832 research outputs found

    Desenhando a música : análise da composição e da escuta a partir do conceito peirceano de diagrama

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    A questão central desta investigação pode ser assim enunciada: como pensar a mediação entre som e música, a passagem do sonoro ao musical, sem pressupor qualquer tipo de esquema transcendental — estruturas matemáticas ou formais, gramáticas ou qualquer tipo de código que delimite a priori as possibilidades da música? Como pensar um sentido musical que não esteja dado a priori numa regra de síntese qualquer? A problemática que investigamos tem reaparecido com alguma frequência na filosofia, ao menos desde a última crítica de Immanuel Kant, e sobretudo em pensadores do século XX como Theodor Adorno e Gilles Deleuze. Com efeito, há uma forte tradição musical — teórica e prática, de Pitágoras ao Programa — segundo a qual o sentido musical só é gerado quando, sobre os sons musicalmente desinformados, se sobrepõe algum tipo de esquema racional (i.e. razões, proporções, logoi). É, pois, no limite dessa abordagem — que hoje, na era da programação ubíqua, abunda — que surge o referido tema desta investigação. Podemos dizer que o problema em pauta nos é reimposto pelo próprio avanço dos esquemas matemáticos transcendentais em todas as áreas do pensamento, inclusive do pensamento musical. Mas não propomos, aqui, meramente re-ativar os autores que, antes da revolução digital, investigaram o que há para além dos programas ou esquemas musicais. Da nossa parte, introduzimos a seguinte hipótese: o conceito de diagrama, proposto por Charles S. Peirce como substituto pragmati(ci)sta, incorporado, sensível e nãoalgorítmico, do esquema transcendental kantiano, indica um caminho ainda não investigado, nomeadamente, o conceito de diagrama musical. Assim, para amplificar e dar corpo (musical) ao pensamento que há para além do programado e do programável, atentamos para a dinâmica mediadora dos diagramas visuais, gestuais e sobretudo sónicos, que a história da música (suas tecnologias e suas práticas) nos legou, e que chegam até este trabalho por intermédio de variadas escutas compostas, verbalizadas e anotadas por compositores, teóricos, escritores, artistas, músicos e filósofos.The central question in this research can be thus summarized: how can we conceive a mediation between sound and music, that is, the passage from sound to music, without presupposing some sort of transcendental schema — mathematical or formal structures, grammars, and codes of any sort? How can we conceive a musical sense that is not already given a priori in a rule of synthesis? The problematics we investigate here has reappeared a few times in the history of philosophy at least since Immanuel Kant’s third critique, and especially in the works of 20th-century intellectuals such as Theodor Adorno and Gilles Deleuze. Indeed there is strong musical tradition — theoretical and practical, from Pythagoras to the Program — according to which musical sense can only be created when a kind of rational schema (i.e. proportions, logoi) is thrown upon musically uninformed sounds. Thus, the theme of this investigation appears precisely on the limits of such an approach — an approach that today, in the age of ubiquitous programming, is abundant. We could even say that the issue at hand is reimposed onto us by the very advance of transcendental mathematical schemas towards all areas of thinking, including musical thinking. However, we do not propose a mere re-reading of authors that investigated this topic before the digital revolution. On the contrary, we introduce the following hypothesis: the concept of diagram, developed by Charles S. Peirce as a pragmati(ci)st, embodied, sensible, and non-algorithmic substitute of Kant’s transcendental schema, indicates a path not yet explored, namely, the concept of musical diagram. Thus, with the goal of amplifying and giving a (musical) body to the forms of thinking that exist beyond the programmed and programmable, we pay careful attention to the mediation of visual, gestural, and especially sonic diagrams bequeathed by the history of music (its technologies and practices), and that have reached this thesis through the mediation of several listenings that have been composed, verbalized, annotated by composers, theoreticians, writers, artists, musicians, and philosophers


