26 research outputs found

    The response of the root proteome to the synthetic strigolactone GR24 in Arabidopsis

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    Strigolactones are plant metabolites that act as phytohormones and rhizosphere signals. Whereas most research on unraveling the action mechanisms of strigolactones is focused on plant shoots, we investigated proteome adaptation during strigolactone signaling in the roots of Arabidopsis thaliana. Through large-scale, time-resolved, and quantitative proteomics, the impact of the strigolactone analog rac-GR24 was elucidated on the root proteome of the wild type and the signaling mutant more axillary growth 2 (max2). Our study revealed a clear MAX2-dependent rac-GR24 response: an increase in abundance of enzymes involved in flavonol biosynthesis, which was reduced in the max2-1 mutant. Mass spectrometry-driven metabolite profiling and thin-layer chromatography experiments demonstrated that these changes in protein expression lead to the accumulation of specific flavonols. Moreover, quantitative RT-PCR revealed that the flavonol-related protein expression profile was caused by rac-GR24-induced changes in transcript levels of the corresponding genes. This induction of flavonol production was shown to be activated by the two pure enantiomers that together make up rac-GR24. Finally, our data provide much needed clues concerning the multiple roles played by MAX2 in the roots and a comprehensive view of the rac-GR24-induced response in the root proteome

    Hybrid modeling of biological networks: mixing temporal and qualitative biological properties

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Modeling a dynamical biological system is often a difficult task since the a <it>priori </it>unknown parameters of such models are not always directly given by the experiments. Despite the lack of experimental quantitative knowledge, one can see a dynamical biological system as (i) the combined evolution tendencies (increase or decrease) of the biological compound concentrations, and: (ii) the temporal features, such as delays between two concentration peaks (i.e. the times when one of the components completes an increase (resp. decrease) phase and starts a decrease (resp. increase) phase).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose herein a new hybrid modeling framework that follows such biological assumptions. This hybrid approach deals with both a qualitative structure of the system and a quantitative structure. From a theoretical viewpoint, temporal specifications are expressed as equality or inequality constraints between delay parameters, while the qualitative specifications are expressed as an ordered pattern of the concentrations peaks of the components. Using this new hybrid framework, the temporal specifications of a biological system can be obtained from incomplete experimental data. The model may be processed by a hybrid model-checker (e.g. Phaver) which is able to give some new constraints on the delay parameters (e.g. the delay for a given transition is exactly 5 hours after the later peak of a gene product concentration). Furthermore, by using a constraint solver on the previous results, it becomes possible to get the set of parameters settings which are consistent with given specifications. Such a modeling approach is particularly accurate for modeling oscillatory biological behaviors like those observed in the Drosophila circadian cycles. The achieved results concerning the parameters of this oscillatory system formally confirm the several previous studies made by numerical simulations. Moreover, our analysis makes it possible to propose an automatic investigation of the respective impact of per and tim on the circadian cycle.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A new hybrid technique for an automatic formal analysis of biological systems is developed with a special emphasis on their oscillatory behaviors. It allows the use of incomplete and empirical biological data.</p

    Imidazole propionate is increased in diabetes and associated with dietary patterns and altered microbial ecology

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    Microbiota-host-diet interactions contribute to the development of metabolic diseases. Imidazole propionate is a novel microbially produced metabolite from histidine, which impairs glucose metabolism. Here, we show that subjects with prediabetes and diabetes in the MetaCardis cohort from three European countries have elevated serum imidazole propionate levels. Furthermore, imidazole propionate levels were increased in subjects with low bacterial gene richness and Bacteroides 2 enterotype, which have previously been associated with obesity. The Bacteroides 2 enterotype was also associated with increased abundance of the genes involved in imidazole propionate biosynthesis from dietary histidine. Since patients and controls did not differ in their histidine dietary intake, the elevated levels of imidazole propionate in type 2 diabetes likely reflects altered microbial metabolism of histidine, rather than histidine intake per se. Thus the microbiota may contribute to type 2 diabetes by generating imidazole propionate that can modulate host inflammation and metabolism

    HIV-1 persistence following extremely early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) during acute HIV-1 infection: An observational study

