161 research outputs found

    Management of Tourist Destinations: the Expectations of Guests on eWOM Generation in Maldonado (Uruguay)

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to examine the importance of exceeding the expectations of guests to generate greater satisfaction, in order to offer an unforgettable experience and generate more comments on the Web 2.0 in the context of tourism. Structural equation models were used. The data for the analysis were obtained from a sample of residents of the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation (Uruguay), who were asked about their last overnight stay. The proposed structural equation model was tested using the partial least square (PLS) technique. The results show that exceeding the expectations of guests is essential for the clients’ experience and very important for the satisfaction with the stay at the hotel. The generation of online comments (electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM)) is also strongly influenced by emotional experiences. Exceeding the expectations of trained clients and surprising them with new services and experiences is the essence of luxury offers. The main practical implication is that exceeding expectations is the key to eWOM, and this means that managers must be involved in a perpetual process of service innovation

    Residents’ attitudes towards different tourist offers: Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation (Uruguay)

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    The study of residents' attitudes is fundamental for tourist destinations managers. Residents form their attitude towards tourism through a cost-benefit analysis based on their perception of tourism impacts. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between the perception of the different types of impacts, the general attitude toward tourism and various types of tourism offer: sport tourism, maritime tourism, nature tourism and sun and beach tourism. The analysis of the data was performed using Partial Least Squares on a sample of 420 residents of the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation, interviewed in 2016. The strongest causal relationship is between general attitude and acceptance of sun and beach tourism, the traditional offer in the region. The main conclusion is that a more favourable attitude to tourism does not imply greater support for any type of tourism. It is not possible to generalize the support to tourism to any tourism project, and tourist destinations managers must take it into account

    Environmental and Economic Concerns in Residents’ Attitudes in Punta del Este (Uruguay)

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    [Abstract] The objective of this article is to determine the importance of environmental concern on residents’ perceptions and attitudes in the case of the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation. To relativize the importance of this concern, economic concern was introduced into the model. Punta del Este is located next to the city of Maldonado, capital of the homonymous department, and is the most important sun and beach destination in Uruguay. For this analysis, a sample of 420 residents from the Maldonado-Punta del Este conurbation was used. The questionnaire contained several items using a5-point Likert scale and a section including socio-demographic questions. Analysis of the data was carried out through Partial Least Squares (PLS) SEM regression. The results suggest that residents form their attitudes towards tourism based on tourism’s economic benefits and socio-cultural costs. Residents of Punta del Este show concern for the environment but not for the economy. This concern is mainly related to the perception of environmental costs, but the causal relationship could be the opposite

    Music as an Element of Tourism Innovation: Types of Nightlife Premises in Ibiza (Spain)

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    [Abstract]: The island of Ibiza is a western Mediterranean destination known internationally for its nightlife. The aim of this paper is to make a proposal to classify the different types of premises in the Ibiza nightlife offer. This involves making a first definition that allows to delimit which businesses are parts of the sector. The methodology used is based on the case study and specifically, on the review of the promotional actions and activities carried out, completed with the visit to the premises. The classification has been made based on the offer marketed and not only on the legal forms used, as innovation goes ahead of the existing legal classifications. Although it is a particular application, due to the international importance of Ibiza, it is a good starting point to classify the nightlife offer of many other tourist destinations. The resulting typology divides the sector into two large groups: nightclubs and other premises. While nightclubs have musical parties as their main activity declared, the other premises have accommodation or catering as their main activity, with music being an element of differentiation. Nightclubs are divided into several subgroups, depending on their size and relevance. The other premises are subdivided into Beach Clubs, Hotel Clubs, Party Boats, Lounge Clubs, Disco Pubs, among others.European Regional Development Fund of the European Union through the reference grant GR21161

    Entrepreneurship, Local Fashion, Tourism Development, and the Hippie Movement: The Case of Adlib Fashion (Ibiza, Spain)

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    [Abstract] On the island of Ibiza, the sixties and seventies saw a touristic boom and the rise of hippies. The hippie presence ended shortly after, but left various elements considered to be direct legacies. Among these elements, it is worth highlighting the creation of a local fashion inspired by traditional clothing and hippies. This fashion was called Adlib and has its appearance date in 1971 with the first Ibiza Fashion Week. In this paper, a case study is carried out, supported by interviews, which delves into the historical evolution and the current situation of Adlib Ibiza fashion and the businesses under this umbrella brand. Adlib fashion has always had more relevance as a tool for promoting and differentiating tourism than as an independent economic sector. Even so, it is a small sector made up of small or micro businesses created by entrepreneurs from the island who seek to market their designs. Unfortunately, many businesses fail shortly after their opening and do not survive the retirement of their founder, due to the strong link of these businesses to the designs and creations of their owner. The evolution of the brand and its businesses undermines any optimism in future trends, and possibly suggests a slow decline

