226 research outputs found

    Novel parvoviruses from wild and domestic animals in Brazil provide new insights into parvovirus distribution and diversity

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    Parvoviruses (family Parvoviridae) are small, single-stranded DNA viruses. Many parvoviral pathogens of medical, veterinary and ecological importance have been identified. In this study, we used high-throughput sequencing (HTS) to investigate the diversity of parvoviruses infecting wild and domestic animals in Brazil. We identified 21 parvovirus sequences (including twelve nearly complete genomes and nine partial genomes) in samples derived from rodents, bats, opossums, birds and cattle in Pernambuco, São Paulo, Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul states. These sequences were investigated using phylogenetic and distance-based approaches and were thereby classified into eight parvovirus species (six of which have not been described previously), representing six distinct genera in the subfamily Parvovirinae. Our findings extend the known biogeographic range of previously characterized parvovirus species and the known host range of three parvovirus genera (Dependovirus, Aveparvovirus and Tetraparvovirus). Moreover, our investigation provides a window into the ecological dynamics of parvovirus infections in vertebrates, revealing that many parvovirus genera contain well-defined sub-lineages that circulate widely throughout the world within particular taxonomic groups of hosts

    Bactérias patogênicas em superfície de aparelhos celulares de profissionais de saúde / Pathogenic bacteria on the surface of cell phones devices of healthcare professionals

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    Celulares são intensamente manuseados e estes aparelhos podem estar contaminados devido ao contato direto com superfícies e/ou ambientes ou pelas secreções corporais, podendo atuar como reservatórios e propagação de agentes infecciosos, constituindo risco para pacientes, profissionais e comunidade. Objetivo deste trabalho foi pesquisar a presença de bactérias patogênicas em superfícies de celulares da equipe de saúde da Unidade de Pronto Atendimento (UPA) e do Hospital Municipal de Teixeira de Freitas (HMTF), além de realizar testes de susceptibilidade aos antimicrobianos (TSA). Foi feito esfregaço do suabe nas superfícies dos celulares da equipe de saúde em diferentes setores da UPA e HMTF, acondicionados em tubos contendo Caldo BHI, transportados para Laboratório de Microbiologia da UNEB, Campus X, para análises microbiológicas, sendo feitos testes para identificação de estafilococos; enterobatérias e acinetobacter e TSA. Todos celulares apresentaram contaminação por pelo menos um grupo bacteriano: Staphylococcus aureus CP; Staphylococcus CN; S. saprophyticus e S. epidermidis; Serratia marcenses, Serratia liquefaciens, Citrobacter freundii, Salmonela spp., Salmonella typhi e Acinetobacter lwoffii. Verificou-se cepas multirresistentes. Antimicrobianos com mais índices de resistência para estafilococos: eritromicina, clidamicina, penicilina. Para enterobacterias: nitrofurantoína, cloranfenicol, cefazolina, sulfazotrim. Para acinetobacter: amicacina, sulfazotrim, gentamicina, ácido nalidixico

    Métodos estatísticos na determinação de vazão de referência

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    In this study we aimed to provide the foundation studies of water availability in the Miranda riverbasin, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the application of Normal,Log-Normal, Weibull, Gumbel and Log-Gumbel theoretical probability methods to data of minimumflows for seven consecutive days of the basin. To verify the adherence to the estimated probabilitiesof observed frequencies, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The results show that the Log-Gumbel distribution show greater accuracy in the data representation of the series and reach thebest fit value of Q7,10.Neste trabalho buscou-se fornecer embasamento a estudos de disponibilidade hídricana subbacia hidrográfica do Rio Miranda, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. Para tanto, objetivou-se analisar a aplicação dos métodos de distribuição de probabilidade teórica Normal, Log-Normal, Weibull, Gumbel e Log-Gumbel aos dados de vazões mínimas de sete dias consecutivos da bacia. Para verificar a aderência das probabilidades estimadas às frequências observadas, aplicou-se o teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov. Os resultados obtidos comprovam que a distribuição Log-Gumbel demonstra maior precisão na representação dos dados da série histórica e alcança o melhor ajuste do valor da Q7,10

    A novel Hepacivirus in wild rodents from South America

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    The Hepacivirus genus comprises single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses within the family Flaviviridae. Several hepaciviruses have been identified in different mammals, including multiple rodent species in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America. To date, no rodent hepacivirus has been identified in the South American continent. Here, we describe an unknown hepacivirus discovered during a metagenomic screen in Akodon montensis, Calomys tener, Oligoryzomys nigripes, Necromys lasiurus, and Mus musculus from São Paulo State, Brazil. Molecular detection of this novel hepacivirus by RT-PCR showed a frequency of 11.11% (2/18) in Oligoryzomys nigripes. This is the first identification of hepavivirus in sigmondonine rodents and in rodents from South America. In sum, our results expand the host range, viral diversity, and geographical distribution of the Hepacivirus genus

