1,690 research outputs found

    WorldFAIR Project (D10.1) Agriculture-related pollinator data standards use cases report

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    Although pollination is an essential ecosystem service that sustains life on Earth, data on this vital process is largely scattered or unavailable, limiting our understanding of the current state of pollinators and hindering effective actions for their conservation and sustainable management. In addition to the well-known challenges of biodiversity data management, such as taxonomic accuracy, the recording of biotic interactions like pollination presents further difficulties in proper representation and sharing. Currently, the widely-used standard for representing biodiversity data, Darwin Core, lacks properties that allow for adequately handling biotic interaction data, and there is a need for FAIR vocabularies for properly representing plant-pollinator interactions. Given the importance of mobilising plant-pollinator interaction data also for food production and security, the Research Data Alliance Improving Global Agricultural Data Community of Practice has brought together partners from representative groups to address the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator data for reuse. This report presents an overview of projects, good practices, tools, and examples for creating, managing and sharing data related to plant-pollinator interactions, along with a work plan for conducting pilots in the next phase of the project. We present the main existing data indexing systems and aggregators for plant-pollinator interaction data, as well as citizen science and community-based sourcing initiatives. We also describe current challenges for taxonomic knowledge and present two data models and one semantic tool that will be explored in the next phase. In preparation for the next phase, which will provide best practices and FAIR-aligned guidelines for documenting and sharing plant-pollinator interactions based on pilot efforts with data, this Case Study comprehensively examined the methods and platforms used to create and share such data. By understanding the nature of data from various sources and authors, the alignment of the retrieved datasets with the FAIR principles was also taken into consideration. We discovered that a large amount of data on plant-pollinator interaction is made available as supplementary files of research articles in a diversity of formats and that there are opportunities for improving current practices for data mobilisation in this domain. The diversity of approaches and the absence of appropriate data vocabularies causes confusion, information loss, and the need for complex data interpretation and transformation. Our explorations and analyses provided valuable insights for structuring the next phase of the project, including the selection of the pilot use cases and the development of a ‘FAIR best practices’ guide for sharing plant-pollinator interaction data. This work primarily focuses on enhancing the interoperability of data on plant-pollinator interactions, envisioning its connection with the effort WorldFAIR is undertaking to develop a Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework. Visit WorldFAIR online at http://worldfair-project.eu. WorldFAIR is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393

    Effect of tibolone on the morphology of skeletal muscle, liver enzymes and blood glucose level in castrated female rats

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O fígado é uma estrutura de elevada complexidade e é fundamental entender como determinadas substâncias podem afetar sua estrutura e suas funções. OBJETIVO: Analisar a influência da tibolona no metabolismo hepático por meio da avaliação de enzimas e metabólitos comumente utilizados em provas de função hepática. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas dez ratas Wistar, divididas em dois grupos: controle (n = 4) e tibolona (n = 6), em status de menopausa cirúrgica. A tibolona (1 mg) foi administrada diariamente por gavagem durante 20 semanas, com avaliação periódica do peso corporal. Após sedação, efetuou-se coleta de sangue para avaliação bioquímica de albumina (Alb) sérica, fosfatase alcalina (FA), transaminases (aspartato aminotransferase e alanina aminotransferase [AST/ALT]), gama-glutamiltranspeptidase (GGT) e glicose, mediante espectrofotometria. O músculo esquelético da coxa foi avaliado por histomorfometria em cortes histológicos corados com hematoxilina e eosina (HE). RESULTADOS: Os animais do grupo tibolona mostraram menor peso corporal, alterações musculares esqueléticas e discretas alterações bioquímicas. Além disso, AST e FA estavam diminuídas e GGT estava mais elevada, porém sem significância estatística. A histomorfometria do músculo revelou uma tendência de menor volume celular nesse grupo. CONCLUSÃO: A tibolona, administrada em alta dose e por tempo prolongado, não interfere de forma significativa nas funções metabólicas e de síntese hepáticas, bem como na permeabilidade da membrana celular, entretanto parece modular a expressão genômica da GGT. A tibolona apresenta influência sistêmica associada a menor peso e diminuição da massa muscular e aumento significativo no peso relativo do fígado, além de alteração da glicogenólise hepática e muscular, da gliconeogênese hepática e dos níveis de glicose circulante

    Flower-Insect Timed Counts (FIT Count):protocol adaptation and preliminary results in Brazil

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    FIT Count (Flower-Insect Timed Counts) is a citizen science initiative that seeks to monitor flower visitation by diverse pollinator groups, including bumblebees, stingless bees, honeybees, flies, hummingbirds, among others. The protocol entails determining a 50 x 50 cm plot area around a target plant species, photographing the plant and conducting a standardized 10-minute survey on this area to estimate the frequency of flower visits by different pollinator groups. Conducting FIT Counts in different habitats and locations produces data on the temporal and spatial dynamics of these interactions (Carvell 2022, UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme 2018).FIT Count methodology was originally developed by the UK Pollinator Monitoring Scheme (PoMS) and has been used in the United Kingdom since 2017, with over 8,500 counts conducted to date. In 2021, the FIT Count application (app) was launched in the United Kingdom, and became available in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and some other European countries in 2022. After installation, users may select in which country the observations will be conducted and their preferred language, either English or the main native language of participating countries. The adaptation of the application for use by Brazilian citizen scientists involved not only the translation of the interface, but also relied on the expertise of a local team who helped select which plant species and pollinator groups would be appropriate and representative of biodiversity within the country (Fig. 1). The application is supported by a website that features a dedicated page for each country. Users can download the app on Google Play or App Store (Fig. 2).To allow the participation of non-experts, who generally are not familiar with taxonomy or species identification, the flower visitors are identified in general categories such as bumblebees and carpenter bees (grouped together), flies, and others (see Fig. 1), representing the main functional groups of pollinators. If a flower visitor cannot be identified, it should be classified as "other insect" or marked as "I don't know". Including the possibility of uncertainty in flower visitor identification was a suggestion of the Brazilian team for quality assurance during data collection.Currently, 834 flower visits have been counted by 15 participants, who performed 109 FIT Counts across Brazil as a pilot testing phase of the app. Two training workshops were held to disseminate the app, and an illustrated guide was published to help participants identify flower types and flower visitor groups (Koffler 2022). Nineteen plant species were monitored, but most flower-visits counted were on basil (Ocimum basillicum, n = 47) and false heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia, n = 33). The mean number of flower visitors per FIT Count was 8 (min = 0, max = 45). While most visits were performed by honeybees, participants also recorded visits by beetles, butterflies or moths, small insects, solitary bees, wasps and other insects. Next steps include assessing data quality and promoting strategic partnerships to further disseminate this citizen science initiative. For instance, quality control measures may include assessing whether participants perform the protocol steps according to instructions and whether plants and flower visitors are correctly identified and counted. Also, we are exploring the prospective implementation of the Darwin Core standard (Darwin Core Task Group 2009) along with the Plant-Pollinator Interactions vocabulary (Salim 2022) to standardize data description


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    Os aterros sanitários constituem-se atualmente num grande problema social, ambiental e urbano devido à imobilização de grandes áreas nas cidades, produção de gases agravantes do efeito estufa, possível contaminação do solo e do lençol freático, além da possibilidade de invasões de sua área pela população de baixa renda, o que exige medidas constantes de monitoramento e intervenção das autoridades públicas (ATLAS AMBIENTAL DO MUNICÍPIO DE SÃO PAULO, 2004; PMSP, 2001; SILVA, 2001)

    Surto de raiva humana transmitida por morcegos em povoado da Amazônia brasileira

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    During 45 days without electrical power, 57 individuals (8.7% of the population) from the village of Antônio Dino (municipality of Turiaçu, Northeastern Brazil) were attacked by bats and 16 died from human rabies. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors associated with bat attacks and the development of human rabies. Of the 46 individuals, who suffered bat attacks, 36 (78.3%) were under 17 years of age. The risk factors associated with bat attacks were age under 17 years, having observed bats inside the bedroom and having been without electrical power in the house. Age under 17 years and having been without electrical power in the house were factors associated with human rabies.Durante 45 días sin energía eléctrica, 57 individuos (8,3% de la población) de la localidad Antônio Dino, en Turiaçu, Norte de Brasil, fueron atacados por murciélagos y 16 murieron de rabia humana. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los factores asociados a los ataques por murciélagos y al desarrollo de rabia humana. De los 46 individuos que sufrieron ataque por murciélagos, 36 (78,3%) tenían menos de 17 años de edad. Los factores de riesgo asociados a ataques por murciélagos fueron edad inferior a 17 años, haber observado murciélago dentro del cuarto y haber estado sin energía eléctrica en el domicilio. Edad inferior a 17 años y haber estado sin energía eléctrica en el domicilio fueron factores asociados a la rabia humana.Durante 45 dias sem energia elétrica, 57 indivíduos (8,3% da população) da localidade Antônio Dino, município de Turiaçu, MA, foram atacados por morcegos e 16 morreram de raiva humana. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os fatores associados aos ataques por morcegos e ao desenvolvimento de raiva humana. Dos 46 indivíduos que sofreram ataque por morcegos, 36 (78,3%) tinham menos de 17 anos de idade. Os fatores de risco associados a ataques por morcegos foram idade inferior a 17 anos, ter observado morcego dentro do quarto e haver ficado sem energia elétrica no domicílio. Idade inferior a 17 anos e ter ficado sem energia elétrica no domicílio foram fatores associados à raiva humana

