1,235 research outputs found

    Aplicación del enfoque de la Teoría de las Restricciones a la gestión de inventarios de productos terminados, bajo condiciones de demanda aleatoria e inestacionaria

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    This work aims to determine, through a simulation experiment, if the application of Dynamic Buffer Management (DBM), under conditions of random and non-stationary demand, leads to operate with lower levels of stock, compared to a policy of periodic adaptive revision. The sensitivity of the solution to the variation of the demand prediction method that is used to adapt the parameters of the continuous review method will also be studied. A field study will be conduct to confirm the results obtained in the experimental environment. Management quality and the policies that a firm uses to handle its inventories can have a significant impact on its profitability. Different inventory management models seek to answer how often inventory position should be determined, when a replenishment order should be placed, and how much material should be ordered. These are key factors in operating at a low inventory level, maintaining a high delivery performance. Usually actual demand behaves as non-stationary, i.e. its average changes over time. The mathematical treatment of this situation is difficult and impractical for routine application. Consequently, heuristic solutions are used to adjust the control parameters, depending on the prediction of future demand. The Theory of Constraints offers a different approach to this problem. Instead of predicting demand, the method called Dynamic Buffer Management makes a single initial approximation to the inventory value and then adjusts its level according to the actual demand and the actual protection provided by this inventory. A control system was selected which, every R units of time, checks the inventory position and orders the quantity needed to return it to a fixed level S. This system, known as (R.S), was chosen for its simplicity and for its extended use. From this model, the algorithm was developed to adapt the control parameters to significant changes in demand. It is considered that the reorder period R is a predefined parameter for practical reasons, therefore, the parameter that adapts is S (maximum level of inventory). A two-level DBM procedure was selected, which implies the use of target inventory level and a security level. The implementation algorithm and a Monte Carlo simulator were developed for the DBM control model that reached the verification stage.Este trabajo tiene por objetivo determinar, mediante un experimento de simulación, si la aplicación de Dynamic Buffer Management (DBM), en condiciones de demanda aleatoria y no estacionaria, lleva a operar con menores niveles de stock, en comparación con una política de revisión periódica adaptativa. Se estudia también la sensibilidad de la solución obtenida a la variación del método de predicción de demanda que se utilice para adaptar los parámetros del método de revisión continua. Mediante un estudio de campo se busca confirmar los resultados obtenidos en ambiente experimental. La calidad de la gestión y de las políticas que una firma use para administrar sus inventarios puede tener un impacto significativo sobre su rentabilidad. Los distintos modelos de gestión de inventario buscan responder qué tan frecuentemente se debe determinar la posición de inventario, cuándo se debe colocar una orden de reabastecimiento y cuánto material se debe pedir. Estos son factores claves para lograr operar con un bajo nivel de inventario, manteniendo una alta performance de entrega. En general la demanda real se comporta como no estacionaria, es decir su promedio cambia con el tiempo. Esta situación es de difícil tratamiento matemático, poco práctico para la aplicación rutinaria. Consecuentemente, se utilizan soluciones heurísticas y se ajustan los parámetros de control, en función de la predicción de la demanda futura. La Teoría de las Restricciones ofrece un abordaje distinto de este problema. En lugar de predecir la demanda, el método denominado Dynamic Buffer Management hace una única aproximación inicial al valor de inventario y luego va ajustando su nivel según se comporta la demanda real y la protección proporcionada por este inventario. Se seleccionó un sistema de control que, cada R unidades de tiempo, verifica la posición de inventario y ordena la cantidad necesaria para devolverla a un nivel fijo S. Este sistema, conocido como (R.S), se eligió por su sencillez y lo extendido de su uso. A partir de este modelo, se desarrolló el algoritmo de adaptación de los parámetros de control a cambios significativos de la demanda. Se considera que el período de reorden R es una constante predefinida por razones prácticas, por lo tanto, el parámetro que se adapta es S (nivel máximo de inventario). Se seleccionaron procedimientos de gestión mediante DBM de dos niveles, uno de inventario objetivo y otro de seguridad, se desarrollaron los algoritmos de implementación y un simulador tipo Monte Carlo, para el modelo de control DBM que alcanzó la etapa de verificación

