920 research outputs found


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    The participation of women in entrepreneurial activity forty years ago was virtually an exception. However, nowadays this is an important economic and social phenomenon, with an outstanding impact on the dynamics of both advanced and emerging economies. This is significant not only from a quantitative viewpoint. The fact that female personal features, motives and managerial methods differ from those of men gives a new and interesting perspective –which is still subject to debate- to the analysis regarding training and consolidation of enterprises. Gender-related differences can be the vehicle to introduce innovative aspects that could be influential in the uncertain and changing economic environment after the current crises, particularly in those fields where business output is related to the quality of life. Adopting a previous regional model as a basis of study, we analyse in this work the characteristics that differentiate entrepreneurial women in Spain on the grounds of data collected from an own drafted survey regarding the entrepreneurial activity (607 complete questionnaires) carried out in 2009. The results obtained indicate the coexistence of two different types of entrepreneurial women. The first group gathers those women whose enterprises show, generally speaking, a similar sectoral distribution to that of the whole productive fabric, although with a slight tendency to be more present in services activities. Their characteristics and attitudes are, in general, quite similar to those registered among entrepreneurial men and many of these women come from entrepreneurial families. The second group is mainly made up of entrepreneurial women –frequently with family burdens and low qualified- devoted to services, particularly personal services and retail trade. Technological and managerial characteristics of companies managed by the entrepreneurial women belonging to this group differ substantially from the average of the economy, with a much more traditional and less innovative profile.

    Core excitation effects in the breakup of halo nuclei

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    The role of core excitation in the structure and dynamics of two-body halo nuclei is investigated. We present calculations for the resonant breakup of 11Be on protons at an incident energy of 63.7 MeV/nucleon, where core excitation effects were shown to be important. To describe the reaction, we use a recently developed extension of the DWBA formalism which incorporates these core excitation effects within the no-recoil approximation. The validity of the no-recoil approximation is also examined by comparing with DWBA calculations which take into account core recoil. In addition, calculations with two different continuum representations are presented and compared.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación FIS2011-28738-c02-01, FPA2009- 07653, FPA2009-08848, CSD2007-00042Junta de Andalucía FQM160, P07-FQM-0289

    On the role of Prognostics and Health Management in advanced maintenance systems

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    The advanced use of the Information and Communication Technologies is evolving the way that systems are managed and maintained. A great number of techniques and methods have emerged in the light of these advances allowing to have an accurate and knowledge about the systems’ condition evolution and remaining useful life. The advances are recognized as outcomes of an innovative discipline, nowadays discussed under the term of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM). In order to analyze how maintenance will change by using PHM, a conceptual model is proposed built upon three views. The model highlights: (i) how PHM may impact the definition of maintenance policies; (ii) how PHM fits within the Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) and (iii) how PHM can be integrated into Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) programs. The conceptual model is the research finding of this review note and helps to discuss the role of PHM in advanced maintenance systems.EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, 645733 - Sustain-Owner - H2020-MSCA-RISE-201

    El Partido Liberal-Democrático en Japón: la dominación conservadora

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    El Partido Liberal-Democrático (PLD) gobernó sin interrupción en Japón durante 38 años. Esto ha provocado la curiosidad de más de un científico político, pues es algo que sale de la norma en regímenes democráticos. Parte de la explicación radica en la coordinación existente durante todo ese tiempo en los tres pilares del sistema social y político de esa nación: el propio partido dominante, la burocracia gubernamental y los grandes consorcios industriales y financieros. Estos tres actores mantienen por un lado suficiente autonomía para perseguir sus intereses respectivos. Por otro lado, existió una alianza tácita entre ellos, de modo que se complementaron mutuamente para desarrollar una empresa común, el desarrollo económico de Japón, a través de una política conservadora que beneficia a los tres de manera simultánea. En este artículo se explora ese vínculo funcional entre los tres actores, con vistas a entender un poco más la larga continuidad del Partido Liberal-Democrático en Japón.The Liberal-Democratic Party ruled Japan during 38 consecutive years. This fenomena has aroused the curiosity of many political scientis all over the world, for this case in uncommon in the democratic field. Some of the explanation stands on the existent coordination between the three pilars of the japanese social and political system: the Party itself, the gubermental bourocracy and the great bussiness corporations. These three actors are autonous enough to follow their own particular interests. But on the other side, they have made an alliance to help each other, in the search of a common purpose; the economic development of Japan thru a conservative way, so that benefits all of them at the same time. On the present article, this alliance is explored in order to better understand the logn continuity of the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan

    The Management of Water Resources in a Disputed Border: The Case of Gazivoda Reservoir (Kosovo)

