3,150 research outputs found

    Repercusiones organizativas en la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales: Una aproximación explorativa

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    La. aplicación efectiva de la Ley 3.1/1995 de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de riesgos Laborales y sus respectivos reglamentos, están provocando cambios en las empresas que van más allá de] propio campo de la salud y seguridad laborales, y que se están haciendo notar en el ámbito organizativo, y concreto en aspectos tales como la motivación del personal, la cultura organizacional, la productividad, los costes y la propia formación y actitudes a todos los niveles. A través de las opiniones de expertos y res -ponsables directamente implicados en esta área, hemos pretendido plantear una serie de hipótesis que marquen hacia donde se dirigen las preocupaciones y los posibles cambios antes señalados. La actual legislación en materia de seguridad laboral está exigiendo a las empresas profundas reformas en las medidas y acciones que han de tomar en esta materia. El presente artículo recoge la opinión de los principales agentes implicados: empresarios y sindicatos. Cómo perciben los posibles cambios e incidencias que la aplicación de la ley puede tener en distintos aspectos de la organización, de personal, etc..

    Repercusiones organizativas en la Ley de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales : una aproximación explorativa

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    La aplicación efectiva de la Ley 3.1/1995 de 8 de noviembre, de Prevención de riesgos Laborales y sus respectivos reglamentos, están provocando cambios en las empresas que van más allá del propio campo de la salud y seguridad laborales, y que se están haciendo notar en el ámbito organizativo, y concreto en aspectos tales como la motivación del personal, la cultura organizacional, la productividad, los costes y la propia formación y actitudes a todos los niveles. A través de las opiniones de expertos y responsables directamente implicados en esta área, hemos pretendido plantear una serie de hipótesis que marquen hacia donde se dirigen las preocupaciones y los posibles cambios antes señalados. La actual legislación en materia de seguridad laboral está exigiendo a las empresas profundas reformas en las medidas y acciones que han de tomar en esta materia. El presente artículo recoge la opinión de los principales agentes implicados: empresarios y sindicatos. Cómo perciben los posibles cambios e incidencias que la aplicación de la ley puede tener en distintos aspectos de la organización, de personal, etc...______________________________________ The current legislation as regards labor security is demanding the companies deep reformations in the measures and actions that they are supposed to take in this matter. The present article picks up the opinion of the main implied agents: managers and unions. How they perceive the possible changes and incidences that the application of the law could have in different aspects of the organization, of personal, etc

    Comparison of theoretical heat transfer model with results from experimental monitoring installed in a refurbishment with ventilated facade

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    One of the main points to consider when a building is renovated is the improvement of its energy efficiency, minimizing the heat loss through the enclosures and its heating consumption. Under this scope idea a ventilated facade was designed and incorporated in an educational building located in the city of Burgos (Spain). The main objective of this document is a comparison between the theoretical model of heat transfer across the building envelope separating the environment and the interior space, and the heat intake through a linear regression model with installed experimental monitoring. For this it has been necessary to carry out an exhaustive study of the thermal transmission of each one of the materials that make up the thermal envelope of the building, as well as the linear thermal bridges that can be produced before and after the renovation. In addition, thanks to the monitoring installed in the demonstrator building, the interior and exterior temperatures and the heat consumption of each of the radiators is known. In this way expected and real energy savings have been compared

    Sarcopenic osteoporosis, sarcopenic obesity, and sarcopenic osteoporotic obesity in the Camargo cohort (Cantabria, Spain)

