1,015 research outputs found
Avaliação Exploratória do Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil: Um Estudo de Caso no Pará (Brasil)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a percepção dos agentes que protagonizam a experiência
do Programa de Erradicação do Trabalho Infantil, na comunidade ribeirinha do rio Ajuaí –
Abaetetuba, Pará, Brasil. Optou-se por uma abordagem qualitativa baseada no estudo de caso. Na
avaliação foi adotado o modelo CIPP de Stufflebeam, considerando quatro dimensões: o contexto,
os inputs, os processos e os produtos. Na recolha de dados de fonte secundária foi utilizada pesquisa
bibliográfica e documental e nos trabalhos de campo foram realizadas entrevistas, aplicados
questionários e feita observação direta. A análise da informação fez-se com uma base de análise
de conteúdo, na triangulação de todas as fontes. Os resultados permitem concluir que, apesar das
dificuldades encontradas, e dos inúmeros problemas na sua gestão o Programa apresenta uma
boa aceitação pela comunidade do rio Ajuaí
Phenotypic heterogeneity and the biological significance of a pyruvate sensing network in Escherichia coli
When facing nutrient limitation, bacterial populations are forced to optimize uptake systems for available substrates in order to adapt and survive. However, the physiological diversity of each individual in a population leads to differential activation of the uptake systems in response to the same environmental condition. Hence, heterogeneous phenotypes can be generated in a clonal population. A way for each bacterial individual to sense nutrient availability and transmit this information from the extra- to the intracellular spaces is via two-component systems (TCSs). Escherichia coli contains 30 TCSs, each composed of one histidine kinase (HK) and at least one response regulator (RR). The HK is responsible for perceiving the extracellular stimulus and the RR consequently mediates the output, generally a regulation of gene expression. BtsS/BtsR and YpdA/YpdB are examples of two TCSs in E. coli. BtsS/BtsR activation leads to the induction of yjiY, whereas YpdA/YpdB activates yhjX expression. yjiY and yhjX code for putative transporters. Both systems are functionally interconnected and are though to form a large signalling network.
This thesis focuses on the analysis of the transcriptional activation of yjiY and yhjX at the single-cell level and on the biological significance of the two TCSs. The activation of the target promoters at the single-cell level was found to be heterogeneous and strongly influenced by the available nutrients. To exploit the biological relevance of the two TCSs, wild-type cells were compared to cells of a btsSRypdAB mutant under two metabolically modulated conditions: protein overproduction and persister formation. BtsS/BtsR and YpdA/YpdB network was shown to contribute to a balancing of the physiological state of all cells within a population.
YjiY, the putative transport protein resulting from BtsS/BtsR activation, was found to function as a high-affinity and specific pyruvate/H+ symporter. The protein was renamed for BtsT (Bts is an abbreviation of the German name for pyruvate, Brenztraubensäure, and T stands for Transporter). The correlation between the heterogeneous transcriptional activation of btsT and the number of persister cells was explored using microfluidic technology. It was showed that individuals with low btsT transcriptional activation were more prone to form persisters. A relevant biological application of a pyruvate transporter, the resuscitation from the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state of E. coli was tested in bulk and single-cell assays and revealed that the concominant presence of pyruvate and BtsS/BtsR and YpdA/YpdB network is required for proper resuscitation from this state.
For the first time, phenotypes associated to a mutant lacking the BtsS/BtsR and YpdA/YpdB systems were identified, which in general are related to metabolic challenges. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of the biological role of the two TCSs, BtsS/BtsR and YpdA/YpdB of E. coli.Eine Nährstofflimitation zwingt Bakterienpopulationen dazu, ihre Aufnahmesysteme für verfügbare Substrate zu optimieren, um Adaptation und Überleben zu gewährleisten. Die physiologische Diversität einer Population impliziert trotz gleicher Umweltbedingung eine je nach Individuum verschiedene Aktivierung der Aufnahmesysteme. Infolgedessen können sich in einer klonalen Population heterogene Phänotypen entwickeln. Zweikomponentensystem (TCSs) ermöglichen es jedem bakteriellen Individuum, die Nährstoffverfügbarkeit festzustellen und diese Information von dem extra- in den intrazellulären Raum zu übertragen. Escherichia coli besitzt 30 TCSs, jeweils bestehend aus einer Histidinkinase (HK) und mindestens einem Antwortregulator (RR). Die HK ist dafür verantwortlich, den extrazellulären Stimulus wahrzunehmen, während der RR anschließend den Ausgabewert vermittelt, üblicherweise in Form einer Regulation der Genexpression. BtsS/BtsR und YpdA/YpdB sind Beispiele für zwei TCSs in E. coli. Die Aktivierung von BtsS/BtsR führt zur Induktion von yjiY, während YpdA/YpdB die Expression von yhjX aktiviert. YjiY und yhjX kodieren mutmaßliche Transporter. Die beiden Systeme sind funktionell miteinander verbunden und bilden vermutlich ein großes Signalnetzwerk.
Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Einzelzellanalyse der transkriptionellen Aktivierung von yjiY und yhjX, sowie auf die biologische Signifikanz der beiden TCSs. Auf Einzelzellebende konnte eine heterogene Aktivierung der Zielpromotoren nachgewiesen werden, die stark von den verfügbaren Nährstoffen beeinflussbar ist. Um die biologische Relevanz der beiden TCSs zu untersuchen, wurden Wildtypzellen mit einer btsSRypdAB Mutante unter zwei metabolisch modifizierten Bedingungen verglichen: Proteinüberproduktion und Persistenz. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Netzwerk aus BtsS/BtsR, sowie YpdA/YpdB zum Ausbalancieren des physiologischen Zustandes aller Zellen einer Population beitragen.
YjiY, das aus der BtsS/BtsR Aktivierung resultierende, mutmaßliche Transportprotein, funktioniert nachweislich als hochaffiner und spezifischer Pyruvat/H+ Symporter. Dementsprechend wurde das Protein umbenannt in BtsT (Bts: Abkürzung für Brenztraubensäure, T: Transporter). Die Korrelation zwischen heterogener transkriptioneller Aktivierung von btsT und der Anzahl an Persisterzellen wurde mittels Mikrofluidiktechnologie untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Individuen mit niedrigem btsT Expressionslevel tendenziell anfälliger für den Übergang in den Zustand der Persistenz sind. In Gesamt- und Einzelzelltests konnte belegt werden, dass die gleichzeitige Präsenz von Pyruvat und BtsS/BtsR, sowie YpdA/YpdB Netzwerk Voraussetzung ist für eine korrekte Umkehrung des VBNC Zustandes (viable but nonculturable) von E. coli.
Damit wurden zum ersten Mal Phänotypen, die gewöhnlich mit metabolisch herausfordernden Bedingungen in Zusammenhang stehen, bei einer Mutante identifiziert, der die BtsS/BtsR und YpdA/YpdB Systeme fehlen. Diese Arbeit trägt zu einem besseren Verständnis der biologischen Rolle der beiden E. coli TCSs BtsS/BtsR und YpdA/YpdB bei
Evaluating Dominant Land Use/Land Cover Changes and Predicting Future Scenario in a Rural Region Using a Memoryless Stochastic Method
The present study used the o cial Portuguese land use/land cover (LULC) maps (Carta de
Uso e Ocupação do Solo, COS) from 1995, 2007, 2010, 2015, and 2018 to quantify, visualize, and predict
the spatiotemporal LULC transitions in the Beja district, a rural region in the southeast of Portugal,
which is experiencing marked landscape changes. Here, we computed the conventional transition
matrices for in-depth statistical analysis of the LULC changes that have occurred from 1995 to 2018,
providing supplementary statistics regarding the vulnerability of inter-class transitions by focusing
on the dominant signals of change. We also investigated how the LULC is going to move in the
future (2040) based on matrices of current states using the Discrete-Time Markov Chain (DTMC)
model. The results revealed that, between 1995 and 2018, about 28% of the Beja district landscape
changed. Particularly, croplands remain the predominant LULC class in more than half of the Beja
district (in 2018 about 64%). However, the behavior of the inter-class transitions was significantly
di erent between periods, and explicitly revealed that arable land, pastures, and forest were the most
dynamic LULC classes. Few dominant (systematic) signals of change during the 1995–2018 period
