1,108 research outputs found

    Characterization of a circulating PRRSV strain by means of random PCR cloning and full genome sequencing

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    RS is a pig disease of major economic importance that causes respiratory and reproductive problems in pigs. Over the last years it has become clear that PRRSV heterogeneity is increasing. Consequently, this has a potential impact on diagnosis and strategies to counter this disease. The use of sequence-independent PCR techniques for the detection and characterization of PRRSV could be useful to bypass problems associated with the heterogeneity of this virus. A random PCR cloning approach was tested for the characterization of PRRSV strain 07V063 of unknown genetic background that circulated on a Belgian farm. By using this approach, 7305 bp of sequence data were obtained, distributed randomly across the genome. Using RT-PCR with strain-specific primers, the full length sequence (15014 nt) was obtained. Phylogenetic relationships using ORF5 and ORF1a (NSP2) sequences showed that 07V063 was classified in type 1 subtype 1 and that 07V063 was genetically different from prototype Lelystad Virus (LV). 07V063 showed 87-93% aa identity with LV ORFs coding for structural proteins. Most variation (compared to LV) was noticed in Nsp2 (81% identity) with a deletion of 28 aa. This deletion was different from other known deletions in this ORF. In conclusion, it is shown that this random PCR cloning approach can be used for the characterization of new PRRSV strains of unknown genetic background

    Predispositions and symptoms of Agrilus borer attack in declining oak trees

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    International audienceThis paper presents results of a semi-quantitative study on the role of Agrilus biguttatus F. in oak decline in Belgium. Larvae of this insect breed in living subcortical tissues of European oak. Several factors favouring attacks are discussed, among which the overall health condition and the local physical and biochemical status of the host tree. Larvae, feeding galleries, pupae, imago and D-shaped emergence-holes of A. biguttatus were observed exclusively in declining and recently dead oaks. Attacks start in the south-facing, sun-exposed parts of the subcrown stem, with a preference for thicker-barked trees or similar areas within declining trees. The feeding of early larval stages induces subcortical necrosis and longitudinal bark cracking. The more destructive tunnelling of advanced larval stages cuts functional vessels and phloem elements, which enhances the decline. In conclusion, effects on wood quality and suitable control options are discussed.Prédispositions et symptômes d'attaques d'Agrilus dans des chênes dépérissants. Nous présentons les résultats d'une étude semi-quantitative portant sur le rôle du Coléoptère Agrilus biguttatus F. dans le dépérissement de chênes en Belgique. Les larves de cet insecte s'attaquent au xylème et au phloème vivants. Plusieurs facteurs favorisant les attaques sont discutés. Parmi ces facteurs, la santé générale et les états physiques et biochimiques locaux de l'arbre hôte semblent être décisifs pour permettre sa colonisation. Des larves, des galeries sous-corticales, des nymphes, des adultes et des trous d'émergence en forme de D d'A. biguttatus ont été trouvés uniquement dans des chênes dépérissants ou morts récemment. Les attaques commencent dans les parties ensoleillées de l'arbre situées en dessous de la couronne et exposées vers le sud, avec une préférence pour des arbres ou des zones de l'arbre qui sont affaiblis et qui ont une écorce épaisse. Les larves juvéniles endommagent le cambium vasculaire et provoquent ainsi une fissuration longitudinale dans l'écorce. Les galeries des stades larvaires plus avancés coupent des éléments de xylème et de phloème fonctionnels et stimulent ainsi le dépérissement. Pour conclure, les effets sur la qualité du bois et des mesures de contrôle adéquates sont discutés

    End-use related physical and mechanical properties of selected fast-growing poplar hybrids (Populus trichocarpa x P-deltoides)

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    This study focused on physical and mechanical properties of fast-growing poplar clones in relation to potential end uses with high added value. A total of 14 trees from three different clones, all P. trichocarpa x deltoides (T x D) hybrids, were felled in a poplar plantation in Lille (Belgium): six 'Beaupre', four 'Hazendans' and four 'Hoogvorst'. Growth rate was found to have no significant influence on the physical mechanical properties. Although the investigated clones are genetically closely related, important variations in physical and mechanical properties were observed. Specific features such as spatial distribution of tension wood and dimensional stability are the main quality factors. It was concluded that 'Beaupre' is suitable for a wide range of high value added applications, such as plywood or construction wood. 'Hazendans' and 'Hoogvorst' will need adapted technology in processing. Further research is needed to characterize clonally induced variation in properties and to assess adequate processing strategies for multiclonal poplar stands