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    This paper aims to study the importance of a good management of the Gazivoda reservoir. In the instable region of Balkans, water is considered a strategic resource. Crossing the disputed border between Kosovo and Serbia, Gazivoda’s water plays an important role for economies and water supply in both countries. The desire of controlling Gazivoda may disrupt the relationship that Kosovo and Serbia report. Claims from ethnic minorities of Serbs in Kosovo, and Albanians in Serbia might pose risks to current frontiers. Borders need to be respected to achieve stability. Foreign models of cooperation can be followed in order to achieve a good management successful for society on both sides of the border.Este trabalho pretende estudar a importância de uma boa gestão do reservatório de Gazivoda. Na região instável dos Balcãs, a água é considerada um recurso estratégico. Atravessando a fronteira disputada entre o Kosovo e a Sérvia, a água de Gazivoda desempenha um papel importante nas economias e no abastecimento de água em ambos os países. O desejo de controlar Gazivoda pode interromper a relação que o Kosovo e a Sérvia relatam. Reclamações de minorias étnicas de sérvios no Kosovo, e os albaneses na Sérvia podem representar riscos para as fronteiras atuais. As fronteiras precisam ser respeitadas para alcançar a estabilidade. Modelos estrangeiros de cooperação podem ser seguidos para alcançar uma boa gestão bem sucedida para a sociedade em ambos os lados da fronteira

    Spanish foreign direct investment, parent financial vulnerability and destination countries financial development: A panel data analysis

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    41 p.This paper evaluates the effects of destination country financial development (DCFD) on Spanish outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) stock position and gross flows to 127 countries from 75 activities considered at the division level over the period of 2008-2017. This time frame includes in Spain a period of credit restrictions to the private sector from 2008 to 2013, as banks faced liquidity stress which hurt their ability to lend. We applied a modified gravity model and a Poisson pseudomaximum likelihood estimator to illustrate how the effects of DCFD on Spanish OFDI decreased as the financial vulnerability (FV) at the parent level increased. By using time-varying measures of financial development and FV, we also show how the evolution of the leverage ratios at the parent level could have led to different financing responses in the destination countries, to the extent of making them statistically nonsignificant during the period of higher leverage and financial stress in Spain. Once the deleveraging process at the parent level was carried out, our results appear to show that Spanish foreign affiliates were able to undertake more investments by obtaining bank financing in the destination countries. This would help explain the change in the pattern of gross investment flows at the end of the study period, both by activities and by destination regions.Este trabajo evalúa los efectos del desarrollo financiero en los países de destino (DFPD) sobre la posición y los flujos brutos de inversión directa española en el exterior (IDEE) hacia 127 países por parte de 75 actividades consideradas a nivel de división durante el periodo 2008-2017. Este marco temporal incluye en España un periodo de restricciones crediticias al sector privado desde 2008 hasta 2013, en el que el sector bancario se enfrentó a tensiones de liquidez que perjudicaron su capacidad para realizar préstamos. Aplicamos un modelo de gravedad modificado y un estimador de pseudo máxima verosimilitud de Poisson para ilustrar cómo los efectos de la DFPD sobre la IDEE española disminuyeron a medida que aumentaba la de vulnerabilidad financiera (VF) a nivel de la matriz. Mediante el uso de medidas de desarrollo financiero y VF que variaban en el tiempo, también mostramos cómo la evolución de las tasas de apalancamiento a nivel de la matriz podría haber dado lugar a diferentes respuestas de la financiación en los países de destino, hasta el punto de hacerlas estadísticamente no significativas durante el período de mayor apalancamiento y estrés financiero en España. Una vez que se llevó a cabo el proceso de desapalancamiento a nivel de la matriz, nuestros resultados parecen indicar que las filiales españolas en el exterior pudieron acometer más inversiones obteniendo financiación bancaria en los países de destino. Esto ayudaría a explicar el cambio en el patrón de los flujos brutos de inversión al final del período de estudio, tanto por actividades como por regiones de destino

    Spanish foreign direct investment, parent financial vulnerability and destination countries financial development: A panel data analysis

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    41 p.This paper evaluates the effects of destination country financial development (DCFD) on Spanish outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) stock position and gross flows to 127 countries from 75 activities considered at the division level over the period of 2008-2017. This time frame includes in Spain a period of credit restrictions to the private sector from 2008 to 2013, as banks faced liquidity stress which hurt their ability to lend. We applied a modified gravity model and a Poisson pseudomaximum likelihood estimator to illustrate how the effects of DCFD on Spanish OFDI decreased as the financial vulnerability (FV) at the parent level increased. By using time-varying measures of financial development and FV, we also show how the evolution of the leverage ratios at the parent level could have led to different financing responses in the destination countries, to the extent of making them statistically nonsignificant during the period of higher leverage and financial stress in Spain. Once the deleveraging process at the parent level was carried out, our results appear to show that Spanish foreign affiliates were able to undertake more investments by obtaining bank financing in the destination countries. This would help explain the change in the pattern of gross investment flows at the end of the study period, both by activities and by destination regions.Este trabajo evalúa los efectos del desarrollo financiero en los países de destino (DFPD) sobre la posición y los flujos brutos de inversión directa española en el exterior (IDEE) hacia 127 países por parte de 75 actividades consideradas a nivel de división durante el periodo 2008-2017. Este marco temporal incluye en España un periodo de restricciones crediticias al sector privado desde 2008 hasta 2013, en el que el sector bancario se enfrentó a tensiones de liquidez que perjudicaron su capacidad para realizar préstamos. Aplicamos un modelo de gravedad modificado y un estimador de pseudo máxima verosimilitud de Poisson para ilustrar cómo los efectos de la DFPD sobre la IDEE española disminuyeron a medida que aumentaba la de vulnerabilidad financiera (VF) a nivel de la matriz. Mediante el uso de medidas de desarrollo financiero y VF que variaban en el tiempo, también mostramos cómo la evolución de las tasas de apalancamiento a nivel de la matriz podría haber dado lugar a diferentes respuestas de la financiación en los países de destino, hasta el punto de hacerlas estadísticamente no significativas durante el período de mayor apalancamiento y estrés financiero en España. Una vez que se llevó a cabo el proceso de desapalancamiento a nivel de la matriz, nuestros resultados parecen indicar que las filiales españolas en el exterior pudieron acometer más inversiones obteniendo financiación bancaria en los países de destino. Esto ayudaría a explicar el cambio en el patrón de los flujos brutos de inversión al final del período de estudio, tanto por actividades como por regiones de destino

