2,159 research outputs found

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    Ensaios em instituições e desenvolvimento

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    Resumo: Esta tese se divide em três ensaios, os quais investigam: (a) As relações que existem entre democracia e desenvolvimento econômico na base do pensamento de Roberto Campos; (b) Os efeitos da instabilidade política no nível do investimento; e (c) Como a volatilidade e tendência dos termos de troca influenciam na acumulação de capital humano em um país em desenvolvimento que exporta matérias primas. De acordo com o pensamento de R. Campos, um país em desenvolvimento como o Brasil deve aceitar certo grau de autoritarismo nas fases finais da industrialização para atingir a modernidade. Dois conceitos são importantes no pensamento de R. Campos. Modernidade e modernização. A modernidade é sinônimo de desenvolvimento com altos níveis de democracia. A modernização é um processo que gera instabilidade política. Por tanto, de acordo ao pensamento de R. Campos, para atingir a modernidade se requer ciclos autoritários de governo. Para testar essa hipótese utilizamos as técnicas de séries de tempo de longa duração e relacionamos níveis de autoritarismo e democracia com modernização, representada por seu nível de renda. Os resultados desse trabalho são os seguintes: (a) O autoritarismo pode gerar modernização, mas finalmente não modernidade; (b) Os choques externos da economia são a fonte das mudanças políticas que permitiram formas mais amplas de modernização; e (c) As tendências de democratização em escala regional na America Latina foram positivos para o processo de democratização do Brasil. Para avaliar os efeitos da instabilidade política no Brasil se define e constrói um indicador da instabilidade política para o Brasil. Este indicador está baseado em uma vasta literatura que existe sobre o assunto. Desenvolve-se um modelo dinâmico para explicar as decisões de investimento dos empreendedores do Brasil. Ao introduzir este indicador de instabilidade política, se obtém as seguintes conclusões: (a) A instabilidade política tem efeitos no investimento de curto prazo; (b) Os períodos de instabilidade política no Brasil foram de curta duração; (c) A instabilidade política não tem efeitos no longo prazo. A primeira etapa para analisar a relação que existe entre acumulação de capital humano e termos de troca se desenvolve com um modelo de crescimento econômico endógeno do tipo learning by doing, onde os termos de troca são endógenos. Demonstra-se que uma queda dos termos de troca reduz a acumulação de capital humano. No trabalho empírico, com um painel de dados de 80 países industrializados e em desenvolvimento se estabelecem as seguintes conclusões: (a) as variações das relações de troca influenciam notadamente e negativamente na acumulação nos países em desenvolvimento; e (b) o comportamento rent-seeking não pode ser atribuído como um elemento explicativo da debilidade de acumulação de capital humano para a generalidade dos países em desenvolvimento com abundância de recursos naturais

    Trait Anxiety in Mixed Martial Artists

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    ABSTRACT Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) is a hybrid combat sport incorporating techniques from boxing, wrestling, Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Muay Thai (Thai boxing), and other disciplines. Having only been deemed a competitive sport in 1993 by the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), not a lot of research has been done on these athletes. Research done so far on other areas of athletics has shown that personality traits can predict various cognitive, affective, and behavioral outcomes. Furthermore, elevated levels of Trait Anxiety have been shown to deteriorate non-MMA athletes’ overall performance in high-pressure situations. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of Trait Anxiety in both professional fighters and Mixed Martial Artists, thenceforth comparing them to the control of non-Mixed Martial Artists. The hypothesis was that MMA and professional fighters would have significantly higher scores of trait anxiety on the State-Trait Personality Inventory (STPI) scale while scoring significantly lower on the secondary subscales of trait anger, trait depression, and trait curiosity. The independent samples T-test score for the subscale of trait curiosity on the STPI revealed a significantly greater trait curiosity score for fighters (M = 6.25, SD = 1.89) relative to the control group (M = 5.20, SD = 2.29), t (63) = 2.01, p = .048. According to Cohen’s d, this effect is considered medium-to-large, d = .502. The independent samples T-test score for trait anxiety comparing the fighters (M= 10.92, SD= 4.33) to the control group (M=11.38, SD=5.44) was not significant, t (63) = -.382, p=.704. The T-test scores when measuring trait anger for the fighters (M=16.50, SD=5.71) and the control (M=16.51, SD= 7.12) was not significant, t (63) = -.010, p=.992. Lastly, the T-test scores when measuring trait depression between the fighters (M=7.25, SD=2.72) and the control (M=6.89, SD=3.22) was also not significant, t (63) = .480, p= .633. Key words: Trait Anxiety, Professional Fighters, STP

