1,189 research outputs found

    Morbidity-mortality and performance evaluation of Brahman calves from in vitro embryo production

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    <p/> <p>Background</p> <p>The use of bovine <it>in vitro </it>embryo production (IVP) increases the reproductive potential of genetically superior cows, enabling a larger scale of embryo production when compared with other biotechnologies. However, deleterious effects such as abnormal fetal growth, longer gestation period, increased birth weight, abortion, preterm birth and higher rates of neonatal mortality have been attributed to IVP. The aim of this study was to compare the influence of <it>in vitro </it>embryo production and artificial insemination (AI) on gestation length, complications with birth, birth weight, method of feeding colostrum, passive transfer of immunity, morbidity-mortality, and performance in Brahman calves.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Whilst gestation length and birth weight were significantly increased in IVP-derived calves, no difference in weaning weight was observed between groups. The passive transfer of immunity (PT), was assessed in IVP (n = 80) and AI (n = 20) groups 24 hours after birth by determination of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and gammaglobulin activity as well as by quantification of the concentration of total protein in serum. No differences in passive transfer or incidences of dystocia and diseases at weaning were observed between groups. Birth weight, method of feeding colostrum and dystocia were not correlated with PT in either group.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this study, <it>in vitro </it>embryo production did not affect the health status, development, or passive transfer of immunity in Brahman calves.</p

    Avaliação de Oligochaeta (Tubificinae) e Polychaeta (Namalycastis abiuma) como bioindicadores da composição isotópica de Chumbo: exemplo do estuário guajarino, Belém (PA), Brasil

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    This study reports lead isotope data from benthic organisms (representatives of the classes Oligochaeta and Polichaeta) and bottom sediments samples, which were collected in the Guajara bay (Miramar and Una channel) and Guama river (Tucunduba Creek) in order to investigate if these organisms could be used as bioindicators in environmental studies. The comparison between the lead isotope signature of the benthic organisms and that of the bottom sediments of their habitat was performed by  dividing the values of the  206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios determined in the organisms by the values of these ratios found in the sediments. When the value of the calculated quotient (R) was 1± 0.004 (0.996 ≤ R ≤ 1.004) the lead isotope compositions of the benthic organisms and that of the bottom sediment were considered similar. The values of R for 75 % of the biological samples were in this range (0.997 ≤ R ≤ 1.003). Only the Oligochaeta collected nearby the Una channel presented a deviation of the interval(1.001 ≤ R ≤ 1.017 ). This difference was related to a recent anthropogenic contribution in this area, recorded by the presence of asphalt emulsion in the top portion of the sediment. Under these conditions, it is suggested that the analyzed organisms do not record sudden lead isotopes changes in their habitat, probably due to the slow accumulation of the metal in their tissues. However, the data confirm the hypothesis that these organisms are good bioindicators and can be applied as an alternative matrix to environmental studies using lead isotopes.A composição isotópica de chumbo foi determinada em amostras de organismos bentônicos, representantes das classes Oligochaeta e Polichaeta, e sedimentos de fundo, ambos coletados na baía do Guajará (Miramar e canal do Una) e rio Guamá (Igarapé Tucunduba), objetivando comparar a assinatura isotópica do chumbo nos organismos e nos sedimentos, e identificar a adequabilidade desses organismos como bioindicadores da contaminação dos sedimentos por esse metal. Desse modo, foi empregado um procedimento que consistiu em dividir os valores das razões 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, 208Pb/204Pb e 207Pb/206Pb determinados nos organismos, pelos valores dessas razões encontradas nos sedimentos. Para o quociente resultante (R) foi adotado o valor de tolerância de 1± 0,004 (0,996 ≤ R ≤ 1,004) para indicar a similaridade entre as composições isotópicas do chumbo dos organismos e do sedimento de fundo. Em 75% das amostras biológicas os valores de R (0,997 ≤ R ≤ 1,003) ficaram no intervalo aceitável. Apenas as amostras de Oligoquetas coletadas próximo à desembocadura do canal Una apresentaram valores fora do intervalo indicado (1,001 ≤ R ≤ 1,017). Esse desvio pode ser atribuído a uma contribuição antropogênica recente no local de coleta, registrado pela presença de emulsão asfáltica na porção superficial do sedimento. Nessas condições, sugere-se que os organismos analisados não registram mudanças súbitas na composição isotópica do chumbo em seu habitat devido, provavelmente, ao lento processo de acumulação do metal em seus tecidos. No entanto, os dados confirmam a hipótese de que esses organismos são bons bioindicadores, podendo ser aplicados como uma matriz alternativa em estudos ambientais com isótopos de chumbo

