112 research outputs found

    Individual options and collective patterns: mobility and settlement in Spain in the second half of the 20th Century

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    This article uses documentary evidence on population dispersal in Spain in the second half of the 20th century to attempt to illustrate the general characteristics of the population flows, the factors that influenced their configuration and their structure. It highlights the importance of proximity but also draws attention to other factors, yielding the conclusion that certain routes are preferred in the structure of migratory destinations and starting points, and that these routes show a certain historical continuity. However, mobility is a counterpoint to permanence, and in this sense, this article underscores the strength and stability of settlement in the Spanish population. The criteria of mobility and settlement reflect the complex junctures of society

    Opcions individuals i pautes col·lectives : mobilitat i poblament a Espanya a la segona meitat del segle XX

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    Aquest és un article que, partint de dades documentals sobre desplaçaments de població a Espanya en la segona meitat del segle XX, es proposa mostrar quines són les característiques generals dels fluxos, quins són els factors que incideixen en la seva configuració i quina estructura adopten. S'hi posa de relleu el pes de la proximitat, però també el d'altres factors, que permeten afirmar que en l'estructura de destinacions i procedències de les migracions existeixen uns camins preferents que presenten una certa continuïtat històrica. Però la mobilitat és el contrapunt a la permanència, i en aquest sentit el treball destaca la força i l'estabilitat de l'assentament de la població espanyola. Les pautes de mobilitat i poblament reflecteixen finalment el complex esdevenir històric de la societat.Éste es un artículo que, partiendo de datos documentales sobre desplazamientos de población en España en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, se propone mostrar cuáles son las características generales de los flujos, cuáles son los factores que inciden en su configuración y qué estructura adoptan. Se pone de relieve el peso de la proximidad, pero también el de otros factores, que permiten afirmar que en la estructura de destinos y procedencias de las migraciones existen unos caminos preferentes que presentan una cierta continuidad histórica. Pero la movilidad es el contrapunto a la permanencia, y en este sentido el trabajo destaca la fuerza y la estabilidad del asentamiento de la población española. Las pautas de movilidad y poblamiento reflejan el complejo acontecer de la sociedad.Il s'agit là d'un article qui, partant des données documentaires au sujet des déplacements de population en Espagne pendant la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, a pour but de montrer quelles sont les caractéristiques générales des flux, quels sont les facteurs qui influencent leur configuration et quelle est la structure qu'ils adoptent. On y met en relief l'importance de la proximité mais aussi celle d'autres facteurs qui permettent d'affirmer que dans la structure des destins et des origines des migrations il existe des chemins préférentiels qui suivent une certaine continuité historique. La mobilité a cependant comme contrepartie la permanence, et c'est dans ce sens que le travail y souligne la force et la stabilité de l'établissement humain en Espagne. Les modèles de mobilité et de population reflètent le devenir complexe de la société.This is an article that, starting from documentary evidence on population dispersal in Spain in the second half of the 20th century, aims at illustrating the general characteristics of the population flows, the factors that influence their configuration and the structure that they take on. It highlights the weight of proximity, but also draws attention to other factors, allowing it to be stated that in the structure of migratory destinations and starting points, some given routes are preferred, and these present a certain historical continuity. But mobility is a pounterpoint to permanence, and in this sense, the article underlines the strength and stability of settlement in the Spanish population. The criteria of mobility and settlement reflect the complex occurrences of society

    Individual Options and Collective Patterns : Mobility and Settlement in Spain in the Second Half of the 20th Century

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    Publicat originalment a: Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 42(2003): 37-70This article uses documentary evidence on population dispersal in Spain in the second half of the 20th century to attempt to illustrate the general characteristics of the population flows, the factors that influenced their configuration and their structure. It highlights the importance of proximity but also draws attention to other factors, yielding the conclusion that certain routes are preferred in the structure of migratory destinations and starting points, and that these routes show a certain historical continuity. However, mobility is a counterpoint to permanence, and in this sense, this article underscores the strength and stability of settlement in the Spanish population. The criteria of mobility and settlement reflect the complex junctures of society

    Shell tools and productive strategies of hunter-gatherer groups: Some reflections from a use-wear analysis at the Balma del Gai site (Barcelona, Spain)

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    Balma del Gai site is a small rock shelter situated in the municipality of Moià (Barcelona, Spain) at an altitude of 760 m above sea level and 50 km from the current coastline. The levels of occupation in this context are dated between 13,442 cal BP and 9,552 cal BP, being related to the so-denominated "Epimagdalenian" and "Microlaminar Sauveterroid" complexes. The excavations have provided important mollusc samples, both terrestrial and marine, which have been studied and considered alimentary and adornment resources. In this article, we present the results of the use-wear analyses of the shell tools of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819 and Glycymeris glycymeris (Linnaeus, 1758). The results of these analyses and their comparison with analytical experimentation demonstrate that some of these shells were used as tools for developing diverse productive activities related to the processing of materials of animal, mineral and vegetal origin. In this way, this research contributes to: 1) broaden the technological spectrum registered in this context and in a wider sense for Epipalaeolithic hunter-gatherers (beyond the traditional technological elements), 2) demonstrate a diversified use of the shells as adornments, food and tools in the site; an aspect of great interest especially bearing in mind the distance from the coast

