Doctors and Nurses: A Systematic Review of the Risk and Protective Factors in Workplace Violence and Burnout

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    The present study aims analyze the risk factors that lead to high levels of burnout among nurses and physicians and the protective factors that prevent them. Thus, it is also intended to explore the possible correlation between physical and verbal violence produced at work and the symptoms derived from burnout. Methods: The search was carried out on the Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science databases between 2000 and 2019 (on which date the bibliographic search ends). Descriptive studies estimating the prevalence of workplace violence and risk and protective factors and burnout were included. An adapted version of the Downs and Black quality checklist was used for article selection. 89.6 percent of the studies analysed were in the health sector. There is a significant correlation between burnout symptoms and physical violence at work. On the one hand, the risk factors that moderate this correlation were of structural/organisational type (social support, quality of the working environment, authoritarian leadership, little autonomy or long working days, etc.) and personal type (age, gender, nationality or academic degree, etc.). On the other hand, protective factors were the quality of the working environment, mutual support networks or coping strategies. The results were analysed in-depth and intervention strategies were proposed

    O-City: Implementation of an Innovative Multimedia Platform for Promoting Orange Economy

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    [EN] O-City is a non-profit project funded by European Union with the aim of promoting Orange Economy throughout education and collaboration among municipalities, educational entities and businesses. This project has two main assets, the O-City e-learning platform and the O-City World platform. This paper presents the technical aspects of the O-City World platform, which is a digital application that allows interaction among cities, educators and professionals. This platform has a role-based access control with seven different users able to perform different functionalities. Thanks to the collaboration among these stakeholders the platform is growing exponentially.This work has been funded by European Commission inside the Erasmus Plus Projects - KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices - Knowledge Alliances under Project Number 600963-EPP-1-2018- 1-ES-EPPKA2-KA.Pérez Pascual, MA.; Giménez López, JL.; Palacio Samitier, D.; Marín-Roig Ramón, J. (2023). O-City: Implementation of an Innovative Multimedia Platform for Promoting Orange Economy. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1145/363112111

    Soil compaction caused by the impact of machinery traffic during corn (Zea mays) harvest

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    The aim of this work was to study soil compaction caused by the traffic of two types of combine harvesters and a tractor plus a grain cart with two loading conditions (fully loaded hoppers-empty hoppers) during corn harvest on vertic argiudoll soil by means of direct seeding system. Soil penetration resistance (PR) and soil bulk density (BD) were measured to a depth of 40 cm in five sampling sites. Response variables deter-minations were also analyzed. The tractor and the fully loaded grain cart traffic caused greater soil compaction in all the sampling depths, exceeding 60 cm on both sides of the footprint center. What is more, the values obtained from PR and BD measurements were higher than those values considered suitable for normal root growth. This was only evident in the tread width of the tires during the passing of the two fully loaded combine harvesters. The analysis of inflation pressures and tire loads used, indicated in some cases, poor concordance between these variables. The analysis also indicated that the tires were inflated to the limit of resistance. Highlights According to the results obtained, it is convenient to develop a controlled traffic farming strategy for harvesting. Some machines have tires that do not withstand the demands. The repeated passes of machinery caused more compaction than the mass involved.The aim of this work was to study soil compaction caused by the traffic of two types of combine harvesters and a tractor plus a grain cart with two loading conditions (fully loaded hoppers-empty hoppers) during corn harvest on vertic argiudoll soil by means of direct seeding system. Soil penetration resistance (PR) and soil bulk density (BD) were measured to a depth of 40 cm in five sampling sites. Response variables deter-minations were also analyzed. The tractor and the fully loaded grain cart traffic caused greater soil compaction in all the sampling depths, exceeding 60 cm on both sides of the footprint center. What is more, the values obtained from PR and BD measurements were higher than those values considered suitable for normal root growth. This was only evident in the tread width of the tires during the passing of the two fully loaded combine harvesters. The analysis of inflation pressures and tire loads used, indicated in some cases, poor concordance between these variables. The analysis also indicated that the tires were inflated to the limit of resistance. Highlights According to the results obtained, it is convenient to develop a controlled traffic farming strategy for harvesting. Some machines have tires that do not withstand the demands. The repeated passes of machinery caused more compaction than the mass involved