692 research outputs found

    First Cousins: A novel on youth, family, love, faith, and responsibility (Original novel)

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    First Cousins is a contemporary novel detailing four months in the life of William Reginald Jack Jackson, an 18-year old African-American graduate of Valley High School in West Des Moines, Iowa. Themes of initiation provide the primary focus: as a young adult, William must learn how to carry out new responsibilities toward family, friends, and the future. The novel\u27s central conflict emerges from William\u27s blossoming relationship with his adopted cousin Natalie, a rebellious 18-year old who must also come to terms with the new demands of young adulthood. Set primarily in North Carolina and Iowa, the novel is narrated from William\u27s first-person point of view

    Single Case Experimental Design Examining Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Post-Stroke Depression

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    Background. Post-stroke depression (PSD) is common in older-age adults and is typically treated with cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). However, research has ascertained mixed findings regarding the efficacy of CBT for PSD in older-age adults, with limited evidence in people from global majority backgrounds. Materials and Methods. This case study used single case experimental design methodology to examine the effectiveness of CBT for PSD in a black, older-age man. The effects of health conditions, cohort beliefs, transitions in role investments, socio-cultural context and early experiences on the client’s thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and behaviours were formulated, before behavioural activation was used to increase engagement in meaningful and pleasurable activities. Results. Throughout therapy, the client’s mood, motivation and optimism for the future improved, and their depression and anxiety symptoms reduced. Conclusions. This case study offers tentative evidence that CBT for PSD may be effective in black older-age adults

    \u3ci\u3eVeronica Mars\u3c/i\u3e Kickstarter and Crowd Funding

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    This conversation among Bertha Chin, Bethan Jones, Myles McNutt, and Luke Pebler about the Veronica Mars (2004–7) Kickstarter campaign to fund a film assesses the implications of crowd sourcing and fan labor

    Opportunities for mesoporous nanocrystalline SnO2 electrodes in kinetic and catalytic analyses of redox proteins

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    PFV (protein film voltammetry) allows kinetic analysis of redox and coupled-chemical events. However, the voltammograms report on the electron transfer through a flow of electrical current such that simultaneous spectroscopy is required for chemical insights into the species involved. Mesoporous nanocrystalline SnO2 electrodes provide opportunities for such ‘spectroelectrochemical’ analyses through their high surface area and optical transparency at visible wavelengths. Here, we illustrate kinetic and mechanistic insights that may be afforded by working with such electrodes through studies of Escherichia coli NrfA, a pentahaem cytochrome with nitrite and nitric oxide reductase activities. In addition, we demonstrate that the ability to characterize electrocatalytically active protein films by MCD (magnetic circular dichroism) spectroscopy is an advance that should ultimately assist our efforts to resolve catalytic intermediates in many redox enzymes

    A Strategic Approach to Public Health Workforce Development and Capacity Building

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    In February 2010, CDC’s National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), and Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention (NCHHSTP) formally institutionalized workforce development and capacity building (WDCB) as one of six overarching goals in its 2010–2015 Strategic Plan. Annually, workforce team members finalize an action plan that lays the foundation for programs to be implemented for NCHHSTP’s workforce that year. This paper describes selected WDCB programs implemented by NCHHSTP during the last 4 years in the three strategic goal areas: (1) attracting, recruiting, and retaining a diverse and sustainable workforce; (2) providing staff with development opportunities to ensure the effective and innovative delivery of NCHHSTP programs; and (3) continuously recognizing performance and achievements of staff and creating an atmosphere that promotes a healthy work–life balance. Programs have included but are not limited to an Ambassador Program for new hires, career development training for all staff, leadership and coaching for mid-level managers, and a Laboratory Workforce Development Initiative for laboratory scientists. Additionally, the paper discusses three overarching areas—employee communication, evaluation and continuous review to guide program development, and the implementation of key organizational and leadership structures to ensure accountability and continuity of programs. Since 2010, many lessons have been learned regarding strategic approaches to scaling up organization-wide public health workforce development and capacity building. Perhaps the most important is the value of ensuring the high-level strategic prioritization of this issue, demonstrating to staff and partners the importance of this imperative in achieving NCHHSTP’s mission