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    : In the last decades, many studies on diagrams have endeavored to show how that kind of sign influences and is part of reasoning – not only mathematical and scientific reasoning but artistic reasoning as well. Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995), for instance, depicts the role of the diagrams in the art of Francis Bacon. The American philosopher C.S. Peirce (1839-1914), on the other hand, develops such concept mainly in the context of scientific reasoning. Bearing that in mind, we will argue that in both cases, the philosophers did not present a thorough analysis of how the diagrams are or might be part of the artistic creation. In that sense, we intend to show how relevant their philosophies and more specifically their thoughts on diagrams can be to the understanding of arts and creativit

    The MobyDick Project: A Mobile Heterogeneous All-IP Architecture

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    Proceedings of Advanced Technologies, Applications and Market Strategies for 3G (ATAMS 2001). Cracow, Poland: 17-20 June, 2001.This paper presents the current stage of an IP-based architecture for heterogeneous environments, covering UMTS-like W-CDMA wireless access technology, wireless and wired LANs, that is being developed under the aegis of the IST Moby Dick project. This architecture treats all transmission capabilities as basic physical and data-link layers, and attempts to replace all higher-level tasks by IP-based strategies. The proposed architecture incorporates aspects of mobile-IPv6, fast handover, AAA-control, and Quality of Service. The architecture allows for an optimised control on the radio link layer resources. The Moby dick architecture is currently under refinement for implementation on field trials. The services planned for trials are data transfer and voice-over-IP.Publicad

    Crescimento e produtividade de milho afetados pela cobertura e preparo do solo sob um cultivo em Aléias

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    O sistema de cultivo em aléias é considerado uma forma de uso intensivo do solo, como uma alternativa ao sistema de corte e queima nas regiões tropicais. O cultivo em aléias foi testado para verificar sua viabilidade como prática de uso sustentável de um Argissolo da Amazônia. Foram avaliados o crescimento e a produtividade do milho sob esse sistema de cultivo. O arranjo experimental utilizado foi em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: cobertura do solo com 13,4 e 8,9 t ha-1 de feijão guandu, um tratamento testemunha sem cobertura do solo com palha ("mulch"), com ou sem preparo. Foram determinadas porosidade total, capacidade de aeração e capacidade de água disponível do solo, taxa de assimilação líquida, taxa de crescimento da cultura, índice de área foliar e parâmetros de produtividade, como massa de espigas, massa de 100 grãos e matéria seca total. A cobertura e o preparo aumentaram a capacidade de aeração e essa cobertura das áreas preparadas evitou a recompactação. A reduzida capacidade de aeração teve um impacto negativo na taxa de assimilação líquida, o que resultou em produtividade baixa nas parcelas não cobertas e não preparadas, principalmente devido a redução do peso de grãos.Alley cropping has been considered a means of intensifying land use sustainably as an alternative to slash and burn agriculture in tropical regions. An experimental trial was used to evaluating the growth and productivity of corn under alley cropping to test the viability of this system as a sustainable land use practice in an amazonian Ultisol. The experimental layout was a completely randomized block design with four replications of six treatments: mulch with 13.4 and 8.9 t ha-1 of pigeon pea, and a control treatment without mulch of pigeon pea, with or without tillage. Sustainability of soil and crop were determined from changes on physical properties, such as total porosity, air capacity, available water capacity of the soil, net assimilation rate, crop growth rate, and leaf area index, as well as several productivity parameters, including average weight of ears, weight of 100 grains, and total dry matter. Both mulching and tillage increased the air capacity. Mulching of tilled areas protects the soil against the rainfall impact and prevented its recompaction. The reduced air capacity of the soil had a negative impact on the net assimilation rate, resulting in lower productivity in the no-mulch and no-till plots, mainly due to the reduction of grain weight


