338 research outputs found

    A tool to simplify software log analysis

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    Projeto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresLog analysis is a necessary, challenging, and time-consuming task for software development and maintenance. As with many fields of Information Technologies, there is an effort in the optimization of the logging process as well as on the analysis of the stored information. There is a severe lack of standardization on the log data representation, which poses challenges on the development of tools for log analysis. Another issue is the size of some log files, that can lead to slow searches. In this work, we develop a standalone log analysis tool. This tool has an intuitive and simple interface, such that it has a small learning curve for the user. For a typical user, its use should be straightforward. The open source tool provides some functionalities for text-based log files, displaying some indicators and graphs. Thus, it allows for the user to quickly locate the origin of the problems within the analysed code. Another testing tool was developed in the context of this work. This tool is a con figurable log file source generator providing the creation of different scenarios for log analysis. Use cases were written for all features, being evaluated and tested, both manually and programmatically.A análise de ficheiros de log é uma tarefa morosa e difícil mas necessária no desenvolvimento e manutenção de sistemas de software. Tal como muitas outras áreas das Tecnologias da Informação, existe um esforço por optimizar a forma como processamos e analisamos os dados contidos nos ficheiros de log. Nota-se numa grave falta de standardização na forma como os dados presentes nos ficheiros de log são escritos. Isto leva a que o desenvolvimento de ferramentas para a análise de logs seja muito desafiante. Adicionalmente, a dimensão dos ficheiros de logs provoca dificuldades em termos de desempenho, em operações de leitura e procura. Neste trabalho desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta para análise de ficheiros de log. A interface é simples e intuitiva, tendo como objectivo que a curva de aprendizagem para o utilizador seja o mais reduzida possível. Assume-se que o utilizador alvo tem conhecimentos básicos de programação. Esta ferramenta será open source e fornece algumas funcionalidades para a análise de ficheiros de log, mostrando alguns indicadores e gráficos, permitindo ao utilizador localizar rapidamente a fonte dos problemas nos ficheiros analisados. Adicionalmente, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta para auxílio dos testes. Esta ferramenta é um gerador de logs configurável de forma a poder gerar diferentes cenários de teste. As funcionalidades foram especificadas e foram validadas manualmente e por testes unitários.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Matrix Gla Protein expression pattern in the early avian embryo

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    MGP (Matrix Gla Protein) is an extracellular matrix vitamin K dependent protein previously identified as a physiological inhibitor of calcification and shown to be well conserved among vertebrates during evolution. MGP is involved in other mechanisms such as TGF-beta and BMP activity, and a proposed modulator of cell-matrix interactions. MGP is expressed early in vertebrate development although its role has not been clarified. Previous work in the chicken embryo found MGP localization predominantly in the aorta and aortic valve base, but no data is available earlier in development. Here we examined MGP expression pattern using whole-mount in situ hybridization and histological sectioning during the initial stages of chick development. MGP was first detected at HH10 in the head and in the forming dorsal aorta. At the moment of the onset of blood circulation, MGP was expressed additionally in the venous plexus which will remodel into the vitelline arteries. By E2.25, it is clear that the vitelline arteries are MGP positive. MGP expression progresses centrifugally throughout the area vasculosa of the yolk sac. Between stages HH17 and HH19 MGP is seen in the dorsal aorta, heart, notochord, nephric duct, roof plate, vitelline arteries and in the yolk sac, beneath main arterial branches and in the vicinity of several vessels and venules. MGP expression persists in these areas at least until E4.5. These data suggest that MGP expression could be associated with cell migration and differentiation and to the onset of angiogenesis in the developing chick embryo. This data has biomedical relevance by pointing to the potential use of chick embryo explants to study molecules involved in artery calcification

    Isolamento e caracterização de bacteriocinas com potencial interesse na área alimentar

