1,032 research outputs found

    Dominance Measuring Method Performance under Incomplete Information about Weights.

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    In multi-attribute utility theory, it is often not easy to elicit precise values for the scaling weights representing the relative importance of criteria. A very widespread approach is to gather incomplete information. A recent approach for dealing with such situations is to use information about each alternative?s intensity of dominance, known as dominance measuring methods. Different dominancemeasuring methods have been proposed, and simulation studies have been carried out to compare these methods with each other and with other approaches but only when ordinal information about weights is available. In this paper, we useMonte Carlo simulation techniques to analyse the performance of and adapt such methods to deal with weight intervals, weights fitting independent normal probability distributions orweights represented by fuzzy numbers.Moreover, dominance measuringmethod performance is also compared with a widely used methodology dealing with incomplete information on weights, the stochastic multicriteria acceptability analysis (SMAA). SMAA is based on exploring the weight space to describe the evaluations that would make each alternative the preferred one

    Automatización en procesamiento de datos LiDAR, teledetección y procesamiento de imágenes digitales

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    [ES] Las herramientas de captura de información han ido evolucionando para permitir cada vez mayor precisión en la digitalización de la realidad. Los equipos de medición LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) proporcionan nubes de puntos 3D masivas con información geométrica de escenarios complejos. Los vuelos fotogramétricos permiten obtener ortoimágenes aéreas digitales, georreferenciadas y cada vez de mayor resolución. Se puede hablar de Big Data geoespacial para referirnos a esta ingente cantidad de información que se necesita procesar para dotarla de propiedades semánticas según los puntos o los pixeles capturados se relacionan entre sí. En esta Tesis Doctoral, se desarrollan metodologías y algoritmos que automatizan el análisis y procesamiento de estos volúmenes extremadamente grandes de datos, para dotarlos de propiedades semánticas que facilitan su manejo. La investigación realizada aporta soluciones al procesamiento de la información obtenida en la digitalización 3D de infraestructuras viarias y edificios, centrándose en avanzar hacia los ODS (Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible) de la Agenda 2030 especialmente en el uso de energías renovables (ODS 7 – energía asequible y no contaminante; ODS 11 – ciudades y comunidades sostenibles) y en el plan de Visión 0 (0 muertos, 0 heridos, 0 atascos y 0 emisiones) para fomentar la seguridad vial y el desarrollo sostenible en movilidad y transporte. La investigación científica se enmarca de manera directa dentro de los proyectos InRoad: Sistema integral para la prevención y la asistencia al rescate en accidentes de tráfico, financiado por el Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital y Ener3DMap: Gestión de Clientes y recursos energéticos distribuidos: mapeado energético, dentro de la Cátedra Iberdrola-USAL VIII Centenario, aunque el doctorando ha realizado desarrollos en otros numerosos proyectos de investigación durante la evolución de la tesis. El primer reto de esta investigación se centra en automatizar el procesamiento de nubes de puntos de una infraestructura viaria capturados con un sistema de cartografiado móvil MLS (Mobile LiDAR System). Se busca conseguir la extracción del eje de la carretera para obtener la alineación en planta, con sus tramos curvos, rectos y curvas de transición. A partir de esta información se pretende calcular tres parámetros de estabilidad y se asigna un índice de consistencia geométrica y un nivel de seguridad para cada tramo. Con ello, se puede disponer de una herramienta preventiva para extremar las precauciones en tramos de mayor peligrosidad. Este procesamiento automático se desarrolla en la aplicación informática inRoad in Alert (apéndice B). El siguiente reto que se quiere afrontar, es combinar el procesado de nubes de puntos de LiDAR aerotransportado y ortoimágenes digitales, procedentes de vuelos fotogramétricos realizados por el Instituto Geográfico Nacional, para caracterizar geométricamente las aguas de los tejados de edificios, calculando sus inclinaciones, orientaciones y superficies. De igual forma, se procede a calcular su potencial solar fotovoltaico. Combinando estos dos procesados se fortalece la debilidad que presentan los datos LiDAR disponibles en cuanto al cálculo de la superficie de tejados, con la información que se puede obtener de las ortoimágenes. Este procesado se desarrolla en el software Ener3dmap-Solar Roofs (apéndice B). La información de salida de este procesado permite generar una capa con los datos geométricos de los tejados, para la aplicación de mapas web desarrollada Ener3DMapSolarWeb Roofs (apéndice B). Esta herramienta utiliza la librería para mapas Leaflet, integra esta capa con mapas base, datos catastrales y el modelo de radiación solar validado PVGIS (Photovoltaic Geographical Information System). Este desarrollo permite calcular la producción solar de una instalación de paneles fotovoltaicos de una forma ágil, proporcionando datos de producción anual, mensual y diaria, tanto para un tejado de un edificio existente, como en una parcela sin edificación, o un edificio proyectado. Adicionalmente se programa otra infraestructura de datos espaciales SolarWeb Cities (apéndice B), con la misma base de funcionamiento que la aplicación anterior, para realizar una prospectiva de potencial solar fotovoltaico a nivel de barrio o ciudad

