248 research outputs found

    Genetical genomics: use all data

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    BACKGROUND: Genetical genomics is a very powerful tool to elucidate the basis of complex traits and disease susceptibility. Despite its relevance, however, statistical modeling of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) has not received the attention it deserves. Based on two reasonable assertions (i) a good model should consider all available variables as potential effects, and (ii) gene expressions are highly interconnected, we suggest that an eQTL model should consider the rest of expression levels as potential regressors, in addition to the markers. RESULTS: It is shown that power can be increased with this strategy. We also show, using classical statistical and support vector machines techniques in a reanalysis of public data, that the external transcripts, i.e., transcripts other than the one being analysed, explain on average much more variability than the markers themselves. The presence of eQTL hotspots is reassessed in the light of these results. CONCLUSION: Model choice is a critical yet neglected issue in genetical genomics studies. Although we are far from having a general strategy for model choice in this area, we can at least propose that any transcript level is scanned not only for the markers genotyped but also for the rest of gene expression levels. Some sort of stepwise regression strategy can be used to select the final model

    Dynamic Visual Acuity

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    We present a review on the visual ability to discriminate ¿ ne details of moving objects (DVA: Dynamic Visual Acuity), showing the most relevant differences, which have been attributed to this visual capacity in comparison to SVA (static visual acuity). It is known that the correlation between SVA and DVA is low. Moreover, when DVA is measured, not only the minimum spatial separation that the visual system can resolve is evaluated, but also the functionality of the oculomotor system. Therefore, assessing DVA also involves measuring the ability of the eye to actively seek information. Nowadays, it is known that DVA is one of the best indicators of success in certain sports specialties (table tennis, baseball, etc...) and that it negatively correlates with accident rates in traf¿ c scenarios. The investigated factors that produce a signi¿ cant reduction in dynamic spatial resolution are: the speed of the stimulus, affecting both vertical and horizontal trajectories; the stimulus exposure time; ambient illumination; reduction in contrast and subject age. Moreover, it has been veri¿ ed that this visual capacity is likely to improve with training.Postprint (published version

    Buttermilk as Encapsulating Agent : Effect of Ultra-High-Pressure Homogenization on Chia Oil-in-Water Liquid Emulsion Formulations for Spray Drying

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    Functional foods are highly demanded by consumers. Omega-3 rich oil and commercial buttermilk (BM), as functional components, used in combination to produce emulsions for further drying may facilitate the incorporation to foods. Ultra-high-pressure homogenization (UHPH) has a great potential for technological and nutritional aspects in emulsions production. The present study aimed to examine the potential improvement of UHPH technology in producing buttermilk-stabilized omega-3 rich emulsions (BME) for further drying, compared with conventional homogenization. Oil-in-water emulsions formulated with 10% chia: sunflower oil (50:50); 30% maltodextrin and 4 to 7% buttermilk were obtained by using conventional homogenization at 30 MPa and UHPH at 100 and 200 MPa. Particle size analysis, rheological evaluation, colloidal stability, zeta-potential measurement, and microstructure observations were performed in the BME. Subsequent spray drying of emulsions were made. As preliminary approximation for evaluating differences in the homogenization technology applied, encapsulation efficiency and morphological characteristics of on spray-dried emulsions (SDE) containing 21.3 to 22.7% oil content (dry basis) were selected. This study addresses the improvement in stability of BME treated by UHPH when compared to conventional homogenization and the beneficial consequences in encapsulation efficiency and morphology of SDE

    Mejora en el proceso de producción de polos deportivos aplicando Lean Manufacturing para incrementar la productividad en la empresa textil Confecciones Chávez Cajamarca S.A.C.

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    RESUMEN La empresa en estudio se dedica a la producción y confección de productos textiles como: polos, shorts, casacas, buzos, entre otros; donde los productos que más se venden son los polos deportivos, pues estos generan mayores ingresos a la empresa. En la línea de producción de polos deportivos, se encontró las diferentes áreas de la empresa estaban desordenadas, sin controles de producción, sin tiempos estandarizados, sin flujos de operación definidos, sin control de materiales; generando tiempos de espera, exceso de transporte, movimientos innecesarios y reprocesos dentro del proceso de producción de polos deportivos, generando costos elevados de producción. El principal objetivo de este estudio fue mejorar la línea de producción de polos deportivos para incrementar la productividad en la empresa textil Confecciones Chávez Cajamarca S.A.C, a través de la implementación de las herramientas de Lean Manufacturing. Al mejorar el proceso de producción de polos deportivos aplicando Lean Manufacturing, incrementó significativamente la productividad en la línea de producción de polos deportivos en la empresa textil Confecciones Chávez Cajamarca S.A.C. Se propuso aplicar la metodología Lean Manufacturing utilizando sus métodos y herramientas como Trabajo estandarizado, Kaizen, VSM, Kanban, 5´S para tener un sistema de producción esbelta conformado por elementos orientados a reducir los principales factores de desperdicio del sistema actual. Se redujo los tiempos de espera; transportes innecesarios, movimientos innecesarios y la cantidad de unidades reprocesadas. Se eliminó todas las operaciones que no agregaron valor a los procesos y por lo tanto al producto terminado. Mediante la utilización de herramientas de Lean Manufacturing se logró mejorar todo el proceso, con una mayor capacidad productiva, mejor tiempo de respuesta, cumplimiento de entregas a tiempo y mejor rentabilidad. PALABRAS CLAVE: productividad, Lead Time, Kaizen, VSM, Kanban, 5´S.ABSTRACT The company under study is engaged in the production and manufacture of textile products such as polos, shorts, jackets, divers, among others; where the products that are most sold are the sports poles, as these generate higher income for the company. In the line of production of sports poles, we found that the different areas of the company were disordered, without production controls, without standardized times, without defined operational flows, without material control; Generating waiting times, excess transportation, unnecessary movements and reprocessing within the production process of sports shirts, generating high production costs. The main objective of this study was to improve the production line of sports poles to increase productivity in the textile company Confecciones Chávez Cajamarca S.A.C, through the implementation of Lean Manufacturing tools. By improving the production process of sports poles by applying Lean Manufacturing, it significantly increased the productivity in the line of production of sports poles in the textile company Confecciones Chávez Cajamarca S.A.C. It was proposed to apply the Lean Manufacturing methodology using its methods and tools as standardized work, Kaizen, VSM, Kanban, 5'S to have a lean production system made up of elements oriented to reduce the main waste factors of the current system. Waiting times were reduced; Unnecessary transports, unnecessary movements and the number of reprocessed units. All operations that did not add value to the processes and therefore to the finished product were eliminated. He concluded that using Lean Manufacturing tools can improve the entire process, with greater production capacity, better response time, on-time delivery and better profitability. KEYWOORDS: productivity, Lead Time, Kaizen, VSM, Kanban, 5'S

    Wave Propagation in Periodic Metallic Structures with Equilateral Triangular Holes

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    This paper studies wave propagation in a periodic parallel-plate waveguide with equilateral triangular holes. A mode-matching method is implemented to analyze the dispersion diagram of the structure possessing glide and mirror symmetries. Both structures present an unexpected high degree of isotropy, despite the triangle not being symmetric with respect to rotations of 90º. We give some physical insight on the matter by carrying out a modal decomposition of the total field on the hole and identifying the most significant modes. Additionally, we demonstrate that the electrical size of the triangular hole plays a fundamental role in the physical mechanism that causes that isotropic behavior. Finally, we characterize the influence of the different geometrical parameters that conform the unit cell (period, triangle size, hole depth, separation between metallic plates). The glide-symmetric configuration offers higher equivalent refractive indexes and widens the stopband compared to the mirror-symmetric configuration. We show that the stopband is wider as the triangle size is bigger, unlike holey structures composed of circular and elliptical holes where an optimal hole size exists.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia Innovación y Universidades under the project TIN2016-75097-P, and with European Union FEDER funds under projects TEC2017-84724-P and TEC2017-85529-C3-1-R, by the French National Research Agency Grant Number ANR-16-CE24-0030, by the Vinnova project High-5 (2018-01522) under the Strategic Programme on Smart Electronic Systems, and by the Stiftelsen Åforsk project H-Materials (18-302)

    Relación entre consumo musical y formación profesional

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    Este trabajo plantea la forma como influye el proceso de formación en la transformación del consumo musical y la apreciación del papel que juega la música en el medio social. Se parte de la aplicación de una encuesta, que busca explorar desde una perspectiva fenomenológica el capital cultural, el consumo musical y la relación existente entre universidad y consumo musical, el cual se aplicó a través de internet a estudiantes de 9 campus de la universidad Pedagógica Nacional del Estado de Chihuahua. Como resultado del trabajo se detectó que el proceso de formación si influye, aunque de manera débil, en los hábitos de consumo musical de los estudiantes de la Licenciatura en Intervención Educativa

    Lectura en educación superior: indicador de capital cultural

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    Esta ponencia presenta resultados parciales de una investigación fenomenológica que tiene como propósito conocer la influencia de bienes simbólicos en el proceso de formación de los estudiantes de Licenciatura en Intervención Educativa, concretamente el consumo musical y su relación con el capital cultural. Este reporte corresponde a los resultados sobre el análisis del desempeño en lectura de los estudiantes y su relación con su capital cultural. Se implementó un cuestionario a 382 estudiantes por medios electrónicos y se analizaron a través de un programa estadístico ubicando que el comportamiento de la población en relación a los hábitos lectores no corresponde a la expectativa que se guarda comúnmente en la escuela. 