    Information Literacy through inquiry: a Level One psychology module at the University of Sheffield

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    Purpose – This paper aims to report on the evaluation of a curriculum development project that took place in the Department of Psychology at the University of Sheffield. The project, funded by a Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CILASS), sought to embed information literacy development in a Level One module using an inquiry-based learning pedagogical approach. Students worked collaboratively to find news stories that were purportedly based on real psychological research and then searched for the related research paper. They reflected on this task and the differences between the two sources as part of the assessed work for the module. Design/methodology/approach – The paper synthesizes the results of a number of evaluation instruments (questionnaire, information literacy competency test, focus group, student reflective work) to examine staff and student perceptions of the inquiry task, and how effective the task was in building students' information literacy. A “Theory of Change” evaluation methodology was used to define the scope of evaluation activities. Findings – The SCONUL Seven Pillars of Information Literacy model is used to structure the findings from the various evaluation methods. Students developed their knowledge of, and ability to search, appropriate academic resources, although they demonstrated a preference for searching via Google Scholar over Web of Knowledge. Originality/value – Students demonstrated through their reflective comments that they had developed significant abilities to compare and evaluate news stories and journal articles, although they reported a lack of confidence in these abilities. Postgraduate tutors thought the inquiry task was successful in developing students' information literacy and both students and staff responded positively to the ability to choose topics of interest to investigate

    Electrochemical titrations and reaction time courses monitored in situ by magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy

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    Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) spectra, at ultraviolet–visible or near-infrared wavelengths (185–2000 nm), contain the same transitions observed in conventional absorbance spectroscopy, but their bisignate nature and more stringent selection rules provide greatly enhanced resolution. Thus, they have proved to be invaluable in the study of many transition metal-containing proteins. For mainly technical reasons, MCD has been limited almost exclusively to the measurement of static samples. But the ability to employ the resolving power of MCD to follow changes at transition metal sites would be a potentially significant advance. We describe here the development of a cuvette holder that allows reagent injection and sample mixing within the 50-mm-diameter ambient temperature bore of an energized superconducting solenoid. This has allowed us, for the first time, to monitor time-resolved MCD resulting from in situ chemical manipulation of a metalloprotein sample. Furthermore, we report the parallel development of an electrochemical cell using a three-electrode configuration with physically separated working and counter electrodes, allowing true potentiometric titration to be performed within the bore of the MCD solenoid

    S-acylation stabilizes ligand-induced receptor kinase complex formation during plant pattern-triggered immune signalling

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    SummaryPlant receptor kinases are key transducers of extracellular stimuli, such as the presence of beneficial or pathogenic microbes or secreted signalling molecules. Receptor kinases are regulated by numerous post-translational modifications. Here, using the immune receptor kinases FLS2 and EFR, we show that S-acylation at a cysteine conserved in all plant receptor kinases is crucial for function. S-acylation involves the addition of long-chain fatty acids to cysteine residues within proteins, altering their biophysical properties and behaviour within the membrane environment. We observe S-acylation of FLS2 at C-terminal kinase domain cysteine residues within minutes following perception of its ligand flg22, in a BAK1 co-receptor dependent manner. We demonstrate that S-acylation is essential for FLS2-mediated immune signalling and resistance to bacterial infection. Similarly, mutating the corresponding conserved cysteine residue in EFR supressed elf18 triggered signalling. Analysis of unstimulated and activated FLS2-containing complexes using microscopy, detergents and native membrane DIBMA nanodiscs indicates that S-acylation stabilises and promotes retention of activated receptor kinase complexes at the plasma membrane to increase signalling efficiency