    Composition, distribution and supposed origin of mineral inclusions in sessile oak wood - consequences for microdensitometrical analysis

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    SEM and light-microscopical observations, supported by chemical microanalysis with an EDXA system, revealed that light-saturated pixels observed in X-ray negatives of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) wood were caused by inorganic deposits present inside multiseriate ray and axial parenchyma cells. Calcium oxalate crystals, silica grains and amorphous granules with varied mineral compositions have been identified. The wood strips of three out of six sampled trees contained measurable amounts of mineral inclusions which were quantified using image analysis. Based on the variations of mineral content observed between trees and within and between annual rings of the same tree, some hypotheses were formulated concerning the factors involved in the formation of inorganic deposits in oak wood. Their occurrence varies depending on the mineral concerned and seems to be controlled largely by a tree effect. The time of formation appears to coincide with a shifting of the oak wood’s functions as a result of heartwood formation processes (inter-annual scale) or changes in leaf phenology and climate (intra-annual scale). In addition, the technical consequences of their presence as well as their effects on wood density measurements through microdensitometry are discussedComposition, distribution et origine supposée d’inclusions minérales dans le bois de chêne sessile – conséquences pour l’analyse microdensitométrique. Des observations à l’aide de microscopes électronique à balayage et optique, appuyées par des analyses élémentaires au moyen d’un système EDXA, ont révélé que les points-images saturés en niveau de gris, constatés dans les négatifs de radiographies de bois de chêne sessile (Quercus petraea Liebl.), étaient dus à des dépôts inorganiques présents à l’intérieur des cellules parenchymateuses des rayons ligneux multisériés et du parenchyme axial. Des cristaux d’oxalate de calcium, des grains de silice et des granules amorphes ayant des compositions minérales variées ont été identifiés. Des barrettes de trois sur six arbres échantillonnés contenaient des quantités mesurables d’inclusions minérales qui ont été quantifiées par analyse d’images. En se basant sur les variations du contenu en dépôts minéraux observées entre arbres ainsi qu’à l’intérieur d’un arbre, aux niveaux intra- et intercerne, quelques hypothèses ont été avancées concernant les facteurs potentiellement responsables de la formation de dépôts minéraux chez le chêne. Leur présence dépend du minéral concerné et semble être contrôlée par un fort effet arbre. L’apparition des minéraux coïncide apparemment avec des changements de fonctions du bois relatifs aux processus de duraminisation (échelle interannuelle) ou correspondant à des évolutions phénologiques ou climatiques (échelle intra-annuelle). Enfin, les conséquences techniques ainsi que les effets de leur présence sur des mesures de la densité du bois par analyse microdensitométrique sont discuté


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    In this article, we develop a simple method to approximate the transient behavior of queueing systems. In particular, it is shown how singularity analysis of a known generating function of a transient sequence of some performance measure leads to an approximation of this sequence. To illustrate our approach, several specific transient sequences are investigated in detail. By means of some numerical examples, we validate our approximations and demonstrate the usefulness of the technique

    X-ray tomography as a tool for detailed anatomical analysis

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    Wood identification, anatomical examination and retrieval of quantitative information arc important aspects of many research disciplines. Conventional light microscopy with a camera and (semi)automatic image analysis software is an often used methodology for these purposes. Morc advanced techniques such as fluorescence, scanning electron, transmission electron, confocal laser scanning and atomic force microscopy arc also part of the toolset answering to the need for detailed imaging. Fast, non-destructive visualization in three dimensions with high resolution combined with a broad field of view is sought-after, especially in combination with flexible software. A highly advanced supplement to the existing techniques, namely X-ray sub-micron tomography, meets these requirements. It enables the researcher to visualize the material with a voxel size approaching <1 mu m for small samples (<1 mm). Furthermore, with tailor-made processing software quantitative data about the wood in two and three dimensions can be obtained. Examples of visualization and analysis of four wood species arc given in this paper, focusing on the opportunities of tomography at micron and sub-micron resolution. X-ray computed tomography offers many possibilities for material research in general and wood science in specific, as a qualitative as well as a quantitative technique
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