    Otitis bovina por Rhabditis bovis en Córdoba, Colombia. Reporte de dos casos

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    Se reportan dos casos de bovinos de la raza Gyr puros, atendidos en el servicio ambulatorio de la clínica medico-quirúrgica de grandes animales de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia. Los animales presentaron al examen físico signos de otitis clínica en ambos lados, con otorrea, olor fétido, inflamación con cierto grado de estenosis del conducto auditivo, inclinación de la cabeza, prurito intenso y rascado excesivo de las orejas. Se realizó inspección directa y colecta de material del conducto auditivo externo, y se observó en forma directa el movimiento de los parásitos en el cerumen, posteriormente confirmado por observación microscopio-estereoscópico, en el laboratorio de parasitología de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad de Córdoba, en el cual se reveló la presencia de larvas y adultos de nemátodos del género Rhabditis bovis. Es el primer reporte de esta enfermedad en bovinos de la raza Gyr en el departamento de Córdoba y Colombia

    Posibles causas del apoyo de los residentes a un aumento de llegadas turísticas en Punta del Este (Uruguay)

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las posibles causas directas e indirectas del apoyo de los residentes a un aumento en las llegadas turísticas a Punta del Este. Los datos corresponden a una muestra de 360 residentes de la conurbación de Maldonado-Punta del Este. El análisis se realizó mediante Regresión de Mínimos Cuadrados Parciales. Entre los resultados obtenidos, se puede mencionar que: la preocupación por la economía local tiene un efecto positivo sobre la valoración de los beneficios económicos; la percepción de los beneficios económicos aumenta la percepción de los otros beneficios; la percepción de los otros beneficios mejora la actitud general de los residentes; y la actitud general de los residentes tiene un efecto positivo sobre el apoyo a la llegada de más turistas. Destaca la importancia explicativa de los otros beneficios (mejora en el entorno urbano y en los servicios públicos)

    Caracterización clínica, histopatológica e histoquímica del papiloma cutáneo en bovinos (Bos taurus) del departamento de Córdoba, Colombia

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los aspectos clínicos, histopatológicos e histoquímicos de la papilomatosis cutánea (PC) en bovinos (Bos taurus), del departamento de Córdoba, Colombia. Dicho estudio fue de tipo descriptivo, no probabilístico, en animales de conveniencia. Se utilizaron 24 bovinos con PCB, diagnosticados clínica e histopatológicamente. Las lesiones, se observaron a modo de masas exofíticas e hiperpigmentadas; en algunos casos, pediculadas o en forma de coliflor; en otros e inclusive en los papilomas planos, se evidenciaron los pedículos a la compresión . De igual forma, los papilomas de gran tamaño pendulantes fueron extraídos quirúrgicamente que, al ser diseccionados, se evidenció la hiperplasia epitelial, la hiperqueratosis y la pro- yección de la epidermis hacia la dermis. A nivel de cabeza, la mayor presentación se dio en boca, en orejas, en frente y en párpados . Histopatológicamente, en la coloración de H-E, se observó hiperplasia epitelial, acantosis, proyecciones digitales hacía la dermis e hiperqueratosis. En la coloración de T-G, se observó marcada proliferación dérmica de colágeno desorganizado, con escasa presencia de tejido conjuntivo difuso y en la coloración de P-R/P, se observaron marcadas áreas de birrefringencia rojiza y escasa birrefringencia verde amarillenta . El diagnóstico definitivo de la enfermedad, se fundamentó en las características clínicas, diagnóstico diferencial y en los hallazgos histopatológicos, siendo concluyentes, como métodos de diagnóstico de la PC en bovinos, del Departamento de Córdoba