    Obtaining high purity silica from rice hulls

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    Many routes for extracting silica from rice hulls are based on direct calcining. These methods, though, often produce silica contaminated with inorganic impurities. This work presents the study of a strategy for obtaining silica from rice hulls with a purity level adequate for applications in electronics. The technique is based on two leaching steps, using respectively aqua regia and Piranha solutions, which extract the organic matrix and inorganic impurities. The material was characterized by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), powder x-ray diffraction (XRD), x-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), particle size analysis by laser diffraction (LPSA) and thermal analysis

    Production system of organic orange and its implications: Study in the SOS site Agroecological, Northeast of Pará

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    The organic production of produce in Brazil has been increasing very year due higher demand for more health food, and many farmers are migrating to these concept of food production. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the philosophic concept, as well as doing a description and analyzing the implications of the production system of organic orange. The research was done at Sítio SOS Agroecológico, localized in the city of CapitãoPoço, northeast of Pará. The qualitative exploratory research was done with the owner of the area, who is also a producer of organic orange, through, mainly, visits, semi structured surveys, transect walks in the area, and photographic records. The production of the site is considered adequate; their main market are organic fairs and big supermarkets; however, price and logistic are the main obstacles, besides the certification, where in Brazil is still an onerous process. The production system of Sitio SOS shows certain similarities with the concept of biologic and natural agriculture since both systems goals are the reduction of the rural producer costs, the use of alternative products and/or natural available on the property

    A review of techniques for spatial modeling in geographical, conservation and landscape genetics

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    Most evolutionary processes occur in a spatial context and several spatial analysis techniques have been employed in an exploratory context. However, the existence of autocorrelation can also perturb significance tests when data is analyzed using standard correlation and regression techniques on modeling genetic data as a function of explanatory variables. In this case, more complex models incorporating the effects of autocorrelation must be used. Here we review those models and compared their relative performances in a simple simulation, in which spatial patterns in allele frequencies were generated by a balance between random variation within populations and spatially-structured gene flow. Notwithstanding the somewhat idiosyncratic behavior of the techniques evaluated, it is clear that spatial autocorrelation affects Type I errors and that standard linear regression does not provide minimum variance estimators. Due to its flexibility, we stress that principal coordinate of neighbor matrices (PCNM) and related eigenvector mapping techniques seem to be the best approaches to spatial regression. In general, we hope that our review of commonly used spatial regression techniques in biology and ecology may aid population geneticists towards providing better explanations for population structures dealing with more complex regression problems throughout geographic space

    Effects of sexual maturation on body composition, dermatoglyphics, somatotype and basic physical qualities of adolescents

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    OBJECTIVES: Describe the characteristics of body composition, somatotype, basic physical qualities, dermatoglyphics and bone age regarding sexual maturation stages of boys. METHODS: A transversal study was carried out in 136 boys, between 10 and 14 years of age. Clinical assessment, physical examination and radiography of wrists and hands to calculate bone age were performed. RESULTS: A tendency of increasing total body mass, stature, body mass index, body bone diameters and muscle circumferences and basic physical qualities was found with the advancing of puberty. No differences were found in dermatoglypics and somatotype between different stages of puberty maturation. CONCLUSIONS: Due to the changes in important parameters of physical training that occur during puberty, it can be concluded that the selection of children and adolescents for sportive training and competitions should be based not only on chronological age but also, and mainly on sexual maturation, for better physical assessment and appropriate training for this population.OBJETIVOS: Descrever como se comportam a composição corporal, o somatótipo, as qualidades físicas básicas, os dermatóglifos e a idade óssea, nos diversos estágios de maturação sexual. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo transversal envolvendo 136 meninos, na faixa etária de 10 a 14 anos, e realizados exame clínico, avaliação física e radiografias de mãos e punhos para avaliação de idade óssea. RESULTADOS: Encontraram-se tendência de aumento de estatura, massa corporal total, índice de massa corporal, idade óssea, diâmetros ósseos, circunferências musculares e qualidades físicas básicas, com o avançar da puberdade. Não se observaram diferenças nos dermatóglifos e no somatótipo, entre os estágios puberais. CONCLUSÕES: Por causa das mudanças em importantes parâmetros para o treinamento físico, durante a puberdade, a seleção de crianças e adolescentes para a atividade desportiva não deve se fundamentar apenas na idade cronológica, mas, sobretudo, na maturação sexual, visando a melhor avaliação física e o treinamento apropriado para essa população