    Novel orthohepeviruses in wild rodents from São Paulo State, Brazil

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    The Hepeviridae comprise single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses classified into two genera, Orthohepevirus and Piscihepevirus. Orthohepeviruses have a wide host range that includes rodents, but previous studies had been restricted to rodents of the Muridae family. In this study, we applied a high-throughput sequencing approach to examine the presence of orthohepeviruses in rodents from São Paulo State, Brazil. We also used RT-PCR to determine the frequency of orthohepeviruses in our sampled population. We identified novel orthohepeviruses in blood samples derived from Necromys lasiurus (1.19%) and Calomys tener (3.66%). Therefore, our results expand the host range and viral diversity of the Hepeviridae family

    HIF-1alpha-pathway activation in cholangiocytes of patients with biliary atresia : an immunohistochemical/molecular exploratory study

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    Background: Biliary atresia is a neonatal disease characterized by choledochal obstruction and progressive cholangiopathy requiring liver transplantation in most patients. Hypoxia-ischemia affecting the biliary epithelium may lead to biliary obstruction. We hypothesized that ischemic cholangiopathy involving disruption of the peribiliary vascular plexus could act as a triggering event in biliary atresia pathogenesis. Methods: Liver and porta hepatis paraffin-embedded samples of patients with biliary atresia or intrahepatic neonatal cholestasis (controls) were immunohistochemically evaluated for HIF-1alpha-nuclear signals. Frozen histological samples were analyzed for gene expression in molecular profiles associated with hypoxia-ischemia. Prospective clinical-laboratory and histopathological data of biliary atresia patients and controls were reviewed. Results: Immunohistochemical HIF-1alpha signals localized to cholangiocytes were detected exclusively in liver specimens from biliary atresia patients. In 37.5% of liver specimens, HIF-1alpha signals were observed in biliary structures involving progenitor cell niches and peribiliary vascular plexus. HIF-1alpha signals were also detected in biliary remnants of 81.8% of porta hepatis specimens. Increased gene expression of molecules linked to REDOX status, biliary proliferation, and angiogenesis was identified in biliary atresia liver specimens. In addition, there was a trend towards decreased GSR expression levels in the HIF-1alpha-positive group compared to the HIF-1alpha-negative group. Conclusion: Activation of the HIF-1alpha pathway may be associated with the pathogenesis of biliary atresia, and additional studies are necessary to confirm the significance of this finding. Ischemic cholangiopathy and REDOX status disturbance are putative explanations for HIF-1alpha activation. These findings may give rise to novel lines of clinical and therapeutic investigation in the BA field

    Serum proinflammatory cytokines and nutritional status in pediatric chronic liver disease

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    AIM: To evaluate the nutritional status and its association with proinflammatory cytokines in children with chronic liver disease. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional study with 43 children and adolescents, aged 0 to 17 years, diagnosed with chronic liver disease. All patients regularly attended the Pediatric Hepatology Unit and were under nutritional follow up. The exclusion criteria were fever from any etiology at the time of enrollment, inborn errors of the metabolism and any chronic illness. The severity of liver disease was assessed by Child-Pugh, Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) and Pediatric End Stage Liver Disease (PELD) scores. Anthropometric parameters were height/age, body mass index/age and triceps skinfold/age according to World Health Organization standards. The cutoff points for nutritional status were risk of malnutrition (Z-score < -1.00) and malnutrition (Z-score < -2.00). Interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α levels were assessed by commercial ELISA kits. For multivariate analysis, linear regression was applied to assess the association between cytokine levels, disease severity and nutritional status RESULTS: The median (25th-75th centile) age of the study population was 60 (17-116)-mo-old, and 53.5% were female. Biliary atresia was the main cause of chronic liver disease (72%). With respect to Child-Pugh score, cirrhotic patients were distributed as follows: 57.1% Child-Pugh A, a mild presentation of the disease, 34.3% Child-Pugh B, a moderate stage of cirrhosis and 8.6% Child-Pugh C, were considered severe cases. PELD and MELD scores were only above the cutoff point in 5 cases. IL-6 values were increased in patients at nutritional risk (34.9%) compared with those who were well-nourished [7.12 (0.58-34.23) pg/mL vs 1.63 (0.53-3.43) pg/mL; P = 0.02], correlating inversely with triceps skinfold-for-age z-score (rs = -0.61; P < 0.001). IL-6 levels were associated with liver disease severity assessed by Child-Pugh score (P = 0.001). This association remained significant after adjusting for nutritional status in a linear regression model. CONCLUSION: High IL-6 levels were found in children with chronic liver disease at nutritional risk. Inflammatory activity may be related to nutritional status deterioration in these patients