    Torsión del cordón espermático en un semental porcino

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    A case of a pig stallion of the landrace breed, 6 years old and weighing 250 kg, is reported, which was attended by the outpatient clinical service of the Large Animal Medical-Surgical Clinic area of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics from the University of Córdoba. The anamnesis indicates that the player presented redness in the left scrotal region, as well as a marked asymmetry between both testicles with a predominance of the left, pain and discomfort in previous days, for which punctures were performed with fluid withdrawal, but with recurrence later. Taking into account the remarkable severity of the event and the decrease in reproductive function, as well as the deterioration in the health and well-being of the animal, it was decided to perform a bilateral orchiectomy with scrotal resection. During the surgical procedure under general anesthesia, when the tunica albuginea was incised and the left testicle was completely exposed, a 720 ° torsion of the spermatic cord was evident, as well as an increase in size and blackish color, indicating ischemia and necrosis. The importance of knowing that in cases of testicular enlargement, torsion should be considered as a diagnostic option is concluded, as well as the blackish coloration of the organ as indicative of complete ischemia, which confirms a testicular torsion of more than 6 Hs, the minimum time reported in the literature to cause irreversible damage to the testicle.Se reporta un caso de un semental porcino de la raza landrace, de 6 años y un peso de 250 Kg, el cual fue atendido por el servicio clínico ambulatorio del área de Clínica Médico-Quirúrgica de Grandes Animales de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia de la Universidad de Córdoba. La anamnesis indica que el reproductor presentó un enrojecimiento de la región escrotal izquierda, así como una marcada asimetría entre ambos testículos con predominio del izquierdo, dolor e incomodidad en días anteriores, por lo que se le realizaron punciones con retirada de líquidos, pero con reincidencia posterior. Teniendo en cuenta la notable gravedad del evento y la disminución de la función reproductiva, así como el deterioro en la salud y el bienestar del animal, se decidió realizar una orquiectomía bilateral con resección escrotal. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico bajo anestesia general, se evidenció al incidir la túnica albugínea y exponer por completo el testículo izquierdo, fue evidente una torsión en 720° del cordón espermático, así como aumento de tamaño y color negruzco, siendo indicativo de isquemia y necrosis. Se concluye la importancia de conocer que en casos de aumento de tamaño de testículos se debe considerar la torsión como una opción diagnóstica, así como la coloración negruzca del órgano como indicativo de una isquemia completa, lo que confirma una torsión testicular de más de 6 Hs, tiempo mínimo que reporta la literatura para causar daños irreversibles en el testículo

    Pythiosis mamaria en una yegua criolla colombiana

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    A case is reported of a Colombian Creole mare, brown, 7 years old and weighing 300 Kg, which was treated by the Outpatient Clinical Service of the Large Animal Medical-Surgical Clinic area of ​​the University of Córdoba. The anamnesis indicates that the mare presented a progressive increase in size at the level of the mammary gland, with constant mucopurulent discharge from different orifices, likewise the owner reports that he made incisions to facilitate the drainage of material from the mammary gland, since he thought that this increase consisted of an abscess, in the same way, the application of antibiotics based on tetracyclines and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs reported. At the clinical examination, the presence of a granulomatous lesion that compromised the entire mammary gland was determined, with the presence of several crater-shaped openings and exit of fibrinopurulent material, upon compression I presented an exit of a greater amount of secretion, as well as caseified masses called Kunker. It was decided to perform a total mastectomy as a control measure and to extend the life of the mare. During the surgical procedure under general anesthesia, the presence of abundant granulomatous tissue was evidenced, as well as the presence of large amounts of kunkers accumulated in cavities caused by the invasion of Pythium insidiosum in the granular tissue. The importance of knowing the epidemiology of Pythiosis is concluded, being relevant the location of clinical cases at the mammary gland level in Colombian Creole mares exposed to risk factors.Se reporta un caso de una yegua criolla colombiana, color castaño, de 7 años y un peso de 300 Kg, la cual fue atendida por el Servicio Clínico Ambulatorio del área de Clínica Médico-Quirúrgica de Grandes Animales de la Universidad de Córdoba. La anamnesis indica que la yegua presentó un aumento progresivo de tamaño a nivel de la glándula mamaria, con secreción mucopurulenta constante por diferentes orificios, así mismo el propietario reporta que le realizó incisiones para facilitar el drenaje de material desde la glándula mamaría, ya que pensaba que ese aumento consistía en un absceso, de igual forma, informó la aplicación de antibióticos a base de tetraciclinas y antiinflamatorios no esteroidales. Al examen clínico, se determinó la presencia de una lesión granulomatosa que comprometía toda la glándula mamaria, con presencia de varias aberturas en forma de cráter y salida de material fibrinopurulento, a la compresión presento salida de mayor cantidad de secreción, así como masas caseificadas llamadas Kunker. Se decidió realizar mastectomía total como medida de control y alargar la vida útil de la yegua. Durante el procedimiento quirúrgico bajo anestesia general, se evidenció la presencia de abundante tejido granulomatoso, así como la presencia de grandes cantidades de kunkers acumulados en cavitaciones originadas por la invasión del Pythium insidiosum en el tejido granular. Se concluye la importancia de conocer la epidemiología de la Pythiosis, siendo relevante la ubicación de casos clínicos a nivel de glándula mamaria en yeguas criollas colombianas expuestas a factores de riesgo