6 research outputs found

    Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Rb-92 Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Shape

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    The antineutrino spectra measured in recent experiments at reactors are inconsistent with calculations based on the conversion of integral beta spectra recorded at the ILL reactor. Rb-92 makes the dominant contribution to the reactor antineutrino spectrum in the 5-8 MeV range but its decay properties are in question. We have studied Rb-92 decay with total absorption spectroscopy. Previously unobserved beta feeding was seen in the 4.5-5.5 region and the GS to GS feeding was found to be 87.5(25)%. The impact on the reactor antineutrino spectra calculated with the summation method is shown and discussed

    Total Absortion Spectroscopy of Fission Fragments Relevant for Reactor Antineutrino Spectra Determination

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    8 pags., 3 figs., 1 tab. ; Presented at the XXXIV Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics, Piaski, Poland, September 6–13, 2015.The contribution of each fission fragment to the reactor antineutrino spectra was determined using the summation method based on the existing information on fission yields and decay data contained in nuclear databases and the reactor evolution code MURE. The beta decay of some of the main contributors has been studied using the Total Absorption Spectroscopy (TAS) technique during two experimental campaigns at the IGISOL facility, in Jyväskylä (Finland). Results on the decay of 92Rb, the most important contributor in the 4–8 MeV energy region are reported. The status of the analysis of the second experiment is presented as well.Peer Reviewe

    Shapes of Pb-192,Pb-190 ground states from beta-decay studies using the total-absorption technique

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    8 pags.; 5 figs.; 2 tabs.; PACS number(s): 23.40.Hc, 27.80.+w, 29.30.Kv; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0The beta decay of Pb-192,Pb-190 has been studied using the total absorption technique at the ISOLDE (CERN) facility. The beta-decay strength deduced from the measurements, combined with QRPA theoretical calculations, allow us to infer that the ground states of the Pb-192,Pb-190 isotopes are spherical. These results represent the first application of the shape determination method using the total absorption technique for heavy nuclei and in a region where there is considerable interest in nuclear shapes and shape effects. Published by the American Physical SocietyThis work has been supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion y Ministerio de Economıía y Competitividad through projects no. FPA2008-06419-C02-01, FPA2011-24553, FPA2013-41267-P, FPA2014-52823-C2-1- P, FRPA2012-32443, FIS2011-23565, and CSD-2007-00042 (CPAN Consolider, Ingenio2010), by the European Union Seventh Framework via ENSAR (contract no. 262010), contract no. PIOF-GA-2011-298364 and by OTKA contracts no. K100835 and K106035. Some of the Spanish projects are co-financed by FEDER funds.Peer Reviewe

    Guía de Incorporación de Cartas Temáticas Pre-existentes de la Dirección de Recursos Geológicos Mineros de la República de Argentina a Escala 1:250.000

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    Fil: Pedreira Junco, José Ángel. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España.Fil: Avanzas, Rubén. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España.Fil: López Rivas, Jordán. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España.Fil: Álvarez Fernández, Saúl. SADIM: Sociedad Asturiana de Diversificación Minera; España.Fil: Candaosa, Norberto Gabriel. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Gozalvez, Martín R. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Ferpozzi, Federico Javier. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Moser, L. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Turel, A. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Álvarez, M. Dolores. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Peroni, Javier. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina.Fil: Chavez, Silvia Beatríz. SEGEMAR: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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