7,356 research outputs found

    Business cycles in Mexico and the United States: Do they share common movements?

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    In this document I apply a recently developed econometric technique to prove the existence of common movements between time series. Said methodology is used to test and measure the existence of common cycles between the economies of Mexico and the United States for the 1993-2001 period. It is found that both economies share a common trend and a common cycle. Also, given the existence of one common cycle between these economies, it is found that transitory shocks affecting Mexico’s GDP are more important than when a conventional trend-cycle decomposition methodology is applied. Finally, it is shown that there are efficiency gains in forecasting by considering the common cycle restriction in a bivariate vector error correction model that includes the Mexican and the U.S. GDPs.time series models, U.S. GDP, Mexican GDP

    Cruise Ship Ports and Human Capital Development: The Case of Mexico

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    The cruise ship industry, the fastest-growing segment in the leisure travel market, has contributed significantly to the economic transformation of developing countries, particularly in the Caribbean Basin. This paper applies a difference-in-differences methodology to examine the causal impact of the introduction of cruise ship ports on human capital development in Mexico, as reflected by educational attainment. Using variations in school enrollment, segregated by gender and age across states and municipalities, I find that the economic consequences derived from this form of tourism do not translate into incremental, permanent improvements in all quality of life indicators considered, most saliently in schooling. These results are consistent with those obtained by recent studies to the effect that the creation of low-paying, low-skilled positions by export activities has a detrimental impact on school enrollment as the opportunity costs outweigh returns to education. They also corroborate other research postulating that in regions relatively more affected by international tourism the local expansion in services is offset by reduction in other forms of economic activity

    Trends and cycles: How important are long- and short-run restictions? The case of Mexico

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    The document presents a test for the existence of binding long- and short-run (common trend-common cycle) restrictions in the dynamics of a set of Mexican macroeconomic variables. These restrictions are imposed in a VAR to decompose the series into their permanent and transitory components. The analysis shows that the magnitude of transitory (nominal) shocks is underestimated when such restrictions are not considered. In addition, we find that the timing and duration of recession and expansion periods are more accurately estimated when the trend-cycle decomposition is conducted with the imposition of cointegrating (long-run) and common feature (short-run) restrictions.

    The impact of common APSE interface set specifications on space station information systems

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    Certain types of software facilities are needed in a Space Station Information Systems Environment; the Common APSE (Ada Program Support Environment) Interface Set (CAIS) was proposed as a means of satisfying them. The reasonableness of this is discussed by examining the current CAIS, considering the changes due to the latest Requirements and Criteria (RAC) document, and postulating the effects on the CAIS 2.0. Finally, a few additional comments are made on the problems inherent in the Ada language itself, especially on its deficiencies when used for implementing large distributed processing and data base applications

    Los bienes raíces de los moriscos expulsados

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    La expulsión de los moriscos fue un proceso complejo, a pesar de los innumerables trabajos que se han realizado hasta el día de hoy aún quedan aspectos por dilucidar. La confiscación y venta de los bienes raíces de los moriscos generó una inmensa documentación, cuyo estudio nos puede ayudar a comprender la vertiente económica de la expulsión, así como aspectos socioeconómicos de la minoría. En este artículo se presentan los primeros datos globales sobre la tasación de todos los bienes raíces de los moriscos en Castilla, Extremadura, Murcia y Andalucía, tanto en lugares de realengo como en lugares de señorío.The expulsion of the Moriscos was a complex process that despite the countless works that have been made to this day, still remain aspects to be elucidated. The seizure and sale of real estate of the Moriscos created a vast documentation whose study can help us understand the economic side of the expulsion, and also those socioeconomic aspects of the minority. This article presents the first comprehensive data on the valuation of all real property of the Moriscos in Castile, Extremadura, Murcia and Andalusia, both in lordships and in places of royal dominion

    Cyberinfrastructure: Supporting Scientific Discovery and Innovation in the 21st Century

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    The recently coined term cyberinfrastructure describes the global information technology environments in which capabilities of the highest level of computing tools would be available to researchers in an interoperable network. It refers to what is required for a knowledge economy in the information age. Join Dr. Diaz-Herrera as he discusses the fundamental elements and complexities of Cyberinfrastructure, both from a computing point of view and the enduser’s. He will present several examples from various domains

