2,315 research outputs found

    Predictive analysis of transmissible quinolone resistance indicates Stenotrophomonas maltophilia as a potential source of a novel family of Qnr determinants

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    Additional files: Microsoft excel document containing the descriptions of the genes shown in Figure 2.Background Predicting antibiotic resistance before it emerges at clinical settings constitutes a novel approach for preventing and fighting resistance of bacterial pathogens. To analyse the possibility that novel plasmid-encoded quinolone resistance determinants (Qnr) can emerge and disseminate among bacterial pathogens, we searched the presence of those elements in nearly 1000 bacterial genomes and metagenomes. Results We have found a number of novel potential qnr genes in the chromosomes of aquatic bacteria and in metagenomes from marine organisms. Functional studies of the Stenotrophomonas maltophilia Smqnr gene show that plasmid-encoded SmQnr confers quinolone resistance upon its expression in a heterologous host. Conclusion Altogether, the data presented in our work support the notion that predictive studies on antibiotic resistance are feasible, using currently available information on bacterial genomes and with the aid of bioinformatic and functional tools. Our results confirm that aquatic bacteria can be the origin of plasmid-encoded Qnr, and highlight the potential role of S. maltophilia as a source of novel Qnr determinants.This work has been supported by grants BIO2005-04278, LSHM-CT-2005-518152 and LSHM-CT-2005-018705. L. M-M and J.M. R.-M. are supported by REIPI, RD06/0008 from ISCIII, Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Quinolone Resistance: Much More than Predicted

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    Since quinolones are synthetic antibiotics, it was predicted that mutations in target genes would be the only mechanism through which resistance could be acquired, because there will not be quinolone-resistance genes in nature. Contrary to this prediction, a variety of elements ranging from efflux pumps, target-protecting proteins, and even quinolone-modifying enzymes have been shown to contribute to quinolone resistance. The finding of some of these elements in plasmids indicates that quinolone resistance can be transferable. As a result, there has been a developing interest on the reservoirs for quinolone-resistance genes and on the potential risks associated with the use of these antibiotics in non-clinical environments. As a matter of fact, plasmid-encoded, quinolone-resistance qnr genes originated in the chromosome of aquatic bacteria. Thus the use of quinolones in fish-farming might constitute a risk for the emergence of resistance. Failure to predict the development of quinolone resistance reinforces the need of taking into consideration the wide plasticity of biological systems for future predictions. This plasticity allows pathogens to deal with toxic compounds, including those with a synthetic origin as quinolones

    Lipaza iz plijesni Mucor griseocyanus: proizvodnja, karakterizacija i istraživanje nekih katalitičkih svojstava imobiliziranog enzima

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    The aim of this work is to study the production of extracellular lipase by Mucor griseocyanus 55.1.1 strain on different substrates in order to select the ideal one for lipase synthesis. The carbon sources used were: olive oil, glycerol, coconut oil, sunflower oil, glucose, starch and sucrose. The obtained results indicate that the synthesis of the enzyme was possible in the presence of all substrates. Lipase activities in the range of 0.04 to 0.1 IU/mL were obtained. It was found that the most suitable carbon source for the production of the enzyme was a combination of coconut oil and sucrose at 0.5 and 1.5 % (m/V), respectively, and the level of activity reached under this condition was 0.113 IU/mL. The optimum pH and temperature for enzymatic extract activities were identified in a pH range of 4 to 6 and at a temperature of 60 °C. Enzymatic extract was stable for a period of 5 h in neutral and weakly acidic media (pH=6) at moderate temperatures between 20 and 40 °C. Studies on the catalytic properties (stereoselectivity and enantioselectivity) of the immobilized lipase using the esters of methyl phenyl glycinic and (R,S)-methyl mandelic acid showed excellent properties of the enzyme compared to commercial lipases tested. M. griseocyanus lipase exhibited a greater stereoselectivity towards the R-isomer of methyl phenyl glycinic acid ester. However, with the esters of methyl mandelic acid, the enzyme showed a certain preference toward the S-isomer and it was hydrolysed 20 times faster than the R-isomer.Svrha je ovoga rada bila proučiti proizvodnju ekstracelularne lipaze iz soja Mucor griseocyanus 55.1.1. na raznim podlogama radi odabira najboljeg načina sinteze lipaze. Upotrijebljeni su ovi izvori ugljika: maslinovo ulje, glicerol, kokosovo i suncokretovo ulje, te škrob i saharoza. Rezultati su pokazali da se sinteza enzima odvijala na svim podlogama, te da je postignuta aktivnost lipaze u rasponu od 0,04 do 0,1 IU/mL. Utvrđeno je da su najbolji rezultati dobiveni s podlogom koja sadržava 0,5 % (m/V) kokosova ulja i 1,5 % (m/V) saharoze, pri čemu je aktivnost enzima iznosila 0,113 IU/mL. Optimalna pH-vrijednost bila je od 4 do 6, a temperatura 60 ºC. Ekstrakt enzima bio je stabilan tijekom 5 sati u neutralnoj ili slabo kiseloj sredini (pH=6), pri temperaturama od 20 do 40 ºC. Istraživanjem katalitičkih svojstava (stereoselektivnosti i enantioselektivnosti) imobilizirane lipaze pomoću metilfenilnog estera glicinske kiseline i (R,S)-metilnog estera bademove kiseline dokazana su odlična svojstva tog enzima u usporedbi s komercijalnim lipazama. Lipaza iz plijesni M. griseocyanus ima veću stereoselektivnost prema R-oblicima metilfenilnog estera glicinske kiseline i S-izomeru metilnog estera bademove kiseline (kojeg hidrolizira 20 puta brže od R-izomera)

    Susceptibility of pepper weevil (anthonomus eugenii cano) (coleoptera: curculionidae) to seven insecticides in rural areas of Baja California Sur, México

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    The susceptibility of the pepper weevil (Anthonomus eugenii), collected from Baja California Sur, Mexico, to seven insecticides was determined. Acontact, residual exposition method was used to obtain the lethal concentrations fifty (LC50) and the diagnostic concentration (LC95) of organophosphates (OF), carbamates (CA), pyrethroids (PIR), and organochlorine (OC) insecticides used to control pepper weevils from two agricultural areas (Los Planes and Todos Santos) in Southern Baja California Peninsula, as well as on a pepper weevil population not exposed to insecticides (PWIF) for two years. The highest LC50’s were obtained for methomyl (CA) and oxamyl (CA), followed by methamidophos (OF), endosulfan (OC), cyfluthrin (PIR) and azinphos-methyl (OF). The lowest LC50’s were observed for carbaryl (CA). The field population from Todos Santos showed lower susceptibility than the population from Los Planes to insecticides as methomyl, oxamyl, and carbaryl, while with methamidophos, azinphos-methyl, and cyfluthrin, the LC50 showed higher values. The PWIF population presented the lowest LC50 values of all three populations tested. However, in most cases, the difference was not significant in relation to the two field populations, thus the PWIF population needs to be kept free of insecticides for longer periods to establish a susceptibility baseline for Anthonomus eugenii

    Transition Planes for Visual Comfort: Out View with Complex Fenestration System Design at Restaurants in Spain

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    This work deals with daylighting for quality indoor atmospheres, considering building skins. In recent years, almost all retrofit facades of restaurants are highly glazed façades, boosting glare, sun ray absorption and overheating inside. Most of the time, they are not integrated with daylight control; therefore, lighting and out view requirements are not so balanced. Taking into account this daylighting complexity, an alternative façade system is proposed to simulate by Radiance. Previously, perception simulations are compared with measured data, in order to discretize the simulations. In addition, for one point three different view are assessed as: work plane, relation plane and the out plane. Subsequently, two virtual façade models, windows combined by complex fenestration system (CFS) as prismatic film (PF) and highly glazed façade, are tested according to daylighting. For that, three indexes have been used: daylight glare probability (DGP), daylight glare index (DGI) and daylight autonomy (DA). The results show that the proposed complex façade has a good light contribution with less absorption, while maintaining the outside view. In addition, the DGI is needed to test the out plane, because DGP is more suitable for lower luminance; therefore, each visual plane should be assessed regarding different visual comfort conditions, or parameters and methods. Accordingly, the mean DGI result of window combined by CFS is approximately lower in 5% than highly glazed façade. However, the DA of highly glazed is higher in 5%, but the DA of window combined by CFS is enough, above 80%. Definitely, the complex scene at restaurant with the proposed integrated façade system improves light performance and indoor atmosphere.This work is supported by the Postdoc training program of the Basque Government and the funding of Department of Architecture of University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU

    On-Offer and Residual Forage in a Massai-\u3cem\u3eLeucaena\u3c/em\u3e Pasture at Different Leucaena Density

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    Mexican livestock producers in tropical areas are increasingly interested on the establishment of silvopastoral systems based on Leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit) and different tropical grasses as the Massai grass (Panicum maximum cv Massai); among questions raised on this is the importance of Leucaena density in relation to forage available. Then the objective of the study was to determine total and by species on-offer and residual forage in a grazed MassaiLeucaena pasture with different Leucaena density

    A Preliminary Estimation of the Direct Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance in Valencia (Spain): Comparison with Measured Values

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    UVSPEC and SMARTS2 models have been used to estimate the UV spectral irradiance values in Valencia, Spain, and the results of these estimations have been compared with experimental measurements of direct irradiance at normal incidence obtained using an Optronic OL 754 in the 300-400 nm range. The relative RMSD and MBD parameters have been used to estimate the deviations of the modelled values with respect to the experimental values. The results indicate that the deviations are smaller when the SMARTS2 model is used with the appropriate aerosol coefficients