2,888 research outputs found

    Associations of physical activity with driving-related cognitive abilities in older drivers: an exploratory study

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between physical activity and driving-related cognitive abilities of older drivers. Thirty-eight female and male drivers ages 61 to 81 years (M = 70.2, SD = 5.0) responded to the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and were assessed on a battery of neuropsychological tests, which included measures of visual attention, executive functioning, mental status, visuospatial ability, and memory. A higher amount of reported physical activity was significantly correlated with better scores on tests of visual processing speed and divided visual attention. Higher amounts of physical activity was significantly associated with a better composite score for visual attention, but its correlation with the composite score for executive functioning was not significant. These findings support the hypothesis that physical activity is associated with preservation of specific driving-related cognitive abilities of older adults

    Soil microbial biomass in organic farming system.

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    Agricultural production systems have to combine management practices in order to sustain soil's profitability and quality. Organic farming is gaining worldwide acceptance and has been expanding at an annual rate of 20% in the last decade, accounting for over 24 million hectares worldwide. Organic practices avoid applications of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, rely on organic inputs and recycling for nutrient supply, and emphasize cropping system design and biological processes for pest management, as defined by organic farming regulation in the world. In comparison with conventional farming, organic farming has potential benefits in improving food quality and safety. Plant production in organic farming mainly depends on nutrient release as a function of mineralization processes in soils. The build-up of a large and active soil microbial biomass is important pool of accessible nutrients, therefore, is an important priority in organic farming. In organic farming, there is positive effect of quantity and quality of inputs of organic residues on soil microbial biomass. In this way, the organic systems are extremely important for the increase of the soil fertility and the maintenance of the environmental sustainability

    Learning and Teaching Biodiversity Through a Storyteller Robot

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    . This research project proposes the use of Child-Robot Inter action principles to boost the interest and engagement of young children in the biodiversity curriculum. We propose an architecture where a robot learns from children through an Interactive Story, while at the same time teaches them previous knowledge acquired in past interactions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Past, present and future distributions of an Iberian endemic, Lepus granatensis: ecological and evolutionary clues from species distribution models

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    The application of species distribution models (SDMs) in ecology and conservation biology is increasing and assuming an important role, mainly because they can be used to hindcast past and predict current and future species distributions. However, the accuracy of SDMs depends on the quality of the data and on appropriate theoretical frameworks. In this study, comprehensive data on the current distribution of the Iberian hare (Lepus granatensis) were used to i) determine the species' ecogeographical constraints, ii) hindcast a climatic model for the last glacial maximum (LGM), relating it to inferences derived from molecular studies, and iii) calibrate a model to assess the species future distribution trends (up to 2080). Our results showed that the climatic factor (in its pure effect and when it is combined with the land-cover factor) is the most important descriptor of the current distribution of the Iberian hare. In addition, the model's output was a reliable index of the local probability of species occurrence, which is a valuable tool to guide species management decisions and conservation planning. Climatic potential obtained for the LGM was combined with molecular data and the results suggest that several glacial refugia may have existed for the species within the major Iberian refugium. Finally, a high probability of occurrence of the Iberian hare in the current species range and a northward expansion were predicted for future. Given its current environmental envelope and evolutionary history, we discuss the macroecology of the Iberian hare and its sensitivity to climate change.P.A. was supported by the Vicerrectorado de Investigación of the University of Malaga and partially by the project CGL2009-11316/BOS of the Spanish Government and FEDER. Currently, P.A. holds a Beatriu de Pinós fellowship funded by “Comissionat per a Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa” of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and the COFUND Programme - Marie Curie Actions under 7th Marc Programme of the European Community. J.M.-F. was funded from the SFRH/BPD/43264/2008 post-doctoral grant by by Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and the European Social Fund. Financial support was partially obtained from the Research Projects PTDC/BIA-EVF/111931/2009 and PTDC/BIA-EVF/115069/2009, by FCT and FEDER.Peer Reviewe

    Evidence for niche similarities in the allopatric sister species Lepus castroviejoi and Lepus corsicanus