    Validación de la versión española del Cuestionario Breve de Evitación Experiencial (BEAQ) en población clínica

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    The Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) has been suggested as the most appropriate instrument for measuring experiential avoidance. However, no Spanish validation has been published. The aim of this study was to validate a Spanish version of the BEAQ in a clinical sample treated at a community mental health unit. Methods: Participants (N = 332) completed the BEAQ as well as other self-report measures of experiential avoidance and psychopathology. Results: Internal consistency was satisfactory (α = .82). No statistically significant gender differences were found in the BEAQ scores. The data also showed high test-retest reliability after four to six weeks, acceptable concurrent validity with another experiential avoidance measure and acceptable convergent validity with the psychopathology measure. The principal component analysis, forcing the one factor solution proposed in the original scale, produced indicators similar to the English version of the BEAQ. Conclusions: These results firmly support the reliability and validity of this Spanish validation, stressing its usefulness as a measure of experiential avoidance in clinical populations.Antecedentes: el Cuestionario Breve de Evitación Experiencial (BEAQ) ha sido propuesto como el instrumento más adecuado para medir la evitación experiencial. Sin embargo, todavía no ha sido publicada ninguna validación en español. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio ha sido la validación de una versión española del BEAQ, en una muestra clínica atendida en un Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario. Método: los participantes (N = 332) completaron el BEAQ, así como otras medidas de autoinforme de evitación experiencial y psicopatología. Resultados: la consistencia interna fue satisfactoria (α = .82). No se encontraron diferencias de género estadísticamente significativas en las puntuaciones del BEAQ. Los datos también mostraron una alta fiabilidad test-retest en un intervalo de cuatro a seis semanas, validez concurrente aceptable con otra medida de evitación experiencial y validez convergente aceptable con la medida de psicopatología. El análisis de componentes principales forzando a la solución de un factor, como se propuso en la escala original, obtuvo unos indicadores similares a los obtenidos en dicha versión inglesa. Conclusiones: los resultados confirman la adecuada fiabilidad y validez de la presente versión española del BEAQ, destacando su utilidad como medida de la evitación experiencial en población clínica

    Rete Algorithm Applied to Robotic Soccer

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    This article is a first approach to the use of Rete algorithm to design a team of robotic soccer playing agents for Robocup Soccer Server. Rete algorithm is widely used to design rule-based expert systems. Robocup Soccer Server is a system that simulates 2D robotic soccer matches. The paper presents an architecture based on CM United team architecture for Robocup Soccer Server simulation system. It generalizes the low-level information received by the agent as high-level soccer concepts. This way it can take advantage of expert system design techniques

    One-Dimensional Modeling of Mechanical and Friction Losses Distribution in a Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine

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    [EN] As the road transport accounts between 15%-18% of worldwide CO2 emissions, the automotive sector has a deep commitment to mitigate global warming. Consequently, stricter regulations have been adopted by the European Union and worldwide to reduce that big impact. Approximately, 10% of the energy generated by fuel combustion in the engine is destined to the auxiliaries components activation and the movement of mechanical elements with relative motion between themselves. A reduction on that figure or alternatively a mechanical efficiency improvement can be directly translated on target alignment. The aim of this work is developing a model to predict the mechanical and friction losses and its distribution in a four-stroke direct injection-diesel engine and simulating different strategies, which increment the engine efficiency. A 1D model has been developed and fitted in GT-SUITE based on the experimental results of a 1.6-L diesel engine. Additionally, a description of the tribological performance has been realized in different parts of the engine where friction is present. Finally, the engine friction maps have been broken down in order to quantify the friction losses produced in the piston ring assembly, crankshaft bearings, and valvetrainTormos, B.; Martín, J.; Blanco-Cavero, D.; Jiménez-Reyes, AJ. (2020). One-Dimensional Modeling of Mechanical and Friction Losses Distribution in a Four-Stroke Internal Combustion Engine. Journal of Tribology. 142(1). https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4044856S142

    KRRT: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Tutor System

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    Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR&R) is a fundamental topic in Artificial Intelligence. A basic KR language is First– Order Logic (FOL), the most representative logic–based representation language, which is part of almost any introductory AI course. In this work we present KRRT (Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Tutor). KRRT is a Web–based system which main goal is to help the student to learn FOL as a KR&R language.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2004–0388

    Preliminary study on the performance of biomorphic silicon carbide as substrate for diesel particulate filters

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    This paper presents the results of a preliminary experimental study to assess the performance of biomorphic silicon carbide when used for the abatement of soot particles in the exhaust of Diesel engines. Given its optimal thermal and mechanical properties, silicon carbide is one of the most popular substrates in commercial diesel particulate filters. Biomorphic silicon carbide is known for having, besides, a hierarchical porous microstructure and the possibility of tailoring that microstructure through the selection of a suitable wood precursor. An experimental rig was designed and built to be integrated within an engine test bench that allowed to characterizing small lab-scale biomorphic silicon carbide filter samples. A particle counter was used to measure the particles distribution before and after the samples, while a differential pressure sensor was used to measure their pressure drop during the soot loading process. The experimental campaign yielded promising results: for the flow rate conditions that the measuring devices imposed (1 litre per minute; space velocity = 42,000 L/h), the samples showed initial efficiencies above 80%, pressure drops below 20 mbar, and a low increase in the pressure drop with the soot load which allows to reach almost 100% efficiency with an increase in pressure drop lower than 15%, when the soot load is still less than 0.01 g/L. It shows the potential of this material and the interest for advancing in more complex diesel particle filter designs based on the results of this workMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (España) MAT2013-41233-R DPI2013-46485-C3-3-RFondos FEDER MAT2013-41233-R DPI2013-46485-C3-3-RUniversidad de Sevilla VI Plan Propio I.3B - C.I. 24/05/2017 MAT2016-76526-

    Formal verification of a generic framework to synthesize SAT-provers

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    We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to generate and reason about propositional satis ability provers. For that purpose, we develop a framework where we de ne a generic SAT-prover based on transformation rules, and we formalize this generic framework in the ACL2 logic, carrying out a formal proof of its termination, soundness and completeness. This generic framework can be instantiated to obtain a number of veri ed and executable SAT-provers in ACL2, and this can be done in an automated way. Three instantiations of the generic framework are considered: semantic tableaux, sequent and Davis-Putnam-Logeman-Loveland methods.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Verification in ACL2 of a Generic Framework to Synthesize SAT–Provers

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    We present in this paper an application of the ACL2 system to reason about propositional satisfiability provers. For that purpose, we present a framework where we define a generic transformation based SAT–prover, and we show how this generic framework can be formalized in the ACL2 logic, making a formal proof of its termination, soundness and completeness. This generic framework can be instantiated to obtain a number of verified and executable SAT–provers in ACL2, and this can be done in an automatized way. Three case studies are considered: semantic tableaux, sequent and Davis–Putnam methods.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0

    Formal Verification of Molecular Computational Models in ACL2: A Case Study

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    Theorem proving is a classical AI problem with a broad range of applications. Since its complexity is exponential in the size of the problem, many methods to parallelize the process has been proposed. One of these approaches is based on the massive parallelism of molecular reactions. ACL2 is an automated theorem prover especially adequate for algorithm verification. In this paper we present an ACL2 formalization of a molecular computational model: Adleman’s restricted model. As an application of this model, an implementation of Lipton’s experiment solving SAT is described. We use ACL2 to make a formal proof of the completeness and soundness properties of this implementation.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIC2000-1368-C03-0
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