    Intrahousehold Bargaining Power in Spain: An Empirical Test of the Collective Model

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    This paper analyzes the intrahousehold bargaining power of spouses in Spanish families, in a collective framework. We estimate household labor supply equations and, under certain testable restrictions, we obtain a theoretically derived sharing rule for household income, which characterizes intrahousehold bargaining power. Then, using unique data on decision-making in the household, we construct Pareto weights, and study the validity of the collective model by comparing the theoretical sharing rule and the constructed Pareto weight. The results reveal that both the observed Pareto weight and the theoretical sharing rule display qualitative similarities, thus providing direct empirical support to the collective model. Furthermore, the results suggest that Spanish wives behave more altruistically, while husbands behave more egoistically. This should be taken into account by policy makers and researchers when analyzing inequality in the household, and contemplating specific policies affecting the household

    A leitura dos textos filosóficos

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    In this paper two topics are considered. Firstly, our aim is to identify which aspects of philosophical texts would allow us to distinguish this kind of texts from others. Secondly, we deal with the difficulties encountered by different types of readers when they try to understand a philosophical argumentation.Este trabalho está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira dissertamos sobre a possibilidade de obter uma caracterização dos textos filosóficos que permita distinguilos de outros tipos de textos. Na segunda parte nos ocupamos das dificuldades de compreensão que podem ser encontradas por diferentes tipos de leitores. ao tentar entender uma argumentação filosófica


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    Neste artigo são tecidas considerações sobre a relevância da Lógica para a argumentação filosófica. Na primeira parte do artigo é distinguida a questão da utilidade da Lógica para a Filosofia daquela outra sobre a possibilidade de apresentar em forma matemática o discurso filosófico. Aqui também são apresentadas diferentes concepções da Lógica através da História. Na segunda parte são distinguidos dois estilos filosóficos: geométrico e forense. Na terceira parte são tiradas algumas conclusões sobre a argumentação filosófica em geral, e sobre o papel da Lógica dentro da Filosofia

    Fundamentos necesarios para el uso efectivo de la fuerza en la función policial

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    Human rights defenders and specialists in the field often states that > means police action in line with international standards of human rights. Although this is, without doubt, true, it must be understood that international standards of human rights only offers a limited orientation for a daily police work. In fact, good police work can never be fully grasped in rules and regulations, no matter how numerous and detailed these are. The necessary discretion that the police needs in order to perform its functions, presents problems for human rights defenders because they prefer clear regulations to measure the police behavior. Many police officers consider that the arguments of the defenders of human rights are naive that reflects the lacks of comprehension of their reality and try to impose an unrealistic burden on the police work. On the other hand, human rights defenders argue that the police use this as an excuse to deflect criticism. Immersion in the differentiated use of force, allows police servers to understand the limits of their functions within the operation generated by a group of people who, under different laws and regulations stipulated in the rules of good living, generates instability to the society, that is why the applicability of the differentiated use of force by the police gets involved in events formed by these human behaviors that are not in accordance with the rules and regulations of the law.Los defensores de los derechos humanos y los especialistas en la materia suelen sostener que «acción policial buena» significa una acción policial acorde con las normas internacionales de derechos humanos. Aunque esto es sin duda cierto, debe entenderse que las normas internacionales de derechos humanos sólo ofrecen una orientación limitada para el trabajo policial diario. De hecho, el buen trabajo policial nunca puede captarse plenamente en las normas y los reglamentos, por muy numerosos y detallados que sean. La necesaria discrecionalidad que la policía precisa para desempeñar sus funciones plantea problemas a los defensores de los derechos humanos que prefieren tener normas claras para medir el comportamiento de la policía. Muchos policías consideran que los razonamientos de los defensores de los derechos humanos son ingenuos, en el mejor de los casos, y teóricos, por no decir más, que reflejan la falta de comprensión de su realidad e imponen una carga poco realista al trabajo policial. Los defensores de los derechos humanos, por su parte, sostienen que la policía utiliza esto como excusa para eludir las críticas. La inmersión en el uso diferenciado de la fuerza, permite a los servidores policiales entender los límites de sus funciones dentro de la operatividad generada por un grupo de personas que, en condiciones diferentes a las leyes y regulaciones que estipulan las normas del buen vivir, generan inestabilidad a la sociedad, es por ello que la aplicabilidad del uso diferenciado de la fuerza por parte de los efectivos policiales se enzarza a los eventos formados por estas conductas humanas que no son acorde a las normas y reglamentos de ley

