65 research outputs found

    Do employees’ generational cohorts influence corporate venturing? A multilevel analysis

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    Organizations are facing an interesting phenomenon in the composition of theirworkforce: the concurrence of multiple age generations that demand suitablestrategies regarding work design, job satisfaction, and incentives. Ongoingentrepreneurship and strategic management debates require a betterunderstanding of the relationship between workplace generational cohorts’configurations and organizational performance. We propose a conceptual modelfor understanding how a diversified workforce influences some determinants(i.e., employees’ human capital and attitudes, organizational climate, andenvironmental conditions) of entrepreneurial organizations’ outcomes (i.e.,corporate venturing). Our framework offers insights into corporate venturingdeterminants for three generational cohorts: Baby Boomers, Generation X, andGeneration Y. Using a sample of 20,256 employees across 28 countries, ourfindings lend support to the positive effect of individual and organizationaldeterminants on corporate venturing, as well as how these effects are reinforcedper generational cohort. Specifically, our results show that younger generations(millennials) have more propensity to be involved in corporate venturingactivities. This study also contributes to thought-provoking implications forentrepreneurial organizational leaders who manage employees from differentgenerations

    Do employees' generational cohorts influence corporate venturing? A multilevel analysis

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    Organizations are facing an interesting phenomenon in the composition of their workforce: the concurrence of multiple age generations that demand suitable strategies regarding work design, job satisfaction, and incentives. Ongoing entrepreneurship and strategic management debates require a better understanding of the relationship between workplace generational cohorts' configurations and organizational performance. We propose a conceptual model for understanding how a diversified workforce influences some determinants (i.e., employees' human capital and attitudes, organizational climate, and environmental conditions) of entrepreneurial organizations' outcomes (i.e.,corporate venturing). Our framework offers insights into corporate venturing determinants for three generational cohorts: Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. Using a sample of 20,256 employees across 28 countries, our findings lend support to the positive effect of individual and organizational determinants on corporate venturing, as well as how these effects are reinforced per generational cohort. Specifically, our results show that younger generations (millennials) have more propensity to be involved in corporate venturing activities. This study also contributes to thoughtprovoking implications for entrepreneurial organizational leaders who manage employees from different generations

    CALL FOR PAPERS: Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Sustainability in Natural Resource-Intensive Economies.

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    BackgroundIn facing the challenges of reducing detrimental environmental and societal impacts created by unsustainable business practices, the development of innovations and entrepreneurship for sustainability has gained special attention. They are recognized as the engine in the transformation of current business processes and key factors in creating sustainable prosperity (Hall et al. 2010).------------------------------------------------------Important dates• Final date for submissions: 1 September 2014• Notification to author: Last Week of October 2014• Online Publications: 3rd Week of November 2014

    The influence of the quality of government institutions on entrepreneurial motivation : exploring the variance across countries

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    Despite the increasing understanding of the relationships between institutions and entrepreneurship, the influence of the quality of government institutions on entrepreneurship is less addressed. This paper focuses on this critical determinant of entrepreneurship in developing and developed countries. Drawing from institutional theory we hypothesize and empirically assess the role of the quality of institutions in entrepreneurial activity. We examine how the quality of government institutions influences the rate of necessity-based entrepreneurial activity across countries and over time by using a cross-sectional time-series approach on data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) database covering the years 2001-2011. Our results suggest that higher economic development associated with better quality of institutions reduces the prevalence of necessity-based entrepreneurship. Our findings imply that developing countries must rationally organize their functions, and seek to remove unnecessary barriers, decrease political instability, and controls that hamper entrepreneurial activit

    The influence of human and relational capital on the rapid internationalization of firms: A comparative study between Spain and Chile

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to compare the influence of entrepreneurs human and relational capital on the rapid internationalization of their firms from two economically different contexts. Design/methodology/approach:This study was developed using data that were collected from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor of Spain and Chile. A logistic regression analysis was used to examine and compare the influence of some elements of entrepreneurs´human and relational capital on the likelihood of their firms' rapid internationalization. Findings: The results revealed that Chilean entrepreneurs rely more on their formal education or experience to rapidly internationalize their firms. In contrast, Spanish entrepreneurs complement their formal education with their relational capital to conduct international entrepreneurial activities. Research limitations/implications: The implications of this study are related to the role that public policies play in promoting these types of entrepreneurial initiatives. Originality/value: This study presents several contributions. First, it advances the understanding of entrepreneurial internationalization in emerging economic contexts. Second, it provides a comparative study regarding entrepreneurial internationalization, which is considered a fundamental current in the field of international entrepreneurship. Finally, this comparative study improves our understanding of the influence of different economic contexts on entrepreneurial internationalization

