68 research outputs found

    Premio nobel de Medicina y Fisiología 2012

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    Los premios Nobel de 2019

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    Amylolytic Activities Excreted by the Halophilic Archaeon Haloferax mediterranei to Assimilate Available Starch Depend on the Nitrogen Source

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    Several amylolytic activities have been isolated from a controlled growing media containing starch and nitrate or ammonium acetate as a carbon and energy source, excreted by the halophilic archaeon Haloferax mediterranei. These enzymes produced in nitrate-containing medium were different from those produced by the organism when cultured in ammonium acetate-containing medium. Haloferax mediterranei was able to grow optimally in both the media but not in a medium with ammonium chloride and starch as exclusive source of nitrogen and carbon, respectively. Growth was significantly lower when nitrate was replaced by ammonium, although there was significant amylolytic activity in the medium. At least six different activities were obtained in the nitrate-containing medium, but only five for the ammonium containing one. These enzymes displayed a different affinity for starch as a chromatographic matrix, when eluted with maltose in a range from 0.02 M to 0.2 M, and differed in their kinetic parameters for starch as a substrate. The average medium length of the products obtained from cracking starch was different for each amylolytic activity, ranging from glucose to larger polysaccharides. Moreover, they exhibited different molecular masses, from 15 to 80 kDa. On the other hand, all of them behaved as typical halophilic enzymes, requiring high salt concentrations from 2M to 4M NaCl for stability and activity. Also, it exhibited an optimal pH ranged from 7 to 8 and showed certain thermophilic behaviour, with maximal activity within 50°C to 60°C. The study of the presence and behaviour of this set of starch degrading enzymes will allow for a better understanding of how halophilic organism obtain the adequate carbohydrates to be incorporated and optimally used.This work was supported by project BIO2013-42921-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Short-Term Branched-Chain Amino Acid Supplementation Does Not Enhance Vertical Jump in Professional Volleyball Players. A Double-Blind, Controlled, Randomized Study

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    To the best of the author's knowledge, no previous studies have described the effect of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA) on vertical performance during a week in professional volleyball players. This study assessed BCAA supplementation for a week, aiming to improve vertical jump performance in male professional volleyball players. Twelve male volleyballers were randomly assigned to a BCAA group (n = 6) or a control group (n = 6). The BCAA group ingested 21 g over a week, 7 g per day on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, before a volleyball training session, while the control group drank a placebo drink. Participants performed 8 maximal countermovement jumps (CMJ); the 3 CMJs on Monday and Wednesday were evaluated after warm-up, after plyometric training, and at the end of the training session; and the 2 CMJs on Friday were evaluated after warm-up, and at the end of the training session. Compared with baseline, no significant differences in CMJ over the week were observed in BCAA or control group, neither between groups. The results indicated that 21 g of BCAA supplementation over a week did not improve vertical jump performance in professional volleyball players.Hasta donde los autores saben, no se han descrito estudios previos sobre el efecto de los aminoácidos ramificados (BCAA) en el rendimiento vertical durante una semana en jugadores de voleibol profesionales. Este artículo estudió la suplementación de BCAA durante una semana con el objeto de mejorar el rendimiento del salto vertical en jugadores de voleibol profesionales masculinos. Doce jugadores de voleibol masculinos se asignaron aleatoriamente a un grupo con BCAA (n = 6) o a un grupo de control (n = 6). El grupo con BCAA ingirió 21 g en una semana, 7 g por día los lunes, miércoles y viernes antes de la sesión de entrenamiento de voleibol, mientras que el grupo de control bebió una bebida placebo. Los participantes realizaron 8 saltos máximos de contramovimiento (CMJ); los 3 CMJ de lunes y miércoles se evaluaron después del calentamiento y del entrenamiento pliométrico, y al final de la sesión de entrenamiento; los 2 CMJ del viernes se evaluaron después del calentamiento y al final de la sesión de entrenamiento. En comparación con el valor inicial, no se observaron diferencias significativas en los CMJ a lo largo de la semana, ni en el grupo BCAA ni en el grupo control, tampoco hubo diferencias entre grupos. Los resultados indicaron que 21 g de BCAA administrados durante una semana no mejoraron el rendimiento del salto vertical en jugadores de voleibol profesionale

