2,764 research outputs found

    Optimal design of a three-phase AFPM for in-wheel electrical traction

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    Sinusoidally fed permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSM) fulfill the special features required for traction motors to be applied in electric vehicles (EV). Among them, axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) synchronous motors are especially suited for in-wheel applications. Electric motors used in such applications must meet two main requirements, i.e. high power density and fault tolerance. This paper deals with the optimal design of an AFPM for in-wheel applications used to drive an electrical scooter. The single-objective optimization process carried out in this paper is based on designing the AFPM to obtain an optimized power density while ensuring appropriate fault tolerance requirements. For this purpose a set of analytical equations are applied to obtain the geometrical, electric and mechanical parameters of the optimized AFPM and several design restrictions are applied to ensure fault tolerance capability. The optimization process is based on a genetic algorithm and two more constrained nonlinear optimization algorithms in which the objective function is the power density. Comparisons with available data found in the technical bibliography show the appropriateness of the approach developed in this work.Postprint (published version

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    Patrimonio, cultura material e innovación docente : Propuestas y experiencias

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    En aquest treball ens centrem en els usos del patrimoni històric educatiu, catàlegs comercials de material d'ensenyament i exposicions pedagògiques que difonen la cultura material de centres docents i dels seus professors com a recurs didàctic en contextos formatius per propiciar l'adquisició de competències. El patrimoni històric educatiu aporta un alt potencial instructiu i educatiu, i pot ser una eina pedagògica en el treball a l'aula per a diferents nivells i modalitats educatius. És un mitjà apropiat per analitzar les cultures escolars (la del coneixement científic dels experts, la política institucional i la dels docents); ens informa de la història i l'evolució de les disciplines escolars i el seu codi disciplinari; és un indicador de processos de canvi, reformes i innovacions; ens ajuda a conèixer el que foren les pràctiques educatives pretèrites, els estils d'ensenyament i les metodologies docents a l'aula i ens permet aprofundir en el coneixement i la interpretació del passat en l'àmbit escolar. Així mateix, permet ser utilitzat com a estratègia didàctica per a una educació patrimonial que contribueixi a l'adquisició i el desenvolupament de capacitats que generin el coneixement, la comprensió, el respecte, la cura i la conservació del patrimoni.In this paper we focus on the uses of historical-educational heritage, commercial catalogues of teaching materials and pedagogical exhibitions that spread the material culture of schools and its teachers as a teaching resource in learning contexts to promote the acquisition of skills. The historical-educational heritage provides a high instructive and teaching potential, and it can be a useful pedagogical work in the classroom for different educational levels and modalities. It is an appropriate means to analyse school cultures (such as that of the scientific knowledge of the experts, the politicalinstitutional one and that of teachers). It tells us about the history and evolution of school disciplines and the disciplinary code. It is an indicator of processes of change, reform and innovation. It helps us to know bygone educational practices, teaching styles and teaching methods in the classroom, enhancing deeper understanding and interpretation of the past in schools. As well, it can be used as a teaching strategy for heritage education that contributes to the acquisition and development of abilities that generate knowledge, understanding, respect, and care and conservation of heritage.En este trabajo nos centramos en los usos del patrimonio histórico-educativo, catálogos comerciales de material de enseñanza y exposiciones pedagógicas que difunden la cultura material de centros docentes y de sus profesores como recurso didáctico en contextos formativos para propiciar la adquisición de competencias. El patrimonio histórico-educativo aporta un alto potencial instructivo y educativo, puede ser un útil pedagógico en el trabajo en el aula para diferentes niveles y modalidades educativas. Es un medio apropiado para analizar las culturas escolares (la del conocimiento científico de los expertos, la político-institucional y la de los docentes); nos informa de la historia y evolución de las disciplinas escolares y su código disciplinar; es un indicador de procesos de cambio, reformas e innovaciones; nos ayuda a conocer lo que fueron las prácticas educativas pretéritas, estilos de enseñanza y metodologías docentes en el aula, permitiéndonos profundizar en el conocimiento e interpretación del pasado en el ámbito escolar. Asimismo, permite ser utilizado como estrategia didáctica para una educación patrimonial que contribuya a la adquisición y desarrollo de capacidades que generen el conocimiento, comprensión, respeto, cuidado y conservación del patrimonio

