461 research outputs found

    Granada y la guerra de Cuba a través de "El Defensor de Granada" (1895-1898)

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    Tomo I ; págs. 479-50

    Tribuna de Opinión: La eficiencia de la administración pública.

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    La cuestión política fundamental a la que se enfrentan los sistemas económicos modernos es la delimitación del papel adecuado del Gobierno y del mercado en el funcionamiento del sistema económico. La profunda crisis que padecemos tiene mucho que ver con la no existencia de una línea clara de separación de lo que debe ser competencia del Gobierno y lo que debe atribuirse al mercado y en la falta de transparencia tanto en el sector empresarial privado como en el sector público, que deben tener un comportamiento ético en todas sus actuaciones.transparencia, eficiencia, sector público.

    Granada y la emigración a Indias en el siglo XVI

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    Tomo I ; págs. 161-19

    Granada y la Exposición Iberoamericana de 1929

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    Tomo I ; págs. 131-16

    El sector de instituciones sin fines de lucro en España

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    This paper presents the results of a study aimed to quantify the Nonprofit Institutions Sector, based on a review of the three theoretical approaches currently available to delimit the sector, i.e. the social economy approach, the organizational non-profits approach, and the national accounting view. Thus, the estimated value of the Non-Profit Institutions Sector’s total production of goods and services available to households amounted to over half a billion pesetas and the added value to 0.3 billion pesetas, while the number of employees was 118.575. These figures are for 1995, the study reference year.Non-profit institutions sector, Spain, quantification, conceptual delimitation.

    Aspectos económicos-financieros del envejecimiento

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    While sexual abuse of children has always been a real and horrific phenomenon (a fact unrecognized until relatively recently), the issue this Article will explore is whether, and under what circumstances, a person wrongly accused has, or should have, one or more causes of action against a therapist for culpably inducing the pseudomemory. To refine and make more rational legal actions by persons falsely accused of childhood sexual molestation (arguably justified under existing legal doctrine), this Article will propose specific legislation authorizing a lawsuit under codified circumstances and conditions

    Non-relational Embedding Verbs: Quotes and Reports

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    Some verbs cannot have their clausal complements replaced by referential expressions salva congruitate and/or veritate . This makes it difficult to analyse them as denoting relations of the type expressed by run-of-the-mill transitive verbs. The main goal in this work is to find an explanation for why some English embedding verbs are relational while others fail to be so. The question is, why can the latter, but not the former verbs have their embedded clauses replaced by direct speech complements? A comparison in the relevant contexts of the related categories of direct and indirect quotation reveals an important degree of coincidence that calls for (a) an overlapping semantic treatment, and (b) an interpretation of their often invoked differences as due to the contrasting semantic requirements of the class of verbs that fails to express a relation, non-relational ones. For us, the key distinguishing factor is utterance denotation, the differences between the two main classes of verbs identified in the work deriving from reliance on either the form or the content of the utterances involved. In order to account for these facts, we propose a substantial revision of the Davidsonian approach to clausal complementatio

    Fragmentation and low density as major conservation challenges for the southernmost populations of the European wildcat

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    Knowledge of population dynamics of threatened species in the wild is key to effective conservation actions. However, at present, there are many examples of endangered animals for which their current situation is unknown, and not just in remote areas and less developed countries. We have explored this topic by studying the paradigmatic case of the European wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris), an endangered small carnivore whose status has been subjectively established on the basis of non-systematic approaches and opportunistic records. Little is known about its demographic situation, prompting the need for information to improve conservation measures. However, the secretive behaviour of felines along with its low density in natural conditions have prevented the gathering of sufficient data. We developed a field sampling strategy for one of the largest populations (Andalusia, South Spain, 87,268 km2 ), based on a logistically viable systematic non-intrusive survey by camera-trapping. This study offers the first large-scale estimation for any European wildcat population, based on analytical approaches applied on Species Distribution Models. A hierarchical approach based on a Maxent model for distribution estimation was used, along with Generalised Linear Models for density estimation from explicit spatial capture-recapture data. Our results show that the distribution range is smaller and more highly fragmented than previously assumed. The overall estimated density was very low (0.069 ±0.0019 wildcats/km2 ) and the protected areas network seems to be insufficient to cover a significant part of the population or a viable nucleus in demographic terms. Indeed, the most important areas remain unprotected. Our main recommendations are to improve the protected area network and/or vigilance programs in hunting estates, in addition to studying and improving connectivity between the main population patches.The research was partially funded by the Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio (www.juntadeandalucia.es > medioambiente > site > portalweb) through the European Union (FEDER Project http://www. juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/site/portalweb/ menuitem.6ffc7f4a4459b86a1daa5c105510e1c/? vgnextoid=05cf8706a8bb9510VgnVCM10000013 25e50aRCRD&vgnextchannel=05cf8706a8bb9510 VgnVCM1000001325e50aRCRD) and is part of the Global Change Observatory of Sierra Nevada (https://digibug.ugr.es/handle/10481/54686). J.M. G.-S. was supported by a Prometeo fellowship from the SENESCYT and the national agency for Education and Science of the Government of Ecuador (https://www.educacionsuperior.gob.ec/ prometeo/). There aren’t specific grant numbers or funding from commercial companies. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Histoquímica del cervix uterino

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, leída el 10-07-1961. Ej. mecanografiado firmado por el autor.Fac. de MedicinaTRUEProQuestpu
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