787 research outputs found

    The Development of Legislation on the Social Economy in Continental Western Europe

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    One of the main instruments for local development is the regulatory legal framework of the so-called Social Economy, a term and concept that is yet to be fully defined. The society’s approach to the generation of wealth encompasses different concepts, movements, approaches, and ways of acting, all of which pose a challenge to the determination of a precise definition. Within the European Union (E.U.), a common legislative base has been developed, although the specific legislation developed by each Member State has been uneven. The legislation may have started from the same common principles, but each country has adopted different legal forms. This work aims to outline the diverse ways of legislating on a concept that is still under construction and within similar legal frameworks, illustrating the lack of harmony between European states that, despite the sharing of borders and having common legislative foundations, distance themselves in the final legislation, a situation that does not benefit the economic unity of entrepreneurs with social principles

    A Comparison Between Kalman Filters and STDFT for Harmonic Estimation in Power Systems

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    5th WSEAS/IASME Int. Conf. on Electric Power Systems, High Voltages, Electric Machines, Tenerife, Spain, December 16-18, 2005This paper presents a comparison between Kalman filter and the running DFT for the computation of harmonics in power systems applications. The performance of both filters is compared for events like voltage dips or those in which a decaying DC component is present. The comparison considers also the presence of higher order harmonics

    A Supporting Tool for Enhancing User’s Mental Model Elicitation and Decision-Making in User Experience Research

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction on April 18, 2022, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/10447318.2022.2041885User Experience (UX) research is intended to find insights and elicit applicable requirements to guide usable designs. Card Sorting is one of the most utilized methods. It is used to uncover the user's mental model and increase the usability of existing products. However, although Card Sorting has been widely utilized, most applications are based on spreadsheets. Furthermore, existing tools are principally intended to obtain qualitative information or customized quantitative outcomes to improve the information architecture. In this paper, a supporting tool based on the Card Sorting method is presented and detailed, including a comprehensive use case showing the main features. The tool implements predictive analysis of results through advanced statistics and machine learning techniques, providing comprehensive reports that enable evaluators and UX researchers to obtain high-level knowledge and important quantitative clues to enhance decision-making. The tool has been evaluated with participants and evaluators, obtaining relevant usability results and feedback.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Government under grant number RTI2018- 095255-B-I00]; and the Madrid Research Council under Grant number P2018/TCS-4314

    Development of usable applications featuring QR codes for enhancing interaction and acceptance: a case study

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Behaviour & Information Technology on Jan 11, 2022, available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2021.2022209QR codes provide potential opportunities to improve interaction in different areas of application. Even so, this technology has been utilised in punctual and specific standalone applications, being barely applied to broader contexts, such as the educational one, where different scenarios can be considered to take advantage of the same QR-code approach. In this paper, key issues for the development of applications that utilise QR codes to improve sharing and availability of resources are presented, specifically focusing on improving interaction and acceptance. In this way, a holistic approach has been developed where the system is aimed at improving the interaction between educators and students. On the one hand, educators use a web interface to manage educational resources and announcements and automatically generate QR codes. On the other hand, students scan those QR codes using a mobile device, obtaining updated information related to their lectures. This scenario has been evaluated by educators and students, obtaining good results in terms of acceptance, cognitive burden, and overall usability. The approach provides development clues and the evaluation method that can be applied to different contexts, thus representing a generalisable solution.This work was supported by Madrid Research Council: [grant Number P2018/TCS-4314]; Spanish Government: [grant Number RTI2018-095255-B-I00]

    Monitoring and forecasting usability indicators: a business intelligence approach for leveraging user-centered evaluation data