    Colaboración en ciencia-tecnología entre España/Unión Europea y América Latina. Tendencias en biotecnología, ciencia de los alimentos y nanomateriales

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    A partir de un estudio de dos oleadas de las colaboraciones internacionales en patentes y artículos científicos entre instituciones de los países del Mercosur (más México y Chile) y países de la Unión Europea en los campos de biotecnología, ciencia de los alimentos y nanomateriales, ha sido posible identificar el rápido crecimiento de la colaboración en biotecnología, la emergencia del campo de nanomateriales en México y Brasil y el estancamiento de la colaboración en investigación en ciencias de los alimentos en ese período. México, Brasil y en menor medida Argentina, son los países líderes en esos campos, aunque Chile es un país activo en colaboraciones internacionales. A pesar que España es un importante actor en la estructura de colaboración, todavía no existe un patrón estable de colaboración entre Universidades e instituciones de investigación entre ambas partes.On the basis of a longitudinal study of international collaborations in patents and scientific articles between countries of Mercosur (plus Mexico and Chile) and countries from the European Union in the fields of biotechnology, food science and nanomaterials, it was possible to assess the fast growth of biotechnology, the emergence of nanomaterials in Mexico and Brazil and the stagnation of food science in the period. Mexico, Brazil and to a lesser degree Argentina are the leading countries, whereas Chile is relatively very active internationally as well. Although Spain is an important actor in the structure of collaboration, there is still not a stable institutional frame of collaboration among Universities and research institutes of both sides

    MIRACLE evaluation of results for ImageCLEF 2003

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    ImageCLEF is a new pilot experiment introduced in CLEF 2003. It is devoted to the cross language retrieval of images using textual descriptions related to images contents. This paper presents MIRACLE research team experiments and results obtained for this track

    Evaluation of MIRACLE approach results for CLEF 2003

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    This paper describes MIRACLE (Multilingual Information RetrievAl for the CLEf campaign) approach and results for the mono, bi and multilingual Cross Language Evaluation Forum tasks. The approach is based on the combination of linguistic and statistic techniques to perform indexing and retrieval tasks

    Multi-objective optimal design of a five-phase fault-tolerant axial flux PM motor

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    Electric motors used for traction purposes in electric vehicles (EVs) must meet several requirements, including high efficiency, high power density and faulttolerance. Among them, permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs) highlight. Especially, five-phase axial flux permanent magnet (AFPM) synchronous motors are particularly suitable for in-wheel applications with enhanced fault-tolerant capabilities. This paper is devoted to optimally design an AFPM for in-wheel applications. The main geometric, electric and mechanical parameters of the designed AFPM are calculated by applying an iterative method based on a set of analytical equations, which is assisted by means of a reduced number of three-dimensional finite element method (3D-FEM) simulations to limit the computational burden. To optimally design the AFPM, a constrained multi-objective optimization process based on a genetic algorithm is applied, in which two objective functions are considered, i.e. the power density and the efficiency. Several fault-tolerance constraints are settled during the optimization process to ensure enhanced fault-tolerance in the resulting motor design. The accuracy of the best solution attained is validated by means of 3D-FEM simulations.Postprint (published version

    Ethnic minorities, religious freedom and islamophobia in Spain: reflections for debate