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    Summary The associations of sarcopenia with osteoporosis or obesity have a very low prevalence. No trend towards an association between osteoporosis and sarcopenia is observed. Sarcopenia and obesity tend not to coincide, as if they were antagonistic disorders. Purpose To know (a) the prevalence in our region of sarcopenic osteoporosis (association of sarcopenia and osteoporosis (T-score<2.5)), sarcopenic obesity, and the association of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity; (b) the tendency of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity to associate with each other; and (c) the bone mineral density (BMD), the components of sarcopenia, and the prevalence of fragility fractures in these associations. Methods The study was performed in the Camargo cohort. Osteoporosis was diagnosed by DXA, sarcopenia by the EWGSOP-1 criteria, and obesity by body mass index (BMI) and fat percentage. Fractures were verified radiographically or by consulting the medical records. Results The prevalence of sarcopenic osteoporosis was 2.8% and the OR for this association 1.03 (p=0.89). The prevalence of sarcopenic obesity by BMI was 1.4% and by fat percentage 5.9% (corresponding ORs: 0.18 (p<0.0001) and 0.58 (p<0.003) respectively). The prevalence of the association of osteoporosis, sarcopenia, and obesity was 0.0% when assessed by BMI and 0.8% when assessed by fat percentage. Patients with sarcopenic osteoporosis have less muscle mass and more fragility fractures than sarcopenic patients overall. In patients with sarcopenic obesity by fat percentage, muscle mass and strength, as well as physical performance, were similar to those of sarcopenic patients overall. Neither BMD nor fracture prevalence showed differences between patients with sarcopenic obesity and patients with sarcopenia or obesity in general. Conclusion Our study supports the idea that the prevalence of the mixed disorders studied is low. No significant association between osteoporosis and sarcopenia was found. Sarcopenia and obesity seem to tend to occur in different people, as if suffering from one of them hinders suffering from the other.Funding: Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was funded by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/00762), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain, which included FEDER funds from the EU

    Training of Adult Workers in Europe and Brazil. Between Emancipatory Education and Recycling for the Market

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    Este artículo investiga las concepciones sobre educación y formación de adultos trabajadores, forjadas en dos contextos educativos muy diferenciados, como son Europa y Brasil. Teniendo en cuenta las diferencias entre los factores históricos, económicos, políticos y sociales relevantes en los países europeos y en Brasil, ha sido posible identificar algunas influencias relevantes de la concepción europea de educación de adultos sobre la evolución histórica de la educación brasileña. En todo caso, existen rasgos peculiares de la realidad brasileña, derivadas de la baja tasa de escolaridad y de la situación de exclusión educativa, vivida por los trabajadores brasileños hasta el momento actual. Esto implica una fuerte diferencia entre la realidad europea y la de Brasil, debido principalmente al desarrollo de la formación profesional en Europa como estrategia de educación permanente. Tras la fase histórica de la educación permanente, que se desarrolló a mediados del siglo XX, los enfoques actuales sobre la educación a lo largo de la vida precisan ser debidamente contextualizados, para evitar el riesgo de las generalizaciones conceptuales, que tienden, históricamente, a ocultar y legitimar las políticas educativas excluyentes. Este artículo discute también las tensiones y contradicciones entre dos enfoques educativos presentes en la actualidad en la educación de adultos: uno orientado a la emancipación y otro guiado por la concepción de la formación como adaptación instrumental de los adultos a la sociedad y al mercado.This article investigates conceptions about education and training of adult workers, forged in two very different educational contexts, such as Europe and Brazil. It has been possible to identify some relevant influences of the European conception of adult education on the historical evolution of Brazilian education, taking into account the differences among historical, economic, political and social factors that have influenced European countries and Brazil. There are peculiar features of the Brazilian reality, derived from the low rate of schooling, and the situation of educational exclusion experienced by the Brazilian workers up to the present. This implies a strong difference between the European and Brazilian reality mainly due to the development of vocational training in Europe as a strategy of permanent education. After the historical phase of permanent education, which developed in the mid-twentieth century, current approaches to lifelong learning need to be properly contextualized, to avoid the risk of conceptual generalizations, which historically tend to conceal and legitimize exclusionary educational policies. This paper also discusses tensions and conflicts between educational approaches conditioned by emancipation, and by instrumental adaptation to the labour market and society

    Emotion, Psychological Well-Being and Their Influence on Resilience. A Study with Semi-Professional Athletes

