1,838 research outputs found

    Cooperation vs. firm-based innovation: A sectoral comparison in Portugal

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    In today's knowledge-intensive economies, the enterprises can have a strong economic and social influence as "market protagonists". Facing today's economic instability they ought to provide a constant stream of innovations to clients. Researchers suggest that firms can reshape the market through their innovations, for which can contribute some external expert knowledge. The process of developing an innovation may imply three types of approach: make; buy or cooperate with other agents to acquire specific competences or knowledge. This last occurs when the firms' internal knowledge or skill-base is not sufficient or effective and is conveniently complemented with external sources. Firms' cooperation, among them or with clients or other stakeholders, and its potential for innovation is not new. In this paper, our aim is to identify the sectors more willing to engage in cooperation initiatives in order to accomplish innovation. Thus, this paper is structured as follows: Introduction; 1. Literature Review (Innovation and its assets; Disclosing the process of innovation; Open innovation; Cooperation for innovation); 2. Research Design (The CIS instrument; Sampling); 3. Results (The nature of the innovation process by sector: cooperation-based vs. firm-based; The scale and scope of cooperation); Concluding Remarks. Using descriptive statistics, the first step will be to identify the sectors more willing to engage in cooperation initiatives in order to accomplish innovation. Secondly, for those sectors a more detailed analysis on the scale and scope of cooperation is developed. For this study a secondary dataset was used from the CIS-2012 (DGEEC, 2014). The CIS, operation acronym in the Eurostat for Community Innovation Survey, is the main statistical survey (mandatory for EU member states) on innovation in companies. The universe contemplates Portuguese companies with 10 or more employees belonging to the NACE codes. The INITIAL sample consisted of 9423 companies. 6840 valid answers were considered

    Highly diastereoselective synthesis of aza-diels-alder reaction of danishefsky diene wiht glyoxylate imines

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    Aza-Diels-Alder reaction is an exceptionally powerful synthetic method for the construction of six-membered nitrogen-heterocycles.[1-3] The reaction of Danishefsky's diene 1 with iminoacetates 2 (imines of glyoxylates) provides a convenient protocol for the synthesis of pipiridone adducts 3 (Scheme 1). In this context, we have performed the synthesis of various cycloadducts, precursors of a wide variety of chiral piperidines with potential use as non-natural amino acids or as precursors of biologically active compounds, including iminosugars (glycomimetics)

    Luminescent and Scintillating Properties of Lanthanum Fluoride Nanocrystals in Response to Gamma/Neutron Irradiation: Codoping with Ce Activator, Yb Wavelength Shifter, and Gd Neutron Captor

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    A novel concept for detection and spectroscopy of gamma rays, and detection of thermal neutrons based on codoped lanthanum fluoride nanocrystals containing gadolinium is presented.The trends of colloidal synthesis of the mentioned material, LaF3 co-doped with Ce as the activator, Yb as the wavelength-shifter and Gd as the neutron captor, is reported. Nanocrystals of the mentioned material were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), optical absorption, and photoluminescence spectroscopy. Gamma detection and its potential spectroscopy feature have been confirmed. The neutron detection capability has been confirmed by experiments performed using a 252Cf neutron source.Comment: 5 figures, 16 page

    Generalized tetanus: clinical case report and review of the literature

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloIntroducción: El tétanos es una enfermedad grave y potencialmente mortal, que afecta al sistema nervioso y causada por la bacteria Clostridium tetani. Es endémica en países en desarrollo, teniendo en Chile el año 2007 una tasa de 0,02 casos por cien mil habitantes. La vacuna con el toxoide antitetánico ha disminuido ostensiblemente su incidencia en países desarrollados. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente de 18 años con tétanos generalizado ingresado a nuestro hospital. Clínicamente se manifestó con un aumento del tono muscular generalizado y trismo. Se hospitalizó en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Los síntomas y signos neurológicos tuvieron una máxima intensidad de aproximadamente cuatro semanas; posteriormente fueron disminuyendo sin presentar complicaciones severas. Al alta el enfermo lograba sentarse y caminar con ayuda. Discusión: A propósito de este caso se hace una revisión de la literatura y actualización de esta grave enfermedad. El tratamiento recomendado incluye terapia de soporte, prevención de complicaciones, antibioterapia, relajantes musculares e inmunoglobulina antitetánica; terapias que este paciente recibió. Si bien esta enfermedad tiene una letalidad promedio de un 50%, los pacientes que sobreviven tienen buen pronóstico y recuperación completa. Por ello, la presentación de este caso clínico es importante, sobre todo siendo una condición poco frecuente, que debe diagnosticarse con prontitud y, así, recibir el tratamiento adecuado.Tetanus is a severe and potentially mortal disease, which affects the Nervous System, caused by the bacteria Clostridium tetani. It's endemic in developing countries, presenting in Chile with a rate of 0,02 cases per 100.000 habitants, but the antitetanic vaccine has reduced its incidence in developed countries. We present here a case report of a patient with generalized tetanus from our hospital. The clinical presentation was characterized by generalized increased muscle tone and trismus, and the patient was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit. The neurologic manifestations were important for a period of 3 weeks, but then they started decreasing until the patient was discharged, without complications and being able to sit and walk with assistance. In relation to this case, we will review the actualizations in the subject of Tetanus. The recommended treatment includes support therapy, prevention of complications, antibiotics, muscle relaxants and anti-tetanospasmin immunoglobulin; all therapies that our patient received partially. The disease has a mortality that reaches the 50% in some series, but the ones who survive have a good prognosis and full recovery. This is why the presentation of this case is important, being an infrequent disease that must be diagnosed timely and be treated adequately.http://ref.scielo.org/v95v7