    Troglitazone Induces Extracellular Matrix and Cytoskeleton Remodeling in Mouse Collecting Duct Cells

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARγ) has been shown to have a protective role in the nephron through its ability to inhibit a transforming growth factor- (TGF-β) mediated fibrotic response. In contrast, PPARγ was also shown to induce a mesenchymal transformation in epithelial intestinal cells. A fibrotic response in the collecting duct has only recently been established; however, the entire collecting duct has not been fully examined. Inner medullary collecting duct cells (IMCD-K2) and mouse cortical collecting duct cells (M1), representing the cortical and medullary collecting duct, were exposed to 5–10 μM troglitazone for 24 hours. Troglitazone resulted in an elongated morphology, 60% decreases in E-cadherin and β-catenin, a 35% decrease in α-catenin, and a 1.5-fold increase in fibronectin. These effects were not reversed with PPARγ antagonists or affected with PPARγ overexpression. Our results indicate that troglitazone induced a mesenchymal-like transformation in M1 and IMCD-K2 epithelial cells independently of PPARγ

    Troglitazone Induces Extracellular Matrix and Cytoskeleton Remodeling in Mouse Collecting Duct Cells

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPARγ) has been shown to have a protective role in the nephron through its ability to inhibit a transforming growth factor- (TGF-β) mediated fibrotic response. In contrast, PPARγ was also shown to induce a mesenchymal transformation in epithelial intestinal cells. A fibrotic response in the collecting duct has only recently been established; however, the entire collecting duct has not been fully examined. Inner medullary collecting duct cells (IMCD-K2) and mouse cortical collecting duct cells (M1), representing the cortical and medullary collecting duct, were exposed to 5–10 μM troglitazone for 24 hours. Troglitazone resulted in an elongated morphology, 60% decreases in E-cadherin and β-catenin, a 35% decrease in α-catenin, and a 1.5-fold increase in fibronectin. These effects were not reversed with PPARγ antagonists or affected with PPARγ overexpression. Our results indicate that troglitazone induced a mesenchymal-like transformation in M1 and IMCD-K2 epithelial cells independently of PPARγ


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    The objective of this work was to describe the nesting behavior of the Andean hummingbird (Amazilia franciae Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) and to classify the ecosystem services it provides in the peasant community of Yananyac, Huancavelica, Peru according to the evaluation of the Millennium Ecosystems of the United Nations. Monitoring of ten Andean hummingbird nests was carried out in the months of April and May 2021 in an agricultural area of ​​the peasant community of Yananyac. The nests were located between bushes and fruit-bearing plants, at an average height of 1.84 m. The nests were made with a base of dry leaves, cobwebs, lichens, feathers, flower stamens and seeds; covered with fibers, built mainly with the scales and trichomes of ferns, with an average depth of 18.4 mm. The eggs are white and oval in shape, measuring 7.44 mm wide and 12.3 mm long. The chicks presented different times of growth and development. The services provided by the Andean hummingbird according to the United Nations Millennium Ecosystem Assessment are regulation, support, provisioning and culture. The first being the most important due to the role that this species plays in the pollination of crops in the peasant community of Yananyac.El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir el comportamiento de anidación del picaflor andino (Amazilia franciae Bourcier & Mulsant, 1846) y clasificar los servicios ecosistémicos que brinda en la comunidad campesina de Yananyac, Huancavelica, Perú según la evaluación de los Ecosistemas del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas. Se realizó un monitoreo de diez nidos de picaflor andino en los meses de abril y mayo del 2021 en una zona agrícola de la comunidad campesina de Yananyac. Los nidos estuvieron localizados entre arbustos y plantas frutales, a una altura promedio de 1,84 m. Los nidos estaban hechos con base de hojas secas, telarañas, líquenes, plumas, estambres de flores y semillas; cubierto con fibras, construida principalmente con las escamas y los tricomas de los helechos, con una profundidad promedio de 18,4 mm. Los huevos son blancos y de forma ovalada, miden 7,44 mm de ancho y 12,3 mm de largo. Los polluelos presentaron diferentes tiempos de crecimiento y desarrollo. Los servicios que brinda el picaflor andino según la Evaluación de Ecosistemas del Milenio de las Naciones Unidas son de regulación, soporte, aprovisionamiento y cultura; siendo el primero el de mayor importancia por el rol que cumple esta especie en la polinización de los cultivos en la comunidad campesina de Yananyac