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    [Aim]: Lepus castroviejoi and Lepus corsicanus are sister species with allopatric distributions that share extensive phenotypic and genetic variation. Under the framework of niche conservatism, we assessed whether these species have similar ecological niches, which could provide insights into their mode of divergence, conservation, and taxonomic status. [Location]: The distribution range of L. castroviejoi in the northern Iberian Peninsula, and that of L. corsicanus in mainland Italy and Sicily. [Methods]: We developed spatially explicit ecological models to characterize the niches of the two species by modelling them separately and together. Individual models were transferred to the territory of the sister species to explore their niche relationships. Predictions were assessed for discrimination and calibration in a cross-assessment procedure. [Results]: The model trained with L. castroviejoi was not able to predict the range of L. corsicanus, whereas the model trained with L. corsicanus was able to discriminate the L. castroviejoi distribution better than by chance alone (AUC = 0.814), although the reliability of the predictions was limited. The model trained with L. corsicanus in Italy's mainland (excluding the range in Sicily), however, discriminated L. castroviejoi presences/absences (AUC = 0.788) and accurately predicted its probability of occurrence. Furthermore, a well-calibrated model, which was able to discriminate the species distributions (L. castroviejoi, AUC = 0.828; L. corsicanus, AUC = 0.956), was obtained when the species were considered together. [Main conclusions]: Our results suggest that L. castroviejoi and L. corsicanus share extensive niche properties, which reinforces their possible conspecific status. The ecological niche of their ancestor may have resembled the present occupied niche of L. corsicanus in mainland Italy, given that this model was able to accurately predict the distribution range of both species. Finally, ecological evidence suggests that niche conservatism may explain the fragmentation in the distribution range of their ancestor, which may have been the driver of the initial stages of divergence.P.A. received a José Castillejo fellowship (2010 –2011)in Portugal awarded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación to conduct this study, and was also partly supported bythe CGL2009-11316/BOS Spanish Government and FEDER project. P.A. and J.M.-F. currently hold postdoctoral grantsfrom the Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT),funded by Programa Operacional Potencial Humano (POPH)– Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN) fromthe European Social Fund and by the Portuguese Ministério da Educaçao e Ciência (SFRH/BPD/90320/2012 and SFRH/BPD/43264/2008, respectively). Financial support was partly obtained from the research project grants PTDC/BIA-EVF/111931/2009 and PTDC/BIA-EVF/115069/2009, funded by FEDER through the COMPETE program and Portuguese national funds through the FCT.Peer Reviewe


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    RESUMO:  Este artigo apresenta um recorte bibliográfico sobre à compreensão docente associada à formação crítica dos discentes no ensino contábil no contexto da Educação Profissional e Tecnológica (EPT). O estudo foi fundamentado em autores clássicos da EPT aliado a diferentes investigações que tratam do tema. Observa-se que o ensino contábil na EPT ainda carece de investigações que busquem aprimorar a prática docente nesse campo, do mesmo modo que o discente necessita pensar criticamente de forma ativa e hábil no exercício da sua profissão. Foram identificados elementos voltados à formação crítica na EPT. Além disso, compreendeu-se que a formação crítica é conceito universalmente relevante para qualquer área. No tocante ao ensino contábil, necessita da adoção pelo docente de estratégias centradas no discente, sempre considerando o contexto institucional de infraestrutura, o conteúdo, o perfil da turma, e os recursos didáticos disponíveis.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Formação Crítica, Ensino Contábil, Educação Profissional e Tecnológica   ABSTRACT: This article presents a bibliographical section on teaching understanding associated with the critical training of students in accounting education in the context of Professional and Technological Education (EPT). The study was based on classic EPT authors combined with different investigations that deal with the topic. It is observed that accounting teaching in EPT still lacks investigations that seek to improve teaching practice in this field, in the same way that students need to think critically in an active and skillful way in the exercise of their profession. Elements aimed at critical training in EPT were identified. Furthermore, it was understood that critical training is a universally relevant concept for any area. Regarding accounting teaching, it requires the teacher to adopt student-centered strategies, always considering the institutional infrastructure context, content, class profile, and available teaching resources.   KEYWORDS: Critical Training, Accounting Education, Professional and Technological Educatio

    Caraterísticas histopatológicas das células folículo-estreladas em hipófises de ratos wild type, obesos e high-fat diet induzidos

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2022A hipófise anterior regula mecanismos tão vastos como o crescimento, o metabolismo ou a reprodução, através da secreção hormonal. As células folículo-estreladas (CFE), células não endócrinas situadas entre as células produtoras de hormonas da hipófise anterior, têm uma função ainda pouco conhecida. Apesar de tudo, com a sua organização em rede, parecem ter um importante papel na regulação e manutenção da população de células hormonais. Neste trabalho, o primeiro do género de que há registo, 33 hipófises de três grupos de ratinhos (18 wild type [WT], 11 geneticamente obesos [OB] e 4 sob uma dieta rica em ácidos gordos [HFD]) foram analisadas de forma a avaliar se existiria alguma relação entre o número de CFE e as alterações do metabolismo basal de cada grupo de ratinhos. Recorreu-se à marcação imunohistoquímica pela proteína S-100, a técnicas de imunofluorescência e ao software Image-J para se conseguir calcular a percentagem de CFE presentes em cada amostra. Chegou-se à conclusão de que, apesar de não se notarem diferenças significativas entre os ratinhos WT e OB, o grupo de ratinhos HFD teria uma percentagem de CFE significativamente superior aos outros dois grupos. Isto pode sugerir uma relação ainda desconhecida entre a dieta, em concreto uma dieta rica em ácidos gordos, e a apresentação de CFE na hipófise anterior. Os mecanismos e consequências fisiológicas subjacentes a esta alteração deverão, por isso, ser estudados, por forma a obter um maior esclarecimento da temática.The anterior pituitary gland regulates growth, metabolism, and reproduction by secreting hormones. Folliculo-stellate cells (FSC) are non-endocrine cells located among hormone-producing cells in the anterior pituitary glands, but little is known about the exact roles of those cells. Although, with their net organization, they seem to have an important role in the hormonal cells regulation and maintenance. In this work, the first ever made in this area, 33 pituitaries of three groups of mice (18 wild type [WT], 11 genetically obese [OB] and 4 under a high-fat diet [HFD]) were studied in order to determine if there was any relation between the number of FSC and alterations of the basal metabolism in each group of mice. For that, immunohistochemical staining using the S-100 protein was used, as well as immunofluorescence techniques and also the Image-J software, to calculate the percentage of FSC present in each sample. We found that, although there weren’t noticed any significantly difference between WT and OB mice, the group of HFD mice tend to have significantly more percentage of FSC than the mice from other groups. This might suggest some yet unknown link between diet, precisely with a high-fat diet, and the presentation of FSC in the anterior pituitary. The physiologic mechanisms and consequences linked to this alteration must be studied, in order to obtain a major enlighten of this thematic

    Promoção do autocuidado na pessoa idosa com compromisso da mobilidade: Ganhos sensíveis aos cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação

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    Enquadramento: O envelhecimento evidente da população, fruto de uma maior longevidade humana, mas implicando um acumular de multimorbilidades ao longo da vida, sujeita a pessoa idosa a uma maior vulnerabilidade e incapacidade funcional. Os efeitos da imobilidade repercutemse em vários sistemas orgânicos da pessoa, com particular importância na população idosa, fruto da especial fragilidade que lhe está associada, tornando-se imperativo intervir o mais precocemente possível, no sentido de contrariar os efeitos deletérios da imobilidade e promover a capacidade funcional da pessoa, traduzindo-se em ganhos em saúde, promoção da autonomia e qualidade de vida. Em virtude das competências específicas que lhe são reconhecidas, o Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação tem um papel de destaque neste âmbito, promovendo programas de reabilitação que permitam a mobilização precoce da pessoa idosa, promovendo a sua capacidade funcional, por via da promoção do autocuidado, alcançando ganhos em saúde sensíveis aos cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação. Objetivos: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento de competências de enfermeiro especialista, enfermeiro especialista em Enfermagem de Reabilitação e mestre e identificar ganhos sensíveis aos cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação, através de uma proposta de intervenção de Enfermagem de Reabilitação à pessoa idosa com compromisso da mobilidade, com base na promoção do autocuidado. Metodologia: Implementação de proposta de intervenção de Enfermagem de Reabilitação à pessoa idosa com compromisso da mobilidade, com base na promoção do autocuidado, utilizando-se metodologia qualitativa de estudos de casos múltiplos, com base na teoria do défice de autocuidado de Orem, modelo de Fonseca e teoria de médio alcance de Lopes. Resultados: Verificou-se melhoria global da funcionalidade em todos os intervenientes do projeto, com ganhos significativos a nível da capacitação para o autocuidado. Conclusão: A proposta de intervenção de Enfermagem de Reabilitação junto da pessoa idosa com compromisso da mobilidade apresentou ganhos sensíveis aos cuidados de Enfermagem de Reabilitação, a nível da promoção do autocuidado e melhoria global da funcionalidade, contribuindo para um desenvolvimento de competências efetivo e evidenciando a importância da Enfermagem de Reabilitação nos diferentes contextos de atuação

    Parapatric species and the implications for climate change studies: a case study on hares in Europe

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    Parapatry is a biogeographical term used to refer to organisms whose ranges do not overlap, but are immediately adjacent to each other; they only co-occur - if at all - in a narrow contact zone. Often there are no environmental barriers in the contact zones, hence competitive interaction is usually advocated as the factor that modulates species distribution ranges. Even though the effects of climate change on species distribution have been widely studied, few studies have explored these effects on the biogeographical relationships between closely related, parapatric, species. We modelled environmental favourability for three parapatric hare species in Europe - Lepus granatensis, L. europaeus and L. timidus - using ecogeographical variables and projected the models into the future according to the IPCC A2 emissions scenario. Favourabilities for present and future scenarios were combined using fuzzy logic with the following aims: (i) to determine the biogeographical relationships between hare species in parapatry, that is L. granatensis/L. europaeus and L. europaeus/L. timidus and (ii) to assess the effects of climate change on each species as well as on their interspecific interactions. In their contact area L. granatensis achieved higher favourability values than L. europaeus, suggesting that if both species have a similar population status, the former species may have some advantages over the latter if competitive relationships are established. Climate change had the most striking effect on the distribution of L. timidus, especially when interspecific interactions with L. europaeus were taken into account, which may compromise the co-existence of L. timidus. The results of this study are relevant not only for understanding the distribution patterns of the hares studied and the effects of climate change on these patterns, but also for improving the general application of species distribution models to the prediction of the effects of climate change on biodiversity.We are grateful to A.M. Barbosa for her ever-useful advice. P. A. and A. J.-V. were supported by the Juan de la Cierva research program awarded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Fondo Social Europeo, and partially by the project CGL2009-11316/BOS from the Spanish Government and FEDER. P. A. is a current holder of the Jose Castillejo fellowship (2010–2011) in Portugal awardedby the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. J. M.-F. has a post-doctoral grant funded by FCT and the European Social Fund (SFRH/BPD/43264/2008). This work was partially funded bythe research projects PTDC/BIA-EVF/111931/2009 and PTDC/BIA-EVF/115069/2009 funded by FCT and FEDER.Peer Reviewe

    Habilidades socioemocionales y cognitivas: relaciones con el rendimiento escolar en la escuela primaria

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    Diversos construtos têm se mostrado bons preditores do desempenho escolar. Entretanto, estudos anteriores têm se concentrado em apenas parte desses preditores, dificultando a compreensão de sua interação para predição do desempenho escolar. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar as associações (correlações), predições (regressões lineares) e dinâmicas das relações (análises de rede) de variáveis preditoras (inteligência, IE, personalidade e funções executivas) do desempenho escolar (português, matemática e geral) em crianças e adolescentes no ensino fundamental. Um total de 133 estudantes foram submetidos a instrumentos de avaliação das habilidades preditoras e das medidas de desempenho considerados neste estudo. Por meio de análises de regressão constatou-se a inteligência emocional e o raciocínio abstrato como os principais preditores positivos do desempenho escolar, e o traço de abertura/amabilidade como preditor positivo do desempenho geral e matemática. Resultados corroborados pelos indicadores de centralidade estimados por meio das análises de rede. Este estudo avança ao considerar diversas variáveis concomitantemente.Se ha demostrado que varios constructos son buenos predictores del rendimiento escolar. Sin embargo, los estudios anteriores se han centrado solo en parte de estos predictores, lo que dificulta comprender su interacción para predecir el rendimiento escolar. Este estudio verificó las asociaciones (correlaciones), predicciones (regresiones lineales) y dinámicas de las relaciones (análisis de redes) de las variables predictoras (inteligencia fluida, inteligencia emocional, rasgos de personalidad y control inhibitorio) del rendimiento escolar (portugués, matemáticas y general) en niños y adolescentes en la escuela primaria. Un total de 133 alumnos fueron sometidos a instrumentos para evaluar las habilidades predictivas y las medidas de rendimiento consideradas en este estudio. Mediante el análisis de regresión se observó la inteligencia emocional y el razonamiento abstracto como los principales predictores positivos del rendimiento escolar, y el rasgo de apertura/amabilidad como un predictor positivo del rendimiento general y de matemáticas. Los resultados fueron corroborados por indicadores de centralidad estimados a través de análisis de redes. Este estudio avanza al considerar varias variables de manera concurrente.Diversos construtos têm se mostrado bons preditores do desempenho escolar. Entretanto, estudos anteriores têm se concentrado em apenas parte desses preditores, dificultando a compreensão de sua interação para predição do desempenho escolar. Este estudo teve por objetivo verificar as associações (correlações), predições (regressões lineares) e dinâmicas das relações (análises de rede) de variáveis preditoras (inteligência, IE, personalidade e funções executivas) do desempenho escolar (português, matemática e geral) em crianças e adolescentes no ensino fundamental. Um total de 133 estudantes foram submetidos a instrumentos de avaliação das habilidades preditoras e das medidas de desempenho considerados neste estudo. Por meio de análises de regressão constatou-se a inteligência emocional e o raciocínio abstrato como os principais preditores positivos do desempenho escolar, e o traço de abertura/amabilidade como preditor positivo do desempenho geral e matemática. Resultados corroborados pelos indicadores de centralidade estimados por meio das análises de rede. Este estudo avança ao considerar diversas variáveis concomitantemente