17 research outputs found

    Patterns of Psychotropic Medication at Admission for Youth in Residential Care

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    High levels of psychotropic medication use and polypharmacy are common for emotionally and behaviorally troubled youth entering residential care. Polypharmacy has often been characterized as an especially serious problem in this vulnerable population. Latent Class Analysis was used to identify medication subgroups for 636 youth in an intensive residential program. Additionally, auxiliary analyses (e.g., diagnoses, demographics, expressed problem behaviors) were used to identify the personal and behavioral attributes associated with individuals in each of the latent classes. Three distinct medication patterns emerged: low/no psychotropic medication, the combination of antidepressant and antipsychotic medications, and multiple psychotropic medications. The latent classes were significantly different from one another on 12 of the 14 variables, helping explicate how patient and clinical characteristics underlie patterns of psychotropic medication use. Findings of this study, combined with additional research, hold promise for leading to improved, youth-centered prescribing practices. Our findings also highlight the need for careful monitoring of the types and range of medications that some youth are prescribed, and research on how youth with certain background characteristics are more likely to get prescribed multiple psychotropic medications. For youth experiencing higher levels of psychotropic polypharmacy, medication regimens need thoughtful reassessment using the principle of sufficiency as the foundation for medication management

    Demonstrating the effectiveness of a residential education programme for disengaged young people: a preliminary report

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    This article reports on the early results of using behavioural and educational data to evaluate a residential education programme. The programme serves male and female students between 12 and 16 years of age who have been suspended or expelled from school due to behavioural issues or who refused to attend school. Using measures of behavioural and educational progress during care and reporting these changes over time provided empirical evidence that the programme was achieving its primary aims of 'behaviour change and educational gains.' Collecting and reporting this data has empowered the programme to increase programme effectiveness through both data-informed decision-making and ongoing programme evaluation

    Patterns of Psychotropic Medication at Admission for Youth in Residential Care

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    High levels of psychotropic medication use and polypharmacy are common for emotionally and behaviorally troubled youth entering residential care. Polypharmacy has often been characterized as an especially serious problem in this vulnerable population. Latent Class Analysis was used to identify medication subgroups for 636 youth in an intensive residential program. Additionally, auxiliary analyses (e.g., diagnoses, demographics, expressed problem behaviors) were used to identify the personal and behavioral attributes associated with individuals in each of the latent classes. Three distinct medication patterns emerged: low/no psychotropic medication, the combination of antidepressant and antipsychotic medications, and multiple psychotropic medications. The latent classes were significantly different from one another on 12 of the 14 variables, helping explicate how patient and clinical characteristics underlie patterns of psychotropic medication use. Findings of this study, combined with additional research, hold promise for leading to improved, youth-centered prescribing practices. Our findings also highlight the need for careful monitoring of the types and range of medications that some youth are prescribed, and research on how youth with certain background characteristics are more likely to get prescribed multiple psychotropic medications. For youth experiencing higher levels of psychotropic polypharmacy, medication regimens need thoughtful reassessment using the principle of sufficiency as the foundation for medication management

    Patterns of movement for youth within an integrated continuum of residential services

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    This study examined patterns of movement for youth receiving services within a continuum of intensive and restrictive residentially-based programs. Data were collected for 701 completed episodes of care within a three-program residential continuum of care over a 5 year period, and examined time within program, movement between programs, in-program disruptive behavior, and discharge status. Results showed that most youth either remained in a stable placement in the least restrictive of the programs, or followed a pattern of placements that systematically moved them from more restrictive to less restrictive settings. Of note, transitions from more restrictive to less restrictive programs correspond to deescalating levels of problem behavior; and over 80% of the youth were stepped down to either family-based or independent living situations at the time of departure. Findings support the notion that a continuum of intensive residential services can serve the needs of youth with significant emotional and behavioral needs.Adolescent Continuum of care Emotional and behavior disorders Residential care