    Inconsistency lemmas: an algebraic approach

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    Treballs Finals del Màster de Lògica Pura i Aplicada, Facultat de Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: Ramon Jansana i Tommaso MoraschiniThe purpose of this work is to investigate what is the algebraic counterpart of the inconsistency lemma. This question already has an answer in [29]. We have only put together in this monograph all the results and concepts that are necessary to understand the whole building

    Improving Message Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks

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    Data transmission has become a need in various fields, like in social networks with the diverse interaction applications, or in the scientific and engineering areas where for example the use of sensors to capture data is growing, or in emergency situations where there is the imperative need to have a communication system to coordinate rescue operations. Wireless networks have been able to solve these issues to a great extent, but what can we do when a fixed supporting infrastructure is not available or becomes inoperative because of saturation? Opportunistic wireless networks are an alternative to consider in these situations, since their operation does not depend on the existence of a telecommunications infrastructure but they provide connectivity through the organized cooperation of users. This research thesis focuses on these types of networks and is aimed at improving the dissemination of information in opportunistic networks analyzing the main causes that influence the performance of data transmission. Opportunistic networks do not depend on a fixed topology but depend on the number and mobility of users, the type and quantity of information generated and sent, as well as the physical characteristics of the mobile devices that users have to transmit the data. The combination of these elements impacts on the duration of the contact time between mobile users, directly affecting the information delivery probability. This thesis starts by presenting a thorough "state of the art" study where we present the most important contributions related to this area and the solutions offered for the evaluation of the opportunistic networks, such as simulation models, routing protocols, simulation tools, among others. After offering this broad background, we evaluate the consumption of the resources of the mobile devices that affect the performance of the the applications of opportunistic networks, both from the energetic and the memory point of view. Next, we analyze the performance of opportunistic networks considering either pedestrian and vehicular environments. The studied approaches include the use of additional fixed nodes and different data transmission technologies, to improve the duration of the contact between mobile devices. Finally, we propose a diffusion scheme to improve the performance of data transmission based on extending the duration of the contact time and the likelihood that users will collaborate in this process. This approach is complemented by the efficient management of the resources of the mobile devices.La transmisión de datos se ha convertido en una necesidad en diversos ámbitos, como en las redes sociales con sus diversas aplicaciones, o en las áreas científicas y de ingeniería donde, por ejemplo, el uso de sensores para capturar datos está creciendo, o en situaciones de emergencia donde impera la necesidad de tener un sistema de comunicación para coordinar las operaciones de rescate. Las redes inalámbricas actuales han sido capaces de resolver estos problemas en gran medida, pero ¿qué podemos hacer cuando una infraestructura de soporte fija no está disponible o estas se vuelven inoperantes debido a la saturación de peticiones de red? Las redes inalámbricas oportunísticas son una alternativa a considerar en estas situaciones, ya que su funcionamiento no depende de la existencia de una infraestructura de telecomunicaciones sino que la conectividad es a través de la cooperación organizada de los usuarios. Esta tesis de investigación se centra en estos tipos de redes oportunísticas y tiene como objetivo mejorar la difusión de información analizando las principales causas que influyen en el rendimiento de la transmisión de datos. Las redes oportunísticas no dependen de una topología fija, sino que dependen del número y la movilidad de los usuarios, del tipo y cantidad de información generada y enviada, así como de las características físicas de los dispositivos móviles que los usuarios tienen para transmitir los datos. La combinación de estos elementos influye en la duración del tiempo de contacto entre usuarios móviles, afectando directamente a la probabilidad de entrega de información. Esta tesis comienza presentando un exhaustivo estudio del ``estado del arte", donde presentamos las contribuciones más importantes relacionadas con esta área y las soluciones existentes para la evaluación de las redes oportunísticas, tales como modelos de simulación, protocolos de enrutamiento, herramientas de simulación, entre otros. Tras ofrecer esta amplia compilación de investigaciones, se evalúa el consumo de recursos