were observed, highlighting the transition of arable land to permanent crops (5%) and to pastures
(2.9%), and the transition of pastures to forest (3.5%) and to arable land (2.7%). Simulation results
showed that about 25% of the territory is predicted to experience major LULC changes from arable
land (3.81%), permanent crops (+2.93%), and forests (+2.60%) by 2040.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Valoração econômica dos serviços ambientais das florestas nacionais
O artigo visa à análise dos métodos e procedimentos para a valoração econômica dos recursos florestais madeireiros e não-madeirieros de Florestas Nacionais (Flonas) discorrendo sobre suas críticas e limitações. Observa-se que diferentes métodos proporcionam resultados diversificados, podendo-se assim justificar ou não o uso sustentável da Flona. Constata-se que a valoração econômica mesmo apresentando divergências e desafios não deve ser abandonada, mas, sim aperfeiçoada
Introductory Chapter: Time Series Analysis
Time series, defined as sequentially observed data points over time [1], find applications across diverse domains such as economics and engineering. The statistical analysis of time series is crucial, and Chatfield’s taxonomy identifies six main categories: Economic and Financial Time Series, Physical Time Series, Marketing Time Series, Process Control Data, Binary Processes, and Point Processes.
To effectively categorize time series, consideration of features like seasonality, trend, and outliers is essential [1]. Seasonality reflects recurring patterns over time intervals, while trend represents a systematic linear or nonlinear component. Outliers are observations distant from others, often indicating anomalies. The categorization and analysis of time series are pivotal for drawing meaningful inferences from the diverse structures encountered in engineering, science, sociology, and economics [2].
The objectives of time series analysis encompass description, explanation, prediction, and control. Description involves plotting observations over time to reveal patterns, while explanation explores relationships between variables. Prediction focuses on forecasting future values, and control utilizes time series to enhance control over physical or economic systems.
Possible applications span from land use-cover [3, 4] and agriculture changes [5, 6], tourism [7, 8], socioeconomic vulnerability [9], epidemiology [10], and health [11]. This chapter delves into advanced approaches for time series analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Time Series Analysis: Recent Advances, New Perspectives and Applications
Time series analysis describes, explains, and predicts changes in a phenomenon through time. People have utilized techniques that add a distinctive spatial dimension to this type of analysis. Major applications of spatiotemporal analysis include forecasting epidemics, analyzing the development of traffic conditions in urban networks, and forecasting/backcasting economic risks such as those associated with changing house prices and the occurrence of hazardous events. This book includes contributions from researchers, scholars, and professionals about the most recent theory, models, and applications for interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research encircling disciplines of computer science, mathematics, statistics, geography, and more in time series analysis and forecasting/backcasting.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
The intercultural dialogue as a method to article an experience between students from Brazil and the United Kingdom
El artículo presenta una experiencia de diálogo intercultural a través de una clase compartida entre estudiantes de profesorado brasileños del pueblo Kaingang y estudiantes de historia del Reino Unido. Está inspirada en la propuesta de la filosofía intercultural que postula al diálogo entre culturas como método para articular un proyecto alternativo al proceso de globalización actual, sustentado en la diversidad de las culturas entendidas como reservas de humanidadcapaces de brindar recursos para una mundialización solidaria, basada en la cooperación entre pueblos y culturas. La construcción de este diálogo requiere de acciones y propuestas concretas que lleven adelante lo meramente enunciado filosóficamente. Creemos que el ámbito educativo, y en especial la educación y la escuela indígena, es un espacio especialmente adecuado para articular el diálogo intercultural de manera práctica y concreta. Por eso además de presentar la experiencia se evalúan cualitativamente sus resultados, mostrando el impacto positivo que tuvo en los dos grupos que participaron en ella
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