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    El presente texto está basado en el Trabajo Fin de Grado en Trabajo Social de la Universidad de Granada (España), titulado “Minorías étnicas, Islamofobia y Garantía de las Libertades Religiosas: el caso de Granada” realizado por José Luis Martínez Ruiz y dirigido por Mourad Aboussi durante el curso académico 2015-2016.______This text is based on the Final Degree Project of the Degree on Social Work -University of Granada (Spain)-, entitled "Ethnic Minorities, Islamophobia and the Guarantee of Religious Freedoms: the case of Granada". It was developed by José Luis Martínez Ruiz and directed by Mourad Aboussi during the academic year 2015-2016.La globalización ha cambiado los movimientos migratorios convirtiéndolos en globales, transnacionales, circulares y heterogéneos desde países pobres a países llamados desarrollados. De igual forma, las políticas migratorias han cambiado, apuestan por una mayor seguridad y un mayor control. Los sentimientos de racismo, xenofobia e islamofobia están más presentes en las sociedades occidentales desde los atentados cometidos por el islamismo radical en diferentes ciudades. La sociedad, los partidos políticos y los medios de comunicación no suelen diferenciar el Islam del Islamismo Radical. Estos factores, entre otros, dificultan la integración y la convivencia de las personas inmigrantes. El Estado Español responde con leyes y normas que recogen los derechos de este colectivo, pero a veces la garantía de estos derechos muestra ciertas deficiencias. Tampoco los planes, programas y proyectos de integración se adaptan suficientemente a las nuevas circunstancias. En el presente artículo, nos centraremos en la comunidad musulmana en España, la práctica de su libertad religiosa y si se promueve su integración y convivencia con la población autóctona.Globalization has changed the migratory movements, which are now global, transnational, circular and heterogeneous between poor and developed countries. In the same way, migration policies have also changed, going for better security and more control. Feelings of racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia are even more present in western societies after the attacks by radical islamic have happened in different cities, making harder the integration and coexistence of people from different countries. Society, political parties and media do not tend to differentiate Islam from the Radical Islamism. The Spanish State try to alleviate making new laws with the rights of this group, but sometimes the guarantee of these rights are totally inaccurate when are carried them out. In addition, the State, along with the local councils and areas of Spain, create integration plans which are adapted to the new circumstances, but they do not provide most needs of that group. In this article, we will focus on the Muslim Community in Spain, the practice of her religious freedom and if her integration and coexistence with native population is promoted

    Review of the “state of the art” and possibilities of the most significant approaches to the specific delivery of chemotherapy agents to tumor cells

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    Los principales problemas de la quimioterapia proceden esencialmente de la relativa falta de especificidad derivada de la extensa biodistribución de los agentes antitumorales y de los efectos secundarios generados por la acción inespecífica de éstos en tejidos y órganos sanos. La necesidad de encontrar tratamientos eficaces contra el cáncer ha hecho que se incrementen las líneas de investigación en esta materia. Una de las aproximaciones más prometedoras en este sentido es el desarrollo de sistemas coloidales biodegradables para el transporte de fármacos antitumorales. Gracias a éstos, se logra acumular específicamente la cantidad de fármaco administrada en el lugar de acción, logrando así un aumento significativo de la eficacia clínica, junto con una minimización de las reacciones adversas asociadas. En este trabajo, pretendemos analizar el estado actual en el diseño de coloides como transportadores de fármacos antitumorales, junto con la aplicación de las novedosas estrategias de transporte pasivo y activo de fármacos.The main problems related to chemotherapy mainly come from a relative lack of selectivity, that is associated to the extensive biodistribution of antitumor molecules, and to the severe side effects generated by the unspecific drug action on healthy tissues and organs. The need of finding out efficient treatments against cancer has led to an enhancement in the number of research lines in the field. In this way, one of the most promising approaches is the development of biodegradable colloids for the delivery of antitumor drugs. Thanks to them, it is possible to specifically concentrate the drug into the site of action. Therefore, a significant improvement of the chemotherapy effect is obtained along with a minimization of the related adverse side effects. In this review, we analyze the current “state of the art” in the development of colloidal systems for the efficient delivery of anticancer drugs. The possibilities of novel drug delivery strategies based on passive and active targeting mechanisms are also discussed