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    (This article is part of a project by Trans/Form/Ação: Unesp Philosophy Journal. It is the Authorial Philosophy Dossier, to be published in 2022.) Sentience, defined as the ability to experience basic sensations such as hunger and thirst, heat and cold, is a psychobiological phenomenon involving dynamic patterns of electrochemical waves in living systems, both in animals and in plants. The process of feeling can be studied in two ways: a) Identification and analysis of the universal temporal patterns that characterize feeling, whose study would be Sentiomics; b) Identification and report of the variety of qualitative conscious experiences, from a first-person perspective, whose study would be Qualiomics. Qualiomics is undoubtedly a challenge to conventional science, as stated in the “hard problem of consciousness” (Chalmers, 1995), as the first-person perspective is not accessible to conventional scientific measurement methods and explanations. Sentiomics, focusing on dynamic patterns that define the ability to feel, is therefore susceptible to empirical and experimental treatment. In this article, we propose to contextualize the philosophical assumptions and problems of Sentiomics and present some of its various applications, focusing on the relationship between Sentiomics, music and consciousness.(Este artigo faz parte de um projeto da Trans/Form/Ação: revista de filosofia da Unesp. Trata-se do Dossiê Filosofia Autoral, a ser publicado em 2022.) A sentiência, definida como a capacidade de se ter experiência de sensações básicas como fome e sede, calor e frio, é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas, em sistemas vivos, tanto em animais quanto em plantas. O processo de sentir pode ser estudado em duas modalidades: a) Identificação e análise dos padrões temporais universais que caracterizam a sentiência, cujo estudo seria a Sentiômica; b) Identificação e relato da variedade de experiências conscientes qualitativas, na perspectiva de primeira pessoa, cujo estudo seria a Qualiômica. A Qualiômica é, sem dúvida, um desafio para a ciência convencional, como afirmado no “problema difícil da consciência” (Chalmers, 1995), pois a perspectiva de primeira pessoa não é acessível aos métodos de medição e às explicações científicas convencionais. A Sentiômica, enfocando padrões dinâmicos que definem a capacidade de sentir, é, portanto, suscetível de um tratamento empírico e experimental. Neste artigo, propomos contextualizar pressupostos e problemas filosóficos da Sentiômica e apresentar algumas das suas diversas aplicações, com foco na relação entre Sentiômica, música e consciência

    Fundamentos e aplicações da sentiômica: a ciência da capacidade de sentir

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    Sentience, defined as the unconscious capacity of having conscious feeling experiences, is a psychobiological phenomenon involving dynamic patterns of electrochemical waves in living systems. The process of feeling can be studied in two ways: a) Empirical identification and analysis of the universal temporal patterns that characterize feeling, forming a science to be called Sentiomics; b) Introspective identification and report of the variety of qualitative conscious experiences, from a first-person perspective, a study that could be called Qualiomics. Qualiomics is undoubtedly a challenge to conventional science, as stated in the “hard problem of consciousness” (Chalmers, 1995), as the first-person perspective is not accessible to conventional scientific measurement methods and explanations. Sentiomics, focusing on dynamic patterns that define the capacity to feel, is therefore susceptible to empirical and experimental treatment. In this article, we propose to contextualize the philosophical assumptions and problems of Sentiomics and present some of its various applications, focusing on its the relation with music.A sentiência, definida como a capacidade inconsciente de se ter experiência consciente do sentir, é um fenômeno psicobiológico, envolvendo padrões dinâmicos de ondas eletroquímicas, em sistemas vivos. O processo de sentir pode ser estudado em duas modalidades: a) identificação empírica e análise dos padrões temporais universais que caracterizam a sentiência, cujo estudo seria a Sentiômica; b) identificação introspectiva e relato da variedade de experiências conscientes, na perspectiva de primeira pessoa, cujo estudo seria a Qualiômica. A Qualiômica é, sem dúvida, um desafio para a ciência convencional, como afirmado no “problema difícil da consciência” (CHALMERS, 1995), pois a perspectiva de primeira pessoa não é acessível aos métodos de medição e às explicações científicas convencionais. A Sentiômica, enfocando padrões dinâmicos que definem a capacidade de sentir, é, portanto, por definição, suscetível de um tratamento empírico e experimental. Neste artigo, propõe-se contextualizar pressupostos e problemas filosóficos da Sentiômica e apresentar algumas das suas diversas aplicações, com foco na sua relação com a música.

    Towards meta-learning for multi-target regression problems

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    Several multi-target regression methods were devel-oped in the last years aiming at improving predictive performanceby exploring inter-target correlation within the problem. However, none of these methods outperforms the others for all problems. This motivates the development of automatic approachesto recommend the most suitable multi-target regression method. In this paper, we propose a meta-learning system to recommend the best predictive method for a given multi-target regression problem. We performed experiments with a meta-dataset generated by a total of 648 synthetic datasets. These datasets were created to explore distinct inter-targets characteristics toward recommending the most promising method. In experiments, we evaluated four different algorithms with different biases as meta-learners. Our meta-dataset is composed of 58 meta-features, based on: statistical information, correlation characteristics, linear landmarking, from the distribution and smoothness of the data, and has four different meta-labels. Results showed that induced meta-models were able to recommend the best methodfor different base level datasets with a balanced accuracy superior to 70% using a Random Forest meta-model, which statistically outperformed the meta-learning baselines.Comment: To appear on the 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS

    A Portrait of California 20212022

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    A Portrait of California 2021–2022: Human Development and Housing Justice, the third volume in Measure of America's Portrait of California series, takes a human development approach to understanding the country's most populous and diverse state. Using the American Human Development Index (HDI), it presents a detailed picture of how Californians are doing on three key dimensions of well-being—a long and healthy life, access to knowledge, and a decent standard of living. In addition to an in-depth survey of well-being levels across the state, this volume in the Portrait of California series focuses on a central prerequisite to a good life, one that far too many Californians struggle to attain: access to safe and secure housing. The Covid-19 pandemic dramatically underscored the importance of stable, affordable housing when it comes to access to education, living standards, and health. A Portrait of California 2021–2022: Human Development and Housing Justice explores the impact of California's housing crisis on all three components of the index and outlines policies that can help the state address homelessness and housing insecurity to ensure that all Californians have a safe place to call home.This report presents HDI scores for the state overall as well as by gender, by race and ethnicity, by nativity, by metro area, and by neighborhood cluster. In addition to providing HDI scores for various groups and geographies, it also delves deeper into the underlying causes of the gaps in well-being between them—structural racism, discrimination, sky-high housing costs, among others—and offers recommendations for addressing these challenges and building a fairer future for the Golden State, one in which every Californian can lead a freely chosen life of value

    Tendência secular e fatores associados ao excesso de peso entre pré-escolares brasileiros: PNSN-1989, PNDS-1996 e 2006/07