    Población, vivienda y familia en las áreas rurales de Cataluña, 1970-1991

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    Las áreas rurales de los países occidentales -y entre ellas, las correspondientes a Cataluña- han sido afectadas en grados diversos por estas transformaciones. Los más estudiados han sido los fenómenos de periurbanización que afectan a las áreas rurales anexas a las grandes ciudades (Berger, 1989, Saettone, 1992), pero también se comienzan a realizar estudios que se concentran en los procesos de transformación y cambio que se producen en las áreas rurales más alejadas de las concentraciones urbanas. Ello nos obliga a diferenciar entre procesos de periurbanización y de rururbanización. Los primeros serían las transformaciones discontinuas, tanto demográficas como económicas, de las áreas rurales próximas y bajo la influencia de las ciudades, mientras que los segundos también implicarían transformaciones discontinuas de las áreas rurales pero sin desbordamiento desde una ciudad cercana (Bruyelle, 1989, Saettone, 1992). Por otra parte, Kayser (1984) define los procesos de rururbanización como aquellos que se dan en las 'terceras coronas metropolitanas', es decir, en los espacios más alejados de los núcleos urbanos centrales que comienzan a estar afectados, de forma más indirecta que directa, por el conjunto de fenómenos que podríamos denominar metropolización, y donde la utilización del tiempo de ocio por parte de los habitantes de los centros urbanos parece tener una gran importancia. En cualquier caso, lo que evidencian dichas definiciones es que los procesos de transformación ocurridos en el seno de los núcleos urbanos son los que, de manera directa o indirecta, generan los procesos de periurbanización y rururbanización; así, nos podríamos plantear, en el caso de la Cataluña de los años noventa, como también en otros territorios, hasta que punto es posible deslindar ambos fenómenos. El objetivo de la presente comunicación es, pues, el estudio de la incidencia de dichos procesos de metropolización en las áreas rurales catalanas, desde un punto de vista demográfico. Para ello estudiaremos cuáles han sido las tendencias recientes que en materia de población, vivienda y familia se han observado en la Cataluña rural desde los años setenta

    Effects of wearing a customized bite-aligning mouthguard on powerful actions in highly trained swimmers

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    The study was supported and funded by the Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain, grant number PIF1920-PSITICBackground/objectives: The potential advantages of wearing customized bite-aligning mouthguards on several performance parameters such as muscular strength, power and reaction time have been reported. Literature shows that the concurrent activation potentiation phenomenon, elicited by a powered and balanced jaw clenching, can provide athletes with several neuromuscular advantages. The aim of the present study was to investigate the acute effects of jaw clenching while wearing a customized bitealigning mouthguard on swimming start, countermovement jump and swim bench test, in contrast to two other conditions: non-jaw clenching and jaw clenching without mouthguard. Methods: A randomized, repeated measure within study designwas used to compare the condition effect on eight highly trained elite male and female swimmers. Results: Statistical analysis revealed a significant increase in the countermovement jump height (p ¼ 0.041) when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw condition. In the swim bench, a significant greater time to peak force (p ¼ 0.049) was found when comparing the use of mouthguards with the jaw condition. Although, non-significant effects, small differences were found in the start reaction time and 15-m freestyle swimming when comparing the use of mouthguards with the non-jaw condition. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that wearing customized, bite-aligning mouthguards had an ergogenic effect on specific measures of vertical jump and swim bench test, whereas non-meaningful but small differences were found in swimming start.Faculty of Faculty of Psychology, Education Sciences and Sport Blanquerna, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain PIF1920-PSITI

    PAGA: graph abstraction reconciles clustering with trajectory inference through a topology preserving map of single cells.

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    Single-cell RNA-seq quantifies biological heterogeneity across both discrete cell types and continuous cell transitions. Partition-based graph abstraction (PAGA) provides an interpretable graph-like map of the arising data manifold, based on estimating connectivity of manifold partitions ( https://github.com/theislab/paga ). PAGA maps preserve the global topology of data, allow analyzing data at different resolutions, and result in much higher computational efficiency of the typical exploratory data analysis workflow. We demonstrate the method by inferring structure-rich cell maps with consistent topology across four hematopoietic datasets, adult planaria and the zebrafish embryo and benchmark computational performance on one million neurons.Wellcome Trust, MRC, CRUK, Bloodwise, Swedish Research Council, Helmholtz Association, German Center for Cardiovascular Research, German Research Foundatio

    Neuron-derived extracellular vesicles contain synaptic proteins, promote spine formation, activate TrkB-mediated signalling and preserve neuronal complexity

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) play an important role in intercellular communication as carriers of signalling molecules such as bioactive miRNAs, proteins and lipids. EVs are key players in the functioning of the central nervous system (CNS) by influencing synaptic events and modulating recipient neurons. However, the specific role of neuron-to-neuron communication via EVs is still not well understood. Here, we provide evidence that primary neurons uptake neuron-derived EVs in the soma, dendrites, and even in the dendritic spines, and carry synaptic proteins. Neuron-derived EVs increased spine density and promoted the phosphorylation of Akt and ribosomal protein S6 (RPS6), via TrkB-signalling, without impairing the neuronal network activity. Strikingly, EVs exerted a trophic effect on challenged nutrient-deprived neurons. Altogether, our results place EVs in the spotlight for synaptic plasticity modulation as well as a possible therapeutic tool to fight neurodegeneration
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