766 research outputs found

    Towards a unified management of applications on heterogeneous clouds

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    J. Carrasco, F. Durán y E. Pimentel. "Towards a Unified Management of Applications on Heterogeneous Clouds". Proceedings of the PhD Symposium at the 5th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing. G. Zavattaro and W. Zimmermann (eds). University Halle-Wittenberg. Technical Report 2016/02, 40-47. 2016.The diversity in the way cloud providers o↵er their services, give their SLAs, present their QoS, or support di↵erent technologies, makes very difficult the portability and interoperability of cloud applications, and favours the well-known vendor lock-in problem. We propose a model to describe cloud applications and the required resources in an agnostic, and providers- and resources-independent way, in which individual application modules, and entire applications, may be re-deployed using different services without modification. To support this model, and after the proposal of a variety of cross-cloud application management tools by different authors, we propose going one step further in the unification of cloud services with a management approach in which IaaS and PaaS services are integrated into a unified interface. We provide support for deploying applications whose components are distributed on different cloud providers, indistinctly using IaaS and PaaS services.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Component-wise application migration in bidimensional cross-cloud environments

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    We propose an algorithm for the migration of cloud applications' components between different providers, possibly changing their service level between IaaS and PaaS. Our solution relies on three of the key ingredients of the trans-cloud approach: a unified API, agnostic topology descriptions, and mechanisms for the independent specification of providers. We show how our approach allows us to overcome some of the current interoperability and portability issues of cloud environments to propose a solution for migration, present an implementation of our proposed solution, and illustrate it with a case study and experimental results.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Bidimensional Cross-Cloud Application Management with TOSCA and Brooklyn (summary)

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    The diversity in the way different cloud providers offer their services, give their SLAs, present their QoS, support different technologies, etc., complicates the portability and interoperability of cloud applications, and favors vendor lock-in. Standards like TOSCA, and tools supporting them, have come to help in the provider-independent description of cloud applications. After the variety of proposed cross-cloud application management tools, we propose going one step further in the unification of cloud services with a deployment tool in which IaaS and PaaS services are integrated into a unified interface. We provide support for applications whose components are to be deployed on different providers, indistinctly using IaaS and PaaS services. The TOSCA standard is used to define a portable model describing the topology of the cloud applications and the required resources in an agnostic, and providers- and resources-independent way. We include in this paper some highlights on our implementation on Apache Brooklyn and present a non-trivial example that illustrates our approach. Resumen del artículo publicado en: Jose Carrasco, Javier Cubo, Francisco Durán, Ernesto Pimentel. Bidimensional Cross-Cloud Application Management with TOSCA and Brooklyn, 9th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2016), San Francisco, (EEUU). IEEE Computer Society, 2016.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The role of environmental accounting in organizational change: An exploration of Spanish companies

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    Critique originated by earlier theorization of environmental accounting, as a way of building environmentalist visibility of business, led Gray et al., to study environmental accounting in the dynamics of organizational change. They concluded that environmental accounting is being used to ``negotiate the conception of the environment'' by companies that have not significantly changed. In order to investigate whether Gray et al.'s model and conclusions apply to a different cultural context, we have conducted nine case studies in Spain. We found that Spanish organizations are not truly changing their conventional perception of the environment, even in those cases where generalized structural and organizational changes are taking place. Moreover, the use of environmental accounting is coupled with an attempt to negotiate and control the environmental agenda

    Rediseño de un sistema centralizado de anuncios clasificados

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    El Sistema de Anuncios Clasificados, es principalmente un middleware que permite la gestión interna de las reglas de publicación y de negocio entre diferentes portales web, publicaciones de papel y otros sistemas de introducción de anuncios. Por motivos de rendimiento y eficiencia se decide rediseñar la aplicación creando una nueva versión productiva en paralelo a la versión existente, con la finalidad de corregir las deficiencias de ésta y sustituirla a medio plazo

    Educational hypermedia resources facilitator

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    Se analiza el impacto que la enseñanza en web ha tenido en la educación superior y las distintas herramientas que permiten la creación de documentos hipertexto como recursos de enseñanzaWithin the university the introduction of computers is creating a new criterion of differentiation between those who as a matter of course become integrated in the technocratic trend deriving from the daily use of these machines and those who become isolated by not using them. This difference increases when computer science and communications merge to introduce virtual educational areas, where the conjunction of teacher and pupil in the space-time dimension is no longer an essential requirement, andwhere the written text is replaced (or rather complemented) by the digital text. In this article a historical defence is made of the presence of this new standard in the creation of digital educational resources such as the hyperdocument, as well as the barriers and technological problems deriving from its use. Furthermore, HyCo, an authoring tool, is introduced which facilitates the composition of hypertexts, which arestored as semantic learning objects, looking for that through of a simple and extremely intuitive interface and interaction model, any teacher with a minimum knowledge of computer science has the possibility of transforming his or her experience and knowledge into useful and quality hypermedia educational resources

    Coverage and development of specialist palliative care services across the World Health Organization European region (2005-2012): results from a European association for palliative care task force survey of 53 countries

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    Background: The evolution of the provision of palliative care specialised services is important for planning and evaluation. Aim: To examine the development between 2005 and 2012 of three specialised palliative care services across the World Health Organization European Region – home care teams, hospital support teams and inpatient palliative care services. Design and setting: Data were extracted and analysed from two editions of the European Association for Palliative Care Atlas of Palliative Care in Europe. Significant development of each type of services was demonstrated by adjusted residual analysis, ratio of services per population and 2012 coverage (relationship between provision of available services and demand services estimated to meet the palliative care needs of a population). For the measurement of palliative care coverage, we used European Association for Palliative Care White Paper recommendations: one home care team per 100,000 inhabitants, one hospital support team per 200,000 inhabitants and one inpatient palliative care service per 200,000 inhabitants. To estimate evolution at the supranational level, mean comparison between years and European sub-regions is presented. Results: Of 53 countries, 46 (87%) provided data. Europe has developed significant home care team, inpatient palliative care service and hospital support team in 2005–2012. The improvement was statistically significant for Western European countries, but not for Central and Eastern countries. Significant development in at least a type of services was in 21 of 46 (46%) countries. The estimations of 2012 coverage for inpatient palliative care service, home care team and hospital support team are 62%, 52% and 31% for Western European and 20%, 14% and 3% for Central and Eastern, respectively. Conclusion: Although there has been a positive development in overall palliative care coverage in Europe between 2005 and 2012, the services available in most countries are still insufficient to meet the palliative care needs of the population

    La Evaluación de la docencia: Ventajas e Inconvenientes del procedimiento "Docentia" propuesto por la ANECA