    Exploring low-energy neutrino physics with the Coherent Neutrino Nucleus Interaction Experiment

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    The results presented here provide a new window to low-energy neutrino physics, allowing one to explore for the first time the energies accessible through the low threshold of CCDs. They will lead to new constraints on NSI from the CEνNS of antineutrinos from nuclear reactors.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Estudio de pre factibilidad para la creación de un negocio de comida rápida Brisas de apoyo en el Mirador de Diriomito, Masaya, Nicaragua.

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    El Estudio de pre-factibilidad para la creación de una empresa de un negocio de comida rápida "Brisas de apoyo" en el mirador de Diriomito, Masaya, Nicaragua" tiene como objetivo crear un sistema de comercialización de comida rápida a los consumidores en buenas condiciones de estado e higiene, y a precio accesible

    Gestión educativa y calidad académica docente en el diplomado en liderazgo y gestión de la Compañía de Infantería en la Escuela de Infantería del Ejército - 2018

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue especificar cómo se relaciona la gestión educativa y la calidad académica docente en la Escuela de Infantería del Ejército – 2018, teniendo en cuenta la visión de los oficiales alumnos. El enfoque fue de una investigación cuantitativa, de tipo descriptivo correlacional, de diseño no experimental. La población estuvo compuesta por 85 oficiales, de donde se extrajo una muestra aleatoria de 70 oficiales, a quienes se les aplicó una encuesta de 16 preguntas con una escala de cinco categorías de respuestas referida a ambas variables. Este instrumento tuvo una alta confiabilidad de 0.919 Se realizó el análisis correspondiente a los resultados de la encuesta llegando a la demostración empírica de que un 87.7% apoya o considera positivamente los requerimientos de los indicadores y las dimensiones propuestas en el instrumento; esto fue ampliamente corroborado y contrastado empleando el chi cuadrado. Se concluyó que la gestión educativa se relaciona significativamente con la calidad académica docente en la Escuela de Infantería del Ejército -2018.The objective of this research was to specify how educational management and academic teaching quality are related in the Army Infantry School - 2018, taking into account the vision of the student officers. The approach was a quantitative, descriptive-correlational research with a non-experimental design. The population consisted of 85 officers, from which a random sample of 70 officers was drawn, to whom a survey of 16 questions was applied with a scale of five response categories referring to both variables. This instrument had a high reliability of 0.919. The analysis corresponding to the results of the survey was carried out, reaching the empirical demonstration that 87.7% support or positively consider the requirements of the indicators and the dimensions proposed in the instrument; this was widely corroborated and contrasted using the chi square. It was concluded that educational management is significantly related to the academic teaching quality in the Army Infantry School -2018

    Occupational sorting and the transmission of self-employment between generations

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    Existing research has focused on factors explaining self-employment decisions, and the intergenerational transmission of self-employment has been posited as one explanatory factor. However, findings differ across countries, and the channels for such transmission remain unclear. Using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions, we analyse whether working in the same occupation as parents, conditional on parents'' self-employment, is related to being self-employed. Results show that working in the same occupation as parents is statistically and significantly related to being self-employed, which may indicate the existence of intergenerational transmission of self-employment. Furthermore, this relationship is especially significant between fathers and sons

    Intergenerational correlation of self-employment in Western Europe

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    Existing research has focused on factors explaining why individuals become self-employed. Self-employment may represent a significant proportion of total employment in many countries, and the intergenerational correlation of self-employment has been used as an explanatory factor, although findings differ across countries, methods, and strategies. Using data from the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC), we analyze the existence of intergenerational correlations of self-employment in nine European countries, using information on the current self-employment status of respondents, and that of their parents when the respondents were 14 years old. We show that this correlation is statistically significant in general terms. Furthermore, the transmission is especially important between fathers and sons. We also contribute reporting differences in these correlations across countries. The transmission is partially explained by a country's legal context for self-employment, and by its entrepreneurial culture, with the former being more important than the latter