    Especificaciones para un prototipo de vehículo híbrido de ciudad

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    Cualquier proyecto de ingeniería pretende mejorar una realidad en la que, necesariamente, están involucradas personas. En el caso que nos ocupa se estudia la modificación de los vehículos llamados comúnmente “vehículos sin carné” para convertirlos en vehículos híbridos. La mejora respecto la situación actual de dichos vehículos y en general respecto de la circulación por ciudad, puede hacer que el producto sea comercial y por lo tanto que dicha mejora pueda convertirse en realidad. En este caso, llamamos mejora, al ahorro económico, disminución de la contaminación acústica y disminución de las emisiones de CO2 a la atmósfera. Para obtener un valor de las variables anteriores que sea comercial y poder implantar la mejora en la sociedad, en el proceso de diseño se tendrán en cuenta el valor de dichas variables. De las distintas opciones se escogerá la más atractiva desde el punto de vista del consumidor. Los resultados del estudio son que el ahorro económico al cabo de la vida estimada del vehículo, bajo las hipótesis de funcionamiento establecidas, puede ser de 756 €. El ahorro de combustible y consecuente disminución de la contaminación está en torno al 27 % y se reduce la contaminación acústica en un 50,7 % del tiempo de utilización del vehículo

    Diseño y validación de contenidos y materiales para la formación ante el asma en centros educativos

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    El objetivo del estudio es mejorar la vida de estudiantes con asma y abordar su atención/tratamiento en centros educativos. Hemos elaborado un Programa de formación dirigido al profesorado de Educación Física en educación secundaria. Presentamos la metodología utilizada en la selección de contenidos, diseño del programa formativo, recursos, validación y difusión. Un análisis comparado de los componentes del Programa sobre aspectos generales, componentes informatizados, aspectos globales y específicos de los materiales. Los resultados permiten valorar positivamente el Programa y sus posibilidades de generalización, por su relevancia en la práctica y su significación en la formación del profesorado de Educación Física.The main aim of the study is to improve the life of those / ace students with asthma and to approach its attention / treatment in the educational centers. We have elaborated it a formation Program in centers directed to the faculty of Physical Education in secondary education. We present the methodology used in connection with the selection of contents, the design of the formative program for the faculty, validation, and training. We present a compared analysis of the different components of the Program in relation to the general aspects, to the computerized components, to the global and specific aspects of the materials. The obtained data allow us to value the Program and their generalization possibilities positively, so much for their relevance in the professional practice as for their significance in the specialist faculty's formation in Physical Education

    Internet scientific information seen by students of Compulsory Secondary Education: An exploratory study of their digital competences

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    En la actualidad Internet se ha convertido en la primera fuente de información científica. Esto justifica la necesidad de que todo ciudadano disponga de competencias que permitan evaluar los contenidos y su fiabilidad. En este trabajo se pretende explorar y describir las competencias digitales, adquiridas dentro o fuera del aula, que manifiestan un grupo de estudiantes de 4º de ESO al valorar un texto de Internet sobre un tema científico. Los resultados indican que los participantes tienen un buen desempeño para identificar ideas y posicionarse respecto a la información. Sin embargo, tienen dificultades para hacer inferencias lejanas, localizar errores, interpretar información y calificar su fiabilidad. Los resultados respaldan la necesidad de desarrollar competencias en las aulas para formar ciudadanos capaces de ser críticos al evaluar la enorme cantidad de información a la que están expuestos.Nowadays, the Internet has become the first source of scientific information. This fact justifies the need for every citizen to have competences that allow the evaluation of contents and their reliability. This paper aims to explore and describe the digital competences, acquired inside or outside the classroom, which are manifested by a group of 4th year ESO students when they assess an Internet text on a scientific topic. The results indicate that the participants show good performance to identify ideas and position themselves regarding the information. However, they have difficulty making distant inferences, locating errors, interpreting information and rating their reliability. The results support the need to develop competences in classrooms to train citizens capable of being critical and objective when evaluating the enormous amount of information that they are exposed to