430 research outputs found

    Contención mecánica y cuidados de enfermería en ancianos institucionalizados

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    Fundamento y objetivo: La restricción física o contención mecánica es una medida terapéutica usada con relativa frecuencia en centros asistenciales. El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en la Contención mecánica en ancianos institucionalizados, desde el ámbito de la aplicación de las actividades y cuidados del profesional de enfermería. El objetivo es la profundización e indagación del estado de la cuestión desde una perspectiva geriátrica para valorar los conocimientos enfermeros para una aplicación adecuada de cuidados a pacientes ancianos con restricciones. Material y métodos: Se ha realizado una búsqueda bibliográfica sobre la literatura con el fin de identificar los factores relacionados con la contención mecánica en ancianos institucionalizados, utilizando recursos electrónicos. Se han utilizado vía internet las siguientes bases de datos: Pubmed, Web of Science y Google Scholar. Tras la lectura de los artículos, se puede observar un déficit de trabajos y escasos conocimientos sobre las restricciones, lo que nos llevo a una segunda búsqueda en inglés de todo lo publicado en los últimos tres años. Conclusiones: El resultado es la identificación de los elementos esenciales del concepto de contención mecánica que incluye definirla como una terapia realizada por enfermería y pautada por el médico que implica una inmovilización de una parte o total del cuerpo del paciente. Debemos saber reconocer los riesgos auto/heterolesivos que preceden a la contención mecánica, así como destacar la importancia de unificar criterio y una formación específica del equipo que la realiza. Es esencial disponer de un concepto claro de contención mecánica para poder proporcionar a los pacientes unos cuidados óptimos.Departamento de EnfermeríaGrado en Enfermerí

    El proceso de elección de la "nueva" Junta Directiva

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    Ampliació de la Fundació Tàpies

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    L'exercici proposa una nova ampliació de la Fundació Antoni Tàpies en forma de remunta aprofitant la màxima edificabilitat possible. El programa creix en superficie, duplicant l’espai expositiu i d’oficines, i en complexitat, amb nous usos. El projecte proposa una estratificació i circulacions clares i sistemàtiques. La relació entre preexistencia i remunta és un diàleg amb referencies constant d’un vers a l’altre, d’antítesis i paral•lelismes, en tots els aspectes projectats

    Hopscotch Building: A Model for the Generation of Qualitative Research Designs

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    In this article we describe the process followed in the creation of the “Hopscotch Model,” a tool to help novice researchers thoroughly design qualitative research studies while learning the philosophical underpinnings of this particular form of research. The model helps to incorporate the theoretical background behind any qualitative study, as well as the intrinsic complexity of the multiple technical procedures that could be followed within the many different traditions in the field. Hopscotch is supported by an easy to use web-tool that drives potential users through the design of qualitative studies. In this article we describe the phases followed to generate the conceptual model and the web-tool. We conceived the Hopscotch model as a “boundary object,” plastic-enough to adapt to local needs and constraints of the stakeholders using it, yet robust enough to maintain a common identity across different communities, frameworks and possible scenarios in which it could be employed. Therefore, the proposed model is not intended to be complete nor prescriptive, but a flexible tool that can evolve and be completed by anyone. Even though a formal evaluation of the model and web-tool has not been conducted, in this work we present usage data supporting the usefulness of our proposal

    Plant Proteomics in Europe. COST Action FA 0603. Abstracts of the II Meeting

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    Hopscotch 2.0: an enhanced version of the Model for the Generation of Research Designs in Social Sciences and Education

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    The development of educational research designs might be daunting for novice researchers that have to make choices among the plethora of philosophical frameworks, research traditions, and different methods existing in the field. In this article we describe the process followed to formally evaluate Hopscotch, a model and a web-tool created by the author in 2015 to help novice researchers in the generation of solid and well-informed qualitative research designs. To do so, a responsive evaluation based on case study methods was conducted. The obtained results led us build a new 2.0 version of the Hopscotch\u27s web-tool overcoming the limitations identified by the users of the initial version launched in 2015. Among others, the web-tool now offers the possibility of creating not only qualitative research designs, but also quantitative and mixed-methods designs. The system also allows for the collaboration and sharing of research designs among its users. It also provides the option of generating visual representations of the key components of six different types of qualitative research designs, four types of quantitative research designs, and four types of mixed-methods research designs. This newly developed tool based on the principles of Open Science, aims at helping novice researchers to deeply reflect on the research designs for their dissertations, research studies and even capstone projects

    EuPA activities

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    The added value of implementing the Planet Game scenario with Collage and Gridcole

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    This paper discusses the suitability and the added value of Collage and Gridcole when contrasted with other solutions participating in the ICALT 2006 workshop titled “Comparing educational modelling languages on a case study.” In this workshop each proposed solution was challenged to implement a Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning situation (CSCL) posed by the workshop’s organizers. Collage is a pattern-based authoring tool for the creation of CSCL scripts compliant with IMS Learning Design (IMS LD). These IMS LD scripts can be enacted by the Gridcole tailorable CSCL system. The analysis presented in the paper is organized as a case study which considers the data recorded in the workshop discussion as well the information reported in the workshop contributions. The results of this analysis show how Collage and Gridcole succeed in implementing the scenario and also point out some significant advantages in terms of design reusability and generality, user-friendliness, and enactment flexibility

    Pintures Net

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de d'Administració i Direcció d'Empreses, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-2016 , Tutor: Agustí Casas[cat] L’empresa PINTURES NET S.L. és una empresa que té per activitat econòmica la pintura de persianes dels graffitis dels locals, pàrquings i/o comunitats de veïns de la ciutat de Barcelona. Els objectius principals són la captació de clientela, penetrar en el mercat i ser financerament solvent. L’estratègia té per objectiu cobrir un gap que hi ha al mercat, propietaris que troben que els preus del pintat són molt cars i desconeguts. Els valors diferencials respecte la competència són dos: una tarifa plana de preus molt econòmics i una comercialització agressiva anant botiga per botiga. Els resultats són l’assoliment dels objectius citats anteriorment i l’externalitat positiva per als vianants que gaudeixen contemplant façanes netes i en bones condicions.[eng] PINTURES NET S.L. is a company which has as a business activity the painting of blinds due the graffiti of the buildings and garages in the city of Barcelona. The main aims are the attracting of clients, penetration of the market and be solvent. The strategy consists in cover a market niche – owners guess that the prices of the painting are quite expensive and unknown-. The distinguishing element among the competition are two: a flat rate of low-cost prices and an aggressive commercialisation while going shop by shore. As a result of this, there are the goals below mentioned achieved and positive externalities for the passer-by that enjoy staring at the clean façades and in good conditions