123 research outputs found

    Dynamic power load simulator

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    Two independent models simulate dynamic and steady-state responses of electrical and electronic equipment under power load. One is resistance/capacitance/inductance network, and the other is variable resistance analog device. Resistance, inductance, and/or capacitance are selected by iterative process; time-domain response is compared with that of real equipment to select optimal values

    Modular, high power, variable R dynamic electrical load simulator

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    The design of a previously developed basic variable R load simulator was entended to increase its power dissipation and transient handling capabilities. The delivered units satisfy all design requirements, and provides for a high power, modular simulation capability uniquely suited to the simulation of complex load responses. In addition to presenting conclusions and recommendations and pertinent background information, the report covers program accomplishments; describes the simulator basic circuits, transfer characteristic, protective features, assembly, and specifications; indicates the results of simulator evaluation, including burn-in and acceptance testing; provides acceptance test data; and summarizes the monthly progress reports

    A study of dynamic load simulators for electrical systems test facility Final report, 29 Dec. 1969 - 30 Jun. 1970

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    Dynamic load simulators for electronic evaluation of electrical hardwar

    High power ac/dc variable R dynamic electrical load simulator

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    A study program was undertaken to investigate various concepts and techniques for identifying and simulating both the steady-state and dynamic characteristics of electrical loads for use during integrated system test and evaluation. The development of hardware capable of providing the simulation capability is discussed. A general purpose simulator was developed with the capability of realizing a variety of models where element values were discretely variable. The different models, each corresponding to real spacecraft equipment, are set up manually for each case by suitable switching and patching. The models are capable of duplicating the dynamic and steady-state response of real loads at full power

    High-power ac/dc variable load simulator

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    Design of medium-power dynamic electrical load simulator has been extended to permit simulation of ac as well as dc loads and to provide for operation at higher power levels. Simulator is internally protected against reverse voltage, overvoltage, overcurrent, and overload conditions

    GHIGLS: HI mapping at intermediate Galactic latitude using the Green Bank Telescope

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    This paper introduces the data cubes from GHIGLS, deep Green Bank Telescope surveys of the 21-cm line emission of HI in 37 targeted fields at intermediate Galactic latitude. The GHIGLS fields together cover over 1000 square degrees at 9.55' spatial resolution. The HI spectra have an effective velocity resolution about 1.0 km/s and cover at least -450 < v < +250 km/s. GHIGLS highlights that even at intermediate Galactic latitude the interstellar medium is very complex. Spatial structure of the HI is quantified through power spectra of maps of the column density, NHI. For our featured representative field, centered on the North Ecliptic Pole, the scaling exponents in power-law representations of the power spectra of NHI maps for low, intermediate, and high velocity gas components (LVC, IVC, and HVC) are -2.86 +/- 0.04, -2.69 +/- 0.04, and -2.59 +/- 0.07, respectively. After Gaussian decomposition of the line profiles, NHI maps were also made corresponding to the narrow-line and broad-line components in the LVC range; for the narrow-line map the exponent is -1.9 +/- 0.1, reflecting more small scale structure in the cold neutral medium (CNM). There is evidence that filamentary structure in the HI CNM is oriented parallel to the Galactic magnetic field. The power spectrum analysis also offers insight into the various contributions to uncertainty in the data. The effect of 21-cm line opacity on the GHIGLS NHI maps is estimated.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal, 2015 July 16. 32 pages, 21 figures (Fig. 10 new). Minor revisions from review, particularly Section 8 and Appendix C; results unchanged. Additional surveys added and made available; new Appendix B. Added descriptions of available FITS files and links to four illustrative movies on enhanced GHIGLS archive (www.cita.utoronto.ca/GHIGLS/