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    OBJECTIVE:to describe the secular trends in overweight among preschool children in the years 1989, 1996, and 2006, and to identify risk factors associated with this condition in 2006.METHODS:anthropometric data from three surveys (1989, 1996, and 2006) with a representative sample of the population were analyzed. Overweight was defined as the weight-for-height Z-score. The multivariable models of overweight association with risk factors were generated by Poisson regression, and the estimates were shown as prevalence ratios with their respective 95% confidence intervals (PR [95% CI]).RESULTS:throughout the 17-year period studied, the relative prevalence of overweight in preschoolers increased by 160% in Brazil, representing an increase of 9.4% per year. Based on data from the National Survey on Demography and Health of Women and Children - 2006/07, four multivariable models were created (macro-environmental, maternal, individual, and final model) assuming hierarchy among the risk factors. In the final model, only the following remained associated with overweight: regions South/Southeast (1.55 [1.17 to 2.06]), middle-class (1.35 [1.02 to 1.77]), maternal obesity (1.66 [1.22 to 2.27]), birth weight > 3.9 kg (1.87 [1.31 to 2.67]), and being an only child or having only one sibling (1.81 [1.31 to 2.49]).CONCLUSION:the prevalence of overweight among preschool children in Brazil has increased dramatically over the past 17 years, and it was higher in the 1996-2006 period. Future strategies for prevention and control of overweight in public health should focus or intensify actions in communities that are characterized by the presence of the risks identified in the present study.OBJETIVO:descrever a tendência secular do excesso de peso (EP) entre pré-escolares nos anos de 1989, 1996 e 2006 e identificar os fatores de risco associados a esta condição em 2006.MÉTODOS:análise dos dados de três inquéritos antropométricos (1989, 1996 e 2006) com a mostra representativa da população brasileira. O EP foi definido como o escore-Z de peso-para-altura > + 2. Os modelos multivariáveis de associação do EP com os fatores de risco foram gerados por meio da regressão de Poisson e as estimativas apresentadas como razão de prevalência com seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95% (RP [IC 95%]).RESULTADOS:no período de 17 anos estudado, a prevalência relativa do EP em pré-escolares aumentou em 160% no Brasil, representando incremento de 9,4% ao ano. A partir dos dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Demografia e Saúde da Mulher e da Criança-2006/07 criamos quatro modelos multivariáveis (macroambiental, materno, individual, modelo final) assumindo hierarquia entre os fatores de risco. No modelo final, permaneceram como fatores associados ao EP: as macrorregiões Sul/Sudeste (1,55 [1,17-2,06]), a classe média (1,35 [1,02-1,77]), a obesidade materna (1,66 [1,22-2,27]), o peso ao nascer > 3,9 kg (1,87 [1,31-2,67]) e ser filho único ou possuir um irmão (1,81 [1,31-2,49]).CONCLUSÃO:a prevalência de EP entre pré-escolares no Brasil aumentou drasticamente nos últimos 17 anos, sendo mais intenso no intervalo de 1996-2006. Futuras estratégias de prevenção e controle do EP em saúde pública devem considerar em seu escopo, ou intensificar suas ações, nas coletividades que se caracterizem pela presença dos riscos identificados neste trabalho.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of PediatricsUniversidade Federal de Juiz de Fora Division of NephrologyUNIFESP, Department of PediatricsSciEL

    The effect of school-based physical activity interventions on body mass index: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

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    This study reviewed the effectiveness of school-based physical activity interventions aimed at reducing overweight, obesity and hypertension in children. We searched 14 databases and analyzed studies published between April 2009 and September 2012. Only randomized controlled trials performed at the school level that included elements of physical activity but did not include nutritional co-interventions were analyzed. Studies were assessed by two recommended tools (EPHPP and GRADE), and the standardized mean differences with 95% confidence intervals were collected for a random-effect meta-analysis. A total of 12 papers were included in the meta-analysis, and these were divided according to three outcomes: body mass index (11 trials, n  =  4,273, −0.02, 95% CI: −0.13 to 0.17, p  =  0.8); body weight (5 trials, n  =  1,330, −0.07, 95% CI: −0.18 to 0.04, p  =  0.2); and blood pressure (6 trials, n  =  1,549), including systolic (0.11, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.31, p  =  0.3) and diastolic pressure (−0.00, 95% CI: −0.10 to 0.10, p  =  0.9). This meta-analysis of data from 11 randomized, school-based physical activity interventions suggests that, regardless of the potential benefits of physical activity in the school environment, the interventions did not have a statistically significant effect. However, it is difficult to generalize from these results because the duration, intensity and type of physical activity used in the interventions varied greatly.Cotas do Programa de Pos-Graduacao do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade de São Paulo Hospital das Clinicas Faculdade de MedicinaFederal University of São PauloFederal University of São Paulo Pediatrics Department, NutrologyUNIFESP, Pediatrics Department, Nutrology09/12438-5SciEL