    Consensus-based recommendations on physical activity and exercise in patients with diabetes at risk of foot ulcerations: a Delphi study

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    Background Patients with diabetes mellitus are exposed to important complications. Currently little evidence exist on the guidelines that these patients, at some risk of foot ulceration, should follow for physical exercise. Objectives To reach a consensus among multidisciplinary and international experts on physical activity/exercise recommendations for patients with diabetes, according to foot ulcer risk. Methods Using a three-round Delphi method, a panel composed of 28 multidisciplinary experts in the management of diabetic foot assessed 109 recommendations on physical activity/exercise for patients with diabetes mellitus, according to their risk of foot ulcer. Consensus was assumed when 80% of responses matched the same category (agreement/disagreement). Results Twenty-nine experts participated in the first and second rounds of consultation, and twenty-eight did so in the third, reaching final agreement on 86 of the 109 recommendations considered (78.9%). The study, thus, generated a consensus set of recommendations concerning different aspects of diabetic footcare before, during, and after exercise (e.g. when to examine the foot, how to assess it, what type of sock and insole to use, what types of exercise to perform, and when it is advisable to return to activity after an ulceration). Conclusion This Delphi study generated recommendations based on the consensus of international experts on physical activity and exercise by patient with diabetes at risk of ulceration. Recommendations considered the state of the foot and the patient's history and status before physical activity and included information on intensity, duration, frequency, and progressions of physical activity/exercise, and the use of custom-made plantar orthoses, shoe prescription, and the convenience of returning to physical activity after an ulceration

    Sistema robótico multimodal de miembro superior para interacción con entornos físicos

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    [Resumen] Este artículo describe el diseño de un sistema robótico multimodal enfocado a proporcionar a personas con movilidad reducida, la capacidades de interaccionar con objetos reales. Con este sistema se pretende cubrir todo el proceso de interacción, desde la selección del objeto con el que se quiere interactuar, pasando por alcanzar y agarrarlo, hasta volver a dejar el objeto. El sistema se compone de un robot diseñado para rehabilitación de miembro superior, de un exoesqueleto de mano, un sistema de seguimiento de mirada, un dispositivo de seguimiento de objetos, y un sistema de detección de intención de movimiento. Con este propósito, en este artículo se presenta la arquitectura del sistema, especificando los elementos particulares que serán utilizados en un escenario experimental para comprobar la viabilidad del sistema.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por la Comisión Europea (ICT-22-2014: Multimodal and Natural computer interaction) a través del proyecto AIDE: ”Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities” (Grant agreement no: 645322); y por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad a través del proyecto DPI2015-70415-C2-2-Rhttps://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.978849749808

    Aplicaciones didácticas del cómic. Hacia la configuración de un temario universitario

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    Desde 2008, Unicómic, a través de las Jornadas de Cómic de la Universidad de Alicante (), dedica una parte de sus sesiones a reflexiones teóricas sobre el cómic, lo que ha dado pie a que se convierta en un referente académico en torno a la narración gráfica. En 2011, con la aparición del Club de Lectura Universitario de Cómic y Álbum Ilustrado (CLUECA), se creó un espacio de encuentro a lo largo de todo el curso para presentar obras fundamentales, tanto del cómic como del álbum ilustrado. En el curso 2012-2013 se realizaron las primeras jornadas Cómic como elemento didáctico (), que en noviembre de 2013 tuvieron la segunda edición () y, en 2015, la tercera (). Con la consolidación de la red en docencia universitaria «Cómic como herramienta didáctica. La narración gráfica en disciplinas académicas y tramos de preparación a la universidad» (código 3283), se configura un espacio de intercambio y de estudio más amplio. Desde su creación, se han defendido distintos TFG y TFM, y se han incorporado aspectos a distintas asignaturas universitarias. En el siguiente trabajo se hace un recorrido por todas estas propuestas como una nueva estrategia metodológica en la formación universitaria para responder a los múltiples cambios a los que se enfrenta nuestro sistema educativo, reivindicando así las posibilidades didácticas del cómic