374 research outputs found

    A chronic swelling of the mandible in a child

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    Differences in Acinetobacter baumannii Strains and Host Innate Immune Response Determine Morbidity and Mortality in Experimental Pneumonia

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    Despite many reports documenting its epidemicity, little is known on the interaction of Acinetobacter baumannii with its host. To deepen our insight into this relationship, we studied persistence of and host response to different A. baumannii strains including representatives of the European (EU) clones I–III in a mouse pneumonia model. Neutropenic mice were inoculated intratracheally with five A. baumannii strains and an A. junii strain and at several days morbidity, mortality, bacterial counts, airway inflammation, and chemo- and cytokine production in lungs and blood were determined. A. baumannii RUH875 and RUH134 (EU clone I and II, respectively) and sporadic strain LUH8326 resulted in high morbidity/mortality, whereas A. baumannii LUH5875 (EU clone III, which is less widespread than clone I and II) caused less symptoms. A. baumannii type strain RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851 did not cause disease. All strains, except A. baumannii RUH3023T and A. junii LUH5851, survived and multiplied in the lungs for several days. Morbidity and mortality were associated with the severity of lung pathology and a specific immune response characterized by low levels of anti-inflammatory (IL-10) and specific pro-inflammatory (IL-12p40 and IL-23) cytokines at the first day of infection. Altogether, a striking difference in behaviour among the A. baumannii strains was observed with the clone I and II strains being most virulent, whereas the A. baumannii type strain, which is frequently used in virulence studies appeared harmless

    Perceived Cognitive Impairment in Breast Cancer Survivors and Its Relationships with Psychological Factors

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    Cognitive complaints are common adverse effects for breast cancer survivors, with potential negative impacts on quality of life or return to work. Identifying subjects at risk could allow to reduce cognitive disorders or to set up appropriate care. In this study we explored current cognitive complaints reported by breast cancer survivors, using the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Cognition (FACT-Cog) questionnaire and examined the relationships between current cognitive complaints and current psychological symptoms (especially post-traumatic stress symptoms). This large survey showed that about half of breast cancer survivors reported cognitive complaints after cancer treatments. These complaints were mainly associated with chemotherapy, age, self-reported sleep difficulties, the frequency of psychotropic treatments and psychological factors including post-traumatic stress symptoms or. Some modifiable risk factors should be detected early to reduce persistent cognitive complaints after cancer, including sleep difficulties and post-traumatic stress symptoms

    Гендерний аспект вивчення жаргонної лексики

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    В статье определяется понятие "общий жаргон", обосновывается актуальность гендерного подхода к изучению жаргонизмов. На материале выборок из словарей, художественной литературы, по результатам проведенного автором психолингвистического эксперимента осуществляется семантический анализ, определяются способы образования жаргонизмов на обозначение женщин в украинском языке.У статті визначається поняття "загальний жаргон", обґрунтовується актуальность ґендерного підходу до вивчення жаргонізмів. На матеріалі вибірок зі словників, художньої літератури, за результатами проведеного автором психолінгвістичного експерименту здійснюється семантичний аналіз, визначаються способи утворення жаргонізмів на позначення жінок в українській мові.The author of the article defines the concept "general jargon", bases actuality of gender aspect of jargon words investigation. Using dictionaries, literature and the results of psycho-linguistic experiment, the author analyses semantic and formation ways of jargon words for designation of women in Ukrainian