de los dispositivos móviles que afectan al rendimiento de las aplicaciones de redes oportunísticas, desde el punto de vista energético así como de la memoria. A continuación, analizamos el rendimiento de las redes oportunísticas considerando tanto los entornos peatonales como vehiculares. Los enfoques estudiados incluyen el uso de nodos fijos adicionales y diferentes tecnologías de transmisión de datos, para mejorar la duración del contacto entre dispositivos móviles. Finalmente, proponemos un esquema de difusión para mejorar el rendimiento de la transmisión de datos basado en la extensión de la duración del tiempo de contacto, y de la probabilidad de que los usuarios colaboren en este proceso. Este enfoque se complementa con la gestión eficiente de los recursos de los dispositivos móviles.La transmissió de dades s'ha convertit en una necessitat en diversos àmbits, com ara en les xarxes socials amb les diverses aplicacions d'interacció, o en les àrees científiques i d'enginyeria, en les quals, per exemple, l'ús de sensors per a capturar dades creix en l'actualitat, o en situacions d'emergència en què impera la necessitat de tenir un sistema de comunicació per a coordinar les operacions de rescat. Les xarxes sense fil han sigut capaces de resoldre aquests problemes en gran manera, però què podem fer quan una infraestructura de suport fixa no està disponible, o bé aquestes es tornen inoperants a causa de la saturació de peticions de xarxa? Les xarxes sense fil oportunistes són una alternativa que cal considerar en aquestes situacions, ja que el funcionament d'aquestes xarxes no depèn de l'existència d'una infraestructura de telecomunicacions, sinó que la connectivitat s'hi aconsegueix a través de la cooperació organitzada dels usuaris. Aquesta tesi de recerca se centra en aquest tipus de xarxes, i té com a objectiu millorar la difusió d'informació en xarxes oportunistes tot analitzant les principals causes que influeixen en el rendiment de la transmissió de dades. Les xarxes oportunistes no depenen d'una topologia fixa, sinó del nombre i la mobilitat dels usuaris, del tipus i la quantitat d'informació generada i enviada, i de les característiques físiques dels dispositius mòbils que els usuaris tenen per a transmetre les dades. La combinació d'aquests elements influeix en la durada del temps de contacte entre usuaris mòbils, i afecta directament la probabilitat de lliurament d'informació. Aquesta tesi comença amb un estudi exhaustiu de l'estat de la qüestió, en què presentem les contribucions més importants relacionades amb aquesta àrea i les solucions oferides per a l'avaluació de les xarxes oportunistes, com ara models de simulació, protocols d'encaminament o eines de simulació, entre d'altres. Després de mostrar aquest ampli panorama, s'avalua el consum dels recursos dels dispositius mòbils que afecten l'acompliment de les aplicacions de xarxes oportunistes, tant des del punt de vista energètic com de la memòria. A continuació, analitzem l'acompliment de xarxes oportunistes considerant tant els entorns de vianants com els vehiculars. Els enfocaments estudiats inclouen l'ús de nodes fixos addicionals i diferents tecnologies de transmissió de dades per a millorar la durada del contacte entre dispositius mòbils. Finalment, proposem un esquema de difusió per a millorar el rendiment de la transmissió de dades basat en l'extensió de la durada del temps de contacte, i de la probabilitat que els usuaris col·laboren en aquest procés. Aquest enfocament es complementa amb la gestió eficient dels recursos dels dispositius mòbils.Herrera Tapia, J. (2017). Improving Message Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86129TESI

    Mining Creativity: Video Game Creativity Learning Effects

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    Most psychological studies concerning the learning effects of video games have focused on action video games. These popular games emphasize quick-paced combat, narratives, player agency, and problem solving. Although many studies have focused on aggression or visual-spatial cognition effects from the quick-paced combat, the problem-solving aspects have been largely ignored. The present study seeks to expand the existing literature on video game effects by focusing on a rarely-tested outcome: creative production. As a game with few rules and a high amount of player freedom, Minecraft exemplifies a game that fosters players’ abilities for creative expression. This experimental study compares the effect of playing Minecraft on creativity measures compared to watching a TV show (passive control), a driving game (game control), and playing Minecraft with specific instructions (an instructional control). A within-subjects analysis (n=350) found a significant correlation between trait creativity and game play habits. Between-groups analyses showed that players randomly assigned to play Minecraft without instruction demonstrated significantly higher scores on post-game creativity measures compared to those who played Minecraft with instructions to “be creative,”, those who played a driving game, or those who watched a television show. Results indicate that effects are not solely predicted by game mechanics, but also by the way the player plays