    Distinct helper T cell type 1 and 2 responses associated with malaria protection and risk in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees

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    Background The RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine has moderate efficacy, lower in infants than children. Current efforts to enhance RTS,S/AS01E efficacy would benefit from learning about the vaccine-induced immunity and identifying correlates of malaria protection, which could, for instance, inform the choice of adjuvants. Here, we sought cellular immunity-based correlates of malaria protection and risk associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination. Methods We performed a matched case-control study nested within the multicenter African RTS,S/AS01E phase 3 trial. Children and infant samples from 57 clinical malaria cases (32 RTS,S/25 comparator vaccinees) and 152 controls without malaria (106 RTS,S/46 comparator vaccinees) were analyzed. We measured 30 markers by Luminex following RTS,S/AS01E antigen stimulation of cells 1 month postimmunization. Crude concentrations and ratios of antigen to background control were analyzed. Results Interleukin (IL) 2 and IL-5 ratios were associated with RTS,S/AS01E vaccination (adjusted P ≤ .01). IL-5 circumsporozoite protein (CSP) ratios, a helper T cell type 2 cytokine, correlated with higher odds of malaria in RTS,S/AS01E vaccinees (odds ratio, 1.17 per 10% increases of CSP ratios; P value adjusted for multiple testing = .03). In multimarker analysis, the helper T cell type 1 (TH1)–related markers interferon-γ, IL-15, and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor protected from subsequent malaria, in contrast to IL-5 and RANTES, which increased the odds of malaria. Conclusions RTS,S/AS01E-induced IL-5 may be a surrogate of lack of protection, whereas TH1-related responses may be involved in protective mechanisms. Efforts to develop second-generation vaccine candidates may concentrate on adjuvants that modulate the immune system to support enhanced TH1 responses and decreased IL-5 responses

    Flower-insect timed counts (FIT Count): protocol adaptation and preliminary results in Brazil

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    FIT Count (Flower-Insect Timed Counts) is a citizen science initiative that seeks to monitor flower visitation by diverse pollinator groups, including bumblebees, stingless bees, honeybees, flies, hummingbirds, among others. The protocol entails determining a 50 x 50 cm plot area around a target plant species, photographing the plant and conducting a standardized 10-minute survey on this area to estimate the frequency of flower visits by different pollinator groups. Conducting FIT Counts in different habitats and locations produces data on the temporal and spatial dynamics of these interactions

    Síndrome de mccune albright, neoplasia papilar mucinosa intraductal e carcinoma colóide: Um relato de caso de apresentação concomitante / Mccune albright syndrome, intraductal mucin papillary neoplasia and colloid carcinoma: A concomiting presentation case report

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    Introdução: A Síndrome de Mccune Albright associada à neoplasia papilar mucinosa intraductal e carcinoma coloide é uma patologia rara. Apresentamos esse caso clínico ocorrido no Hospital do Câncer de Muriaé da Fundação Cristiano Varella. Caso Clínico: Paciente do sexo feminino 31 anos, portadora da Síndrome de McCune-Albright, com história de lesão tumoral sólido-cística irressecável em ducto principal pancreático associada à síndrome colestática e realização de derivação bileodigestiva externa e interna. Após os exames de imagem, mediante alta suspeição de neoplasia pancreática, paciente foi submetida a gastroduodenopancreatectomia total, esplenectomia total, colecistectomia, linfadenectomia retroperitoneal e reconstrução com hepatoenteroanastomose e gastroenteroanastomose em Y de Roux. O anatomopatológico demonstrou Neoplasia Intraductal Papilar Mucinosa difusa em ducto pancreático principal associada à neoplasia maligna amplamente mucinosa, compatível com Carcinoma Coloide, além de presença de neoplasia em mucosa gástrica associada à área de fístula. Conclusão: Como resultado do imunohistoquímico foi constatado o diagnóstico de adenocarcinoma coloide, além de neoplasia mucinosa papilífera intraductal do pâncreas associado a síndrome de Mccune Albright

    WorldFAIR (D10.2) Agricultural Biodiversity Standards, Best Practices and Guidelines Recommendations

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    The WorldFAIR Case Study on Agricultural Biodiversity (WP10) addresses the challenges of advancing interoperability and mobilising plant-pollinator interactions data for reuse. Previous efforts, reported in Deliverable 10.1 - from our discovery phase - provided an overview of projects, best practices, tools, and examples for creating, managing and sharing data related to plant-pollinator interactions, along with a work plan for conducting pilot studies. The current report presents the results from the pilot phase of the Case Study, which involved six pilot studies adopting standards and recommendations from the discovery phase. The pilots enabled the handling  of concrete examples and the generation of reusable materials tailored to this domain, as well as providing better estimates for the overall costs of adoption for future projects. Our approach for plant-pollinator data standardisation is based on the widely-used standard for representing biodiversity data, Darwin Core, developed and maintained by the Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG), in conjunction with a data model and vocabulary proposed by the Brazilian Network of Plant-Pollinator Interactions (REBIPP). The pilot studies also underwent a process of “FAIRification” (i.e., transforming data into a format that adheres to the FAIR data principles) using the Global Biotic Interactions (GloBI, Poelen et al. 2014) platform. Additionally, we present the publishing model for Biotic Interactions developed in collaboration with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), which leads the WorldFAIR Case Study on Biodiversity, as part of the proposed GBIF New Data Model, along with a concrete example of its use by one of the pilots. This effort led to the development of ‘FAIR best practices’ guidelines for sharing plant-pollinator interaction data. The primary focus of this work is to enhance the interoperability of data on plant-pollinator interactions, aligning with WorldFAIR efforts  to develop a Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework. We have successfully promoted the adoption of standards and increased the interoperability of plant-pollinator interactions data, resulting in a process that allows for tracing the provenance of the data, as well as facilitating the reuse of datasets crucial for understanding this essential ecosystem service and its changes due to human impact. Our effort demonstrates there are several possible paths for FAIRification, tailored to institutional needs, and we have shown that different approaches can contribute to promoting data interoperability and data availability for reuse, which is the ultimate goal of this initiative. Consequently, we have successfully ensured FAIR data for understanding plant-pollinator interactions at biologically-relevant scales for crops, with broad participation from initiatives in Europe, South America, Africa, North America, and elsewhere. We have also established concrete guidelines on FAIR data best practices customised for pollination data, metadata, and other digital objects, promoting the scalable adoption of these standards and FAIR data best practices by multiple initiatives. We believe this effort can assist similar initiatives in adopting interoperability standards for this domain and contribute to our understanding of how plant-pollinator interactions contribute to sustain life on Earth. Visit WorldFAIR online at http://worldfair-project.eu. WorldFAIR is funded by the EC HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-41 Coordination and Support Action under Grant Agreement No. 101058393. 

    Manejo da hanseníase na atenção primária: diagnóstico e tratamento / Leprosy management in primary care: diagnosis and treatment

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    A Hanseníase é uma patologia de evolução alongada, e seu agente causador é o Mycobacterium leprae. Seus sinais e sintomas são no nível dermatoneurológico. Nesse contexto, esse estudo tem por objetivo geral analisar por meio da pesquisa baseada em evidências - PBE- achados da literatura, sobre estigmas que envolvem pacientes com hanseníase e praticas da educação em saude durante o tratamento na atenção básica. Pesquisa baseada em evidências, utilizando os indexadores Pubmed, Scielo e Cohcrane com os seguintes filtros: resumo abstract, textos open access, idioma português e inglês, período 2016 a 2021. Também foram utilizados manuais e boletins epidemiológicos disponíveis na página do Ministério da Saúde. O material foi selecionado de modo a buscar responder os objetivos dessa pesquisa e portanto utilizou os descritores em saúde: hanseníase, atenção básica, diagnóstico, tratamento. Foram abordadas práticas de educação em saude que envolvem orientações e estigmas em saude. Entende-se que o manejo da hanseníase envolve sensibilidade, consciência e sobretudo conhecimento embasado para consubstanciar a prática clínica