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    Background: It is unknown if extremely early initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART) may lead to long-term ART-free HIV remission or cure. As a result, we studied 2 individuals recruited from a pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) program who started prophylactic ART an estimated 10 days (Participant A; 54-year-old male) and 12 days (Participant B; 31-year-old male) after infection with peak plasma HIV RNA of 220 copies/mL and 3,343 copies/mL, respectively. Extensive testing of blood and tissue for HIV persistence was performed, and PrEP Participant A underwent analytical treatment interruption (ATI) following 32 weeks of continuous ART. Methods and findings Colorectal and lymph node tissues, bone marrow, cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), plasma, and very large numbers of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were obtained longitudinally from both participants and were studied for HIV persistence in several laboratories using molecular and culture-based detection methods, including a murine viral outgrowth assay (mVOA). Both participants initiated PrEP with tenofovir/emtricitabine during very early Fiebig stage I (detectable plasma HIV-1 RNA, antibody negative) followed by 4-drug ART intensification. Following peak viral loads, both participants experienced full suppression of HIV-1 plasma viremia. Over the following 2 years, no further HIV could be detected in blood or tissue from PrEP Participant A despite extensive sampling from ileum, rectum, lymph nodes, bone marrow, CSF, circulating CD4+ T cell subsets, and plasma. No HIV was detected from tissues obtained from PrEP Participant B, but low-level HIV RNA or DNA was intermittently detected from various CD4+ T cell subsets. Over 500 million CD4+ T cells were assayed from both participants in a humanized mouse outgrowth assay. Three of 8 mice infused with CD4+ T cells from PrEP Participant B developed viremia (50 million input cells/surviving mouse), but only 1 of 10 mice infused with CD4+ T cells from PrEP Participant A (53 million input cells/mouse) experienced very low level viremia (201 copies/mL); sequence confirmation was unsuccessful. PrEP Participant A stopped ART and remained aviremic for 7.4 months, rebounding with HIV RNA of 36 copies/mL that rose to 59,805 copies/mL 6 days later. ART was restarted promptly. Rebound plasma HIV sequences were identical to those obtained during acute infection by single-genome sequencing. Mathematical modeling predicted that the latent reservoir size was approximately 200 cells prior to ATI and that only around 1% of individuals with a similar HIV burden may achieve lifelong ART-free remission. Furthermore, we observed that lymphocytes expressing the tumor marker CD30 increased in frequency weeks to months prior to detectable HIV-1 RNA in plasma. This study was limited by the small sample size, which was a result of the rarity of individuals presenting during hyperacute infection. Conclusions: We report HIV relapse despite initiation of ART at one of the earliest stages of acute HIV infection possible. Near complete or complete loss of detectable HIV in blood and tissues did not lead to indefinite ART-free HIV remission. However, the small numbers of latently infected cells in individuals treated during hyperacute infection may be associated with prolonged ART-free remission

    Integrated immunovirological profiling validates plasma SARS-CoV-2 RNA as an early predictor of COVID-19 mortality.

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    peer reviewedDespite advances in COVID-19 management, identifying patients evolving toward death remains challenging. To identify early predictors of mortality within 60 days of symptom onset (DSO), we performed immunovirological assessments on plasma from 279 individuals. On samples collected at DSO11 in a discovery cohort, high severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral RNA (vRNA), low receptor binding domain–specific immunoglobulin G and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity, and elevated cytokines and tissue injury markers were strongly associated with mortality, including in patients on mechanical ventilation. A three-variable model of vRNA, with predefined adjustment by age and sex, robustly identified patients with fatal outcome (adjusted hazard ratio for log-transformed vRNA = 3.5). This model remained robust in independent validation and confirmation cohorts. Since plasma vRNA’s predictive accuracy was maintained at earlier time points, its quantitation can help us understand disease heterogeneity and identify patients who may benefit from new therapies

    Analyse combinée des réseaux de régulation biologique par contraintes et model-checking

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    Analyse combinée des réseaux de régulation biologique par contraintes et model-checkin

    Modélisation hybride temporelle et analyse par contraintes des réseaux de régulation biologiques

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    Biological regulatory networks are complex systems in which biological entities interact among themselves, leading to specific behaviors. In this thesis, we propose a general methodology to have a better understanding of the mechanisms which take place in these regulatory networks and more particularly in these having an oscillatory behavior. In a general way, the various parts of this methodology aim at, firstly at analyzing more and more large biological systems, secondly at refining accurate analyses on smaller models. These works use the temporal properties of the biological models which are often plentiful but still not much used. To succeed in integrating the temporal data, we developed hybrid modelings which combine in their behavior purely qualitative aspects as well as continuous aspects (in the quantitative temporal notions). The first part of this general methodology consists in using a hybrid modeling named TEM (meaning Temporal Evolution Model) which allows a pre-analysis of the biological system. The advantage of this modeling is that it uses parameters which are very close to biological data and that it can supply interesting results from a reduced number of simple hypotheses. Nevertheless, the more we supply with data on the biological model in the TEM approach, the more the obtained results are accurate. The second part of our general methodology consists in taking back existing modelings and usually used (the PLDE (piecewise linear differential equations) modeling and the discret modeling of R. Thomas) and to add new joint methodologies. The first method makes it possible to obtain all the necessary and sufficient constraints for the parameter setting of a model according to some specifications. This can highlight common features for all the parameter settings which validate the specifications of a model. Moreover, it is able to provide all these parameter settings thanks to any constraints solver. A second methodology allows to decompose the dynamics obtained from a parameter setting. This second methodology can be used to have a better understanding of the dynamics which are obtained by knowing if a behavior correctly fits a set of sub-behaviors and then, which of these behaviors. The method can also be used to work on a subset of the dynamics by taking into account only the featuring sub-behaviors. The last part of our general methodology consists in a modeling named TDD modeling (which means modeling by temporal domains decomposition) and stands for a refinement of the previous analyses. This new modeling approach is based on the modeling presented in the second part of the thesis in order to fully benefit from the methods we had developped. Actually, this modeling, as the first modeling presented in this thesis, is a hybrid modeling which also uses the notion of time via temporal parameters.Les réseaux de régulation biologiques sont des systèmes complexes dans lesquels les entités biologiques interagissent entre elles, faisant ainsi émerger des comportements particuliers. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une méthodologie générale afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes en jeux dans ces réseaux de régulation et tout particulièrement dans ceux ayant un comportement oscillatoire. De façon générale, les différentes parties de cette méthodologie ont pour but, soit d'analyser des systèmes biologiques de plus en plus grands, soit de raffiner les analyses sur des modèles moins conséquents. Ces travaux utilisent les propriétés temporelles des modèles biologiques qui sont souvent abondantes mais encore relativement peu exploitées. Pour parvenir à intégrer les données temporelles, nous avons développé des modélisations hybrides qui combinent dans leurs comportements des aspects purement qualitatifs ainsi que des aspects continus (dans les notions temporelles quantitatives). La première partie de cette méthodologie générale consiste à utiliser une modélisation hybride nommée TEM (pour modélisation d'évolution temporelle) qui permet une pré-analyse du système biologique. L'avantage de cette modélisation est qu'elle utilise des paramètres qui sont très proches des données biologiques et qu'elle peut fournir des résultats d'intérêt à partir d'un nombre réduit d'hypothèses simples. Néanmoins, plus nous fournissons de données sur le modèle biologique dans l'approche TEM et plus les résultats obtenus sont précis. La seconde partie de notre méthodologie générale consiste à reprendre des modélisations existantes et couramment utilisées (la modélisation par équations différentielles par morceaux (PLDE) et la modélisation discrète de R. Thomas) et d'y ajouter de nouvelles méthodes conjointes. La première méthode permet d'obtenir l'ensemble des contraintes nécessaires et suffisantes pour le paramétrage d'un modèle d'après des spécifications. Ceci peut permettre de découvrir des caractéristiques communes à l'ensemble des paramétrages validant les spécifications du modèle mais également d'obtenir l'ensemble de ces paramétrages grâce à un solveur de contraintes. La seconde méthode permet de décomposer les dynamiques obtenues à partir du paramétrage d'un modèle. Cette méthode peut servir à mieux comprendre les dynamiques ainsi obtenues en sachant si un comportement correspond à un ensemble de sous-comportements et si oui lesquels. La méthode peut également servir à travailler sur un sous-ensemble de la dynamique en ne prenant en compte que les sous-comportements intéressants, par rapport à certaines préoccupations. Enfin, la dernière partie de cette thèse consiste en une modélisation nommée modélisation TDD (pour modélisation par décomposition des domaines temporels) et permettant de raffiner les analyses précédentes. Cette modélisation est basée sur la modélisation PLDE et la modélisation discrète de R. Thomas afin de profiter pleinement des méthodes que nous avons développées. En fait, cette modélisation, tout comme dans la première modélisation présentée dans cette thèse, est une modélisation hybride qui utilise également la notion de temps via des paramètres temporels

    Temporal constraints of a gene regulatory network: refining a qualitative simulation

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    International audienceThe modelling of gene regulatory networks (GRNs) has classically been addressed through very different approaches. Among others, extensions of Thomas's asynchronous Boolean approach have been proposed, to better fit the dynamics of biological systems: genes may reach different discrete expression levels, depending on the states of other genes, called the regulators: thus, activations and inhibitions are triggered conditionally on the proper expression levels of these regulators. In contrast, some fine-grained propositions have focused on the molecular level as modelling the evolution of biological compound concentrations through differential equation systems. Both approaches are limited. The first one leads to an oversimplification of the system, whereas the second is incapable to tackle large GRNs. In this context, hybrid paradigms, that mix discrete and continuous features underlying distinct biological properties, achieve significant advances for investigating biological properties. One of these hybrid formalisms proposes to focus, within a GRN abstraction, on the time delay to pass from a gene expression level to the next. Until now, no research work has been carried out, which attempts to benefit from the modelling of a GRN by differential equations, converting it into a multi-valued logical formalism of Thomas, with the aim of performing biological applications. This paper fills this gap by describing a whole pipelined process which orchestrates the following stages: (i) model conversion from a piece-wise affine differential equation (PADE) modelization scheme into a discrete model with focal points, (ii) characterization of subgraphs through a graph simplification phase which is based on probabilistic criteria, (iii) conversion of the subgraphs into parametric linear hybrid automata, (iv) analysis of dynamical properties (e.g. cyclic behaviours) using hybrid model-checking techniques. The present work is the outcome of a methodological investigation launched to cope with the GRN responsible for the reaction of Escherichia coli bacterium to carbon starvation. As expected, we retrieve a remarkable cycle already exhibited by a previous analysis of the PADE model. Above all, hybrid model-checking enables us to infer temporal properties, whose biological signification is then discussed