    Patient Polypharmacy use Following a Multi-Disciplinary Dementia Care Program in a Memory Clinic: A Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Introduction. Dementia increases the risk of polypharmacy. Timely detection and optimal care can optimize the prognosis for patients with dementia, which may in turn reduce polypharmacy. We aimed to compare the change in polypharmacy use among memory clinic patients living with dementia who participate in a dementia care program, vs those who did not. We hypothesized that patients in the dementia care program would reduce their use of polypharmacy compared to those who were not in the program. Methods. We retrospectively analyzed EMR data from a university memory clinic. The final analytic sample consisted of 381 patients: 107 in the program and 274 matched patients not in the program. We used logistic regression of outcomes (five or more concurrent medications) at follow-up, controlled for the same outcome at baseline to assess the change in polypharmacy, and stratified outcomes by prescription and over-the-counter. Results. The two groups did not differ in the use of five or more total and prescription medications at follow-up controlling for the use of 5 or more of the respective medications at baseline and covariates. Being in the program was associated with a threefold lower odds of using 5 or more over-the-counter medications at follow-up (OR=0.30; p<0.001) after controlling for using 5 or more over-the-counter medications at baseline and covariates. Conclusions. Dementia care might reduce polypharmacy of over-the-counter medications, potentially reducing risky medication-medication interactions. More research is needed to infer causality and understand how to reduce prescription medication polypharmacy

    Field-Induced Xy And Ising Ground States In A Quasi-Two-Dimensional S=1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    High field specific heat up to 35 T, C-p, and magnetic susceptibility, chi, measurements were performed on the quasi-two-dimensional (2D) Heisenberg antiferromagnet [Cu(pyz)(2)(pyO)(2)](PF6)(2). While no C-p anomaly is observed down to 0.5 K in zero magnetic field, the application of field parallel to the crystallographic ab-plane induces a lambda-like anomaly in C-p, suggesting Ising-type magnetic order. On the other hand when the field is parallel to the c-axis, C-p and chi show evidence of XY-type antiferromagnetism. This dependence upon the field orientation occurs because the extreme two-dimensionality allows the intrinsic (zero field) spin anisotropy to dominate the interlayer coupling, which has hitherto masked such effects in other materials

    Experimental realization of field-induced XY and Ising ground states in a quasi-2D S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet

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    High field specific heat, Cp, and magnetic susceptibility, \c{hi}, measurements were performed on the quasi-two dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet [Cu(pyz)2(pyO)2](PF6)2. While no Cp anomaly is observed down to 0.5 K in zero magnetic field, the application of field parallel to the crystallographic ab-plane induces a lambda-like anomaly in Cp, consistent with Ising-type magnetic order. On the other hand, when the field is parallel to the c-axis, Cp and \c{hi} show evidence of XY-type antiferromagnetism. We argue that it is a small but finite easy-plane anisotropy in quasi-two dimensional [Cu(pyz)2(pyO)2](PF6)2 that allows the unusual observation of field induced XY and Ising-type magnetic states.Comment: 4 figure