    Eco-eficiência na indústria extractiva : uma estratégia para o desenvolvimento sustentável

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    Processo de extracção de mármore da pedreira do Rosal; processo de transformação em comprimentos livre

    A Novel High-Performance Length Matching Element for High-Speed Interconnect Differential Channels

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    Length matching elements (LME) are used for intra-pair length matching and inter-pair skew reduction to get high data rates in high-speed differential channels. Although these structures are widely used in printed circuit boards (PCB), the effectiveness of the structure depends on its geometry and dimensions, allowing different design alternatives. In this work, a novel LME for PCB designs is proposed. It is formed by three sub-structures, such that the insertion and impedance profile can be parametrically controlled by the geometry of the proposed LME without affecting the length matching. Mixed-mode parameters, extracted from simulation data, shows that the proposed LME presents lower insertion loss and less electromagnetic interference (EMI), than trapezoidal LME. In addition, time domain reflected analysis (TDR) shows better impedance profile for the proposed LME than for the trapezoidal shape. Both frequency- and time-domain results indicate that the proposed LME can be a good alternative for length matching compensation in high-speed channels

    The role of lubricant feed temperature on the performance of twin groove journal bearings : an experimental study

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    An experimental assessment of the influence of lubricant feed temperature (Tf) on the behaviour of twin groove hydrodynamic journal bearings has been undertaken. Several loads, shaft speeds and bearing geometries were tested under constant lubricant feed pressure (pf), while Tf took four different values between 29ºC and 58ºC. It was found that the increase of Tf has an effect in bearing performance which is analogous in many ways to the effect of the increase in eccentricity: increase in lubricant flow rate (especially in the low eccentricity range), in outlet temperature (Tout) and in maximum bush temperature (Tmax). Nevertheless, the latter increase was lower than the corresponding increase in Tf. Also, in the high eccentricity range the increase in flow rate due to the increase of Tf could be deceiving in the sense that the additional flow was supplied mainly to the inactive region of the bearing (the unloaded land of the bearing).Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    EM Parametric Study of Length Matching Elements Exploiting an ANSYS HFSS Matlab-Python Driver

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    This work presents a Python-based driver for ANSYS HFSS for length matching elements (LME) implemented in Matlab. The driver allows full-wave EM parametric simulation of length matching elements, whose S-parameters are inserted in other circuit simulators, such as ADS, for a complete interconnect validation. Three different LME (i.e., trapezoidal, triangular, and rectangular) are analyzed using the driver in a common high-speed routing scenario. The driver proposed in this work allows verifying that the three LME considered have a similar performance up to 5 GHz, indicating that these LME can be used as mismatch (phase skew) compensation structures in some interfaces within this frequency band, such as USB 3.0, PCIe Gen3 or 1 GBASE Ethernet. On the other hand, the trapezoidal LME shows the best performance for frequencies higher than 5 GHz, with a low impact in the electromagnetic interference (EMI), making it the most recommended for high-speed interfaces with operating frequencies higher than 5 GHz

    Condicionamento industrial : o processo da Fábrica de Pneus Alter : um caso exemplar?

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    Relationships between bone turnover and energy metabolism

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    This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.It is well established that diabetes can be detrimental to bone health, and its chronic complications have been associated with an increased risk of osteoporotic fracture. However, there is growing evidence that the skeleton plays a key role in a whole-organism approach to physiology. The hypothesis that bone may be involved in the regulation of physiological functions, such as insulin sensitivity and energy metabolism, has been suggested. Given the roles of insulin, adipokines, and osteocalcin in these pathways, the need for a more integrative conceptual approach to physiology is emphasized. Recent findings suggest that bone plays an important role in regulating intermediary metabolism, being possibly both a target of diabetic complications and a potential pathophysiologic factor in the disease itself. Understanding the relationships between bone turnover and glucose metabolism is important in order to develop treatments that might reestablish energy metabolism and bone health. This review describes new insights relating bone turnover and energy metabolism that have been reported in the literature.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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