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    The objective of the present study is to analyze the influence of coaches on emotional intelligence and on levels of anxiety, motivation, self-esteem, and resilience among athletes. Five-hundred forty-seven semi-professional athletes between the ages of 16 and 19 participated in this study. Various statistical analyses were conducted which explain the causal relationships between the variables. The results, obtained using a structural equations model, find that while autonomy support positively predicts emotional intelligence, perceived control predicts it negatively. Moreover, emotional intelligence positively predicts self-esteem and self-determined motivation, but negatively predicts anxiety. Other results show that self-esteem positively predicts self-determined motivation, whereas anxiety predicts it negatively. Finally, self-determined motivation positively predicts resilience. Indeed, the study demonstrates the influence and the importance of coaches in relation to the emotional intelligence, psychological well-being, and motivational processes of adolescent athletes when the latter engage in their respective sports. These results help to better understand how different behavioral, emotional, and social aspects belonging to the athlete interrelate with one another during competition

    Attitudinal Positioning in Media Discourse: A Contrastive Analysis of Journalistic Commentary

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    This paper reports on a study that investigates the expression of evaluative language in newspaper comment articles. Th e main focus of this study is to explore diff erences in the use of evaluations in two British national newspapers, the quality Th e Guardian and the popular Th e Sun. Th e expressions of evaluative language are analysed with reference to attitude. Attitude is one of three main components of the Appraisal System in language, which is concerned with the use of evaluative language. Appraisal theory has been developed within the broader theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics (SFL) and focuses on the interpersonal metafunction of language. In this context, the fi ndings of the study intend to show the role that evaluative meanings play in the dissemination of ideology, in the constitution of textual styles and authorial identities, and in the negotiation of writer/reader relationships.Este artículo investiga la expresión del lenguaje evaluativo en artículos de opinión en prensa escrita. El objetivo principal del estudio es explorar las diferencias en el uso de la evaluación en dos periódicos nacionales británicos, el diario de calidad Th e Guardian y el periódico popular Th e Sun. Las expresiones del lenguaje evaluativo se analizan con referencia a la actitud. La actitud es uno de los tres principales componentes del Sistema de la Evaluación en el lenguaje, que tiene que ver con el uso del lenguaje evaluativo. La Teoría de la Valoración se desarrolla en el marco teórico de la lingüística sistémico-funcional, centrándose en la metafunción interpersonal del lenguaje. En este contexto, los hallazgos del estudio pretenden mostrar el papel de los signifi cados evaluativos en la diseminación de la ideología, en la constitución de estilos textuales e identidades del autor, y en la negociación de las relaciones escritor/lector

    Popular Education and Employment Training. The Case of the Parque Miraflores Vocational School in Seville, Spain

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    Este artículo se centra en la educación popular desde una perspectiva muy específica: la formación para el empleo de alumnos vulnerables, con bajos niveles educativos y procedentes de medios sociales modestos y con pocas oportunidades educativas. La contribución que se presenta toma como punto de partida un caso, la escuela taller Parque Miraflores, en Sevilla (España), una iniciativa de los movimientos sociales, que ha funcionado durante dos décadas. Se discutieron los principios de la educación popular y participativa, aplicándolos a las escuelas taller que surgieron en España en la etapa democrática posterior a la dictadura de Franco. Se presentó el marco actual de la Formación para el empleo, destacando la necesidad de combinar preparación profesional, desarrollo social y personal. Finalmente, se resaltó las dimensiones de educación popular y participativa presentes en el caso analizado, comentando sus implicaciones para la formación socioeconómica, cultural, sindical, académica y laboral.This paper focuses on popular education from a very specific perspective: employment training for underachieving and excluded young adult learners from low socioeconomic backgrounds Its point of departure is a case study involving the Parque Miraflores vocational training center in Seville, Spain, which operated for two decades as an initiative of popular social movements. The text begins with a discussion of the principles of participant and popular educationas applied to the vocational training centers that originated in Spain during the democratic period following Franco’s dictatorship. The current framework of employment training is also explored, with an emphasis upon the need to combine vocational training with social and personal development. In conclusion, the paper highlights the dimensions of participative and popular education revealed in the present case under analysis and comments upon the implications for socioeconomic, cultural, trade union, academic, and occupational training