    Regulations and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries

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    Desde el enfoque institucional, este artículo examina el efectode las regulaciones sobre la actividad emprendedora, comparando paísesdesarrollados frente a países en desarrollo. Utilizando un modelo de datosde panel desbalanceado, de 49 países durante el período 2001-2010, y apartir de una combinación de bases de datos internacionales, los resultadosmuestran una influencia positiva del gasto público y la legislaciónrelativa a la creación de empresas en la actividad emprendedora. Además,las regulaciones pueden tener un efecto diferente sobre el emprendimientode acuerdo con el desarrollo económico del país. Así, en las economíasdesarrolladas, la legislación para el desempleo está relacionada de manerapositiva con la creación de empresas, mientras que dicha relación esnegativa en otros casos. Este artículo contribuye tanto conceptualmente(avanzando en la teoría sobre el análisis de los factores que condicionanel emprendimiento) como desde una perspectiva práctica (para el diseñode políticas gubernamentales de fomento de la actividad emprendedora)

    Aprendizaje conceptual de las ciencias : con la interactividad hacia la interculturalidad

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    CoLoS es el acrónimo que responde a “Conceptual Learning of Science”, que traducido del inglés significa aprendizaje conceptual de las ciencias. CoLoS, para favorecer el aprendizaje, utiliza tres recursos: páginas web, objetos de aprendizaje y herramientas de autor. Entre los trabajos que desarrolla nos centramos en el proyecto “Laboratorio Remoto” describiendo sus posibilidades. Desde la realización de experimentos en línea, se asumen estas ventajas y se reconoce la importancia de la interactividad dentro entorno de trabajo. Finalmente se reconoce que tanto la creación como la interpretación del código está sujeta a la impronta cultural afectando a la comprensión de la información especialmente importante dentro de contextos educativos por lo que hay que hacer frente a la existencia de grupos interculturales de alumnos.CoLoS is the acronym that refers “Conceptual Learning of Sciences”. CoLoS improves learning with tree main resources: websites, learning objects and authoring tools. Among the jobs that CoLoS developes we focus this paper inside “Remote laboratory” project, describing its capabilities. From the experiments done on-line, these benefits are assumed and we recognizes the importance of interactivity in the on-line environment. Finally it is recognized that both the creation and understanding of the code is subject of cultural imprint affecting the meaning of information, particularly important in educational contexts. Intercultural groups of estudents must be considered

    Does gender matter for corporate entrepreneurship? A cross-countries study

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    The accumulated knowledge about corporate entrepreneurship has provided a better understanding of its antecedents and consequences. Corporate entrepreneurship activities are strongly related to incremental or disruptive innovation processes. However, academic debates demand a novel conceptual framework to understand the gendered workforce’s contribution to corporate entrepreneurship initiatives worldwide. This study hypothesizes that a gendered workforce has similar capabilities (skills, ability to detect opportunities, and networks) to engage in corporate entrepreneurship. Therefore, any gender differences could be explained by the influence of country-level conditions (gender equality levels, culture, and social norms). We tested these hypotheses with a sample of 50,550 employees from 50 countries. Our results support these hypotheses extending the corporate entrepreneurship literature and provoking an interesting discussion to academics, managers, employees, and policymakers

    Longitudinal Analysis of entrepreneurship and competitiveness dynamics in Latin America

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    This study analyzes the relationship between entrepreneurial dynamics in Latin-American countries and the level of competitiveness these countries show. Based on the research conducted by Wennekers et al. (2005) that demonstrates a U-shaped relationship between the country's rate of entrepreneurship and its level of competitiveness and economic development, we hypothesize that Latin-American countries have a descending behaviour under the U-shaped curve approach. The results from three regression models support this relationship and suggest that region's competitiveness and economic growth have not had an important effect on entrepreneurial dynamics. We discuss that Latin-American countries need to improve some structural factors to achieve a high level of entrepreneurial dynamics

    Longitudinal Analysis of entrepreneurship and competitiveness dynamics in Latin America

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    This study analyzes the relationship between entrepreneurial dynamics in Latin-American countries and the level of competitiveness these countries show. Based on the research conducted by Wennekers et al. (2005) that demonstrates a U-shaped relationship between the country's rate of entrepreneurship and its level of competitiveness and economic development, we hypothesize that Latin-American countries have a descending behaviour under the U-shaped curve approach. The results from three regression models support this relationship and suggest that region's competitiveness and economic growth have not had an important effect on entrepreneurial dynamics. We discuss that Latin-American countries need to improve some structural factors to achieve a high level of entrepreneurial dynamics