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    Monitoring performance indicators has become a main concern for most organizations today. While much attention has been paid to developing economic, bioinformatics, health, and social media dashboards, little or no attention has been devoted to monitoring and forecasting usability indicators. This can be of interest for analyzing the degree of perceived satisfaction and usability of interactive software products designed or just developed, being also useful as general strategic indicators in human-centered organizations. This paper presents an approach including main measures, Key Performance Indicators, trends, and forecasts to deal with usability information over time and produce new knowledge based on historical data. Also, an instance has been implemented, including data obtained from real software evaluations. Target users have evaluated the approach to validate its suitability, obtaining successful usability results that denote the adequacy of the approach presentedThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Research Agency [grant numbers TED2021-129381B-C21 and PID2021- 122270OB-I00

    A fitting procedure for probability density functions of service restoration times. Application to underground cables in medium-voltage networks

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    Distribution companies have the responsibility to provide a quality service to their customers, according to the existing regulation. Reliability issues, such as power outages, are registered in databases for a quantitative evaluation of this quality. This paper uses one of these historical records to make a statistical analysis of service restoration times, applied to the particular case of underground cables in medium voltage networks. An algo-rithm is proposed to fit the raw data to the probability density functions typically used in reliability analysis. The best-fitted distribution is determined in each case according to the information provided by a set of goodness-of -fit tests. Different groups are considered for the elements of the systems, concerning their functionality and voltage level. The presented procedure is applied to an electrical network with more than 350 feeders. Results have been obtained globally, showing that the observed service restoration time is lower than the estimated maximum limit in 98.00% of cases. The probability functions provided by the proposed algorithm can be used to improve the accuracy of the reliability models for the electric power system.8 página

    La beta: problemática de su estimación

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    El trabajo aborda el cálculo de la beta del CAPM, entrando a analizar la problemática asociada, tanto en lo referente al intervalo sobre el que se realiza la evaluación de la rentabilidad, como en distintas alternativas que contemplan el carácter variable con el tiempo de la beta. Dichas alternativas han sido esencialmente los ajustes de mínimos cuadrados de ventana móvil para distintos tamaños de ventana, y el filtro de Kalman. Todas las posibilidades planteadas son aplicadas a activos tanto del NYSE como del Mercado Español, con lo que se consigue un soporte esencial para las conclusiones alcanzadas. Entre dichas conclusiones destacan el deterioro en respuesta al aumentar el tamaño de ventana, la evolución monótona de sus coeficientes de determinación, el buen comportamiento del filtro de Kalman, y la inconsistencia sistemática al cambiar el intervalo de rentabilidadUniversidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Estudios Avanzados en Dirección de Empresa

    Exergy Optimization of a Moving Bed Heat Exchanger

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    The MBHE proposed can be analyzed as a crossflow heat exchanger where one of the phases is a moving granular medium. In the present work the exergy analysis of the MBHE is carried out over operation data of the exchanger obtained in two ways: a numerical simulation of the stationary problem and a simplified analysis. The numerical simulation is carried over the two steady state energy equations (fluid and solid), involving (for the fluid) the convection heat transfer to the solid and the diffusion term in the flow direction, and (for the solid) only the convection heat transfer to the fluid. The simplified analysis followed the well-known e-NTU method, taking the equipment as a crossflow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed.Publicad

    Manejo Sostenible De Las Áreas Verdes Municipales Contratadas De La Ciudad De Guayaquil

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    Actualmente el manejo de las áreas verdes municipales de la ciudad de Guayaquil, está a cargo de compañías contratistas que prestan el servicio de mantenimiento agronómico, no obstante existen actividades relacionadas con la asociación de varias especies vegetales introducidas y otras que no son adecuadas para determinadas jardineras, así como el desconocimiento en el manejo adecuado de prácticas culturales y de pesticidas, que constituyen una problemática en temas ambientales por el uso excesivo de agroquímicos, agua y cambios de suelo que se requieren implementar, para que dichas plantas prosperen adecuadamente. El presente trabajo tiene la finalidad de identificar aquellas especies vegetales que generan mayor impacto en su manejo, para de esta manera determinar asociaciones de plantas compatibles, así como también, establecer cuáles son los aspectos culturales que se deben mejorar o implementar en el mantenimiento agronómico de las áreas verdes municipales contratadas de la ciudad de Guayaquil