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    Mestrado em Gestão da Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do CasteloO envolvimento das bactérias lácticas em processos de biopreservação alimentar é reconhecido devido ao facto de estas serem produtoras de uma variedade de compostos antimicrobianos tais como, ácido láctico, dióxido de carbono, ácido acético, álcool e bacteriocinas. Nos últimos anos, grande parte dos estudos realizados sobre biopreservação tiveram como alvo principal as bacteriocinas. O facto de as bacteriocinas não provocarem alterações sensoriais indesejáveis nos alimentos e terem atividade especifica contra determinados agentes patogénicos e deteriorantes tem aumentado o interesse da indústria alimentar sobre a potencial utilização destes compostos, por exemplo, na substituição de conservantes sintéticos. Neste estudo foram aplicadas metodologias para o isolamento, purificação e identificação de bactérias lácticas a partir de culturas microbianas obtidas de alimentos. Posteriormente as bacteriocinas identificadas foram avaliadas quanto à sua atividade antimicrobiana e espectro de ação. Por fim foram caracterizadas quanto à sua estabilidade e outras características físico-químicas relevantes para a sua potencial utilização. Bactérias isoladas, a partir de 5 amostras de alimentos diferentes, foram identificadas como estirpes de Lactobacillus brevis e Lactobacillus plantarum. As bacteriocinas produzidas por estas estirpes foram caracterizadas como péptidos de baixo peso molecular, com uma grande estabilidade térmica, ação inibitória praticamente independente do pH, uma elevada estabilidade perante diferentes tipos de agentes químicos e demonstraram ser ativos contra um elevado número de espécies de Listeria spp., sendo o seu mecanismo de ação aparentemente lítico. Apesar de ainda serem necessários estudos complementares relativamente à caracterização das bacteriocinas e suas estirpes produtoras, as caraterísticas e propriedades das diferentes bacteriocinas isoladas sugerem uma potencial utilização na área alimentar nomeadamente enquanto agentes com influência na estabilidade microbiana, e muito em particular com ação na inibição do desenvolvimento de Listeria spp..The involvement of lactic acid bacteria in food biopreservation is recognized by the fact that they are producing a variety of antimicrobial compounds such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol and bacteriocins. In recent years, most studies on biopreservation had bacteriocins as main target. The fact that the bacteriocins would not result in undesirable sensory changes in food and having specific activity against certain pathogenic and spoilage agents has increased the interest of the food industry on the potential use of these compounds, for example, the replacement of chemical preservatives. In this study, lactic acid bacteria producing bacteriocins were isolated from microbial cultures obtained from food and biochemically identified. Bacteriocins produced by those strains were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity and spectrum of inhibitory activity. Finally were characterized as to their stability and other physical and chemical characteristics relevant to their potential use. Bacteria isolated from 5 different food samples were identified as Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus plantarum. The bacteriocins produced by these strains were characterized as low molecular weight peptides, with a high thermal stability, inhibitory action with very low pH dependency, high stability towards different types of chemical agents and demonstrated to be active against a large number of Listeria spp. species, apparently with lytic action mechanism. Although still needed further studies regarding the characterization of bacteriocins and their producer strains, the characteristics and properties of different isolated bacteriocins suggest a potential use in the food area such as agents that influence the microbial stability, and in particular with action in inhibiting development of Listeria spp.

    Hydrochemistry of mediterranean temporary ponds and associated groundwater in SW Portugal

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    Under the project LIFE Charcos we aim to understand the influence of groundwater in the water balance and hydrochemistry of Mediterranean Temporary Ponds, located in Costa Sudoeste in Portugal, to explain the variations observed in biodiversity between ponds. This paper represents a first step for establishing a relationship between the chemical composition of the ponds waters and the chemical composition of its associated groundwater. Most of the sampled waters are circum-neutral with very low mineralization (TDS < 1000 mg/L) and show varied composition. In the north of the Costa Sudoeste the ponds waters are mostly of sodium-chloride type and have mixed composition at south. During the ongoing project surface water and groundwater samples will continue to be collected and results will be updated. (C) 2017 Published by Elsevier B.V.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.European Union LIFE programme [LIFE12 NAT/PT/000997

    Immersive virtual reality to improve functional capacities in people with multiple sclerosis: study protocol

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    Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune, inflammatory, and chronic neurodegenerative disease caused by myelin loss in the central nervous system. One strategy that shows evidence of numerous benefits is therapeutic exercise, but these therapies, based on repetitive physical actions, can sometimes be unmotivating for patients. Our proposal suggests that an exergame programme with immersive virtual reality (IVR) is feasible for people with multiple sclerosis (pwMS) and will improve their physical function through more motivational sessions. We present a protocol for a single-blind randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility and impact on functional capacities of an 8-week IVR programme (ExeRVIEM protocol) in pwMS. Balance, gait, risk of falling, functional mobility and lower limb strength, fatigue, handgrip strength, and reaction times will be evaluated. The control group will maintain the usual activities scheduled in the centre, and the experimental group will add the ExeRVIEM protocol (two sessions per week). Therapies based on the combination of exercise and IVR explored in this study may offer new treatment approaches and open new lines of research in this field by improving the functionality of pwMS, as well as motivating patients and encouraging their adherence to treatment

    Disseny i propietats psicomètriques del qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives

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    La gestió de qualitat és una estratègia de direcció i gestió utilitzada en tots els sectors inclòs l’esportiu. La seva aplicació es produeix primer en l’àmbit empresarial, a continuació públic i en menor mesura en el teixit associatiu. Davant la inexistència d’un instrument que avaluï la gestió de qualitat en federacions esportives es va dissenyar el Qüestionari d’avaluació de la gestió de qualitat en entitats esportives, EGCED fonamentat en el Model EFQM (European Foundation Quality Management) i adaptat per a federacions autonòmiques. En el present treball, s’exposa l’anàlisi de les seves propietats psicomètriques (fiabilitat i qualitat de les dimensions). Es va administrar el qüestionari en dues ocasions diferents (test-retest) a un grup petit de federacions esportives, calculant-se l’índex de consistència interna (alfa de Cronbach) amb les dades del test-retest per verificar la fiabilitat, i igualment es va determinar la qualitat de les dimensions en obtenir la distribució de les respostes (moda i variança) i l’índex de discriminació d’aquestes (correlació entre ítem i ítem-total). Els resultats obtinguts demostren que és una mesura fiable (α de Cronbach = 0,988-0,710) per conèixer la qualitat de la gestió de les federacions esportives territorials, i la seva interpretació permet determinar els punts forts, intermedis i febles que cal mantenir o reajustar i proposar estratègies d’actuació per millorar la gestió de l’entitat

    Health-related functional fitness within the elderly communities of five European countries: the in common sports study

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    (1) Background: The purpose of this study was to analyse the functional fitness and the anthropometric values of older adults participating in the “IN COMMON SPORTS” project. (2) Methods: A total of 418 participants (eastern European Group (GEE, n = 124) and southern European Groups (GES, n = 294) have been evaluated for anthropometric characteristics and fitness. (3) Results: The GES participants presented significant differences in anthropometric values and fitness, with the best values for upper and lower limb strength and aerobic resistance, while those from the GEE presented significantly better values for lower limb flexibility. (4) Conclusion: Older adults present differences in fitness in accordance with their country of residence, with the GES having the best functional fitness.European Commission, projet In Common Sports- Intergeneration Competition as Motivation for sport and Healthy Lifestyle of Senior Citizens | Ref. 590543-EEP-1-2017-1-PT-SPO-SC

    O tempo e o espaço no ensino e na aprendizagem de História e Geografia de Portugal no 2.º ciclo do ensino básico: recursos didáticos associados aos Descobrimentos (1415-1488)

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    O Relatório que apresentamos integra-se no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Educativa II e visa a conclusão do Mestrado em Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e em História e Geografia de Portugal do 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico da Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra. Inicialmente, tínhamos previsto abordar em contexto de Estágio, com alunos de uma turma do 5.º ano do 2.º CEB, na disciplina de HGP, o subdomínio “Portugal nos Séculos XV e XVI” integrado no tema “Portugal no Passado”, devendo ser alvo de análise, especificamente, o processo expansionista entre 1415 e 1488. Era nosso objetivo auxiliar os alunos na compreensão dos conceitos de tempo e de espaço. Porém, por força da pandemia Covid-19, o nosso país encerrou as escolas a 16 de março de 2020 e adotou a modalidade de Ensino a Distância, pondo em causa a nossa intervenção. De facto, não viemos a lecionar nenhuma das aulas que estavam previstas associar a este Relatório. Face ao referido, o trabalho teve de ser alterado. Nesse sentido, na sequência da reflexão que fizemos, a decisão tomada foi a de aprofundarmos, sob o ponto de vista téorico, os conceitos de tempo e de espaço indissociáveis do ensino e da aprendizagem de HGP. Associada a essa temática, abordámos a Aprendizagem por Descoberta Guiada como metodologia que promove a apreensão dos conceitos de tempo e de espaço, evidenciámos recursos didáticos facilitadores da apreensão desses conceitos e apresentámos os fundamentos do recurso à planificação como guião da prática docente. Procurando-se ilustrar a relevância de recursos didáticos na aprendizagem dos conceitos de tempo e de espaço, considerou-se ainda pertinente integrar neste Relatório determinados recursos didáticos relacionados com os Descobrimentos portugueses entre 1415 e 1488, recursos que tínhamos planeado apresentar em sala de aula no caso da intervenção prevista ter ocorrido

    Assessment fertigation effects on chemical composition of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Albarino

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    Vineyard management can influence the growth and yield components in the vineyards and therefore on the grape and wine quality. In this work, a chemical study was conducted (2014–2015) to examine the effect of fertigation on chemical composition of Albariño. A control (Rain-fed) and fertigation (60% and 100%) treatments were apply at same irrigation depth, where fertigation 100% is complete nutrient requirements to Albariño trellis system in this location (Rias Baixas AOC, NW Spain). Results showed that non-volatile compounds of Albariño musts were not affected by fertigation treatments. However, the effect of fertigation treatments on the volatile composition was observed. Terpenes and C13-norisoprenids were the most affected families of volatile compounds by fertigation treatments, where 60% fertigation exhibited the highest concentration, improving the wine aroma quality. Application of principal component analysis (PCA) showed a good separation of Albariño grape according to fertigation treatments and vintages.This work has been funded by Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Spain (Program CIEN) 'New vitivinicultural strategies for sustainability and increasing the competitiveness of the sector in the international market (VINySOST 2014)'S