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    The present work is to present the results obtained through an intervention performed at the Municipal School Professora Maria Villany Delmondes. The work was the theme of nutrition education in elementary school, being conducted with 36 students of the sixth and eighth years. The objective was to evaluate the students' knowledge of food colors, as well as sensitize them about healthier eating habits, searching through practices and play activities new teaching strategies of the subject. We sought to study the food colors in the classroom interacting and discussing with students. For performing surgery we used a questionnaire prior to observe the students' knowledge, which showed that the vast majority (71%) had knowledge of food colors. Plays were performed during class so that there was interaction and assimilation of content among these game taste, the pound and the set of questions letters, in which students participated significantly, taking questions. In addition to recreational activities, also held the practice of extraction of natural annatto dye. The research was satisfactory in which the 36 students interviewed, 78% felt great practical activities and applied games, and 97% of students reported that these activities helped them better understand the content. It was found that students approved the methodology applied, in which they felt interested in participating in class and encouraged to develop the reconstruction of concepts on food colors.O presente trabalho consiste em apresentar os resultados obtidos através de uma intervenção realizada na Escola Municipal Professora Maria Villany Delmondes. O trabalho teve como tema a educação alimentar no ensino fundamental, sendo realizado com 36 alunos do sexto e oitavo anos. O objetivo foi verificar o conhecimento dos alunos sobre os corantes alimentícios, bem como sensibilizá-los sobre hábitos alimentares mais saudáveis, buscando através de atividades práticas e lúdicas novas estratégias de ensino do tema abordado. Buscou-se o estudo dos corantes alimentícios em sala de aula interagindo e discutindo com os alunos. Para realização da intervenção utilizou-se de um questionário prévio para constatar o conhecimento dos alunos, no qual observou-se que a grande maioria (71%) apresentaram conhecimento sobre os corantes alimentícios. Foram executados jogos durante a aula para que houvesse interação e assimilação do conteúdo, entre estes o jogo do paladar, o jogo da velha e o jogo das cartas perguntas, nos quais os alunos participaram significativamente, tirando as dúvidas. Além das atividades lúdicas, também realizou-se a prática de extração do corante natural de urucum. A pesquisa foi satisfatória no qual dos 36 alunos entrevistados, 78% acharam ótimas as atividades práticas e os jogos aplicados, e 97% dos alunos relataram que estas atividades os ajudaram a entender melhor o conteúdo. Constatou-se que os alunos aprovaram a metodologia aplicada, no qual se sentiram interessados em participar da aula e estimulados em desenvolver a reconstrução dos conceitos sobre os corantes alimentícios

    Discovery of novel anelloviruses in small mammals expands the host range and diversity of the Anelloviridae

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    The Anelloviridae comprises single-stranded DNA viruses currently grouped in sixty-eight species classified in twelve genera. They have been found in many vertebrate hosts including primates. In this study, we describe the application of the high-throughput sequencing to examine the frequency and diversity of anelloviruses in rodents, bats and opossums captured in São Paulo State, Brazil. We report a total of twenty-six anelloviruses with sixteen nearly complete genomes and ten partial genomes, which include eleven potential novel species identified in rodents (Cricetidae), bats (Molossidae and Phyllostomidae), and opossums (Didelphidae). We also propose the inclusion of two potential new genera within the Anelloviridae family, provisionally named Omegatorquevirus and Sigmatorquevirus, including six and three novel species of anelloviruses, respectively. In summary, this study expands the diversity and the host range of the known anelloviruses

    Environmental risk factors associated with biliary atresia in Rio Grande do sul, Brazil

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    Biliary atresia (BA) seems to be a multifactorial disorder in which environmental factors interact with the patient’s genetic constitution. This study aimed to analyze information concerning environmental risk factors associated with BA in southern Brazil. A case-control study with mothers of patients with BA and mothers of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) was conducted. Inquiry included questions related to exposition to environmental risk factors during the periconceptional and gestational (second and third trimesters) periods. Mothers of BA patients had smoked during pregnancy more frequently in comparison with the mothers of CF patients, but no significant difference was found in a multivariate analysis. There was no between group difference in terms of seasonality, but the multivariate analysis showed a significant difference within the BA group between date of conception in winter compared to other seasons. In conclusion, smoking during pregnancy seemed to increase the risk of BA while date of conception in winter decreased it.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio