3,041 research outputs found

    Pathways to power in the southern Brazilian highlands: Households, communities and status at Southern Proto-Jê pit house settlements

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    This thesis is a contribution to the debate about the emergence of politically complex societies in the southern Brazilian highlands from a regional, community and household approach. At the regional level, I compare settlement patterns of the Southern Proto-Jê (Taquara/Itararé Tradition) in different areas, developing a model of territories structured around central places – represented by dense pit house villages and oversized pit houses. I test this model with new survey data from a yet unexplored region. At the centre of the pilot area, the site Baggio 1 – a dense, well-planned settlement focused around an oversized pit house – was chosen for excavations. I frame the discussion about the function of oversized structures in the broader theoretical debates about aggrandising vs corporate strategies in early complex societies and their archaeological correlates. Thus, the excavations at Baggio 1 were targeted at understanding community organisation, functional variation between pit houses of distinct sizes, and inter-household differentiation. I demonstrate how the oversized House 1 emerged as the founding structure in the settlement, hosting ceremonies of house renewal during the first part of the site’s history. Later, as the settlement grew, House 1 persisted as the social epicentre of the community. However, major differences emerged between the hilltop, formally arranged residential sector around House 1 and the periphery of the site. Although the earlier house renewal ceremonies were no longer practised, the inhabitants of House 1 asserted their presence in the same dwelling for over two centuries, maintaining the oversized structure as a conspicuous mark in the landscape and potentially deriving special status from their descent of the site’s founders. The excavations at Baggio 1 reveal a complex interplay of corporate and aggrandising strategies to power in the southern Brazilian highlands


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    The article's theme is the importance of the father's presence in prenatal consultations. The following problem was investigated: “What are the benefits of paternal participation in prenatal care?”. The following hypothesis was considered “the presence of men in consultations, prepares them to exercise paternity and brings physical and emotional benefits to the pregnant woman and the baby”. The general objective is "to highlight the benefits of paternal participation in prenatal consultations". This work is important from an individual perspective, as it is a way to awaken the parents' desire, to be more present; for science, it is relevant because it is an incentive for the creation of new strategies, research and interventions in this domain; aggregates society by bringing new knowledge about the importance of fatherhood. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting six months.O artigo tem como tema: A importância da presença do pai nas consultas de pré-natal. Investigou-se o seguinte problema: Quais os benefícios da participação paterna na assistência de pré-natal? Cogitou-se a seguinte hipótese, a presença do homem nas consultas, o prepara para exercer a paternidade e traz benefícios físicos e emocionais para a gestante e o bebê. O objetivo geral é: evidenciar os benefícios da participação paterna nas consultas de pré-natal. Este trabalho é importante em uma perspectiva individual, pois é uma maneira de despertar o desejo dos pais, de estarem mais presentes. Para a ciência, é relevante por ser um incentivo para a criação de novas estratégias, pesquisas e intervenções nesse domínio. Agrega a sociedade por trazer novos conhecimentos a respeito da importância da paternidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa teórica com duração de seis meses

    How to compare energy efficiency inspection tests on TVs?

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    It is a case study conducted in company X of the electronic branch located in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (PIM), the capital of Amazonas–Brazil. The problem was the need to develop a benchmarking involving energy efficiency inspection tests on televisions. The objective is to compare the performance of the standard method and the new method of performing the energy efficiency inspection test. To this end, quality tools were applied with data collected from the use of the time study of each test step. After data collection and analysis, it was concluded that the new test: a) has 67% of its steps performed automatically and 43% manually, its average lead time is 4h14min34, a gain of 33.5% in total time required to perform the test; b) can be developed with the application of Brainstorming, Ishikawa Diagram, GUT Matrix, PDCA, Vertical Flowchart in conjunction with Chrono-analysis. It is worth highlighting the importance of the local top management support so that each of these tools is used with autonomy and creativity by the collaborators involved in the project

    36 Best Management Practices for Manaus-Amazon Urban Afforestation

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    In 2010, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics published a survey on urban afforestation in Brazil and Manaus city occupied the 4493rd place among the 5565 municipalities analyzed. Concerning the cities with more than 1 million habitants, Manaus was in the penultimate place, a frustrating result, since the city is the Amazon\u27 capital, surrounded by the largest rainforest in the World. On the other hand, the cities with the best performances were Goiânia, Campinas, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, and Curitiba. Given this context, the research aims to investigate the urban afforestation\u27s best management practices to propose suggestions for Manaus\u27 public managers. The data collection and analysis are based in the study "Urbanistic Characteristics of the Surroundings of the Domiciles", besides obtaining information and documents from articles and websites of the governments and partners of the best city investigated. After the intersection of information, 36 good urban management practices were cataloged and proposed to Manaus\u27 public managers


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    The theme of this article is Nurses' intervention strategies in the face of behavior and attempts at self-extermination. The following problem was investigated: "What are the nursing interventions regarding suicidal behavior in primary care?". The following hypothesis “Evaluating and classifying patients at risk for suicide” was considered. The general objective is “to analyze nurses' knowledge and intervention strategies provided to users with suicidal behavior”. This work is important due to discovering ways to help individuals and professionals to intervene in the face of suicidal situations. For science, it is relevant because it is an incentive for the creation of new programs, strategies and improvements in the reception of people with suicidal ideation. It aggregates society by passing on knowledge on the subject. This is a qualitative theoretical research lasting 6 monthsO tema deste artigo são as estratégias de intervenção do enfermeiro diante do comportamento e tentativa de autoextermínio. Investigou-se o seguinte problema: quais são as intervenções de enfermagem diante do comportamento suicida na atenção primária? Cogitou-se a seguinte hipótese: avaliar e classificar o paciente com risco para o suicídio. O objetivo geral é analisar o conhecimento e as estratégias de intervenção dos enfermeiros prestados aos usuários com comportamento suicida. Este trabalho é importante por descobrir maneiras de ajudar os indivíduos e profissionais a intervir diante de situação suicida. Para as ciências, é relevante por ser um incentivo para a criação de novos programas, estratégias e melhorias no acolhimento das pessoas com ideação suicida. Agrega a sociedade agregando conhecimento sobre o assunto. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa teórica com duração de 6 meses

    Reassessing the role of climate change in the Tupi expansion (South America, 5000–500 BP)

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    The expansion of forest farmers across tropical lowland South America during the Late Holocene has long been connected to climate change. The more humid conditions established during the Late Holocene are assumed to have driven the expansion of forests, which would have facilitated the dispersal of cultures that practised agroforestry. The Tupi, a language family of widespread distribution in South America, occupies a central place in the debate. Not only are they one of the largest families in the continent, but their expansion from an Amazonian homeland has long been hypothesized to have followed forested environments wherever they settled. Here, we assess that hypothesis using a simulation approach. We employ equation-based and cellular automaton models, simulating demic-diffusion processes under two different scenarios: a null model in which all land cells can be equally settled, and an alternative model in which non-forested cells cannot be settled or delay the expansion. We show that including land cover as a constraint to movement results in a better approximation of the Tupi expansion as reconstructed by archaeology and linguistics.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    o presente artigo propõe uma sistematização da política ambiental no Brasil desde o período colonial até os dias atuais, destacando-se os valores predominantes em cada época e as normas que foram editadas em cada período. A sistematização proposta deu-se a partir de autores que trabalham a temática, buscando conjugar as principais contribuições dentro de campo de pesquisa de cada autor (Direito, Geografia, Ciência Política). Procurou-se identificar linhas de continuidades e rupturas presentes na política ambiental nacional, bem como nos valores e normas que informam tal política. As primeiras reflexões sobre a natureza no Brasil iniciam-se com os primeiros exploradores do território nacional, culminando, atualmente, na constitucionalização da proteção ao meio ambiente. Argumenta-se que um valor econômico predomina durante toda a história da relação com o meio ambiente no país, embora ele tenha sido atenuado por preocupações entorno da saúde, higiene e, por fim, a partir dos anos 70, por preocupações mais puramente ambientais.


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