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    La evaluación de la actividad docente e investigadora del profesorado se implantó normativamente en 1989, si bien con fines exclusivamente retributivos. Desde entonces, los profesores se han sometido cada 5 años a la evaluación de su actividad docente y cada 6 años a la de su actividad investigadora. Sin embargo, la evaluación de la actividad investigadora ha tenido una importancia y trascendencia muchísimo mayor que la docente. De hecho, los sexenios investigadores se han convertido en la clave de los concursos a los cuerpos de docente universitarios, tanto para la formación de tribunales como para la selección de los candidatos. La evaluación de la actividad docente ha estado, por el contrario, sometida a la rutina e indiferencia. La mayoría de los profesores universitarios están en posesión de todos los quinquenios docentes que su antigüedad le permite, ya tengan o no actividad docente real. A la larga, esta generalización ha minusvalorado la propia actividad docente, ha marginado a todo un conjunto de profesores vocacionales y ha deteriorado la calidad de la enseñanza que reciben los alumnos. Incluso, mientras esto acontecía, y coincidiendo con el desarrollo del EEES, se proclamaban admirables principios acerca de la enseñanza de calidad, que en nada se materializaban o que invariablemente se reconducían a la tenencia de sexenios investigadores. Finalmente, en 2007, casi 13 años más tarde de que se estableciera un procedimiento para la evaluación de la actividad investigadora (1994), la ANECA propuso DOCENTIA. La UPM, que se ha sumado a este programa aun año más tarde, ya tenía, en teoría, su propio procedimiento de evaluación docente, pero sólo diseñado para otorgar quinquenios, sin que en modo alguno se evalúe la actividad docente real del profesor. A la vista de esta apatía institucional, la ETSI de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de la UPM estableció en 2005, un procedimiento de evaluación docente que ha cambiado en la forma de valorar esta actividad dentro de nuestra Escuela. Se encuesta a los alumnos de forma eficiente y a través de Internet (lo que ya es novedoso de por sí), sobre la actividad docente real del profesor en el aula y fuera de ella. Pero la gran novedad del sistema está en la divulgación general de los resultados, que son presentados de forma rápida, clara, precisa y comparativa. Actualmente estos resultados están siendo tenidos en cuenta para la renovación de contratos de los profesores. La experiencia acumulada tras estos años, permite a los autores comentar en este artículo la viabilidad práctica del procedimiento de evaluación propuesto por la ANECA, y por la UPM, que parece una copia directa de aquel. Se proponen modificaciones a este procedimiento si se pretende que sirva para conseguir una docencia de calidad, y no sólo para seguir estableciendo una retribución económica de forma general, o para cumplir sobre el papel, los requisitos de calidad exigidos a los nuevos planes de estudi


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    El objetivo que nos hemos planteado en esta contribución es el estudio de la circulación de productos, de los mecanismos de intercambio y de las pautas de consumo en el entorno del Bajo Guadalquivir entre los siglos V y II a.C. A través de la lectura que hacemos de los registros cerámicos de Ilipa, Caura y *Spal hemos documentado un punto de inflexión en el siglo IV a.C. Hasta entonces las importaciones mediterráneas, aunque presentes, eran escasas, y la circulación de productos alimenticios se hacía en envases anfóricos (Pellicer B-C) a los que se le supone una producción local, o en ánforas salazoneras del área del Estrecho en sentido amplio, incluyendo también las procedentes de la costa malacitana (Mañá-Pascual A4). A partir del siglo IV a.C. la proporción de productos provenientes de los talleres de Gadir y de la campiña gaditana aumenta exponencialmente, con un período de apogeo centrado en el siglo III a.C. En líneas generales podemos afirmar que una parte mayoritaria de las ánforas importadas registradas fueron fabricadas en los talleres de Gadir, ciudad que se constituye en el primer, y casi único, interlocutor comercial de los centros ribereños del Baetis. Tan sólo durante la II Guerra Púnica, y tras la conquista romana, llegan productos de procedencias más lejanas, como los contenidos en los envases púnicos centromediterráneos, o las ánforas grecoitálicas de vino campano; pero aún éstas arriban al emporio fluvial teniendo a Gadir como escala intermedia. Resulta evidente, pues, el carácter empórico de *Spal, hipotético para tiempos anteriores al siglo IV a.C. El predominio de envases anfóricos sobre otras producciones cerámicas en todos los contextos revisados de los siglos IV al II a.C., ya es un dato significativo que parece evidenciar la proliferación de edificios y basureros relacionados, respectivamente, con el almacenamiento y la amortización de recipientes comercializados. Por otro lado, el origen de una parte importante de los contenedores y de algunas vajillas, como la cerámica ática de barniz negro o la «tipo Kuass», hace patente la vinculación de *Spal con Gadir, y su carácter de centro redistribuidor de productos propios y ajenos.The objective that we have formulated for this contribution is the study of the circulation of products, of the mechanisms of exchange and of the patterns of consumption in the area of the Lower Guadalquivir during the 5th to 2nd centuries BC. Through our reading of the pottery records of Ilipa, Caura and *Spal, we have documented an inflexion point in the 4th century BC. Prior to this date, Mediterranean imports, although present, were scarce, and the circulation of foodstuffs was enabled by amphorae containers (Pellicer B-C), identified as local productions, or by the salting containers of the area of the Straight, also including those of the coast of Malaga (Mañá-Pascual A4). From the 4th century onwards, the frequency of products from the workshops of Gadir and from the inlands of Cadiz increased exponentially, reaching a peak during the 3rd century BC. In general terms, we may affirm that most of the known imported amphorae were produced in the workshops of Gadir, the city that became the first, and practically only, commercial negotiator of the waterside centres of the Baetis. Only during the second Punic War and after the Roman conquest, did products arrive from further afar, for instance the contents of the Centro Mediterranean containers or of the Greco-Italic amphorae of wine from Campania; but even these arrived to the fluvial emporium, finding in Gadir an intermediary stopover. The idea of *Spal as an emporium, hypothetical for dates prior to the 4th century, thus appears to be clear. The predominance of amphorae over any other pottery product in all of the contexts that we have reassessed, dating from the 4th to the 2nd century BC, is in itself a significant element that appears to confirm the proliferation of buildings and tips that were linked, respectively, to the storage and amortisation of the commercialised containers. On the other hand, the origin of an important part of the containers and some tableware, such as the Attic black slipware or the ‘Kuass type’ pottery, illustrates the relationship between *Spal and Gadir, and their role as redistribution centres for their own and for imported products

    Lotus tenuis x L. corniculatus interspecific hybridization as a means to breed bloat-safe pastures and gain insight into the genetic control of proanthocyanidin biosynthesis in legumes

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    Background: Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are secondary metabolites that strongly affect plant quality traits. The concentration and the structure of these metabolites influence the palatability and nutritional value of forage legumes. Hence, modulating PAs in the leaves of forage legumes is of paramount relevance for forage breeders worldwide. The lack of genetic variation in the leaf PA trait within the most important forage species and the difficulties in engineering this pathway via the ectopic expression of regulatory genes, prompted us to pursue alternative strategies to enhance this trait in forage legumes of agronomic interest. The Lotus genus includes forage species which accumulate PAs in edible organs and can thus be used as potential donor parents in breeding programs. Results: We recovered a wild, diploid and PA-rich population of L. corniculatus and crossed with L. tenuis. The former grows in an alkaline-salty area in Spain while the latter is a diploid species, grown extensively in South American pastures, which does not accumulate PAs in the herbage. The resulting interspecific hybrids displayed several traits of outstanding agronomic relevance such as rhizome production, PA levels in edible tissues sufficient to prevent ruminal bloating (around 5 mg of PAs/g DW), biomass production similar to the cultivated parent and potential for adaptability to marginal lands. We show that PA levels correlate with expression levels of the R2R3MYB transcription factor TT2 and, in turn, with those of the key structural genes of the epicatechin and catechin biosynthetic pathways leading to PA biosynthesis. Conclusions: The L. tenuis x L. corniculatus hybrids, reported herein, represent the first example of the introgression of the PA trait in forage legumes to levels known to provide nutritional and health benefits to ruminants. Apart from PAs, the hybrids have additional traits which may prove useful to breed forage legumes with increased persistence and adaptability to marginal conditions. Finally, our study suggests the hybrids and their progeny are an invaluable tool to gain a leap forward in our understanding of the genetic control of PA biosynthesis and tolerance to stresses in legumes.Fil: Escaray, Francisco José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Passeri, Valentina. Institute of Biosciences and BioResources; Italia. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; ItaliaFil: Babuin, María Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Marco, Francisco. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Carrasco, Pedro. Universidad de Valencia; EspañaFil: Damiani, Francesco. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italia. Institute of Biosciences and BioResources; ItaliaFil: Pieckenstain, Fernando Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); ArgentinaFil: Paolocci, Francesco. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche; Italia. Institute of Biosciences and BioResources; ItaliaFil: Ruiz, Oscar Adolfo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús). Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas "Dr. Raúl Alfonsín" (sede Chascomús); Argentin