    Structure formation in a colliding flow: The Herschel view of the Draco nebula

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    The Draco nebula is a high Galactic latitude interstellar cloud likely to have been formed by the collision of a Galactic halo cloud entering the disk of the Milky Way. Such conditions are ideal to study the formation of cold and dense gas in colliding flows of warm gas. We present Herschel-SPIRE observations that reveal the fragmented structure of the interface between the infalling cloud and the Galactic layer. This front is characterized by a Rayleigh-Taylor instability structure. From the determination of the typical length of the periodic structure (2.2 pc) we estimated the gas kinematic viscosity and the turbulence dissipation scale (0.1 pc) that is compatible with that expected if ambipolar diffusion is the main mechanism of energy dissipation in the WNM. The small-scale structures of the nebula are typical of that seen in some molecular clouds. The gas density has a log-normal distribution with an average value of 10310^3 cm3^{-3}. The size of the structures is 0.1-0.2 pc but this estimate is limited by the resolution of the observations. The mass ranges from 0.2 to 20 M_{\odot} and the distribution of the more massive clumps follows a power law dN/dlog(M)M1.4dN/d\log(M) \sim M^{-1.4}. We identify a mass-size relation with the same exponent as that found in GMCs (ML2.3M\sim L^{2.3}) but only 15% of the mass of the cloud is in gravitationally bound structures. We conclude that the increase of pressure in the collision is strong enough to trigger the WNM-CNM transition caused by the interplay between turbulence and thermal instability as self-gravity is not dominating the dynamics.Comment: 16 pages, A&A, in pres

    Radio Polarimetry of the ELAIS N1 Field: Polarized Compact Sources

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    We present deep polarimetric observations at 1420 MHz of the European Large Area ISO Survey North 1 region (ELAIS N1) as part of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Planck Deep Fields project. By combining closely spaced aperture synthesis fields, we image a region of 7.43 square degrees to a maximum sensitivity in Stokes Q and U of 78 microJy/beam, and detect 786 compact sources in Stokes I. Of these, 83 exhibit polarized emission. We find that the differential source counts (log N - log p) for polarized sources are nearly constant down to p > 500 microJy, and that these faint polarized radio sources are more highly polarized than the strong source population. The median fractional polarization is (4.8 +/- 0.7)% for polarized sources with Stokes I flux density between 1 and 30 mJy; approximately three times larger than sources with I > 100 mJy. The majority of the polarized sources have been identified with galaxies in the Spitzer Wide Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) image of ELAIS N1. Most of the galaxies occupy regions in the IRAC 5.8/3.6 micron vs. 8.0/4.5 micron color-color diagram associated with dusty AGNs, or with ellipticals with an aging stellar population. A few host galaxies have colors that suggests significant PAH emission in the near-infrared. A small fraction, 12%, of the polarized sources are not detected in the SWIRE data. None of the polarized sources in our sample appears to be associated with an actively star-forming galaxy.Comment: 28 pages, 8 Figures. Figures 2 and 3 as separate gif images. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On Pulsar Distance Measurements and their Uncertainties

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    Accurate distances to pulsars can be used for a variety of studies of the Galaxy and its electron content. However, most distance measures to pulsars have been derived from the absorption (or lack thereof) of pulsar emission by Galactic HI gas, which typically implies that only upper or lower limits on the pulsar distance are available. We present a critical analysis of all measured HI distance limits to pulsars and other neutron stars, and translate these limits into actual distance estimates through a likelihood analysis that simultaneously corrects for statistical biases. We also apply this analysis to parallax measurements of pulsars in order to obtain accurate distance estimates and find that the parallax and HI distance measurements are biased in different ways, because of differences in the sampled populations. Parallax measurements typically underestimate a pulsar's distance because of the limited distance to which this technique works and the consequential strong effect of the Galactic pulsar distribution (i.e. the original Lutz-Kelker bias), in HI distance limits, however, the luminosity bias dominates the Lutz-Kelker effect, leading to overestimated distances because the bright pulsars on which this technique is applicable are more likely to be nearby given their brightness.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa